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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 23

by Finian Blake

  “Go ahead and tell me I told you so,” Terri pouted.

  “I am not going to tell you anything. The doctor and your body already did. The choice is yours. I love you and I want to spend my life with you.” Adam relented taking Terri back to the cottage.

  Susan and Lynn stopped by to check on Terri. Nobody said anything about her taking it easy. They just wanted to know how she was feeling. Adam made up his mind to spend the next few days with her holding her and saying nothing. Susan pulled Adam out of the room.

  “Gregory called and said that he would be coming back with Anna and Liz tomorrow morning. Somebody called Opal Stone called and booked the Quiet cottage for tomorrow using a referral from Liz. We went ahead and booked it.” Adam looked in the room seeing that Terri was asleep in Lynn’s arms and she waved Adam off. He closed the door and sat down in the easy chair. Susan took the hint and went back to her house. He was asleep in minutes.

  When Terri awoke in the morning, Lynn was asleep in her arms. The bedroom door was open. She went out to find Adam asleep in the easy chair. She gently kissed him taking him to the shower. She undressed him and turned the water on cold. He sounded out with a howl.

  “Good morning. That water was damn cold,” Adam said pulling her under the water and Terri let out a shriek. Lynn was in the bathroom in a heartbeat. They pulled her in under the water too. Adam reached over and turned the water to warm. After which he checked Terri to make sure that she was alright finding her laughing. She kissed Adam warmly.

  “I am sorry for everything. I love you.” They carefully soaped each other. When they finished, there were no towels. Adam went to the guest bath and brought back a stack of towels drying each other with care.

  Terri kissed Lynn, “Lynn, thank you for staying with me last night it meant a lot.”

  “That was your excitement for the day,” Adam laughed. He dressed for the day and went over to Frank’s apartment leaving Terri with Lynn making sure that he was ready to roll.

  With the four people coming in, he elected to wait at the Inn.

  Frank stopped by the Quiet cottage first and Adam met them at the cottage. Gregory was eager to start, but Anna and Liz were insisting on talking to Terri. Gregory stayed down at the cottage, while Frank drove the women up to the Knoll. Adam stayed down with Gregory to allow the women time to talk. Adam started the conversation.

  “Everything is a go. We need to find out how much we can come up with, and the types of weapons. I figure that we can handle up to seven hundred thousand pounds. You said it looked like three hundred thousand pounds and we also need to find out what we can do and whether they are new or used weapons. I have to give Mercury the exact amount of front money, so we need to clear up how much payment is required when we deliver. I have a Caribou being set up for our transportation. It should be ready in a few days.” Gregory thought for a few moments.

  “We can deliver three hundred thousand plus in new weapons. The AK 47 and RPG 7 are second generation weapons, but they are still very effective. We can bring up the weight with second generation weapons and increase the ammunition. That will give us five hundred thousand pounds which should make it an attractive package. How much produce can they come up with to cover the price?”

  “From what I understand there is a large surplus, since transportation in and out of that area is almost nonexistent. You can buy heroin for three dollars a gram in Pakistan, but officially there is a death sentence for possessing it in any Muslim country. Some well-placed bribes should work well in Pakistan and then I will handle the rest. Make your connections and we will work off of those estimates. How about getting the goods to Trabzon?”

  “The Antonov 12 can handle a maximum load of eighty thousand pounds for a maximum range of eight hundred miles. I believe that three Antonovs making three runs each should work since it is only seventy miles to Trabzon from the depot. We will not have to service them in between runs that will give us a load and go. The Antonovs will not have to fly above two hundred feet because the depot is within a few miles of the coast. I assume that you can do the same deal on the papers for my three contacts and their families, plus one million apiece. With the mixture of first and second generation weapons we can do the deal for two million per hundred thousand pounds, so we are going to need sixteen million to close the deal.”

