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Roping Her Christmas Cowboy

Page 5

by Rebecca Winters

  “You don’t have to do this, Toly.”

  Yes, he did. She looked like a miracle of femininity. He wanted to be with her as long as possible. “I feel like it.”

  “Thank you,” she said when they reached the doors.

  “Good night, Nikki. Don’t forget dinner tomorrow. I’ll see you after the vet leaves the stalls.”

  “Sounds good.” There was a moment of hesitation before she turned to walk inside. He wondered if she’d wanted to invite him to her room to talk some more, but had controlled the impulse.

  Toly walked back to his car, determined that there were going to be lots of talks over the next ten nights, either in her hotel room or his rig. Tonight they’d achieved détente. This was just the beginning.

  * * *

  NIKKI GOT THROUGH her next busy day in a daze because she knew she’d be seeing Toly for dinner. So much had been going on in her head after she’d gone to bed, she hadn’t fallen asleep for a long time. The old adage about love and hate being two sides of the same coin had taken on new meaning.

  Last night she’d left for the MGM Grand so upset, she couldn’t imagine calming down. While she’d attended the party, she’d realized what a pathetic fool she’d been to let that anger go on any longer. Wasn’t it the truth that eavesdroppers never heard good of themselves.

  Before she left the room, she’d decided that tomorrow she would concentrate on improving her skills. How else to come in with the shortest time possible around the barrels every night? Nothing else was important.

  Then she’d seen Toly outside the Vista room entrance and her anger had spiraled, almost sending her into shock. Yet once they’d ended up in her rig and he’d explained the situation that had turned her inside out in the first place, everything changed. By the time he’d walked her to the front entrance of her hotel, she hadn’t wanted him to go. Faster than she could believe, Toly had become the most important man in her universe.

  After the vet had checked out all their horses, Toly had told her he’d be by her hotel at six and meet her in the foyer. From there they’d drive over to the Bellagio.

  Though she willed her heart to behave, it still thudded out of control when she saw him walk through the hotel doors at six. He wore a tan Western suit with a cream shirt and a gold-and-silver bolo tie with gold cords.

  Toly’s handsome features and hard-muscled physique made him striking in a way that prevented Nikki from noticing anyone else. His light green eyes roved over her features. It was crazy how her breathing quickened.

  “You’re right on time.” She could smell the soap he’d used in the shower.

  “I’ve been waiting for tonight and you look sensational. Let’s go.”

  He cupped her elbow and walked her outside to his car. Nikki was glad she’d bought the black skirt and black short Western jacket with the colored red embroidery and fringed sleeves. It had been worth the steep price to evoke a compliment from him.

  Toly had booked their table in advance at Todd English’s Olives. Once they reached the Bellagio, they weren’t kept waiting long. Throughout their dinner of succulent beef carpaccio and ricotta ravioli, he hardly kept his eyes off of her. She had a difficult time not staring at him too.

  “Do you know what Mills is doing this evening? He didn’t answer my text.”

  “He met up with friends after doing some shopping.”

  It wasn’t like her brother not to answer. The poor guy wasn’t acting himself, but she knew Denise was the reason why. “I did my shopping in Great Falls.”

  “I think he left it until now so he can walk off his nerves.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. Everyone has their own way of coping before competition.”

  “Well, I don’t know about you, but being out to dinner with the most beautiful woman in the restaurant has made me forget everything else.”

  She smiled. “Flattering as that is, I don’t buy it. For the last hour I’ve noticed you flexing your right hand off and on during our meal. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were imagining yourself on your horse, waiting for the gate to open while you figured out how best to rope your steer.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Only a pro like yourself would catch me out.”

  “I’ve watched my brother long enough to know he goes through roping scenarios in his head, even when he’s talking to me. He gets this vacant look.”

  Toly laughed. “I know it well. Are you ready to order dessert?”

  “Not tonight. I need a good sleep and the extra sugar will keep me awake.”

  “I’m passing on it too. Shall we go?” He signaled the waiter for the bill, and they left. “Tomorrow’s our big day,” Toly murmured as they made their way back to her hotel.

  “Don’t I know it. I want to thank you for getting me through tonight. The dinner was delicious.”

  “The pleasure has been mine.” He parked the car and took her arm to walk her inside. His touch sent a current of electricity through her body. Their eyes met one more time. “I’ll be cooking dinner again at four thirty tomorrow. Why don’t you join me and Mills before we head on over to the Mack Center? Before you say no, just keep in mind it’s a great relaxer for me.”

  “When I have the time, it is for me too. Thank you, Toly. I’ll come if I can leave my last scheduled party soon enough. Good night.”

  She turned and headed toward the other end of the foyer. Though she didn’t look around, she could feel his gaze on her. It gave her the kind of delicious shakes she’d heard about all her life, but had never experienced until now.

  Nikki was in love with him and knew it. That’s why it had almost destroyed her to hear what he’d told Mills in private. Yet somehow she had to handle her emotions while she was facing the most challenging moments in her career as a professional barrel racer.

