The Fix 2
Page 21
“Let me help you with that.” Chucky plucked it greedily from her hand. Chucky eyeballed the contents and guesstimated it to be at least three grand. That coupled with what they had ripped off in the wee hours of that morning would hold them over while they went underground for a little while. “Good job everybody, especially you, Charlie,” he said over his shoulder.
Charlie was sitting in the back seat, next to Rissa, with a nauseated expression on his face. For the millionth time he wondered how he had let Chucky suck him into such a mess. As soon as Charlie laid eyes on the safe at Mr. D’s house he immediately saw it as an opportunity in waiting. Mr. D was an old man who should’ve been an easy enough mark to take off, but he brought Chucky in for added insurance. It should’ve been a simple job, in and out, but nothing could ever be simple with Chucky.
The first sign of trouble was the fact that Chucky had showed up as high as a kite. His eyes were wild and the edges of his nose were red and irritated. Charlie wanted to put it off until another time, but Chucky wouldn’t hear it. He wanted what Mr. D had and wouldn’t be swayed. Charlie knocked on the door in the same rhythm he had heard Li’l Monk knock. Mr. D recognized Charlie as the young man who had been with Li’l Monk so he opened the door for him. Almost immediately Chucky was on him, hitting the old man in the head with his gun. They dragged Mr. D into the bedroom where he kept the safe.
Charlie waited in anticipation as Mr. D opened up the safe. He had expected it to be stacked with cash, as it had been when he and Li’l Monk had visited earlier, but there was only about twenty grand in it at that point. Chucky was livid. He had come expecting a king’s ransom so to find only a few thousand dollars pushed him over the edge. He began slapping Mr. D around, demanding that he tell them where the rest of the money was. Mr. D kept trying to tell Chucky that the bulk of the money had been picked up not long after Charlie and Li’l Monk had left, but Chucky accused him of lying and was determined to beat the truth out of him.
Charlie tried to stop Chucky, but he was so high out of his mind that he was unreasonable. At one point he had even turned his gun on Charlie, threatening to shoot him if Charlie didn’t help him find the stash of hidden money. They tore up every inch of Mr. D’s apartment and found nothing, which infuriated Chucky. Things went from bad to worse when Chucky caught Mr. D reaching for something on his dresser drawer. Without even thinking about it, Chucky shot Mr. D in the back and killed him. Chucky had assumed that Mr. D had been reaching for a gun, but as it turned out he was trying to get to his heart medicine. Just like that, Chucky had turned a robbery into a homicide and Charlie was caught smack in the middle.
Just when Charlie thought that things couldn’t get any worse, they did. Charlie had been all for the robbery, but Chucky’s plan to blame it on Li’l Monk was an unexpected twist. For whatever Charlie’s differences with Li’l Monk might’ve been, he didn’t want to see harm come to him. He understood that Li’l Monk was standing in the way of progress, but that wasn’t enough for him to want to see him hurt; too bad the same couldn’t be said for Chucky. It had started to become abundantly clear that Chucky didn’t want Li’l Monk out of the way; he wanted him dead. Charlie had fucked up royally by trusting Chucky and found himself on a speeding train straight to hell. He knew he didn’t have the heart to go on, but he had come too far to turn back. The only choice left to him was to see it through to the end, no matter how it might play out.
Chucky turned to Rissa, who was sitting next to Charlie reading a newspaper, and was about to say something to her, but the words died in his throat when a picture on the lower half of the page caught his attention. He snatched the paper from Rissa and zeroed in on the picture and the accompanying article. He had to read it twice to make sure he was processing the information correctly.
“Rotten bitch.” Chucky crumbled the newspaper.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Maggie asked, picking up on Chucky’s sudden anger.
“Nothing I can’t fix,” Chucky told her. He popped open the glove box and began tossing papers around, as he searched for something. After a few minutes, he finally found it. It was a small CD that was marked TRUMP CARD. “Somebody tell me where the closest library is. I need to use a computer.”
Persia was awakened by the sound of her bedroom phone ringing. Without taking her head from under the pillow she’d fallen asleep hiding beneath, she reached blindly for the phone, knocking over a cupful of pens trying to find the phone. She snatched it off the cradle and put it to her ear. “Yeah,” she answered groggily.
