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Knowledge Hurts (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 3)

Page 26

by D. S. Williams

  Intent on my predicament, I was barely aware of the horrified screams from outside the cage. The Naberius lashed its tail up and over itself, the poisonous spike rushing towards my head. I wrenched to one side, heard the dull thump of the spike slamming into the ground beside me. Seconds later, it attempted the same tactic and I jerked to the opposite side, the familiar burning sting of Naberius saliva dripping onto my throat.

  With my hands otherwise occupied, I chose the only other option I had at my disposal. I kicked at the demon, shoving my knee into its soft underbelly as hard as I could.

  The first attempt provided a diminutive outcome, so I kicked repeatedly, the strikes harder each time. Each and every wallop to its underbelly rippled pain through my knee, but the demon finally lost its balance and slithered onto its side, striking the ground hard. I scrambled backwards and staggered to my feet. My mind whipped through emotions at an astonishing rate; fury at Epi for placing me in this situation, annoyance at Lucas for his possessiveness, sadness at being abandoned by Conal. And mostly, frustration with myself for a lack of cohesive ability under extreme duress.

  The demon flipped onto its legs, limping slightly, but the injury was nowhere near enough to slow it down and with another unearthly shriek it began its assault again, pounding across the ground toward me.

  I closed my eyes, raising my arms and tuning out the combined screaming of the demon and those assembled around the cage. Envisioning the spirits, I concentrated hard and begged for help. I watched them unite together into one brilliantly silver orb. Focusing on the sphere, I blinked my eyes open and saw the orb I'd created in my mind was now very real, floating above the ground, illuminating the cage bars with its intensity.

  The demon was enclosed within it.

  Every nerve ending quivered with the strain of keeping the orb intact. My arms remained stretched out, my fingers spread wide apart. With the voices of the spirits whispering guidance in my ear, I gripped my fingers into tight fists.

  The orb exploded with a rush of fetid air and warm demon blood. The Naberius imploded, torn apart by the blast. Eyes wide, I sank to my knees on the dirt.

  Lucas dropped to his knees beside me, capturing my face between his hands. “Charlotte! Are you alright?”

  I nodded, the after-effects of the event making me shaky. My head ached, my body was gripped with tremors and all I wanted to do was get away from everyone. I scrambled to my feet, dazed and besieged. The sound of the crowd reabsorbed into my senses, but I was spent, beyond caring about anything.

  “You see child! I told you the ability is within you to defeat the demons,” Epi announced gleefully. His gaze flicked over the copious amounts of demon blood which coated my clothes and skin. “Go and shower.”

  He turned towards the pack leaders who'd followed him into the cage, effectively dismissing me. “You see, gentlemen! The Nememiah's Child is capable of defeating the demons singlehandedly. Exactly as I promised she could!”

  I was abruptly and irrevocably incensed. Stone-cold wrath filled me, resentment buzzing through my body at what I'd been subjected to. Snatching a Katchet from my belt I gripped it in my fist. Lucas reached for my hand but I snatched it away, the anger pulsing through my veins. “Don't touch me!”

  Epi turned at the sound of my voice and his eyes widened when he caught sight of the knife. “Charlotte…”

  “The Nememiah's Child? The Nememiah's Child? That's all I am to you?” I cursed loudly and furiously, using language the likes of which I'd never used before, bitterness completely overwhelming. “You treat me like some sort of science subject, keep pushing me and pushing me! I'm a human being, Epi! I'm not your damn guinea pig! Don't think you can keep using me to prove your theories about Nememiah's Children and don't treat me like a show pony! I will not be treated like an object!” Vaguely aware of the shocked faces around me, I didn't pause in my tirade. “From now on, I train with no-one watching me - do you hear me? No-one! If you ever, ever put me in a position like this again,” I pressed the knife blade against his chest, the point hard against his tunic, “I swear to God I will kill you myself! I will slice this knife through your miserable hide, gut you like a fish, tear your heart out and burn it!” I hissed the last few words, my face inches from his.

