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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 25

by Finian Blake

  Gregory accepted the invitation. “That is a wonderful place to start. Since we do not have any hard figures, how do you propose to work this?”

  Adam smiled, “You and Anna are supplying a lot of expertise and I am turning the payment into cash. What I propose is a seventy thirty split on the net profits on the arms. I believe that you and Anna should pull thirty five percent each on the deal.” This pulled a nod of approval from both of them.

  “Why are you being so generous?” Gregory asked.

  “There will probably be a big plus on the conversion. I am working on the conversion of the payment right now.” Gregory and Anna already made five hundred thousand pounds, and the real job had not started yet.

  “I want you fully in the game. I need you both equally, so I figure thirty five percent each. I can live with thirty percent quite easily. There is a lot of risk, so there should be a lot of reward. I need to know that my partners are not going to come up with a better deal.”

  “Do you really think that we would quit you?” Gregory took offence at the suggestion that they would switch in mid-stream.

  “I am not implying that you would. This is the way that I set up a deal. The person taking the most risk gets the lion share and I am not going to discount Anna’s efforts.” Anna grabbed Adam by the ears and pulled his head to hers giving him a big kiss.

  “You are so sweet my darling, thank you.”

  “Why don’t you take a trip to Monaco or someplace like it to make your phone calls from? Just do not make them from the UK.”

  “A trip to Monaco sounds perfect,” Anna purred. “We will leave tomorrow.”

  “I will make the initial contact in Turkey,” Adam said. I don’t want to give them a chance to checkout you or Anna. You may bump into somebody that you know. I want to save a surprise here and there.”

  “You need to go as a tourist, so Terri needs to come with you.” Adam winced at that news. He knew that would go over like a fart in church. They finished firming up the first stage.

  Adam dragged up the hill. He dreaded even mentioning Anna’s comment about Terri. Terri was in the bathroom throwing up, so she was not in good shape.

  “How bad is it,” Adam asked.

  “This was most of my day.” He put his arms around her.

  “Is there anything that I can do for you?” Terri pushed to move away from him, but Adam held on refusing to move. “You know that I love you.” Terri had been through the list of emotions, but she finally relaxed in his arms.

  “I know you do. Being pregnant is driving me crazy. You are going to do this no matter what. It is what you do. Get it over with, and let’s get on with our life.” Adam thought that he might as well get it over with.

  “Gregory and Anna are going to the continent to firm up the arms and I am going to Istanbul to confirm the starting point. Anna recommended that I bring you to cover as a tourist. I’m going as Adam Furst.” Adam stopped there. He did not want to ask her.

  “You know that I cannot fly.” Terri realized that the better his cover was, the better the whole operation would go. “Take one of the other women with you.” Adam was totally surprised. “Why…?”

  “If you are going to do this, I want you to succeed.”

  “Who do you think should go with me?” Adam asked. Terri thought for a minute.

  “Take Liz, she has the best chance of passing for me. When are you going to leave?”

  “I want to get this over with. I was hoping to leave tomorrow.”

  “Well you better go over to the apartment and ask her then.” She kissed him and pushed him out the door as he walked into the bedroom he could hear her throwing up again.

  Adam rang the bell to Liz’s apartment. She buzzed him up. Liz answered the reception door with a picture in one hand and a hammer in the other. She was wearing a lavender short robe and medium heel slippers.

  “I was going to hang this picture but the work men took all of the ladders with them.” Adam thought that he would get his question out of the way. Liz could say no and he could go home.

  “I need to go to Istanbul as a tourist, and I need a wife to go with me. Terri cannot go, but she thought that since you looked so close to her. I should take you.” Adam was ready for the turn down.

  “After all that you have done for me how can I refuse you? When do you want to leave?”

  Adam was so surprised that it took a minute to answer. “I was hoping to leave here by nine o’clock.”

  “Then I need to pack. Do you want me to look like Terri?”

  “Yes, you will be using her passport.” Liz held up the picture.