  “I can work with those figures, but the weapons must be unused. If you want to get those big bucks, we need to deliver some kind of value.” Adam had to maintain his reputation with his customers. “Let’s try to sell the deal at this level and finalize it in a few days.”

  Frank drove up to the house. Liz and Anna got out of the car to visit with Terri, with Liz hurrying into the bedroom.

  “I hear that you have had problems. What can we do for you?”

  “Nothing, I over did things and my body taught me a lesson.” Terri went into the events of the last few days in detail. Anna and Liz listened patiently and when she was through, Anna was first to talk.

  “You had quite a scare. Are you going to learn from your lesson? We all stretch the limits, but the question is. Can we learn from the lesson?”

  “I am a believer now. This last time really got my attention.”

  “I will take your guest room and camp out over here. You have done so much for me that it is the least that I can do.” Liz sounded worried.

  “No thanks, you just moved into your new apartment and you are just across the courtyard if I need anything.”

  Liz wanted to be closer. “I would not feel right if anything bad happened.”

  “No thank you. I will be doing some drawing over at the studio and having you there will be a big help.”

  “If you change your mind let me know,” Liz let her offer hang.

  Adam walked in the bedroom, “I hope that you have had enough time to talk. We can get together after you have had a chance to rest.” Liz and Anna agreed. Adam gave Anna the cart that he drove up with.

  “We can have a bite of lunch after you have rested.” Adam said walking Anna to the cart.

  Anna was concerned, “I do not like it. Terri is very pale.”

  “The doctor says that she will be back to normal after a few days.” Anna drove down the Knoll to see what the general was up to.

  Adam helped Liz to the apartment with her bag. “Someone named Opal Stone made a reservation for tonight using your name. What do you have planned?”

  “I met her on the flight out and she was admiring my clothes. I told her about Beth and Arleen inviting her here to meet them. She manufactures lingerie and she was dying to meet anyone with that kind of talent.”

  “You better let Susan know. Beth and Arlene are a big boost here she may not like it.”

  “I didn’t think of that. I will go see her as soon as I get unpacked.” Liz firmly gripped Adams arm. “I am worried about Terri. She looks so pale what did the doctor say?”

  “He gave her some vitamin pills and told her to rest. Terri has only one speed and that is full out. We have a big job that is pushing her hard.” Liz kissed Adam lightly on the lips.

  “If anybody can do it, you can,” I will go see Susan right now.” Susan was in her office when Liz caught up with her.

  “I did something without thinking. Susan I met a woman on the airplane that was interested in my clothes. I told her to come and meet Beth and Arlene. She manufactures lingerie. Opal said that she had to meet anyone that talented.” Susan frowned at the news. She thought for a minute and smiled.

  “Beth has a perfect set up here. I doubt that anything will come of the meeting, although I would be interested to see what develops. Go down and warn Beth of what is coming. Opal is welcome here of course.” Susan added a caution. “You need to check with me before you do this again.” Liz thanked her hurrying off to see Beth.

  The shop was in full motion when Liz arrived.

  “Beth have you got a minute?” Beth stopped the sewing machine waiting for Liz to talk. “A woman on the airplane was admiring
my clothes and I invited her out to meet you. I hope you do not mind.”

  “What is her name?”

  “Opal Stone…” Beth smiled when Liz said the name.

  “She owns Stone lingerie. I worked for her briefly several years back. She said that I was too slow. She wanted me to take a bunch of short cuts. I would love to see her. She told me that I could not make a living sewing at this pace. I have several pieces made up for Anna. I wonder if she will model them for Opal. You have several pieces too. I think that I will put on a special dinner for the Stones. Where were you talking to Susan?”

  “She was in her office. Would you like me to give her a message?”

  “No, thank you. I need her help setting something up.” Beth finished the seam that she was sewing. “Thank you, Liz. I was hoping to meet up with her again. Why don’t you run along, I have a lot to do,” Beth suggested.

