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Fantasies of a Housewife

Page 12

by Tina Pollick

  As she stood under the steaming hot water, Andrea’s brain coursed over the hungry thoughts filling her mind, soul and body. She fought her emotions. She shouldn’t be thinking like this. Mark was her husband, and she loved him dearly. Dearly. How trite does that even sound? What the hell is wrong with me?

  When she entered the kitchen, she found Robert seated at the table with several photographed cards before him. He looked up as she entered and smiled at her. “Come on now. We’ll see what we’re about to make together in your kitchen today.”

  The butterflies were back, and so was a persistent tingling sensation between her legs. Was everything he was about to say today going to be filtered through her dirty mind like this? If so, the day was going to be much longer than she thought. She sat and looked at the cards. He motioned to them. “Here are five recipes, a few of which are considered very intimidating to new cooks. We’re going to take the intimidation out of your kitchen.”

  Andrea took note of the recipes. Turducken, shrimp risotto, butternut squash soufflé, chocolate truffles and…jalapeno poppers? Robert must have noticed her quizzical look. He laughed. “The fun has to start somewhere, right? Why not with the appetizers? Particularly the appetizers with the right amount of delicious heat.”

  He folded his hands on the table. “These recipes consist of some of the most overwhelming, and oftentimes, time consuming elements for the new cook. Do these recipes concern you, Andrea?”

  Andrea bit her lip. Her body was on overdrive, and she was thinking about only one thing and food was not it. But she also needed to look natural, and not like some screaming, hyper-ventilating fan girl, either. “Yes. I’m not a very good cook, so I’d have a good deal of problems making these.”

  Robert shook his head. “Now see, that’s exactly the problem with the novice cook today. They assume they’re not good cooks just because they’ve never been taught the right way to cook. Now I ask you, if you never went to auto shop, would you think you were a bad driver because you couldn’t overhaul your own car’s engine?”

  Andrea rubbed her neck with self-conscious apprehension . “Well…when you put it that way, I guess the answer is ‘no’.”

  “There you go,” Robert said, standing and heading over to the counter. “Come here please, Andrea.”

  She did as instructed, realizing that she would probably follow Robert into a sewer if he asked her without the slightest hesitation on her part. She saw several ingredients laid out on the table. Jalapeno peppers, cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, milk, flour, breadcrumbs, a cooker filled with oil and rubber gloves.

  “When handling jalapenos, it’s important to remember to wear gloves so the natural oils of the pepper don’t get on your skin. If it does, when you rub your eyes, or other sensitive areas, it will burn like hell, and not in a good way,” he said, his tone light.

  Andrea put on the gloves. “Good,” Robert said with approval.

  “Now grasp the pepper towards the top. You want a good grip so you don’t cut yourself with the knife. That’s it. Now cut the pepper cap and stem, and then slide the knife horizontally through the pepper to slice it in half.”

  Andrea’s hands shook. Her nipples were taut against her bra, and her slit continued to expel her juices uninvited. Her flesh bristled with goose bumps. “Nervous,” Robert asked in a husky whisper.

  “Y-yes,” Andrea stammered. “I’m intimidated when it comes to food preparation,” she half-lied.

  Robert’s strong hands grasped hers. She felt his throbbing, engorged rod pushing into the cleft of her ass cheeks. His hands removed the gloves, and she almost yelped when one of them disappeared into her panties. The other one came up and fondled her left breast, pinching the nipple with playful intent.

  “Let’s see what we can do to help you relax,” Robert whispered in her ear. The heat of his breath on her lobes came close to pushing her over the edge. His right hand started exploring her. He slid a finger inside, drawing out a low, throaty groan as Andrea’s body invaded the intrusive appendage. Andrea started grinding her hips against his hand.

  Robert’s left hand dropped to the waistband of her jeans and unsnapped the button, then slid her zipper down with deft and sure movement. He started yanking the obstructing material down, while he pulled his finger out and started tracing her clit with slow, deliberate, circular motions. Just his very touch was electrifying her senses, and she knew she would have a hard time holding off her inevitable release.

