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Commandeered (Mercury Black Authority Book 2)

Page 39

by Finian Blake

  Tony moved the drugs by truck to New Jersey. Adam delayed as long as he could to allow the merchandise to get to its destination. By the time the DEA started going over things in Milwaukee, they had been tested for purity in New Jersey and allowed a price of fifteen. Noah took fourteen and allowed the extra dollar per gram for Tony’s handling. The extra buck that he kicked in gave him full payment off one hundred forty million. Tony would make fifteen million for his work. They would transfer the full price to the bank in Zurich in two days. He owed Abdul-Rahman fourteen million and the fifty six million less twenty percent on the buyer’s share, for a total of fifty eight point eight million to Abdul-Rahman for dispersal. Allowing for nine million in bonuses to do the thirty way split with the crew that would bring the bonuses up to three hundred thousand each for major bonuses and one hundred fifty thousand each for lesser bonuses? He would repay the front money of thirty three million plus the promised one million profit, but not tell Hans that it was in the account. Noah would allow the government to discover that little sum. Anna and Gregory’s share would be twelve point five million, and his end would be ten million, plus the twelve million in commissions from the drug lords would bring his end up to twenty two million.

  Adam suddenly remembered Francesca. He had not told her about Terri. He went to the secure line at the Everywhere Air office. Adam used the Hermes ID to request the secure line calling the number for Francesca’s home and as luck would have it she was home.

  “I have some bad news,” Adam said solemnly.

  “Susan called me a few days ago and gave me the news. She said that you were away, on a delivery. Frank and I were waiting for the time of the services.”

  “It seems that I need a ride home. I would like to charter one of your Lear Jets to Manchester. When do you think you can arrange one?”

  “Frank and I have been hanging out waiting for news. We can leave in a few hours. Where can I meet you?”

  “Meet me at the Butler terminal Milwaukee airport and we will discuss the charter fee later.”

  Adam made arrangements to use the secure line at midnight. He paid the manager three hundred dollars to wait for him. At midnight he made the call to Susan.

  “I was wondering when you would call. The coroner released Terri and Gregory’s bodies yesterday. You said that you wanted Terri cremated. Anna elected to cremate Gregory too. They will do that today and we can have the services tomorrow. Anna told me what Gregory did to his own daughters, so we made special arrangements for his ashes. You are needed back here when are you coming home?”

  “Frank and Francesca are picking me up in an hour. We should be there around three PM this afternoon. We will talk more then.”

  “Frank made it back from Karachi with his group. We had an interesting talk with Nadia and Angela.” Susan broke the connection. Adam wondered what that was about.

  Frank and Francesca arrived at the private terminal around quarter of two and Adam boarded. Francesca kissed him warmly and they left immediately

  “Is it Adam or Noah,” Francesca asked cautiously.

  “I am back to being Adam.” She was glad to have Adam back. It meant that he was out of his trouble mode. Adam slumped back in his seat while they took off. When they hit cruising altitude Francesca came back into the passenger cabin.

  “Frank and I wanted to express our deepest sympathies on Terri’s death. She meant so much to us all.”

  Adam started to sob. This was the first time that he could let the whole thing register. Francesca sat down holding him until they landed for their fuel stop in Halifax. When they were serviced, the Lear 36 took off immediately for Manchester. Adam moved up to the cockpit and they spent the trip reminiscing about Terri. When they landed he realized that his memories of Terri were all good memories. They landed shortly before three PM. They cleared customs quickly and met Frank from the Inn at the front of the private terminal.

  Frank and Francesca greeted Frank warmly, and offered their condolences to him. They knew that Frank claimed a father’s status with Terri. Adam felt a dread of coming back to the knoll, but when he saw the main gate, he found himself longing to be around Terri’s work wanting to soak in her essence. Adam decided to grab the apartment in the security center not wanting to face the ghosts so early in the morning. He awoke at eight and went to the Knoll finding that there were almost thirty people up there to greet him already. Each person there had suffered a personal loss with her passing. They were both offering, and seeking comfort. He realized that he was not alone in his grief.

