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Knowledge Hurts (The Nememiah Chronicles Book 3)

Page 32

by D. S. Williams

  “This is true,” Ben agreed. “However, perhaps that's because you too are different, Charlotte. Perhaps your acceptance came rapidly because you are Nememiah's Child.”

  “Show me that knee, Lottie. You shouldn't have been out of bed. You've hardly been conscious for five minutes and you're already getting into trouble,” Jerome grumbled.

  “Hey, that's not fair!” I protested. “Matt started it.”

  “Oh, very mature. I should put you over my knee for getting up without permission.”

  I scowled at him. “Put me over your knee?” I repeated. “You're as bad as Epi.”

  “Do what you're told and you won't have to see how much like Epi I can be when I'm annoyed,” he retorted. He drew the covers down my legs and probed the area around my kneecap. It was glaringly obvious why it was painful - the skin was positively indigo with bruising, swollen and aching intensely.

  “Good morning.” Ripley appeared in the doorway, closely followed by Epi and Rowena. He offered me a warm smile, then leaned down to kiss the top of Acenith's head. “You wanted to see Epi, Charlotte?”

  I was startled, until I realized he'd been reading my mind. “Seems like your ability is fully functioning again.”

  “Indeed. Since you contacted me from the lake, it's back to normal.”

  “What about the rest of you?” I glanced from him to Rowena.

  “No,” Rowena admitted. “Only Ripley, so far.”

  “You can hear my thoughts now?” I questioned Ripley.

  “They're coming through loud and clear. I apologize, I try not to listen, but given the current situation…”

  “It's okay, Ripley. If you hadn't been listening a few days ago, Archangelo would have killed me.”

  He smiled, brushing a hand across his neat ponytail. “Charlotte, I wasn't actively listening. Your voice came completely out of the blue, the first voice I'd heard since Sfantu Drâghici.”

  “Either way, I'm very grateful you heard me.”

  My attention was captured by Epi, who was holding something which looked remarkably like a funeral wreath. He placed it on my bedside table with a shamefaced smile. “I brought you some flowers, as an apology for my behavior. Rowena tells me I overstepped the mark.”

  The flowers were a beautiful arrangement of velvety red roses. Nothing too unusual about that, except the arrangement was shaped like a cross. “Did I die?” I asked, bemused. “Seems to me Jerome thinks I'm alive. Why the wreath?”

  Acenith giggled and Rowena covered her mouth with her hand, diplomatically concealing a wide smile.

  Epi looked chagrined. “I've been procuring so much for our requirements and I wanted red roses.” He scratched his nose thoughtfully. “In this case, my procurement went a little haywire.”

  It seemed like the right time to let him off the hook. “They're lovely, Epi. Thanks.”

  “So I'm forgiven?”

  “For the moment,” I agreed guardedly.

  “What did you want to see me about?” Epi asked. “Ripley tells me you have something to ask me.”

  “I want you to send my father back to San Diego.”

  “Charlotte, why don't you give it some time?” Rowena suggested gently. She caught my hand in hers and rubbed her other hand over the back of it.

  Lucas had turned when I announced my decision and came to stand at the end of the bed, gripping the railings. “Is that what you really want?” he questioned.

  Swallowing hard, I nodded my head determinedly. “This morning I thought he might be able to come to terms with our situation. Now, I don't think he can.” Epi's expression was solemn. “You can make him forget about this, can't you?”

  Epi took a few seconds to answer. “Yes, child, I can. But I've told you once before, I don't like playing with people's emotions.”

  I crossed my arms. “You're not playing with his emotions, think of it as protecting him. And Misaki and Kazuki. Remove their memories of Zaen, of meeting me - in fact, remove the memory that he even contacted me in the first place. And they'll need enchantments, to keep the Consiliului away from them. Can you do that?”

  Epi nodded. “Yes, I can.” His wizened features wrinkled when he frowned deeply. “This is not something that should be done lightly, however. What is taken away cannot be put back,” he warned.