  The Stones passed the gate twice before they noticed the small sign. They were thinking that it was a bed and breakfast due to the size of the sign. They were surprised to see the wide oversized lane leading to the courtyard and when they pulled in they saw the construction proceeding on the pub. There were ten old looking cottages surrounding the construction. Opal was not impressed with the look.

  “Liz said that this was an exclusive place. Oh well, it is just one night. I think we can rough it. They saw Liz as they pulled in the yard. She was way overdressed for this dump. Liz was wearing a silky lavender dress with high heels and her Plumeria perfume was potent.

  “You are over here in the Visual cottage.” Liz offered Opal her arm and walked her to the door. Alfred followed with the bags. Opal was dressed in a light weight brown wool suit with a white linen blouse, and high heels, she felt overdressed. When she stepped inside she was astounded finding the cottage to be completely modern. The sitting room was furnished in hand made English oak. There was an antique looking table with four wooden chairs in the dining area. Liz took them back into the bedroom. The center piece was a four post king size bed, with top rails that held bed curtains. Liz reached up placing her weight on the top rail. It held her weight without sagging or shifting. Next she started to swing out the mirrored panels they could be moved to show any corner of the room. Liz took Opal and Alfred into the bath pointing out the large modern shower. Liz pulled a robe out of the cabinet handing it to Opal who found it to be pleasantly warm.

  “Opal, the linens are all warmed. The heat for the cottage is radiant heat and there is a gas fire if you wish to have a fire.” Opal was totally taken by surprise.

  “I was going to leave without spending the night, but now I think that I would like to spend the weekend.”

  “You will have to talk to Susan about that Liz smiled. I am sure that something can be arranged. She will be down to give you a tour of the rest of the property within the hour. Why don’t you settle in and I will be back with Susan.” Opal could not believe that someplace that looked this ancient on the outside could be so modern on the inside. Susan came to the door in forty five minutes.

  “My name is Susan. I am the owner. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. Liz tells me that you manufacture lingerie.”

  “Opal, Liz tells me that we are in the same business.”

  “No, I am an innkeeper. We have a lingerie shop renting space on the property. The proprietor says she worked for you at one time. Does the name Beth ring a bell?”

  Opal was baffled, “The name does not seem to bring an association.”

  Susan shrugged, “It was a long time ago, but you will meet her soon. Let me show you around. Susan and Liz started in the guest area they went to the equestrian area and then up to the Knoll. Susan pulled up to the edge of the knoll.

  “Has Liz been with you long,” Opal had to ask. “She seems very familiar.”

  “Liz and her sister Terri have been with me from the beginning. “You will meet Terri a little bit later. The twins make us crazy, but you will see why when you meet Terri.” Susan continued wanting to fend off any more questions about Liz. “As you can see, the hedgerows provide a privacy barrier. Our guests receive absolute seclusion. We have the equestrian center and a licensed gun club. Liz has her studio on this level. Why don’t you take over the tour darling?”

  Liz’s pride in her new studio was evident. She led the way up to the second floor to the small reception area. The studio was perfectly set. The large windows faced north and east. The apartment windows faced south and west. Lighting and backdrops were stored ready for use. Liz opened a cabinet to reveal an array of top of the line movie and still cameras. Opal admired the selection of backdrops and props, as Liz led them into her apartment. The great room effect was stunning. Liz went to the control console flipping a switch, lighting up the whole apartment. She hit another switch turning on the monitor system. Liz went to the bedroom next. She had the same king size bed that was in the visual cottage with Opal noticing that her name was carved on the foot board.

  “Terri and I designed the furniture. We wanted the old English look. Modern furniture just does not work here, so everything is solid oak. The whole apartment is heated by radiant hot water in the floor.” Opal could not believe the degree of sophistication.

  “I have not even heard of this before. How did you come up with this?”

  “Terri is a genius. I have to admit that the whole idea was hers,” Liz said as Opal took Alfred by the arm.