  Robert seemed to sense it too and removed his hand, turning her around to face him. “Hm. You appear to be quite sensitive down there. I take it it’s been some time since you’ve been pleasured in a proper fashion,” he said, his tone throaty.

  “Yes,” she whispered her voice horse with raw emotion. “A very long time indeed.”

  He bent down, yanking her panties off with impatience. The tip of his tongue traced her quivering slit from top to bottom and back again. Andrea shrieked in ecstasy. Her build-up was reaching a head, and she hoped she could hold off until the right moment. Robert slid his tongue into her, drawing out a long, delicious moan as he swirled it inside of her. She clutched at his head, urging his intense feeding efforts. Her hips bucked against his head, and she forced him to push his tongue even deeper inside her now engorged slit.

  She was now over the brink, every cell and fiber of her being on fire as Robert probed her with ravenous hunger. The electrified sensations dominating her body found their way towards escape, and Andrea’s cries were cut short as the oxygen and cum left her body in a huge, heart shaking orgasm.

  She gasped for air and ran her hands through Robert’s sandy hair with whimpering moans of pleasure. He stood, taking one of her swollen nipples in his mouth and sucking it with small circular motions. He alternated between her nipples, and she groaned as her body expressed its approval of Robert’s well trained culinary tool.

  He pulled away and she let out a small whimper of protest. “Now let’s get you fitted properly,” he said with a wolfish grin.

  He unbuttoned his jeans, slid them off and let his underwear follow, discarding them to the side. Andrea looked down at his pulsating, swollen and very hard cock. It was a good eight inches or so, and she had never seen anything more magnificent in all her life. She grabbed it and felt the intense heat of Robert’s organ, drawing out a lusty groan from both him and her. “I need you inside of me, Robert,” she pleaded, tugging on the massive shaft.

  He pushed her up against the counter and let her guide his tip to her soaking lips. She pushed him inside, taking the first three inches with a shuddering gasp. He put his hands on her hips and started pushing slowly. “You’re tight,” he said with a strangled voice.

  Her hips bucked as she drew more of him inside. He tried to slow the pace, and Andrea realized he was concerned about hurting her. “No,” she panted, grabbing his muscular ass and pulling on him, urging him to abandon caution.

  He complied with her demands and thrust his hips with a good deal of power, forcing her to envelop him entirely. As her folds constricted around him like a savage python, the two of them began thrusting with brutal, animalistic fury. She felt his solid rod stretching the limits of her restrictive confines, bringing a somewhat painful, yet inescapable burst of pleasure with it. She felt like he was going to split her in two and yet she ground her hips in desperation against him, begging for more.

  She could feel the intense swelling, the pulsating shaft buried deep within her now racing towards inevitable, unstoppable release. Her own climax was quick approaching, and she hoped Robert’s demanding cock could hold off until she was ready. Her knees shook, her panting breaths becoming more and more ragged. She felt Robert’s cock explode, purging large amounts of sticky, hot seed into her. She tried to scream, but her breath hitched, the oxygen again sucked out of her chest as her own climax washed over the massive, prodding cock within her.

  Robert held her against the counter as he went limp. He stroked her hair, rained light kisses on h
er and told her how absolutely beautiful she was.

  Andrea knew at that moment that she would never forget this day as long as she lived.


  Robert eyed Andrea with a thoughtful expression. He still sat at the table with the recipe cards before him. Andrea was startled. Had it all been a…a daydream? If so, it had been a very realistic one indeed. She rubbed her stomach. It seemed to ease the butterflies. Or had that been because of the mental release? She was confused, and unsure of why something which clearly never happened felt so damn real? “Are you okay,” he asked with mild concern in his voice.

  “Yes,” Andrea said her face flushing. “Just…excited, is all.”

  Robert’s mouth twisted into a knowing grin. “I get that from my female guests a lot. You’re married, right.”

  “Yes.” Andrea heard the pride and conviction of her tone. “Yes I am.”