  “I know that. This is what I want. If he's determined to contact me, he'll start again, but this time, he won't find me so easily.”

  “Charlotte, don't do this,” Lucas implored. “Don't break off a relationship with your father because of me.” His eyes were intense, his jaw clenched so tightly the tendons in his neck stood out.

  “Lucas, it isn't only his reaction to you. He doesn't understand vampires, but he doesn't understand me, either.”

  Acenith looked anxious. “He's your only relative,” she protested softly.

  “I know.” I sat up straighter, ignoring the pain in my knee. “I'm positive about this. Epi, tell him you're taking him back to San Diego to collect their stuff, make up some sort of excuse - I don't really care what it is. But get him back to San Diego. I don't want him here.” Jerome was watching our discussion with a worried expression and I smiled up at him sadly. “It's okay, Jerome. I've managed without him for nineteen years, I can manage again. Now, when can I get out of here?”

  “At least two more days.”

  “Nope,” I argued immediately. “There's too much to do.” Another thought occurred. “Speaking of which, did Ambrose's group work out where we are?”

  “Yes, we're in northern Europe, somewhere on the border between Poland and Germany. We've organized a group of volunteers who are out spreading the word about Zaen, they'll bring anyone to the city who is willing to join us,” Epi explained.

  “Why hasn't anyone noticed this city?” I demanded. “Isn't it somewhat conspicuous?”

  Epi cackled, his mouth open to reveal his distinct shortage of teeth. “Nememiah has abilities above and beyond what you perceive as possible. To all intents and purposes, Zaen and its surrounds do not exist for anyone other than his Children,” he smirked, “and of course, those of us who have the mark of Zaen.”

  “So how is this working? Our people walk to the border and just appear in Poland or Germany?” The idea seemed laughable. “And how are they getting from there to wherever these packs are?”

  “Epi escorted them to the border a couple of days ago. He created portals to transport them to where the packs are located,” Ben explained. “He's going to rendezvous with them again tomorrow, to bring them back.”

  It was mind-boggling, almost more than I could cope with. “Okay, enough information. Just send them out and get them back safely. That's enough for me.”

  Epi looked stunned. “That's enough? Charlotte, it's never enough, you usually want a complete and intricate explanation of everything.”

  “Maybe I'm mellowing,” I suggested. “And in some ways, this is pretty cool.”

  “Pretty cool?” Acenith repeated with a dazzling smile.

  “Sure. I've never set foot out of the States in twenty one years. Now all of a sudden, I find myself in Romania one week and then somewhere near Poland and Germany. All without the assistance of a passport, a visa or a plane ticket.” I shared a warm smile with Rowena. “Who wouldn't think that was cool?”

  The last of the tension dissipated in the room - even Lucas's stiff stance relaxed. “Remind me when this is over to take you to Europe. You need to see it the way it's meant to be seen.”

  I smiled happily. “I won't forget you made that offer.”

  “You won't need to,” he promised.

  Chapter 38: Fan Club

  “How exactly, did you convince Jerome to let you out?” Marianne eyed me suspiciously as I limped slowly down the street, leaning heavily on a cane to support my damaged knee.

  “I think I nagged him into submission,” I admitted. “Besides, it's only my knee causing issues and Nonny rubbed her ointment into it before lunch. It's already much better.”
  The weather was cooling rapidly as we approached November and I was grateful Marianne had thought to bring a coat when she'd visited our cottage to collect some clothes. She'd disappeared for literally seconds when I told her I was allowed to leave the hospital, arriving back in record time with my belongings. I was snug and warm in blue jeans and a thick sweater, boots and the thick black coat. It had a faux fur collar in dark grey, which kept the cool wind currently whipping through the narrow streets at bay, plus had the added benefit of hiding most of the bruising on my face.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Duncan?”

  We turned together to find a teenage boy behind us. He was perhaps sixteen years old, accompanied by a group who stood a few steps behind him. They were clustered together, whispering and grinning.

