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Billionaire Benefactor Daddy: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance Boxset

Page 43

by Natalia Banks

  He’d apologized.

  He’d been painfully honest. He’d showed me the ugly thing he’d tried to do to me. And he hadn’t asked for anything.

  And it feels like the ball is in my court. Like he’s letting me decide what happens next. And, as I think of Warrior in his pen, of Olivia telling me I’d be a good mom, of the heartbreaking raw honesty in his voicemail, I make a choice.

  Dialing his number, I hold my breath as he answers.

  “I have something for Olivia,” I say, and he sounds even and composed.

  “Of course.”

  We both fall silent, and as the second stretch on, it’s harder and harder to speak. “Um,” I say, “Would you consider going on a date with me?” I ask, and I hear him breathe out on the other end.

  “It would be my pleasure.” He sounds relieved, and I want to laugh at him.

  “By the way,” I say, “I’m pregnant.”

  “Does the father know?” he asks dryly.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Thank you for the voicemail,” I tell him, wanting him to know that it really meant something to me. “I deleted it.”

  “I appreciate it,” he says, and I wonder if he’s holding something else back.

  “Since I asked you out, am I setting up the date stuff?” I ask, amused. I’ve never asked someone out, nor have I seriously dated as an adult. There’s just no time. Or maybe that’s what I’ve been telling myself to keep heartbreak at bay.

  “I’ll take care of everything,” he says, “with your permission.”

  My heart melts at the implication that we’re partners, not that I’m just here to follow his orders. “I’d like that,” I say, warmth flooding my very soul.

  We get off the phone, and I stand in the barn, feeling so very alone, yet happy. I walk over to Silver Charm and begin to talk to her as I get her ready for her stall to be mucked.

  “So,” I tell her as she perks her ears and listens. “Dad used to talk to you all the time, and I know I’m just not as amazing as he was. But I’ve got something to tell you. There’s this guy…” I pick her hooves, brush her down, and tell her all about my problems and joys, and realize why dad did this all those years; the horses just listen.

  Chapter 31


  With an excited Olivia rushing ahead, I walk toward the pasture Emma told us to meet her at. When I see her, it’s like I’ve been punched in the gut. She’s positively radiant. Her incredible hair is free flowing down her back and she’s focused on the horse in front of her; Jenny. Genuine Honor. Such an awesome name for a horse.

  Beside Jenny is the little colt Olivia hasn’t stopped talking about for days.

  Olivia races up to Emma’s side, and I see the girls throw their arms around each other in an easy embrace that’s as natural as rain. As I walk up, Emma gives me a little grin that has a profound effect on my body, and I wonder if I will ever get enough of her.

  God knows I’m going to try.

  “So, I said I have something for you,” Emma says, looking at Olivia, whose face is all alight with excitement. Emma looks out to the pasture and calls out, “Warrior!”

  The little colt looks over, perking his ears before trotting over to us in a little show. Beside me, I feel Olivia choke up and put an arm around her. Emma looks over at Olivia, her voice gentle.

  “You’d told him he was a warrior,” she says, her eyes meeting mine with a worried light at Olivia’s reaction. “And he likes the name. And he loves you,” she says as the little colt marches right up to Olivia and sniffs her face.

  And a smile crosses Olivia’s lips. She reaches out a fist for the colt to sniff before rubbing his face.

  “You’ll take good care of him, right?” Emma asks, and Olivia looks at her, confused. “He’s yours,” Emma says, and Olivia turns to me, her face full of questions.

  “It’s rude to refuse a gift,” I say, meeting Emma’s stare. I want to ask her if she’s sure, if she really wants to give up the prized blood of this colt. After some research, real research, I’d learned the value of the animals here, and it’s nothing short of amazing what her family has built here. An empire of animals with liquid gold flowing through their veins.

  But sweet Emma here is willing to give one to Olivia. One that bears a reminder of everything Olivia has come to face over the last few years. And Olivia’s face lights up as she spins to grip Emma in a tight hug.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She says, her voice all joy and breathless excitement.

  Emma looks at me, and I sense she’s talking to me. “You’re welcome to board him here, free of charge, and I’ll cover his expenses. Once he’s big enough, we’ll geld him so he’s safe.”

  “I’ll pay for everything,” I say, unwilling to let it be a burden to her.

  “We’ll talk about it later,” she says, and something in the way she says it destroys me. I want her. I want her alone, and I want her now.

  “Should I go muck out Dreamer’s stall?” Olivia asks, but Emma shakes her head.

  “I took care of it. You’re welcome to ride her, so long as you’re careful.” Emma watches Olivia, but her eyes flick to me.

  Olivia seems unsure. “By myself?”

  “I trust you,” Emma says, and Olivia positively swells with pride. “Make sure you wear your hard hat,” she says as Olivia races toward the barn.

  “I will,” Olivia shouts back before slipping into the barn.