  As people began to filter off Anna took Adam by the arm and walked to the edge of the Knoll.

  “Sarah and Nadia want to have a word with you.”

  “Good, she was the last person to be with Terri.” He could feel Anna tense when he said that. Anna waved them over with Anna and Nadia holding back four feet. Sarah took Adam by the arm and stood in silence formulating her words. When she was ready she went to the heart of the matter.

  “I was there when Terri fell. She was alive at the bottom of the stairs. All that she could do was blink her eyes. We set a simple code. She would blink once for yes and twice for no. Her neck was broken. I asked her twice if she wanted to live as a paraplegic. She blinked her eyes twice for no each time I asked. I asked her if she wanted me to do what she wanted done. She blinked once for yes. I asked all of the questions again and she gave me the same answers again. I did it quickly and she died on the first try. There was a minimum of suffering.”

  Adam looked up at Anna standing next to Nadia. She nodded her head to acknowledge that she knew what was being said. Anna had a death grip on Nadia’s arm. Nadia was tensed ready to spring, since she would do anything to protect Sarah. There was an awkward moment while Adam chose his words. Adam gently pulled her to him.

  “You are a true and trusted friend.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Terri could not have wanted to live as a paraplegic. I know you loved her. It had to be a difficult thing to do.” Sarah acknowledged his estimate as being true. Adam looked over Sarah’s shoulder and saw that Nadia had relaxed. “You can tell Nadia that she will not be needed.”

  “Nadia really wanted to talk to you. She has a different problem.” Sarah walked over to Nadia and sent her to him. Adam decided to break the ice.

  “I understand that you have a problem. Why don’t we get it out of the way?” Nadia stood a head teller than him. He could tell that she was nervous.

  “I do not want to whore for you,” Nadia blurted out.

  Adam was taken aback with the burst. “I never asked you to do anything like that. Sarah and Anna surprised me with you and your companions. Who made the arrangements?”

  “Sarah told us that we would have to work at the Inn to earn our papers.” Adam looked at Sarah and motioned her over. Since the style of the conversation was blunt Adam went right to the heart of the issue.

  “Let’s talk to Sarah and Anna. I think that they are both in on the arrangements.”

  “Sarah, what did you tell Nadia that she had to do when she agreed to come here?”

  “I told her that she would work to earn her papers.”

  “Did you tell her that she would have to whore for us?”

  “No, I said that she would have to work.” Adam decided to test the issue.

  “You and Angela earned the same bonus as everybody else when you fought with us. That should be three hundred thousand pounds each. Your papers cost twenty thousand pounds for each person. You and Angela could pay for all six and still have two hundred forty thousand each to start a new life. Would you be willing to pay for them?” Nadia answered without hesitating.

  “I am sure Angela will go along with that offer. If she doesn’t I will pay the whole thing and I will still have sixty thousand left over.” Adam found out what he needed to know. He wanted to keep her at the Inn.

  “Then the issue is settled. Would you like a job?”

  “What would I be doing?”

  “You have proved your t
alents fighting. Frank is the head of our security. He and the 'Old Men' will be working their security business. We need somebody to provide security here when they are on the road. Part of your duties would be driving and providing security for our guests. We will not be asking you to whore.” He could see the excitement register on her face.

  “I will have to clear this with Susan and Frank, but I believe that they will accept my recommendation.” He could see her feet shifting wanting to go. “We will work out the details later. I have other matters that require my attention.” The Amazon sprinted off to tell Angela and the others. Nadia was six foot six, and yet she moved with an easy grace being a delight to watch. Sarah and Anna took an arm apiece. Anna put her head on his shoulder.

  “That could have been ugly, but I had faith in you.” Adam was comforted by Anna’s confidence. “I am glad that you treated my daughters with respect.”

  “What do you mean your daughters?” Adam had forgotten their discussion on the Patna.