  Being in love with her brother’s roping partner had heightened the stakes. When she reached her hotel room, she found she was breathless reliving the events of the evening with him. Toly, Toly.

  Chapter Four

  After Toly returned to the RV park, he grabbed some horse treats out of his rig and walked over to the barn where he found Mills inspecting his favorite horse. His friend barely acknowledged him. Toly stood near the stall. “What’s wrong with Atlas? The vet already checked out our horses today.”

  Mills lifted his head. “He’s fine. Where were you tonight?”

  He frowned. “I took Nikki to dinner as my way of apologizing to her. Didn’t you get my text?”


  “That’s strange.” Toly pulled out his phone and checked it. “Damn! I wrote it, but didn’t press Send. Here. Take a look.”

  “Forget it. I believe you.”

  “Did you and the guys go to dinner?”

  He nodded.

  Toly gave his own horses a pat down before he walked over to Mills who was settling his other horse Dusty for the night. “Want to tell me what’s going on with you?”

  Mills looked at him hard. “My sister wouldn’t have gone to dinner with you if she weren’t interested.”

  His head jerked back. Where had that come from? “She agreed to go because she knew I felt terrible about what happened. It was my way of making it up to her.”

  “No.” He walked out of the stall. “She went because she wanted to.”

  He felt as if he’d been gut-punched. “I thought you were glad I drove to the MGM Grand to talk to her.”

  “I was, and I’m thankful she was able to forgive you because that’s the kind of person she is. Maybe too forgiving.”

  Whoa. “Mills? What’s going on with you? Since when was it wrong for me to ask her to dinner? Talk to me!”

  “I’m not saying it was wrong. But because it’s you—the cowboy who can have any girl he wants at any time and walk away unt
il the next one comes along—I’m worried. My sister isn’t that kind.”

  A prickling of anger started at the back of Toly’s neck. “You mean she’s not like the groupies. Don’t you think I know that? I’ve never gone out of my way to attract her attention.”

  “I know. That’s the hell of it. You’re a magnet. That Amanda Fleming you met during the last rodeo? Lyle sent me some emails and said she’s in Vegas and has emailed you more than once on our website. All you had to do was have one dinner with her, and she’s back for more. But you and I both know you never plan to see her again.”

  Toly couldn’t believe what he was hearing and it hurt like hell. “I had no idea you’ve resented me for such a long time.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t resent you, Toly. Not at all. But I can see what’s happening to my sister and I’m scared you’re going to hurt her more than she’s ever been hurt in her life.”

  “You honestly think I would do anything to cause her grief?”

  “Not intentionally. The guy she fell in love with hurt her so badly, she’s really fragile.”

  That wasn’t the impression Nikki had given him. But he could see Mills was a mess right now. “Shall I uninvite her for dinner tomorrow afternoon before we all leave for the rodeo?”

  Mills’s eyes darkened. “You asked her?”

  “Wasn’t that the plan while we were here in Las Vegas? Eat our meals together before each event? Isn’t that what we decided before we drove here? What’s changed?”

  Mills looked stone-faced. “Has she already accepted?”

  “She said she’d come if she could get away in time from another party she’ll be attending.”

  He looked down. “You can be sure she’ll do whatever she has to do to be there, so it’s already too late to tell her not to come.”

  Toly had to think fast. “We can send a message right now that dinner is off because you and I have been talking and need to go over to the center early tomorrow.”

  “No. You can’t do that.”

  “Then what do you want me to do, Mills?”

  “I wish the hell I knew.”

  “That’s not a good enough answer. Talk to me.”

  Mills squinted at him. “I guess it’s because Dad isn’t around. He’d give her the kind of advice she needs. When I try to talk to her, she doesn’t take me seriously.”

  “What advice is that?”

  His jaw hardened. “That she needs to concentrate on her rodeo career before she gets involved with another man.” He turned abruptly and strode out of the barn.

  Ninety-nine percent of this reaction had to do with Denise’s rejection. But the remaining 1 percent convinced him that Mills didn’t want Toly to be that man. Was that because Mills didn’t like him personally and didn’t think he was good enough for Nikki? That thought hurt.

  The two of them needed to work this out before too much more time passed. After saying good-night to his horses and giving them some treats they devoured in record time, he followed after Mills.

  But when he knocked on the rig door, his friend didn’t answer. At that point Toly walked to his own rig and phoned Wymon. To his relief his brother answered and they talked about everything.

  “Sorry that my advice to you years ago has caused problems now.”

  “Ironic, isn’t it, when it was such good advice for me back then?”

  “Bro—I’ve known you’ve been in love with her this last year. Not in so many words, but I’ve recognized the signs. And Mom has moaned at the way you’ve spent so much time at their ranch to train.”

  Wymon understood a lot. He wasn’t the older brother for nothing. “Yep.”

  “I’m sure Mills has sensed it.”

  “I realize that, but I don’t know what to do. What a time for this to happen with the competition starting tomorrow!”

  “Tonight he exploded with nerves and everything else. But he’s got to be the one who figures that out, Toly. Not you. He knows you didn’t do anything wrong. By morning he’ll have cooled off and probably apologize. He’s a good man.”