“Are you still sleeping?” Asia’s voice came over the line.
“Something like that. What’s up?”
“I wanted to find out what happened to you. You vanished last night.”
“I’m sorry, Asia. I wasn’t feeling well, which is why I left,” Persia lied. “I left you a message, didn’t you get it?”
“Yeah, I got it. Hope you’re feeling better.”
“I will be after I get some rest,” Persia told her.
“Well, rest is going to have to wait. Have you seen the newspaper today?” Asia asked.
This got Persia’s attention and she sat up. “The newspaper? No, why?”
“Oh my God. I’m going to need you to get a copy of the Daily News, ASAP. As a matter of fact, do you have a computer?”
“Yeah, I have one.”
“Okay, go on the Daily News Web site and look in the society section. I’ll hold.”
Persia slid from the bed and sat at her computer desk. It took a few minutes for the computer to boot up. She typed in the Web address for the Daily News and clicked on the link that took her to the society section. There were several articles, one of which covered the event she had attended. She wasn’t sure what Asia wanted her to see at first, but when she eventually found it, she almost fell out of the chair. It was the picture she and Vaughn and Persia had posed for. The caption under the picture read: PHILADELPHIA EAGLES ROOKIE SENSATION VAUGHN TATE AND MYSTERY WOMAN.
“Oh my fucking God!” Persia blurted out.
“You sneaky little heifer. You know I’m going to need all the dirty details about this,” Asia said.
“Asia, I’ll call you back.” Persia hung up the phone. Persia was too stunned to speak. She went on to read through the article that detailed the Teen Suicide Awareness fundraiser. There was a whole paragraph of the article dedicated to Vaughn Price, one of the Philadelphia area’s most eligible bachelors, and the mysterious woman who he was reported to be seeing. Persia smiled from ear to ear as she read the article twice more.
The phone rang again. Persia picked it up without looking at the caller ID thinking it was Asia again. “Asia, I told you I’d call you back.”
“Hey, baby girl.” Chucky’s voice, and not Asia’s, came over the line.
Just like that Persia’s mood darkened. “Oh my goodness. Dude, are you not getting the hint that I don’t want to be bothered? Why the fuck do you keep calling me?”
“Just wanted to congratulate you on your good fortune. I saw the paper with you and that football nigga you fucking. I see you’ve raised your standards.”
“First of all, it’s none of your business who I am or am not fucking, and second of all, if I slept with a homeless nigga on the streets it’d be an upgrade from you!”
“Is that any way to talk to the man you love?”
Persia looked at the phone as if she had misheard him. “Look, you psycho fuck, I don’t know how many languages I have to say it in for you to finally get a clue and step the fuck off. You’re a piece of shit, Chucky, and I ain’t fucking with you.”
Chucky laughed. “I had a feeling you’d say that, so I decided to give you a little incentive to change your mind. Check your e-mail, Persia.”
Persia opened her e-mail inbox and saw that she had received an attachment from an unknown sender. Curiously she clicked it and her media player popped open. When the video came onto her screen, Persia felt like she wanted to die. In
the video was she and Chucky having one of their marathon fuck sessions. She didn’t even remember the night, let alone him videotaping it. She watched in horror, seeing her strung out and shaking cocaine on Chucky’s dick and sucking it off.
“What is this?” Persia asked with a trembling voice.
“Your wakeup call, bitch,” Chucky spat. “Now I’ve tried to play nice with your junky-ass, but you done made me get nasty.”
“Why are you doing this to me, Chucky?” Persia asked, fighting back the tears.
“You did it to yourself when you tried to shit on me, Persia. Now you’re gonna get your ass off that high horse and fall the fuck in line or I’m gonna make sure this tape goes to every newspaper from here to Philadelphia. I wonder how damaging this would be to your new boyfriend’s career if they found out his bitch is reformed junkie whore?”
“What do you want from me, Chucky?”
“That should be obvious by now, revenge.”
Urban Books, LLC
97 N18th Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798
The Fix 2 Copyright © 2015 K’wan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2643-1
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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