  “They are actually Gregory’s daughters from various affairs. He liked to play and sometimes there were accidents. Alice is my daughter, Cassandra is Sarah’s daughter, Nadia’s mother died a long time ago and Sarah raised her, and Angela was raised by her mother. The other four were from Gregory’s other affairs. They were all hand-picked by Sarah. Nadia and Angela are the favorites as you can see they are very special. We can see that they won you over quickly.”

  “Well I am glad that I did not turn your daughters into whores.” Anna and Sarah punched him in the arms from both sides.

  They walked off in search of Susan. He wanted to settle some of the other questions. They did not have to look far. Susan and Lynn were watching the exchange from a distance. Lynn’s German Sheppard Shultz was sitting on her foot. Susan greeted them warmly. “I see you have resolved the issue with our new arrivals. How am I going to keep my help?”

  “You know the answer to that. You knew before I walked over here.” Adam decided to get down to business. “I wanted to give you my thoughts on Terri’s estate. Can you take them now?”

  “We are here now. What did you have in mind?” Susan said as Anna and Sarah started to move off. “You might as well hear this too. It concerns both of you. Terri had several liquid assets. I believe that she had two million pounds other than her shares in the Inn.” He reached out and put his hand on Susan and Lynn’s abdomen’s. I want her assets divided between her nieces. She would have spoiled them rotten. Lynn can invest them and they will be rich young ladies by the time that they are of age.”

  “That is very generous. We want to thank…” Adam held up his hands so that he could finish.

  “Terri held ten percent of the Inn. I would like Frank to have an additional five percent. With his five that would bring him up to ten percent. Sarah is going to be part of the Inn. Terri trusted her as a sister, so I would like her to have the other five percent.” Sarah started to say something. Adam held up his hands again.

  “If you do this I will agree to transfer the Knoll to the Inn so that there is no question about the total package as long as Sarah’s studio is secure. Lynn can work out the details. I will be granted living space on the Knoll as long as I am alive or Anna is alive.” Susan stifled a scream forcing her voice to sound calm. She tried to sound official.

  “Of course, this will have to pass the board.”

  “I will not vote my shares or Terri’s shares,” Adam said. “I want to leave the matter between the other board members.” With Susan holding forty five percent of the shares and with Lynn holding twenty percent Adam dropped the decision in her lap.

  “I think that we can work within those guide lines. We will have to discuss Sarah’s shares but I think that we can live with that request.” Lynn nodded her approval. “You look like you could use some rest.”

  “We are having a memorial dinner at the pub for Terri and need to firm up the services. They took so long releasing Terri and Gregory that we already have their head stones placed behind the gym with the other stones. You and Anna agreed to scattering both sets of ashes over the terrace, but in light of certain information, I think that we will have to do something else with Gregory’s ashes. There is one more surprise back there. Why don’t you take a quick walk with Anna and have a look.” All of the ladies gave Adam a push in that direction.

  Adam strolled back to the memorial. He read the names on the stones. There was a small stone next to the stone for Liz. He read the name ‘HOPE TURNER’ was set next to the stone marked Elizabeth Turner. He started to cry. Susan named Liz’s baby and put a marker for her next to Liz. She was also a casualty of the situation.

  “That is one more thing that I have to live with.” Anna started to cry.

  “You mean that we have to live with. I did not ask you to do it. You know that I wished it and you were being loyal.”

  There was no way that he could allow Anna to accept the whole blame. Adam knew that Anna was acting in his interests. Neither one of them thought about her child. He offered her, his arm, and walked to the house in silence. He would have to thank Susan for remembering. Adam’s bag was on the front stoop. This was the moment he dreaded which was walking into their house alone.

  “I need an hour to get this done. I will meet you and Sarah at the studio.”

  Anna hated to leave him, but she knew that he would have to do this alone sooner or later. She stood there until he walked through the door. When it closed Anna started to walk back to the studio.