  Robert smiled. “He’s a very lucky man.”

  Not yet, Andrea thought with a small smile. Not until he comes home, anyways.


  Mark came home Monday night, throwing his briefcase on the table. Andrea saw the fatigue and raw frustration on his face. She could also see his confusion as he looked at the empty table before him. Andrea always had supper ready for him. Not one day had gone on that she had neglected that task. It was as important a ritual to her as it was to him. Now it was time to break that ritual. If her day with Robert taught her anything at all, it was out with the old and time to embrace the new.

  Mark looked up at her and gasped. He had started to ask her a question, likely ‘where’s dinner’, but stopped short upon seeing how she was dressed, standing only a few yards away. She wore a black strapless surplice Maxi and silk stockings. The dress parted away from her right leg, positioned for her husband to get the best view of her shapely form. She walked up to him and placed her hands on his chest.

  He fidgeted with his tie. “Um…what’s for dinner,” he asked with a coy smile.

  “You are,” she purred, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in for a deep, hungry kiss.

  When her tongue pulled out of his mouth, he licked his lips. Her hand went to his groin, and she felt the lusty heat emanating from his engorged, pulsating shaft. It had been so long since she felt his raw passionate yearning for her.

  “I don’t know,” he said with a doubtful tone. “The ingredients may have spoiled by now,” he added with a playful slap on her ass.

  “Nonsense,” she said smiling. “This will be the best sandwich ever.”

  He looked confused. “Sandwich?”

  She watched Suzan emerge from the shadows. The damn little vixen hadn’t even made a sound when she opened the door. Suzan sidled up against her husband’s hard, lean physique, wrapping her arms around his barreled chest. “You know my friend Suzan, right honey?”

  He gave her a wicked smile and glanced at the briefcase still occupying the table. “I shouldn’t,” he said with less than complete conviction.

  Andrea ground herself against his crotch. “Oh yes. Yes you should.”

  The End.

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  Sky Tillery

  Chapter One

  Downtown Los Angeles boomed to life as the sun vanished behind the vast shoreline. In the distance, lights dotted up and down each high tower, bright against the velvet backdrop like makeshift stars for a dark city sky.

  The shops were closed for the night and streets remained aglow by the colorful array of signs beckoning creatures of the night to play in the town’s finest nightlife retreats.

  Like most clubs on a Friday evening, the Sirens Cove was packed with a rambunctious crowd eager to be in the company of friends and strangers alike to laugh, dance and drink their weekly troubles away.

  The crowd’s good cheer did nothing for Nora Bailey who, however, had no issue drinking her night away-- sitting at the bar hunched over her drink, waiting for her friends.

  “Well, aren’t you looking ever the poster child for a Hot Mess.” Claire brought a barstool closer and patted her on the back.

  “You’re late.” Nora slurred.

  Claire dragged a hand through her bobbed red hair, looking around the club. Raised above the unruly crowd in cages, girls were dressed in scaly mermaid costumes and danced provocatively to the beat of heavy bass.

  “Honestly, we didn’t realize you were serious about coming here until--”

  Claire choked on her words as man with green hair skipped past them sporting a black and pink tutu. She blinked a few times before finishing, “Till it dawned on me it was cry for help. I sped off to your parents’ and they said you were gone.”

  “Just needed a change of pace is, all” Nora muttered.

  Claire snorted, “Forget baby steps, huh? Doesn’t get more different than this.”

  Nora rolled her eyes. “It’s not that bad.”

  A loud boom sounded from the amps behind them, making Claire and Nora flinch simultaneously.

  Claire scowled at Nora, “So that’s what they call ‘Dropping the bass?’ For fuck’s sake, how do these people still have their skulls intact?”

  The bartender returned to the girl’s side of the bar with a snarl and delivered three Deep Blue Sea martinis.

  “She means no disrespect, sir.” Nora shot an accusing glance at her friend.

  “Ooo, is that for me?” a thick accented Latina voice asked.

  They chuckled, waving to their friend Arianna.