  I turned and stumbled away from him. I swung out through the opening to the cage and slipped the Katchet back onto my belt, shoving my way through the crowd which had fallen silent during my outburst. I set off at a run, away from Epi, away from Zaen. Away from everything.

  Without a shadow of a doubt, this rated amongst the worst days of my life. I ignored the people milling around, only seeing Rowena's stricken face, but I didn't want her comfort. I didn't want anyone to console me, wanted to keep my anger and rage like a warm blanket. Nothing and nobody could make me feel better after what I'd been through today. Resentment still blazing in my heart, I was fed up with everything.

  I sprinted away from Zaen, ignoring the sharp pain in my knee and the revolting stench of demon blood which covered my clothing and most of my skin.

  “Charlotte, wait! Charlotte!” Lucas had taken only seconds to catch up with me, which shouldn't have come as a surprise. We came to a standstill in the middle of the gravel path and I waited sullenly for him to speak.

  “I owe you an apology,” he offered. “I had absolutely no right to make you feel I was treating you as a possession.” He glanced towards the cage, a wry smile lifting the corners of his mouth. “If nothing else, that display with the demon has shown that you truly are capable of looking after yourself.”

  My anger with him evaporated. “Apology accepted.”

  He reached for me, cupping my face between his cool hands, one eyebrow raised as he studied me. “That was much easier than I expected,” he admitted. “I imagined you would be furious with me.”

  I sighed heavily. “I'm angry with myself, for losing my temper. For making such a mess of things with you and Conal. And I'm furious with Epi. Especially with Epi, for putting me in a position where I felt I had no choice. You wanting to protect me doesn't seem so terrible in the scheme of things,” I admitted slowly.

  He gathered me against him, holding me close in spite of the demon blood covering my skin and clothes. “Would you like me to come with you?” he murmured against my cheek as he sought my lips with his. “You obviously intend on having some time to yourself.” His lips brushed against mine, initially softly, then more insistently and his aroma assaulted me, filling my senses with happy memories of last night. I breathed in deeply, running my tongue across his lips and he groaned, opening his mouth to mine. His arms tightened around me and I held my hands against his hard chest, feeling the layers of firm muscle beneath his skin.

  Begrudgingly, Lucas released his hold and smiled down at me, his eyes warm as he waited for my response.

  “I need to be by myself,” I admitted gently.

  “Of course.” Lucas glanced back towards the cage, where people were watching us curiously - I hadn't gotten far before he'd caught up. “Sure you don't want a shower before you go?”

  I screwed up my nose. “To be honest, I'm getting used to the smell, hideous as it is. And I don't want to face anyone right now, especially Epi.”

  Lucas chuckled. “After what you said to him? I think he'll be avoiding you. You told him you were going to slit him open, gut him like a fish, rip his heart out and burn it. Even we vampires don't resort to such measures. And I don't think he, nor I for that matter, have ever heard language like that coming from someone who looks so… angelic.”

  I flushed, mortified by my behavior and Lucas laughed, kissing my forehead. “You'll be back before darkness falls?”

  “I'll come back once I've cooled down.” I heaved a sigh. “Then I'd better talk to Conal.”

  Lucas's jaw tensed when I mentioned the other man's name. “Perhaps I should talk to him.”

  “I don't think that's a good idea. You'll probably kill one another.”

  “I give you my word, I won
't kill him.” He glanced back at the walls of Zaen. “It's probably better if I'm the one to speak with him.”

  My eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Why?”

  He sighed, brushing a tendril of hair away from my face tenderly. “Because I, more than anyone, know how he feels. I'm aware it could have been me in the position he finds himself in now. You could have chosen to remain with him and it would have been me dealing with the overwhelming frustration and jealousy he's feeling now. He's in love with someone he cannot have.”

  What he was saying was absolutely true and I wondered again, how I'd made such a mess of things. Although I was gloriously happy with Lucas, I'd hurt Conal with the choices I'd made. It didn't matter that he'd said he was happy to accept my decision. Everything he'd said had been designed to allow me to make up my own mind. Which proved just how much he loved me and how hard it had been for him to discover Lucas and I had slept together. In his position, I didn't think I would feel any different. But the hard facts remained - he loved me and I didn't love him enough. “I need to get out of here,” I muttered unhappily.