  Words flood form Emma’s lips. “I’m sorry if that was--”

  But I pull her into a kiss. She melts, her whole body mine as I slowly enjoy her. My tongue explores her full lower lip and she moans a sound of pure joy. I want her. But not just for now. I want her for as long as she’ll put up with me. How could anyone be so perfect, so in tune with Olivia, so wonderful a human being to take something so valuable and give it to someone who needed it?

  Hell, I hadn’t known she needed it, but now it seems natural for Olivia to have her own horse. A horse named Warrior for my little warrior. Perfect.

  How can I not love this woman?

  * * *

  “This is perfect,” Emma says, looking around. For our date, I’d decided to have a throwback to our first encounter. A picnic. With wine, grapes, cheese, and some sweet and savory snacks. On the same blanket we’d slept under the stars on that night.

  I’d even made sure to use the same spot. In my dreams, I remember the sound of the wind in the trees and the water flowing that first time I’d tasted the perfection that is Emma.

  “You’re perfect,” I say, kissing the tip of her nose.

  “That’s just silly,” she murmurs as I place another kiss on her lips.

  As the sky begins to fade to a brilliant orange and pink, I kiss her again, deeper this time. She responds, and I pull back. There will be plenty of time for all of that. I pour her a glass of wine and she takes it with a smile.

  “Tell me about your dad,” I say, and she nods, her smile dimming, then shining brighter.

  “He always talked to the horses. Like Olivia does, now.” Her eyes focus on something beyond us, and I find myself ready to listen. Really listen. I want to know what made Emma such an amazing person. I want every detail. Every tidbit she’s willing to share. I want all of her, her heart, her body, her soul.

  But mostly, I want to know her.

  “He was such a good man. He stepped up and took care of me even after my mother died. I think he just wanted to be done after she passed,” She says, and I feel my heart ache for her. “But he held on for me.”

  She sips her wine and I follow suit, waiting for her to tell me more.

  Waiting for her to tell me everything.



  I’m not trying to be the woman they lost. I don’t want to take Olivia’s mother’s place. I’m here as her step mom. A sweet step mom. One she can some to, one she knows loves her.

  And it’s hard sometimes.

  Kieran isn’t perfect. Sometimes, he’s a dow
nright dick. But he’s getting better. Day by day, he seems to be relaxing. His walls are coming down, and he talks to me. Really talks to me.

  With a sigh, I hear him come in the door. Olivia is with Sandy at his house, and I’m here at mine, waiting for him. He said we had something important to talk about, and I’m hoping it’s not just a set up for him to ask me to marry him.

  I’m not ready.

  He’s not ready.

  Olivia is ready, but she’s a child; she doesn’t understand everything that goes into this.

  “I’m in here,” I call, but he’s behind me, his lips on my neck. And that familiar heat flares up in me, that excitement that only he can bring me.

  “Come sit down,” he says, and I turn to face him, seeing both the primal lust in his eyes and a worry I’m nervous about.

  We sit, side by side on the couch, and she takes some papers out of a bag he’d left. “I did something that might make you mad,” he says, studying me with those penetrating eyes. But I listen, not willing to jump to anger without hearing the reason.

  I’ve learned that Kieran doesn’t generally act without reason. So I’m willing to hear him out before losing my temper.

  “I hired a bodyguard and PI to watch your house,” he says, and I find myself warming up. It’ll take a damn good reason to keep this from getting ugly. “Have you seen a dark car on the driveway late at night?” he asks, and I startle.

  “I did once,” I say, the info coming back to me. I rattle off the plate number and I see genuine appreciation in his eyes.

  “Smart girl,” he says, before looking at the paper in his hands. “I’m sorry I brought this to your doorstep.” He hands me the paperwork.

  On the page is information about a woman, but the picture draws me in. She’s aging, but in a way that leaves me certain she was beautiful once. I glance at the name. Camila Knight.

  “Who is she?” I ask, looking at him form the facts on the page.

  “My ex.” He’s quiet, and the honesty is astounding.

  “Why is she here?” I ask, confused.

  “I think she’s trying to learn as much about me as she can. And that means learning about the people in my life.” He runs the back of his index finger down my cheek and I shiver.

  “So what do we do?” I ask, unsure of what to do now.

  “I’m talking with a lawyer. I understand if this makes you want to walk away from us,” he says, and my heart fractures. I grab his face in my hands, loving the dark stubble on my pale skin.

  “Never,” I whisper, and kiss his lips.

  He breathes a sigh of relief against my damp lips, and I shiver again. “I love you, Kieran Knight,” I say, and I feel him stiffen at the words.

  “I love you too,” he says, giving me a quick kiss after the words as I release him. “You’re going to have to meet my family.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” I say it as a joke, but it’s flat. Joking about not having a family is still a bit too painful. But his smile is full of understanding. “Let’s fix it,” I say, and there’s a flash behind his eyes I can’t quite decode.

  “Let’s fix your relationship with your family. I never got a chance to tell dad I was sorry. You have that chance. They’re alive. Don’t waste it.” The words come from the heart, and I see him considering.

  “I love you, Emma Astor,” he says, kissing my lips again. “Olivia loves you. You’re our whole world.”