  “You need to give me a hand hanging this. Give me a leg up. Liz held her foot out. Adam held his hands together to support her foot. Liz straightened her leg out with her abdomen ending up in Adam’s face. As she hammered the hook in the wall her panty rubbed in Adam’s face. He could not miss the strong smell of Plumeria on her panty. Liz put her lip between her teeth in concentration. She bent to the side to get the wire on the hook. Liz tipped too far and they both fell over. Her knee caught Adam in the mouth and she bit her lip. When they looked at each other they were both bleeding from the mouth. Liz leaned forward sucking the blood off of Adam’s lip holding his mouth to hers until he licked the blood from her lips. Liz quietly thrilled knowing that she had pushed him into doing something that he would not normally do.

  “I would gladly give you the rest of my blood if you needed it.” She sucked on his lip until the bleeding stopped. “Now get out of here. I will be ready in the morning.” Adam went back to the house cuddling with Terri for the rest of the night wondering if he was not making a huge mistake by taking Liz on this trip with him.



  Terri walked over to the apartment with Adam. Liz was dressed in a dark green long sleeve blouse and mid length skirt with a cotton shawl. She wore a pair of low heel shoes. Liz went to great pains to do her hair exactly like Terri’s hair. Terri thought that she could be staring in a mirror, since Liz went all the way to look like Terri.

  “Terri, I am so sorry that it is not you going. You should be with your husband.” Terri made a sour face at that comment. “I mean to say that I wish you were well enough to go.”

  “Just remember that you are pretending to be me.” Terri put the emphasis on the word pretending.

  “I have no illusions. Adam is one hundred percent into you. As you said to me before, there is no other woman in his heart or his head.” A look of betrayal flashed across Liz’s face as she glared at Adam. “You said that it was Terri’s idea to take me. Did you need me or do you just want to screw me? Is this your idea of how to get laid while your pregnant wife stays home?” Liz grabbed her bag and ran to her apartment crying. Adam looked at Terri in disgust.

  “You recommended her. I will go by myself. The least that you can do is tell her that I was not taking her to Istanbul just for a bed warmer. If you do not want to help me, I can understand, but please don’t sabotage me. This is going to be tough enough, and I cannot afford another Creed and Buck on the inside.”

  He gave Terri a quick kiss on the cheek hopping in the van with Gregory and Anna. As they pulled out, Terri was standing in the courtyard crying. Adam comparing her to Creed and Buck was too much. She knew how he hated them.

  Adam walked Anna and Gregory to the air plane agreeing to meet in Monaco in three days, since his flight left an hour later. Adam walked down to his flight and sat down in the first class boarding area. He closed his eyes and started going over what he had to accomplish in his mind. A pair of small hands covered his eyes, but as he flexed his body in preparation for action the hands were removed instantly.

  “If you throw me over your shoulder, you will ruin the look.” He spun around and saw Terri, but when he blinked he realized that it was Liz.

  “Terri came after me to apologize for what she said. I guess your comment about Creed and Buck cut her pretty deep. She really is sorry for those nasty comments.
We made up and you are out of the dog house and Terri insisted that I come with you.” Liz held up Terri’s passport.

  Adam shook his head, “I will never get used to those pregnancy mood swings. I hope she will get over them.” What Liz did not tell Adam was how Terri went on about the fact that the entire Knoll was in her name and if he split from her, he would lose it all. She knew Adam did not need to hear this now. They boarded the flight making themselves comfortable. Liz slipped her fingers inside of Adam’s shirt sawing her finger nail under his nipple feeling satisfied when it came to attention. Liz sucked on his earlobe and bit it firmly. She paid attention to all of the bedroom talk that Terri, Susan, Suki and Anna had done over tea. Her efforts were rewarded by a swelling in his pants. The flight would be three hours and Liz would have him in a disturbed condition for the whole flight using all of Jenifer’s tricks about having sex in the air.