  “Please, come back before nightfall,” Lucas requested. He pressed his lips against mine once more before releasing me.

  I followed the path leading away from Zaen, a wide gravel trail which cut through the land towards the woods and disappeared over the horizon. This was the first time I'd come out this way; naturally the werewolves and vampires had already explored the woods which were filled with abundant wildlife.

  The sounds of Zaen receded as I jogged steadily, the only sound breaking the silence was the muffled rattle of weapons on my belt and my soft footfalls against the gravel. The stillness was all-encompassing and peaceful. Conscious of the painful throbbing in my knee, I slowed to a steady walk.

  The path divided in close proximity to the woods, the fork to the right leading directly into the trees - the fork to the left curving around through grassland and disappearing into the distance. I stopped briefly, considering my options and turned to the left. As far as the eye could see, there was no change to the vista - behind me, Zaen had disappeared beyond the horizon.

  The trail was strewn with copses of shrubby trees, their leaves a bright shade of green against the brilliance of the clear azure sky. Small rabbits and squirrels flitted across the path, startled by my appearance in their quiet domain.

  On the right of the path, I spied a glittering patch and as I drew closer, realized it was a lake. I altered my direction towards it impulsively, slowing down still further as the grassland morphed into a meadow of wildflowers. It was late in the year for such a burst of color and I wondered again where on Earth we could be. Hopefully Ambrose's men would return with a definitive answer soon.

  The lake was large, a hundred feet wide and nearly twice as long, the surface shimmering and the reflection from the sky overhead turning the water to a deep cobalt blue. The gentle wind rustling overhead rippled the water so it sparkled like diamonds.

  Reaching the edge of the lake, I gazed across the water for a long time, lost in thought. Did the city's water supply come from here? The water was crystal clear, the sandy bottom visible and tiny black fish darted about. Slender reeds and cats-tails lined areas of the shoreline and birds twittered and soared in the sky overhead. It was a beautifully picturesque scene, the sort of place one might choose for a picnic.

  I slumped down onto the sandy foreshore, releasing my hair from the tight braid and slipping off my boots and socks. Dropping the heavy weapons belt onto the ground, I stood and waded out into the water. It was pleasantly cool against my warm skin and I walked further from the shore. The heavy odor of demon blood permeated my clothes and skin, and what better way to get rid of the smell than to take a soothing dip in the lake? Deeper and deeper I waded, the ground beneath my feet dipping away sharply until I dove into the water. I swam below the waterline for a few seconds before swimming back to the surface. The water was refreshingly cool and invigorating against my sweaty skin. Even my knee, which would no doubt be swollen and bruised later felt improved in the weightlessness created by the water.

  Floating on my back, the water lapped against my body and I shut my eyes, listening to the steady murmur of voices in my head. Months after I'd accepted the presence of the spirits, I'd grown used to the constant background noise. For the most part I'd learned to ignore them, aware the spirits talked amongst themselves, their discussions not necessarily directed to me. Each time I met new people and received access to their ancestors, the groundswell of voices increased. Occasionally I speculated about exactly how many people shared my mind with me - hundreds, or perhaps even a thousand by now. Always there was a soft hum, whisper quiet as they spoke amongst themselves. The spirits were always louder when they spoke to me directly, but for the most part they were willing to leave me alone unless I was in danger or needed assistance. They'd never been blocked since my kidnapping - and sometimes I wondered if they were aware of everything in my life. Did they hear me cursing at Epi earlier? Were they there when Lucas and I made love last night? Where they aware of my fight with Conal? In the past they'd been vocal with their opinions - now they seemed agreeable to leaving me to my own devices.

  Which was more than I could say about Epi. Annoyance filled me again as I thought of the spectacle he'd arranged today and I took a steadying breath, feeling the exasperation dissipate rapidly. It was too nice a day to hold on to my anger and out here, away from the hustle and bustle, I felt a sense of peace as I floated in the water.