  “Of course she’s on time for liquor,” said Nora with a smirk then downed what was left of her previous drink.

  “Hope you didn’t have too much fun without me.”

  Arianna pulled at the hem of her sequined dress and settled onto a barstool next to Nora.

  Nora reached over to grab a full glass and raised it,“This is my third glass of fun.”

  Claire stopped mid-sip from her own drink, aghast by Nora’s statement.

  Arianna began slowly, observing the club, “Taking note of your abnormal rate of drinks and choice of gathering, today’s news must be big.”

  Claire clapped, “Did you and Jayce make-up? Did you get to tear him out of his police-uniform like you’ve always dreamt of?”

  Nora twirled the base of her glass in circles on the bar top.

  Claire nudged Nora’s side, suspense rousing thick in the air.

  “Jayce was served the divorce papers today,” Nora said.

  Arianna and Claire turned back towards their drinks uncomfortable and unsure how to reply.

  “I’m fine.” The tremor in Nora’s voice betrayed the agony she felt.

  To cover her slip-up, she lifted a glass in example, “I’ve got enough temporary sanity to push through.”

  Arianna lowered Nora’s hand and slipped the glass from her grip, “Believe me, everyday hangovers don’t solve anything. And really? You don’t sound like you’re even sure you did the right thing.”

  “It’s for the best,” Nora said with a twitch in her brow.

  “Well, if you get fed-up staying with your parents, you know you can move in with Logan and I,” Claire offered.

  “I’m a wreck. I couldn’t do that to you.”

  “Don’t give me that nonsense,” Claire drawled, attempting to lighten spirits.

  “I still remember your first period. You spent that whole slumber party weekend in my bathroom closet.”

  Nora shrieked, “Hey, what do you expect? My mother forgot the talk. I was convinced my body was self-imploding.”

  Arianna guffawed helplessly at the girls bantering.

  “Nora’s mother’s was quite a gem,” Claire exclaimed with a wink.

  Arianna chuckled, “That explains everything!”

  Nora sat back in her stool to protest, but the chair wobbled on its hind legs.

  The girls intercepted her fall in time and broke o
ut in boisterous laughing fits.

  After the giggles died out, Arianna pursed her pink lips together before speaking, “Can I ask you one thing though?”

  Arianna ignored Claire’s beseeching gesture, desperately criss-crossing her arms in the air.

  “Jayce was such a perfect gentleman in the beginning, why--.”

  Nora grunted and threw her head into her hands, kneading her fingers deep into her temple. “We’ve been through this.”

  “Those weren’t valid reasons,” Arianna admitted. Nora shot up, staring her dead-on with a rabid gleam in her round, sapphire eyes.

  Claire chucked up her hands and bellowed, “Way to bring down the mood, Aria.”

  Arianna sat up straight, “Just hear me out.”

  Nora shook her head. “I’ve heard enough between the two of you. I appreciated it, but I’ve made my decision.”

  Arianna continued anyhow, “Did you take our advice to talk things out with him? There must be something deeper bothering him besides work stress.”

  Nora whimpered, “Yes. “Anytime I asked if I’m doing something wrong or if there’s something I can do to make him happier, he’d answer with, ‘Not now, Nora.’ or ‘Nothing. It’s just work.” I understood and respected it, till he began to push me away. Our sex life became nonexistent and he never wanted to spend any time together. I admit it..I’m giving up.”

  Claire slumped in her seat, “Two years gone.”

  “I’ll be fine. We’re young, plenty of time to move on.” Though Nora’s reply lacked emotion, her expression changed. She fixed her auburn locks into a neat ponytail over her shoulder, busying herself to appear unbothered. Claire and Arianna exchanged suspicious glances.

  Claire tilted her head, “I just feel like we’ve missed something. Maybe we can pin when it all started and work from there. I just know he still loves you.”

  Nora chugged the last ten sips of her drink in one gulp and shook her head. “I’ve thought about it constantly. Maybe if his heart were as big as his dick, it would be a different story.”


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