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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 19

by Finian Blake

  “Sounds good, I have done some parachute drops out of the Caribou and I find that they are a good aircraft. What are you talking about for a time frame?”

  “I have a little project going that needs to start ASAP. You can use the plane for your logistics until we need it.”

  “That would be a huge help. We could better control things with our own transport. Our license is only for small arms anyway. We should not need more than that very often. It will definitely handle our critical work.”

  Adam noticed a van from the furniture shop parked next to the studio. The furniture was being hauled up to the apartment. Adam looked up at the window and noticed Terri was waving him up the stairs. Jeff and Muriel were in the back of the apartment getting things put away with the smell of paint still heavy in the air. Terri gave Adam a big hug and things looked very fresh.

  “I missed you. What were you able to find out?” Terri already had her suspicions about the next step.

  “Ralph called in and said that he would be in tomorrow,” Adam said.

  “We can work the operation. I hit Mercury up for some heavy guarantees with the understanding that if anything was missing that everything would be canceled. We are going to throw in a twist. He is expecting us to move things by air, but we will be transporting the arms by boat. I still have some details to work out but things should work smoothly. The shipment will be delivered to Karachi. We will not be going into Pakistan.”

  “Are Gregory and Anna going to help you with this?”


  “Are they going to be there with you?”

  “I believe Anna will be but Gregory will stay here, since our transport wants to cut his balls off.”

  “If they are going to stick their necks out too, this may work.” Terri was feeling a little better about the arrangement. “You are not going to ask about my bet with Anna?”

  “That is a matter between you and Anna. I am proud that you bet on me. Would you tell me if I asked?”

  “No I would not, at least not yet.” Terri had a tone of mystery in her voice. “Come see what we have accomplished Jeff has given Muriel several ideas. We moved the darkroom and editing area down to the second level of the basement directly under the garage. It will be easier to control the light and temperature down there, plus we can expand the development areas to do film work. Jeff has installed a printing press and some other specialized equipment. Muriel is interested in Jeff’s sideline. Susan is working with MI to clear a forging operation. They feel that it might come in handy to know who is buying forged papers. We should be able to get the genuine materials for just about all the documents that are required. Muriel is learning how to create identities starting with her needs. Tomorrow she becomes Elizabeth Turner and Muriel will remain deceased. She likes to be called Liz.”

  “What about the studio? We may have to work with them again.”

  Terri brightened considerably, “We will have to work with them. They are interested in the Inn as a set. The main reason that they have not called earlier is Andrew disappeared a week ago. The studio ended up reassigning the project to someone else. Muriel worked directly for Andrew, and Marshall and William only met her once on the day that they were out here. Half the time they could not remember her name, so Muriel thinks that she can get away with it considering all the changes we made. Muriel dyed her hair the same color as mine since you like Raven hair. She is now a studio owner who has been with us for several months. MI gave us some authority with witness protection over here and we are rearranging her university records. Jeff is an amazing genius and has been manufacturing a complete life for her. Muriel has school pictures, family pictures, diplomas, old report cards and medals from her competitions and for a final touch we will say that she is my twin sister.”

  Terri began her tour in the studio. With the darkroom gone there was more room for lighting and backdrops. Muriel had made a small formal reception area at the top of the stairs and put in two large dressing rooms just in front of the door to her apartment. “You did say that you wanted a professional looking studio.”

  Muriel moved to the apartment. There was a large great room and kitchen combination and the kitchen was professionally equipped. There was an island used to separate the kitchen from the rest of the great room. The floors were black slate tile throughout with radiant heat underneath. Large area rugs accented the floors. Terri gave Muriel permission to harvest the green house for whatever she wanted, so there were large vases of flowers throughout the room.

  Muriel had some of her pictures blown up hanging them on the wall. The picture of Muriel in her lingerie being undressed from behind by Jeff was prominent. There was a mixture of black and white and color photos. Terri worked with Muriel on the decorating. The pieces were a mixture of black and white and then some were extremely bright colors.

