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The Yarian (Women of Dor Nye Book 3)

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by Poppy Rhys



  Erotic Science Fiction Romance


  Poppy Rhys

  J.T. Wynne

  Copyright 2016 by Poppy Rhys

  Edited by J.T. Wynne

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  This story contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, some violence against women, and situations intended for mature readers


  The year is 2516, four-hundred and three years after Earth’s evacuation. When Earth was no longer habitable, help efforts from the Intergalactic Coalition relocated humans to planet Dor Nye.

  Conservation efforts began, and the Milky Way was declared a protected galaxy. Earth was healed, its atmosphere altered to support the lives of endangered animal and plant species from around the universe.

  With the advanced technology the Intergalactic Coalition shared, Dor Nye grew, thrived, and became one of the five trade planets.


  Sour. That’s what the air smelled like. Sour body sweat with the underlying smoky hint of exotic incense.

  It was awful.

  Finley gulped down the rising bile in her throat, her hand coming up to cover her mouth and nose in an effort to dilute the scent.

  It didn’t work.

  “Dana, let’s just go home,” she whispered urgently to her best friend walking beside her. “I don’t think you’ve noticed how psychotic your new buddy is.”

  An inhuman roar pierced the air, causing both of them to jump an inch. The iron bars of the tall, prison like cages hummed with the vibrations such a call sent through the place. Two of the cells were exposed, showing their grotesque inhabitants while all the others were cloaked in heavy crimson and gold drapes, yet to reveal what hid behind.

  “Oh Fin,” Dana pish-poshed, “where’s your sense of adventure?”

  “Apparently back on Dor Nye with the rest of my good sense,” she mumbled, wide dark brown eyes darting toward every shadow that moved in her peripherals. “This doesn’t feel safe,” she continued. “Not to mention, it’s highly illegal.”

  Prostitution was allowed on four of the five trade planets, the fifth being Dor Nye where she was from, and desperately regretted leaving. But this place wasn’t the legal kind of prostitution.

  It was borderline sexual slavery.

  No, scratch that, it was sexual slavery.

  Beings from all kinds of races throughout the galaxies were illegally captured and brought to this house of horrors to be used by any female, of any species, as long as she was willing to pay. Needless to say, they were venturing into the underground of Vishik, one of the five trade planets larger than all but Bocern.

  Fin didn’t like it one bit.

  She wasn’t even sure what the hell possessed her to say yes when Dana’s new friend Paola suggested they ‘have a little fun’.

  No, she knew why.

  Paola was a little too wild, the dangerous kind of wild that had the Intergalactic Coalition on your ass and ended with someone being shipped to a penal colony on a prison planet. Most likely someone other than Paola, like her best friend, Dana.

  Fin couldn’t let that happen.

  When she failed to talk Dana out of it, the only option left was to go with, because if they got caught and ended up breaking rocks for the rest of their lives, at least her bestie wouldn’t be alone.

  God, she hated and loved her at the same time right then.

  “Guys,” Paola returned, an excited, slightly evil grin pulling at her perfectly formed red lips. “I’ve spoken to the proprietor, and we’ll get first pick. Isn’t this exciting?”

  Fin felt like she was going to be sick.

  Paola came from an extremely wealthy family, so when she said she spoke to whatever overlord owned this grisly sex shop, she really meant she paid.

  Fin was quickly discovering Paola did whatever she wanted just for shits and giggles, and whatever gave her the next best rush. Why Dana didn’t see it like that was beyond her.

  “So exciting,” Dana vibrated.

  Fin rolled her eyes.

  “Which one are you picking, Fin?”

  She hated the way Paola used her nickname. The only reason she allowed it was to make Dana happy.

  Why do I do this to myself.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” she finally responded, even though she had no intention of deciding on anybody.

  “If you’re afraid of diseases, don’t be,” Paola waved an expertly manicured hand. “They keep these males vaccinated, else they’d go out of business. Who wants to catch Bok Boils?”

  That bile began to rise again at the thought of genitalia covered in yellow, pus filled blisters.

  “Ugh, Paola, please don’t ever mention that again,” Dana grimaced.

  “I’m just being honest,” she shrugged. “I hope you’re both up to date with your restriction serum.”

  Fin indeed was, but again, she had no intention of engaging in any kind of activities with any of the prisoners here, so that was the last of her worries.

  “Gather round, gather round,” a booming voice hollered and the three of them moved with the crowd of ladies down the short corridor to a rounded room with even more draped cells lining the walls.

  Fin’s guts twisted with nerves.

  The whole place was dimly lit in what she assumed was an effort to make the space more alluring, and intimate. The décor and furnishings reminded her of the desert territory Ejinn of Dor Nye; colorful with many overstuffed small couches, intricate rugs, and artistic metal lanterns. The smoky haze from the incense was stronger here too, the spicy smell more potent and burning her airways.