  They were staying at the Rast Boutique Hotel and Adam reserved the Bosporus Suite, since it had a private balcony overlooking the Hagia Sofia and the Bosporus straight. It was six in the evening and too late to make any government contacts so he had no formal plans for the evening. As they stepped out of the elevator he noticed that there was an attendant seated in a small alcove smiling at Adam as he walked past. Adam allowed the bellman to take Liz to the room and he stepped up to the attendant tipping him thirty British pounds. The man’s eyes lit up knowing that this American understood service was all done by men. This was a few days’ pay. Adam returned his smile walking hurriedly to catch up to Liz and the bellman. He tipped the bellman ten pounds thanking him.

  “What were you doing,” Liz asked wondering why he stopped.

  “The good hotels have attendants on each floor that clean the rooms. If you tip them in advance, your stay will be much nicer because they live off of tips.” Liz started unpacking, but Adam stopped her. “We need to wait a few minutes. You will find that things are about to get busy,” Adam said pulling Liz out to the balcony. “Let’s check out the view.” Liz teased him for the whole trip and she was disappointed that he didn’t tear her clothes off as soon as they got to the room as she had planned. They almost made it to the patio when there was a knock at the door. The attendant walked in with a large bowl of fruit and several towels.

  “My name is Faruq. I hope that this will make your stay a little nicer. My cousin Ebraham is a tour guide. If you wish a private tour he is quite reasonable.”

  “Have him stop by at nine. The lady wishes to go shopping.”

  “It would be better if you go to the Grand bazaar earlier. You can have breakfast and walk through the shops as they set up. Your best deals are in the morning since the merchants have to make the first sale of the day, so I would recommend starting at seven.” Adam agreed to the earlier start. “Do you wish to know his rates?”

  “Since Ebraham is your nephew I am sure that he will be reasonable. We will see him, at seven.”

  Adam closed the door, picking up the phone and making a dinner reservation at the hotel restaurant for eight thirty. He started to walk Liz out to the balcony for the second time when there was a knock at the door. Adam had ordered appetizers and champagne when he checked in. He had the waiter set the service up in the room while he led Liz out to the patio. The view was spectacular as the sun was moving lower in the sky highlighting the Hagia Sofia framed by the Bosporus. The city was churning below them with the smells of the evening meals being cooked drifting up to the balcony.

  “Do you always treat Terri this way when you travel?” This was Liz’s second trip outside of England. Whenever she went to the Continent she traveled as cheaply as possible, but always looked in the fancy hotels electing to save her money for other things. Her dealings with the Boss showed her the nastier side of life and now Adam showed her the possibilities.

  “You are fairly well off now. You have your own business and have a substantial amount of money in the bank.”

  He did not have to say that. Liz knew where her good fortune came from. If it were not for Adam she would now be dead in a muddy ditch instead of sipping Champagne in Istanbul. Liz brought out her cameras and set up a tripod. She checked the light snapping a few pictures. She took one of the appetizers holding it between her teeth bringing it to Adams lips holding it there, until he took it from her lips. She took a sip of champagne forcing him to take it from her mouth.

  “Liz I just…”

  “You taught me to use the right name. Call me Terri.” Adam nodded his agreement. He should not have made that mistake.

  Adam caressed her cheek, “I just wanted to treat you fairly.”

  “You did all of this for me but never hit on me.”

  Adam shrugged, “I thought you were worth it.”

  “How did you figure that out?”

  “It was just a judgment and I never regretted it.” Adam fixed Liz in his gaze. “If you doubt my word say so now.”

  “I love your judgment.” Liz moved to kiss Adam.

  “We have dinner reservations in an hour, so you need to get changed.”

  “I was thinking of something else.” Adam wanted to have a complete evening, so he refused to acknowledge her teasing. Adam gave her a firm swat on the rump causing Liz to back up refusing to move until he gave her five or six playful swats.

  She wiggled her rear end seductively, “Are you going to pass this up?”