  “You were doing just fine before I came along,” I tease.

  “We were hanging on by a thread. You and this farm saved us.” He presses his forehead against mine and rubs the tip of our noses together.

  “It’s a ranch,” I say, my tone teasing.

  “God, I love you, woman,” he says, kissing me again. “But I’m serious. You brought us back from the brink of disaster. Thank you.”

  “No,” I tell him, thinking about how lost I’d been before Olivia came into my life, talking to the horses like dad had done. Having her around reminded me of him, but also made me realize I could go on without him. “You guys saved me. I was drowning without dad. Olivia told me it’s okay to cry, and you forced me to fight and realize what this place means to me.”

  Kieran lifts his fist and presses it to his chest. With a quick double tap, he gives me a quick kiss. “You’re a warrior,” he whispers, and I bring my fist to my chest.

  “Still beating,” I whisper, and his face lights up with his smile as he kisses me again.

  No matter what comes next, I’ll be okay. I made it through losing dad. I made it through almost losing my ranch. I made it through giving away my heart. I can only hope Kieran Knight will take good care of it, and will love me back as much as I love him.

  * * *


  Bonus Content: Knight Brothers Series Part 2

  PART 2


  Copyright © 2017 by Natalia Banks

  All rights reserved.

  * * *

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  * * *

  NOTE: This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real life is coincidental. All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older. Intended reading audience 18+

  Chapter 1


  Today can’t get any worse.

  Outside the grocery store in some town I didn’t even get the name of, I’ve sat down on the bench to catch my breath. I shouldn’t have left Sentinel in the truck, but I’m so sick and tired of all the whispers about my service dog.

  He’s so well behaved, but unless you look like death’s doorstep, people judge.

  From the bench I can see the truck. I’ve left the windows open about halfway for Sentinel, just so he can breathe, though the air here isn’t as warm as California was. It’s almost chilly. And so very green.

  Maybe I can get far enough away from everything to finally feel safe. Maybe the past won’t catch up to me here. Maybe I’ve finally made a clean break and I’ll be able to start over fresh. Just Sentinel and I.

  I glance over at the truck. Sentinel is watching me, his huge dark ears perked forward as he studies me. There was a time when I was sure that this little German Shepard puppy would grow into too big of a dog for me, but he’s such a gentle, loving creature I can’t imagine life without him.

  Okay. I’ve got this. I didn’t park far and I can handle this. After some lunch I should feel less faint. It’s a toss-up, though, sometimes eating makes me so tired I can’t keep my eyes open. Not a good thing when you’re driving.

  I stand up and feel the sensation of falling as my blood pressure fluctuates. Damn it. I am not going to faint right here outside this grocery store in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar state without my service dog at my side.

  I sit back down and put my head between my knees as panic settles into my bones like fire. The slow burn roars throughout my body as liquid fear courses through my veins. I can’t do this. Not here. Not alone.

  And I hear him. Sentinel is barking, crying out as the world blurs into patchy green moss overtaking the pale concrete under my feet.


  I take a deep breath as my dog continues to bark and cry. I want to tell him I’m okay. That I’ll be back in a second. That everything will be okay.

  Except it won’t.

  Nothing is ever okay.


  “Miss, are you okay?”

  I shake my head at the stranger, who I can only see as the one wearing some leather loafers. I bet it’s an older man, some kindly old gentleman from another generation when it was okay to talk to people.

  Someone should let him know that this is the twenty first century and nobody cares about other people anymore.

  “Should I call an ambulance?” he asks, and I shake my head, struggling to lift it to actually look at this person. His watery blue eyes are kind, and the shock of white hair on his head give me the satisfaction that I was right.

  “I’m okay,” I gasp the words out, struggling to pull in a deep breath.


  “Thank you,” I say, a bit more power behind the words.

  He nods, looking unconvinced, but he moves right along into the store. And I breathe a sigh of relief. And I catch sight of Sentinel. He’s dancing back and forth in the window, tossing his head back to howl at me like I can’t hear him.

  “I’m okay,” I whisper, feeling my lips tingle like I’ve had a ribbon wrapped too tight around my throat for too long. “I’m okay.”

  But he can’t hear me.

  And he sticks his head out the window as I watch on, worried about him. There’s no way he can fit through that narrow opening. He’s a huge dog. The window is open half way at most. And that fall will hurt him.

  I shake my head at him, as if that’ll be enough to stop him. “No, Sentinel,” I say, my voice little more than a sigh as I fight back a nauseating wave of panic. I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of some fishing boat as the ocean plays tsunami. Part of me wants to barf, part of me is afraid for my life, but most of me wants to be free of all of it.

  With a loud yelp, Sentinel manages to wiggle his whole body free of the window. He lands on his feet, the shock of impact coaxing another yelp from him.

  He races toward me.

  Out of the corner of my eyes, I see the little car. It’s a brilliant yellow, like a bee. And it feels like the whole world is slowing down. Sentinel races toward me, not seeing the danger bearing down on him. He’s focused on me.


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