  “Welcome to Carnal Bazaar,” the rotund, robe laden announcer whispered flamboyantly in Vishik’s trade language Lotyne, his voice somehow loud enough to be heard round the room. Hidden speakers, she guessed. “Where we carefully select males designed for sexual pleasure.”

  Fin’s fingers rubbed at her throat as she coached herself to keep the look of disgust off her face.

  “A spectrum of colors, a myriad of fleshly talents, everything from cocks to fins to tentacles and beyond!” he blabbed in a sad attempt to be enticing. Fin eyed the crowd around her, puzzled that it seemed to be working on everyone but her, including Dana and Paola.

  “No client will walk away unsatisfied with the buffet we have prepared for you lovely creatures this night.” He waved his hand. “Without further ado, the selection!”

  A ripple of excitement swept through the crowd as every crimson and gold curtain lifted, revealing the exotic and bizarre species in each cell.

  None looked familiar. All were creatures she’d never seen before. From bulky and towering to spindly and barely a foot high, species of every caliber could be seen.

  As she took it all in, the announcer was soon materializing beside Paola, kissing her knuckles and gleaming at Dana and Fin.

  “See something you like, ladies?”

  “Mm, Ranaan, I was thinking something with tentacles,” Paola told him, a wicked glint in her eyes.

  “Oh,” he p
urred, “a perfect choice, Miss.”

  “I’m curious what fins can do,” Dana mused aloud.

  “An adventurous one, you are,” he indulged.

  Fin blinked.

  “I-I haven’t decided,” she fumbled when the announcer, Paola, and Dana gave her a pointed look.

  “Too many choices?” he grinned, chemically whitened teeth glistening in the dim light. “Shall I make it easier? You must allow me to show you the Yarian. Follow me, my beauties.”

  Fin had a mind to plant her feet where she stood, but Dana linked arms with her, pulling her along.

  “I don’t like this,” she whispered to Dana, who again brushed away her words as if they were floating dust in the air.

  They stopped before a cell and Fin was ushered forward.

  Her wide eyes fell upon emerald green feet that had four toes and an opposing thumb-like digit.

  She’d never seen hand-like feet before, except on primates.

  On her gaze rose as it traveled up his muscular legs, landing on the five rounded ridges upon the sides of his calves, running from knee to ankle.

  A thin eyebrow lifted slightly as she wondered what those could be for.

  His chest was tastefully rippled with strength, and there were patches upon his pectorals that were a shade darker than the rest of him. A type of nipple, she guessed.

  Similar ridges from his calves also ran along his forearms from elbow to wrist, and she again wondered what they were.

  And then her gaze locked with his.

  Large lavender eyes bore down at her from his towering frame.

  Hostility and desire attempted to suck her in with the promise of scorching acts she couldn’t begin to fathom.

  Fin blinked, forcing herself to take in the rest of his profile.

  Flecks of gold peppered his black hair that was loosely pulled into a bun sitting high atop the back of his head, wrapped with a length of brown leather.

  The excess tie hung down and to the side, yellow and red feathers decorating their ends as they dangled along the muscles of his neck.

  Her fingers twitched, as if they wanted to play with those decorations.

  The curves of his ears were jagged, frill-like, and his left lobe was pierced with a smooth shard of bone.

  Fin shivered.

  He suddenly bared his teeth at her, snarling like a feral animal.

  She startled.

  His cuspids were extremely fang-like, every tooth following suit in sharpness except the two front ones. They were flat where they connected at the center, but curved downward into points to blend into the dagger teeth enclosing them.

  Involuntarily, Fin took a step back.

  The Yarian noticed this, his eyes flickering to her feet for a nanosecond before his intimidating gaze drilled into hers.

  Hostility. Desire.

  A slight angling of his body gave the impression he was preparing to chase her down, but that was impossible.

  He was in a cage.

  There were thick iron bars between them.

  Her heart thump-thumped in her chest, the pulse nearly choking her airway, and thrumming the sensitive skin over her jugular.

  In the next blink, he was up against the bars, reaching out for her and snarling, teeth bared once again.

  “Attend!” the announcer, Ranaan, commanded.

  A staff member within the cell she hadn’t noticed before stepped forward, an electrified prong in his hands. It connected with the ribs of the Yarian, and down to his knees he went, panting something fierce in the aftermath.

  Fin’s face contorted into one of horror, both at the treatment, and that the creature before her nearly caught her in his grasp.

  What would he do to her, if given the chance?

  “He is in rut, you see,” Ranaan gestured to the employee once more who then ripped off the loincloth the male was wearing, baring him to any who looked.

  Fin’s eyes immediately sunk to the newly bared parts of him as if she had no control over the damn things.

  Orange. That was the first color that assaulted her corneas.

  His cock faded from green at its base to bright orange at its tip.

  It’s very flat tip.

  The head was no head at all, but a flat top to a very thick, curved, and glistening cock; glistening, as if it were self-lubricating.