  “What we are going to do is go to dinner. You are much more than a piece of ass.” Liz could not help but relent with that explanation. Adam showered quickly and let Liz have the bath to freshen up. The shower was Terri’s special spot and Adam wanted to keep certain things special between him and his wife. Liz came out of the bath room completely dressed. She wore a dark lavender long sleeve dress with a hem line that came just below the knee. The thin material of her skirt clung to her well-formed legs being highlighted by a medium spiked heel. Jennifer had told her how Terri missed her guess about which body part caught his attention first so she wore hose even though it was warm. She made sure to use her teaser which was the Plumeria perfume that was Terri’s signature. Liz did not like going out dressed this blandly, so underneath she wore her sexiest under things. Liz pulled her black hair back in a single braided pony tail that swung like a rope as she swayed in front of Adam to the door. Her pale skin and blue eyes were the only things that separated her from the local women. Like Terri that Liz was impersonating, she would turn heads dressed if she was dressed in burlap. Adam kissed her on the mouth before walking out the door. “Liz, you are stunning. You look so much like Terri.”

  She took the comment with a confident smile. When Adam walked in the restaurant, Liz walked behind him her eyes slightly down cast. He had no trouble reserving a table by the window since the word had spread that he tipped generously, so they watched the sunset draw like a curtain across the city dining at their leisure savoring the view. When they were through, Adam had the restaurant send some honeyed cakes and a dessert wine up to the room. As they left the restaurant, the male diners stopped eating to watch Liz walk out of the room with Liz putting extra sway in her walk to reward them for their interest. Room service was rolling a cart down the hall as they entered the room. Liz went to the bathroom while Adam had the waiter set up dessert on the balcony. She stayed in the bathroom until the waiter had left. Liz exchanged her dress for a thin purple silk robe with a hem that came just above the tops of her hose having switched shoes to a pair of spiked heel sandals with intricate spaghetti straps Adam could not help noticing that there was a nylon looped around each wrist. Liz walked over to the balcony railing resting her hands on the rail looking so much like Terri that Adam had to fight to remember that it was Liz.

  “Do I have to tell you what to do?” Liz said to Adam snapping him out of his trance. He walked over to her tying each wrist to the rail with a loose knot. “Well I guess that you are going to have to feed me.”

  He started to feed the wine to her as she seductively wiggled and twisted. He lifted her robe pouring ho
ney over her buttocks as Liz continued to playfully wiggle and twist on the rail as he made sure that every drop of honey was consumed, but every time he tried to enter her she would shift to spoil his entry.

  “Are you man enough to take what you want,” Liz goaded him. After several attempts he swatted her several times on the ass grabbing her hips and entering her in one forceful motion. Liz let out an animal growl, “screw me!” They both climaxed explosively after just a few minutes. She lifted her hands off the rail with the nylons hanging from her wrists. “Your knot tying sucks. You need to take lessons from Lynn.”

  Her time working under cover for Dianne’s prostitution ring taught her how to incite a man. Liz spent hours listening to Terri and the other women talk about Adam researching his trigger points paying particularly close attention to the things that Terri preferred not to do. Terri always hesitated at public sex because she was afraid of what people would think of her if she were caught. She hated to be spanked and piercing was totally out of the question. Liz had no objections to a playful spanking and kept Adam frustrated, but short of anger. He risked his life to protect her and she desperately wanted to please Adam, so there was nothing that she would not do for him. She made up her mind to do all of the things that Terri would not do for Adam when she agreed to the trip. Liz was savoring her double victory making up her mind to go for the final item. As they walked in the room Adam noticed several nylons piled on the bed. Liz selected one moving his wrists behind his back tying his hands securely. She draped one leg over his shoulder and slipped the other ankle behind his neck drawing him closer with her legs grabbing his head as she reclined on the bed looking like a female spider devouring her prey.

  “This time we will go at my pace.” Liz had listened to all the other women talk about Adams hot spots. She took all the information from the women at the Inn and combined it with Dianne’s lessons on how to incite a man, but she paid closest attention to Susan’s take charge stories. When she calculated that she had his undivided attention, Liz eased Adam to the floor standing over him with one foot next to each ear giving him the view that she calculated he would most appreciate. “If you are not going to give me what I want, I will just have to take it.” Liz brought Adam to the edge several times only to refuse his release.


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