  The master bedroom was oversized with the center piece being a solid oak four post king size bed. The bed was a classic English design with a functional frame around the top of the posts to hold bed curtains. Arleen designed functional semitransparent bed curtains to finish the look. All of the furniture was made of solid English white oak. The night stands were oversized and a little higher than normal. The pictures in the bedroom were a collection of individual body parts legs, feet, breasts, lips, hair and abdomens all draped in Arleen’s finest lingerie. Everything was a close up not revealing the identity of the owner. Terri did her special design on the oversized bath with all of the signature touches using radiant heat throughout the studio and apartment. Adam showed serious amazement at what had been accomplished in such a short period of time.

  Muriel’s enthusiasm was bubbling over, “I visualized a simple flat. This is truly unbelievable. It compares with any executive flat that I have ever imagined.” Muriel looked concerned that Adam was going to complain about the expense. Adam understood the worried look on her face. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  “You, Jeff and Terri have created something special. I am really impressed by your pictures. They are highly erotic without being pornographic.” Adam noticed that the color red was absent guessing that there was still a hangover from her near brush with death. She seemed to be thrilled with Adam’s comment.

  “We all worked on the décor, Jeff offered some invaluable suggestions and Terri helped design the furniture. Arleen wanted to start a custom line of linens so she started with me. Suki installed a security system and an audio/visual system. Frank reinforced the doors and windows even reinforcing the bathroom for a panic room. There is an emergency exit in the linen closet.” Muriel opened a panel in the closet revealing a hidden pistol in the linen closet. Terri is designing one of these for each personal residence. Susan is having Suki upgrade the electronics throughout the Inn based on what she did here. Arleen and Beth have taken on three apprentices to handle the extra work of the linens. They are adding a residence next to the shop and converting the apartment to working space for their added business. Terri worked a deal for the furniture in exchange for the designs and introductions to our rich clientele they will give us a price break on the furniture.”

  Suki jumped in the conversation. “Frank and I are working on designs for panic rooms. We are offering a security review of different personal properties for those that want to make improvements. Muriel is starting to feel like she is part of the team and she is now a valued contributor.”

  “Here is some more of my artwork.” Muriel produced a complete set of identity papers including a passport. “Jeff is a genius at this.” Adam looked at the work. It was a British Passport and identity cards for Elizabeth Turner.

  “So you are now Elizabeth Turner. Is Muriel gone forever?” Liz moved to the foot board of the bed lifting the comforter on the end of the bed to reveal three letters carved in the wood ‘LIZ’.

  “Well, since it is carved in wood we should start calling you Liz.” Adam added a caution. “As far as you are concerned, Muriel never existed.” They all gave Liz a kiss wishing her
the best. Muriel was officially dead, so Susan had MI call the police to list Muriel officially as a victim of the snuff ring. Adam studied her new appearance. Liz looked nothing like the old Muriel. Liz’s hair was dyed to the shade of Terri’s hair. Her style of makeup had completely changed. The lack of fear and the change in her diet had given her face entirely different lines. With the new clothes, Liz held no resemblance of Muriel. She had been tanning with a bronzer while Adam was away so Liz looked like she could be Terri’s twin sister. Liz gave Adam a kiss on the cheek and nipped his ear lobe. Liz and Terri had many discussions about Adam and she had learned his trigger points even the ones that Terri avoided.

  Terri and Adam left Liz and Jeff to finish off the fine details. “I am glad that you did not complain about the extra expense. She is dying to please both of us. Did you notice how she picked my hair color for her new look. I set her up with my stylist. Whenever I made a suggestion, she jumped at it. She really could be my twin. Liz is so sweet Susan, Lynn, and Suki are commenting that she even moves like me.”