  Canary yellow veins snaked up the shaft, pulsing with blood as his dangling, flame hued sac tightened repeatedly, like the Yarian might explode at any sudden gusts of wind.

  Fin had to remember to close her jaw, as she’d never seen anything so simultaneously bizarre and intriguing in all her life.

  “It only lasts a few weeks a space term,” Ranaan went on as if nothing happened. “He is very amorous during this time, and often excitable when there is a female nearby, as you just witnessed.”

  When the Yarian lifted his head to stare at Fin, the employee beside the creature jabbed him twice more with the electric prod.

  A pained yelp passed his full lips, startling her.

  “Stop it,” she heard herself saying.

  The prod poked him again, the skin of his ribs quivering and jumping in shock.

  “Stop it, I said!” Fin gripped the bars. “You’re hurting him.”

  “The lady has chosen then?”


  “Fin, are you sure?” Dana said lowly. “He looks dangerous.”

  She looked at her friend, her jaw dropping again.

  Of course he looks fucking dangerous, she wanted to scream and slap her best friend upside the head, he’s locked in a cage!

  But she didn’t.

  Fin wanted to ask if she agreed with her yet that this entire trip was dangerous, and a bloody awful idea, and that Paola was turning out to be more than just a psycho, but a sadist as well.

  But she didn’t.

  “No,” she voiced, her gaze falling back on the Yarian who didn’t dare look back up at her again for fear of the prod. “I mean, if I choose him does that mean you’ll make this man stop electrifying him?”

  “Of course,” Ranaan responded, chuckling. “The Yarian knows better than to lay hostile hands upon a client while she’s in the cell. He would be put down otherwise.”

  Fin bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes flitting about all of the cages containing the individuals forced to perform against their will for fear of death.

  “I assure you there is only pleasure to be found at the hands of any you may choose here tonight.”

  She gulped, that nauseous feeling clenching her guts again at all of Ranaan’s words. Fin couldn’t believe he was being serious, so nonchalant about all of it, as if toying with the lives of real individuals was a normal thing.

  She supposed it was, for him.

  “Alright,” she heard herself saying. “I choose him.”

  “So exciting!” Paola said from behind her.

  Fin closed her eyes momentarily so she didn’t turn around and tell Paola to go shove it up her twat. The psycho was her ride home.

  “We simply ask that you not scar his face or cock,” Ranaan said as the employee opened the cell door. “They are harder to repair.”

  Her lips parted, brows knitting together at the mere idea of someone gaining pleasure out of such an act. Someone obviously did, else she doubted they would even have to ask.

  Fin stood there, her feet cemented to the ground as the others waited for her to walk into the cell, including the Yarian.

  She was beginning to wonder if this was a bright idea. The creature was obviously used to being mistreated, so how were a few hours with her going to help him? She would leave, they would all leave, and he’d be put back to work the next day.

  She got the impression there were more difficult customers than not.

  “Fin?” Dana inquired. “You can always choose someone else.”

  “Oh, don’t be a wimp,” Paola tsk’d, giving her a shove.

  Fin stumbled forward the last few steps into the cell where the attenda
nt immediately slammed the door behind her.

  She quickly whirled around, the regret of her decision coiling up her spine and morphing into fear.

  Dana’s concerned face was the last thing she saw as the crimson drapes dropped around each side of the large cell.

  I should’ve stayed in bed this morning.


  Fin felt him move behind her even though she heard nothing, saw nothing, to indicate he had.

  That overwhelming sense of dread washed over her, the decision to turn around, or not, warring within her mind.

  If she kept her back to him, ignored him for however long she was stuck in the cell, her mind would conjure scenarios of how easy it would be for him to assault her, despite the threat of being put down if he dared.

  If she turned around, she would have to face the Yarian.

  There were no bars separating them now. That sense of security was gone, up in smoke the moment she was shoved over the threshold.


  Paola, that bitch!

  The sound of blood whooshing through her ears was nearly deafening as her heart pumped and thumped, reverberating through her entire chest while she debated the decision.

  Her thoughts were cut short, a decision no longer needed to be considered when she felt strands of her hair being touched, moved.

  The skin of her scalp tightened, tingling and itching at the sudden realization he was touching a part of her.

  Fin whirled around, her back pressing against the bars of the cell as her eyes quickly assessed the alien that was standing uncomfortably close.

  Two of his fingers upon his four-digit hand held a lock of her thick, hip length black hair. The dark, wavy strands contrasted against his emerald skin, his lilac eyes watching her as he slowly lifted the hair to his slightly flattened nose, and scented her.

  Her lips parted, a shallow breath passing through them before she gulped.

  Fin’s gaze, just under eyelevel with his pectorals, rapidly leapt over his body.

  As if he could feel her sight land upon his still erect cock, it twitched under her stare. A shock pierced its way through her body, and without truly thinking, she laid a palm against his chest, pushing.


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