  “I need a drink of water.” Opal took a wine glass out of the overhead rack. She grabbed Alfred by the shirt. “I swear that is Andrew’s bitch. She was at the party a month ago.”

  Alfred did not believe that for a second, “Don’t be ridiculous. The boss had complete control of her. There is no way that she could have done all of this in less than a month. She designed this flat with Terri. It takes us a good month for us to even get a wall moved. Besides that, the boss did not allow them to have anything to wear other than their whore clothes. That was one of his control measures, no clothes, no money and Dianne. Liz could not have put all this together in a few weeks and Terri said that she helped to design this furniture. Just look at this studio is there any way that you could put this together in less than a month even with money? I looked over her shoulder when we went through customs and there are four or five stamps in her passport. It can’t be her.”

  Opal knew that he had to be right, “I guess you are right, but the resemblance is spooky. All of her clothes are custom made, and that does not happen overnight. Let’s get back before they come looking for us.”

  “The next stop was the garage.” Liz took them down to the first basement level. “This is our editing level. We can do still and motion picture development. We have two light tables and three darkrooms. There are seven thousand feet of space on this level.” Alfred and Opal looked at each other there was no way that Muriel could put all this together in a month.

  “This is amazing. How long did it take?” Opal was fishing.

  “It seemed like it was forever, but the planning was the killer. Terri drew everything up and we had to get the council to approve it.” Despite her instincts, Opal thought that there was no way that Muriel could pull it off, plus the police said that she was dead.

  Susan moved the tour to Beth’s shop. Opal recognized Beth right away, since she fired Beth for being too slow. Beth saw the look of recognition in Opal’s eyes which made the several free outfits that she promised Susan for her cooperation worth it.

  “Opal, how nice to see you again you look fantastic. I swear that you have not aged a bit since I have seen you last.”

  Beth was not lying. Opal was still beautiful after all these years. Her honey blonde hair was dyed to perfection, Opal’s figure was still hour glass perfect and she was a knock out in her maroon skirt and blouse.

  “I really regret dismissing you,” Opal admitted. “These designs are amazing. How did you get this shop rolling?”

  “I delivered results. Susan had the clientele that wanted something more than the flimsy st
uff that they could find off of the rack in the stores.” Beth smiled at the effect that her comment had on Opal. “All I needed was the people that would pay for the quality.”

  “Liz seems to be able to pay.” Opal decided to fish for Liz’s finances.

  “Yes, she is one of my best customers her skin tone is perfect for the brighter colors and I use her and Terri for models. I have her form in storage.” Opal was becoming more comfortable with the idea that Liz was not Muriel since her skin tone was much different from Muriel’s. “I am sure that you remember Arlene,” Beth continued. You fired her for being too slow, shortly after you fired me.” Opal looked over Beth’s shoulder instantly recognizing Arlene making her double annoyed with the whole situation. The shop was as modern as it got and all of the equipment was first rate. “Arlene and I are having ladies only dessert party and lingerie party after dinner tonight. I do hope that you will join us.”

  Lynn anxiously pulled Susan to the side. “Opal, that woman that Liz invited over, she was in that snuff film that Liz was beaten in. Her hair is a different color and she was wearing a mask, but I am sure that it is her.” Susan always respected Lynn’s power of observation.

  “Let’s ask Liz. She should have spotted her.” The two women went up to Liz’s apartment. Liz was sitting at the electronics console with a shocked look on her face watching a video replay.

  “Liz, Lynn recognized Opal,” Susan said urgently. “She was one of the women in the snuff film.” Liz nodded silently and pointed at the monitor. She rewound the tape hitting the play button. The monitor displayed Opal and Alfred having a conversation about her. The sound was scratchy but there was no mistaking what they were saying.

  “How could you miss her?” Lynn asked her.

  “They were converting my ass to hamburger at the time. I did not get a good look.” Liz thought that Opal appeared to be vaguely familiar. She thought that Adam had taken care of all the people at the poker party. “There must have been a different group that night.”


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