  Terri took Adam out to the edge of the Knoll to show him the progress on the pub. The location would just block the view of the cottages from each other. The footings were formed and they were getting ready to pour a cement foundation. Terri brought Adam down to the courtyard where the plans were showing him her drawings. She was going to use pre-stressed acrylic concrete panels that had the look of stone on both sides. The design had been in the works for over a year, so the panels had already been designed and prefabricating them would only take a week. The oak beams were ordered and would be delivered within the week. Terri ordered the fixtures with a promised delivery of two weeks. It would be an L shaped single main room with a bar the size of a normal public house and three smaller private rooms. Terri scaled everything so that it would look like a normal pub. She insisted on radiant heat as well as a hearth in each room.

  Susan drove up to Terri and Adam. “So, Terri is giving you the tour. This completes the dream Martin is getting his stable for twenty horses and Lynn loves her kennel, Frank was astounded when Terri gave him four acres to work with and Terri is doing the designs so Frank is well started on his venture, Arleen and Beth have started a line of linen, Muriel is days away from starting her studio, Terri invested Frank’s security business and I am absolutely ecstatic about the whole project. You have only been gone five days and we have added so much to the plan Lynn gave everybody their bonuses and the half million left is assigned to the current capital improvements. We are building everything out of pre-stressed acrylic concrete panels so the construction will be lightning fast.” Susan’s face took on a worried look. “I shouldn’t tell you this but you will need time to digest what Terri is going to tell you. She is allowing Frank a million Pounds to build his compound.”

  Adam shrugged, “Then she won’t be upset about the airplane that I am going to buy. It’s all an investment.”

  Terri shoved both of them apart, “Hey, I am standing right here.” Adam and Susan broke out laughing.

  Susan pushed back, “I guess I killed an evening of arguments. Between your dad, the airplane and Muriel you two have dropped about two million.”

  Wanting to change the subject Adam corrected Susan, “It is not Muriel any more. The new name is Elizabeth Turner.”

  Terri corrected Susan, “She would like to be called Liz. We need to be sure that everybody starts using the new name.”

  Susan felt it wise to drop the subject, “Lynn and I were wondering when she was going to change. Lynn is making Liz’s investments in her new name. She is fitting in perfectly. Lynn was misbehaving, and Liz helped me apply your feathers to her. She is an artist with those things. Lynn said she could not tell the difference between Liz and Terri. Suki has been partnering up with her in self-defense classes and Ryan said that she is determined to catch up. With her hair done like Terri’s I must look closely to tell who it is from a distance. I had my doubts about her fitting in, but she seems to be a perfect fit. Liz could be Terri’s twin.”

  Susan drove off to meet Lynn for a financial conference. Some of Fran’s tips were already starting to materialize. Oil leases were starting to be awarded and environmental groups were losing in court as predicted, the right ship builders were being awarded construction of huge oil tankers and several electronic companies were coming out with integrated circuit boards shrinking the size of electronics. Susan and Lynn needed to shift investments to meet the changing market. The inside information would allow them to buy before the stocks spiked. Susan wanted to personally track the first of the information, since the right moves could generate almost instant gains. When Lynn tired of business, she started to say silly things. There was a knock at the door. Susan saw Terri enter out of the corner of her eye.

  “Lynn needs a lesson. Are you in the mood to teach her how to behave?” Susan kicked her booted feet on the desk. She watched Terri walk past her. Terri took Lynn out of her chair by her hair.

  “Skirt up and panties down.” Terri sounded like she had a cold. Susan was shocked to see that it was not Terri, but Liz. There was a pen holder on the corner of Susan’s desk with two feathers in it and Liz with drew a feather applying it to Lynn’s sensitive areas. Within minutes Lynn was pleading for mercy. Liz finally quit when Lynn was on the verge of passing out.

  “Thank you Liz that was perfect.” Susan’s feet were still on the desk. Liz ran her hand up Susan’s booted leg over her hose kissing her deeply.

  “Call me any time you need my services.” Liz turned to Lynn. “I still have two hundred thousand that I am not using. Could you invest it for me?