  The expectations on me weighed heavily. It would be so easy to walk away, go back to Lucas and tell him we should leave. It would be easier for Conal if I wasn't around to remind him of what he'd lost and Lucas and I could go someplace, anywhere in the world, away from all this. Surely the Drâghici would lose interest in me eventually, if I posed no threat to their plans? I would even consider Lucas's offer of attending College, if it meant I could have my old life back. I craved the peace of Puckhaber Falls, sharing a house with the Tines. They had been some of the most wonderful months of my life. A smile briefly appeared on my lips at the memory of Striker chasing the Wii controller around the room when I'd enlisted Mom's spirit to beat him in a game. Since their rescue from Sfantu Drâghici, I'd barely had time to spend with my adopted vampire family. All my time seemed to be taken up with Epi's demands and dealing with the day to day threats we now faced.

  My casual musings were interrupted by hundreds of voices clamoring for attention. With my concentration lost and head pounding, I sank below the waterline clutching my hands to my temples. Voices screamed warnings and I curled into a fetal position underneath the water, powerless to cope with the onslaught.

  “Slow down! Mom, talk to me - what's wrong? Everyone else, stop yelling!” The throng of excited voices dulled down, not to normal levels, but at least tolerable and I kicked to the surface, coughing and spluttering on water.

  Mom's explanation was rendered unnecessary when I glanced at the water's edge - a portal was opening on the shoreline, near where I'd left my weapons.

  Chapter 30: Angel Battles

  Treading water, I watched in mounting terror as the portal opened. It was pointless trying to swim for shore - I would never make it in time. Better to wait out here, see what I was facing. “Mom, what is it?” The throng of voices had been too much to make any sense, but the spirits had calmed enough to allow my mother to speak clearly above the others.

  “Archangelo. He's coming for you.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest, dread spreading through my body when Archangelo stepped out from the portal. Dressed in a white chambray shirt hanging loosely over black jeans, he stood uncertainly for a minute, his eyes straying to my boots and weapons where they lay discarded on the ground.

  While he was distracted, I inspected my arms and stifled a groan. The sigils had faded completely after the earlier battles, leaving me with no additional abilities to draw on. Worse still, I had an injury - even now my knee felt swollen and tight in the c
ool water. I was tired and emotionally exhausted. Could it get any worse? Of course it could. I had no weapons. Nothing to help me fight this vampire.

  Ducking under the water, I hastily deliberated on options, searching for inspiration. I set in motion the only dismal hope I had, calling to the spirits for silence and waiting until they hushed. “Ripley, I'm in trouble, Archangelo is here. I'm at the lake, head to the left at the fork in the path. Ripley, help me! If you can hear this, send help, please!” It was next to useless, none of the Tines had completely recovered and as far as I knew, Ripley hadn't regained his ability to read thoughts. But I didn't have any other course of action, couldn't get a message to anyone who would help me.

  Holding my breath, I lingered under the water, trying to figure out a plan. I needed to find a way of helping myself. A plan of action, an escape route - I'd settle for anything right about now. I drew the topography of the lake in my mind, looking for an escape, somewhere to hide. The reeds seemed the best option, but Archangelo had vampire senses - heightened smell, eyesight and hearing. How could I get to the reeds without him knowing, when my lungs were already screaming for air?

  I cautiously began to surface, aware that I would need all the oxygen I could muster if Archangelo spotted me. Letting my body float slowly upwards, my face broke the surface of the water and I opened my mouth, gasping oxygen into my deprived lungs.

  Raising my head a little, I moved as slowly as I could to see the edge of the lake and cursed inwardly. Despite my intense efforts to keep quiet and not draw attention, he'd located me. His eyes fixed on mine and he smiled, striding out into the water.

  I twirled around and began to swim away from him, but I'd never been a strong swimmer. I swam as fast as I could, aware that he was behind me and catching up fast. I risked a quick glimpse backwards and panicked - Archangelo was less than fifteen feet behind me, splashing through the water with phenomenal speed.


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