  “I know he is.”

  “If you want my advice, until you leave Las Vegas, be your friendly self to him and Nikki. Do what you always do and concentrate on winning that championship. Don’t change anything. If Nikki can tell he’s trying to come between the two of you, let her be the one who goes to her brother. No one will ever be able to reassure him the way she can.”

  Toly took a deep breath. “Thanks, Wymon. I needed to hear that.”

  “One more thing. I’m glad you’ve finally admitted you’re in love. Be assured I won’t tell anyone else. Good luck tomorrow night. We’ll be watching you on TV. I’m counting on all three of you coming in first!”

  * * *

  DURING THE EARLY hours Thursday morning, Nikki’s crew transported her horses to the Mack Center stalls. She worked with them before all the finalists met to rehearse for the arena parade that would take place that evening. Toly and Mills had the honor of carrying the Montana flags for their event. Laurie Rippon had won the right to hoist the Texas flag for the barrel racers.

  With the rehearsal over, she left for the Cowboy Gifts Party, but didn’t stay long. After going back to the hotel to shower and pack a bag, she drove to the RV park to join Mills and Toly for an early dinner in his rig. Once again she could smell food cooking when she walked inside. Toly was at the stove.


  His head turned. “Hi, yourself!”

  “I noticed the car missing. Where’s Mills?”

  “His glove got a rip in it today during practice. He ran out to buy a new pair. I expect him back pretty soon.”

  She walked through and sat down at the kitchen table. He’d already made blueberry muffins and urged her to try one. After a first bite she ate the whole thing. “These are wonderful. I’m addicted already.”

  “Good. I’ve got a roast cooking with potatoes. It’ll be done before long.”

  “There’s no hurry. I haven’t stopped all day. It feels good to sit.”

  “How was the Christmas party?”

  “Wonderful, but crowded even if it was staged at the South Halls Center, or maybe because it was.” She chuckled and eyed him covertly. “Have you had a chance to tell my brother about my thoughts where Denise is concerned?”

  Toly poured them coffee and sat down. “Yes. He’s reserving judgment, but I know it made him feel better to hear that you felt there was another explanation for why she broke up with him.”

  “I don’t think anything could improve his spirits right now.”

  He studied her for a moment. “How about yours? Tonight we’ll be posting our first scores. Are you ready to knock them dead?”

  “Don’t I wish, but I’m not worried about you and Mills. You’ve averaged number one going into Finals. I’m positive you’re going to win the whole thing.”

  “I’m not.” The fear that his hand might lose feeling at the wrong moment was haunting him more and more. “Did you check out Shay Carlson’s last couple of scores? He got a 3.90 in Oklahoma. We’re going to have to do better to win.”

  She moaned. “I hear what you’re saying. I’ve got to beat Laurie Rippon. At the Austin rodeo I got a 13.57 on Bombshell. That was my best score this year, but Laurie turned in a 13.49 and is in the number one spot going into Finals. She’s the one who makes me the most nervous.”

  “You can bet she’s scared of you being in second place. So little separates the two of you.”

  “I know.” She sighed.

  “This is the hard part, isn’t it? Anticipating the odds. Waiting for it to start.”

  “It’s awful.” She needed to stay busy. “I’ll set the table.” Nikki finished another muffin. “I really put my foot in it when I refused your biscuits the other night
. You knew I was a fraud.”

  His eyes lit up in amusement, sending curling warmth through her. “But while you were making your point, no one could have topped your delivery. Did you say you were the number one debater in your high school?”

  “Are you kidding?” She burst into laughter.

  “You could have fooled me.”

  She knew when he was joshing her. Nikki tried to remember the last time she’d had this much fun, but she couldn’t.

  He darted her glance. “Tell you what. Since your brother hasn’t come yet, let’s go in the living room to wait for him. I’m in the mood for cards. What’s your game?”

  This was going to be fun. “Anything.”

  “Is that right?” He sent her a wicked smile.


  “I get to pick the penalties.”

  “I think we should take turns on that.”

  She felt his chuckle resonate inside her.

  “How about a little music?” He turned on the radio to some soft rock and reached for a deck of cards before they sat down at the little table.

  “I wonder how many cards games have been played on this?”

  “Thousands,” he said with a poker face.

  Nikki shook her head. “That wouldn’t surprise me.”

  He grinned. “How about pontoon?”

  “Great! It’s kind of like blackjack. I love it.”

  “Shall we say a set of twenty rounds to start? If I win, you’ll have to dance with me. If you win, you’ll have to dance with me.”

  That set Nikki off laughing and they played a fast, slap-down hysterical game. To her surprise she did win, but that didn’t seem to bother Toly who pulled her out of the chair into his arms without giving her a chance to think about it. “Um. This is nice.”

  Nikki felt his words in every atom of her body. She’d never been this close to Toly’s rock-hard physique and had been waiting secretly for this moment for a long time. It was a far cry from line dancing where there were separations in their togetherness. They were both tall and they fit together as if they were made for each other.


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