  “I would be happy to do just that,” Lynn was purring. Liz had taken Lynn right to her maximum tolerance.

  “We can discuss it in detail when Susan and I are finished.” Liz had been within a few feet of Susan and was still mistaken for Terri. “Susan do you think that we might have a position for Liz.”

  “I can think of several positions that we could try her in,” She said lewdly.

  Jeff was due to leave tomorrow and he was finding it hard to pack. Liz was foremost in his mind and Jeff hated to go back to LA alone, since the last two weeks filled a lot of loneliness for him, Liz was artistic, intelligent, inquisitive and extremely sexual. All of his wants were fulfilled in one woman. Jeff had abandoned finding the perfect combination long ago and was settling for sex, but now he was leaving his perfect woman behind.

  Jeff’s studio in LA was highly successful and he could not just abandon it nor could he ignore Liz. Jeff would set up an ironclad history for her so that she could switch if the need arose. They were heading out for their last meal in England together, so Liz dressed in her most clinging black clothes and her sexiest black lingerie. She wore her high heel ankle boots with black patterned hose pulling her hair back in a severe pony tail that seemed to come from the top of her head, painting her finger and toe nails black wearing black lipstick. Liz looked exactly like one of her black and white photos. Jeff and Liz enjoyed a leisurely dinner at the Indian restaurant with Jeff preferring the spicier curry dishes. The owner knew Liz and gave them a quiet table in the back of the restaurant. After a few hours, they returned to the apartment. Liz went straight to the bedroom lighting one large candle on each side of the bed. She produced a riding helmet dropping in a few slips of paper that she had prepared for the occasion. She showed Jeff three of the slips, one slip said mild, the next said average and the next said extreme. Liz smiled, “are you ok with that?” She threw nine slips of paper in the helmet asking Jeff to pick a slip with his choice reading extreme. Next, she showed Jeff two slips of paper. One slip said him and the other said her. “This is to see who is in charge.” Jeff pulled a slip of paper.

  “Her…” Jeff did not really have a chance since Liz had tucked the slips that said him under the liner. Liz smiled at Jeff as she slowly undressed him. When he was naked, Liz undid her pony tail so that her raven hair framed her face that was done with black make up. She seductively remo
ved her dress to reveal a black body stocking. In the dim candle light with the heavy black make up her face looked like a skull floating in the air. Her body stocking blurred his view of her body and she slipped on a pair of black surgical gloves. She knew that he was very visual and wanted to keep him disoriented and confused. Liz pushed Jeff back on the bed straddling his body firmly pinching his nipples. “What are you going to give me Jeff?”

  “Anything you want, I am going to give you anything you want.”

  Liz gave his nipples a solid twist causing him to cry out, “No you are not I am going to take what I want and you will thank me for each thing that I do.” Jeff nodded dumbly and Liz started her games by putting opaque contact lenses in his eyes. “You will not use your hands unless I tell you too and you will please me or else.”



  Jeff’s flight was due to leave at ten. Terri told Liz to be dressed in a robe to say good bye to him. Mark drove Jeff off to the airport. After the Jaguar pulled out of the drive, Frank pulled the Bentley out of the garage. Terri produced a suit case.

  “Go get dressed dead sexy and bring your passport,” Susan said. “You need to test it out.” She handed Liz a first class ticket to Los Angles. The name on the ticket was Elizabeth Turner.

  “You are a romantic aren’t you?” Liz said quietly.

  “You better get this in gear.” Terri gave Liz a firm pat on the ass noting that she did not flinch from the pain. “It is not romantic if you miss the flight.” Mark intentionally took the country lanes to the airport while Frank drove to the airport at his best possible speed arriving at the airport well ahead of Mark. Susan arranged for Liz to receive VIP boarding through Jennifer’s connections. When Jeff boarded the flight, there was already someone sitting in the window seat. It was Liz!


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