  Adam walked in the house. Each area was its own barrier. The sitting room and the kitchen were not much of a problem. He stood for five minutes with his hand on the bedroom door. Many of the magical moments of their life occurred in there. He finally walked in the room. It was easier than he thought. Most of their times in here had been joyful experiences. He went to the closet. The clothing represented every day apparel and special times. Her Plumeria scent was throughout the closet bringing good memories flooding back to him. He was sorry for what they would miss, but happy with the time they shared. His thoughts raced back to Pat. In twice as many years, they had never shared a tenth as much as he had with Terri in two years. The bathroom was the last stop. It was Terri’s signature room. They shared nearly as many intimate moments in here, as they did in the bedroom. He removed his clothes and climbed in the shower. Adam let the warm water run over him with his eyes closed. He became vaguely aware of another presence in the shower. Hands started to soap him. He heard Anna’s voice behind him.

  “I couldn’t stand it. I had to see if you were alright.” When he turned around she put her head on his chest.

  “I lost too.” She wept as he pulled her close to him. She kissed his chest. Anna was not going to let go of him. This was a man that she could love and she had no doubt that he fully loved and respected her. They started to kiss as they both settled to the shower floor under the warm water with neither one trying to dominate. Their love making was soft and mutual. They dried each other tenderly and she thrilled as he tenderly picked her up carrying her to bed where they continued their love making. They had both shared this bed with Terri, so neither one of them felt any guilt as they drifted off to sleep.

  The memorial dinner started at seven. Alan prepared all of Terri’s favorite dishes exactly as she liked them. Nobody was surprised to see Anna and Adam walk in together, since their mutual grief was a strong bond. Susan, Lynn, Suki and Frank were sitting at a table in the back of the room with Sarah. Susan waived Adam and Anna over to the table.

  “We held an emergency board meeting and the vote was unanimous. Everything will be as you wish. Sarah is now a board member and you have my personal guarantee that she will be permanent in the studio. Nadia and Angela are going to work for Frank. The other four want to do full service in hopes of finding that rich husband. We asked them about gathering financial intelligence for Lynn’s investments, and they are quite enthusiastic. Zurich called and asked what your instructions were for on the one hundred forty million that w
as deposited today. If you give Lynn the instructions she will relay them to the bank. Nadia has been sitting at a table talking to Frank and Francesca for the last hour. She wanted to hear from a woman that was not under your control. Adam had to laugh at the thought of any of these women being under his control. She wanted to know if you kept your word. I told her none of us were under your control. She settled for Francesca.” Nadia walked over to the table and claimed Adam.

  “Francesca told me what you did for her. She says that she used to be a jungle fighter and a rebel. With all that you have been through together, you have never had sex with her?”

  “We might have had a passionate kiss but that was all.”

  “Lynn and Susan are pregnant by you.”

  “I was ambushed by them.” He could hear Lynn and Susan laughing behind him.

  “I think that I might be able to trust you.” Nadia still was not convinced that he would throw his leverage to the wind. “Why…?

  “I think that you are worth it. You would give up most of your personal advantage to help the others and Angie would do the same. The ‘gold diggers’ are only looking for rich husbands and they will get what they want. You have talent you can be so much more. What I want is your loyalty not your obedience.”

  “They are not gold diggers,” Nadia was quick to point out. “They are extremely loyal to Sarah because she protected them. Their talents lie in gathering intelligence. Men tend to reveal a lot in their search for an orgasm. Sarah listened to Susan and selected these women for the Inn. She selected Angela and me to protect them. Having seen the way that you operate that will not be a problem. You have more than kept your word at every turn.”

  “Nobody believes me, but Susan is in charge. I work with her and she works with me. Are you going to protect her?”

  “I can easily give my loyalty to her. She is worthy of our respect, and she has given Sarah an interest in the Inn. Thanks to you we are not trapped into working as whores which I believe was in the general’s plan. With the bonus that you gave us we will be independent.”


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