  “Uh, hi.” I exchanged a glance with Marianne, saw her eyebrows rise imperceptibly and she shrugged as if to suggest she didn't have a clue what he wanted.

  “Hi, I'm Randy, uh, Randy Norton.” He was blushing and obviously nervous. “Ms. Duncan… I just wanted to say…”

  “Charlotte. Call me Charlotte,” I corrected him gently.

  If it was possible, he blushed even harder and the acne marks on his pale skin glowed red. “Cool, Charlotte, um…” He took a deep breath, wringing his hands together. “I wanted to tell you, I think… well, I just wanted to say you're awesome. And I was wondering… maybe, if you'd consider… maybe later you might have a soda with me?”

  It was my turn to blush and I ignored the sharp prod Marianne gave me with her elbow. The other boys were watching expectantly. I was convinced they would mercilessly tease Randy Norton later, if I wasn't sensitive with my response.

  “Well, thanks, Randy. I really appreciate the offer and…” I bit my lip firmly, trying to force back the giggle which was threatening to burst out. “I'd love to have a soda with you.” His eyes lit up and he watched me expectantly. “But I really can't. You see, I have a boyfriend and I think he'd be a little jealous if he saw me with you. I'm sorry.”

  Randy looked dejected, his blue eyes averted as he fidgeted from one foot to the other. “Gee, that's a shame.” He brightened suddenly. “But you would have, right? If you didn't have a boyfriend and all?”

  His question startled me and I looked to Marianne for help, but she was barely stifling her own giggles. “Um, yeah, I guess so. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I would love to have a soda with you, Randy.”

  “Wow,” Randy glanced back at his friends to confirm they'd heard my answer. “That's… awesome. Charlotte, I want you to know, I think you're… beautiful. And the way you fight the demons, you rock.”

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, thanks.” I glanced at Marianne again, giving her an exasperated look. “Um, I have to go now, my boyfriend is training. He'll be waiting for me.”

  Randy blanched visibly. “Your boyfriend… he's one of the vamps?”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  “Oh, okay. Wow.”

  “See you later, Randy. It was nice to meet you.” Marianne and I set off towards the gate and Marianne could barely suppress her amusement as we walked.

  “Shut up, Marianne!” I hissed, grinning at her to soften my words. A quick glance confirmed that the group of boys were still walking behind us, chuckling and talking together in hushed tones.

  “It's so sweet,” Marianne said happily. “He must be all of seventeen.”

  “It is not sweet,” I grumbled good-naturedly. “And stop laughing.”

  The gates out of the city were closed and Marianne pushed her hand against the wall to trigger them open. Outside, people were milling around, but not nearly as many as the day I was attacked. Epi had been at work yet again, the cage where we'd been training had been joined by four more, each identical to the other.

  Marianne pointed to the cage on the far right where Epi stood. Nick, Conal, Lucas, Striker and William stood with him. Some of the other people who'd joined us were standing around expectantly.

  The familiar tendril of desire flared to life as I studied Lucas from a distance. He was talking to Nick and dressed in similar attire to what I wore for training - camouflage pants and a black t-shirt which emphasized his broad shoulders and lean waist. He wore a belt slung low across his hips, with Katchet and Philaris visible. William and Striker were dressed similarly and William saw us approaching and waved. The movement caught Lucas's attention and he turned, spying me. With a dazzling smile, Lucas strode towards me, his eyes filled with delight. “I thought Jerome wanted you to stay in hospital?”

  I rolled my eyes. “He did, but I wanted to get out and see you guys train.” I glanced back towards the gates, confirming the group of boys were still following us. “Would you do me a favor? Please?”

  “Of course.” Lucas's gaze followed mine and then he looked back down at me, one eyebrow raised in question.

  “Kiss me,” I requested huskily.

  Lucas inhaled sharply, his eyes filling with undiluted desire. He lifted his hand to capture the back of my neck, dropping his mouth to mine. “That's not a favor, my love. That's a pleasure.” His cool lips captured mine and I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning into him. When he pulled away, he smiled tenderly. “May I ask what that was all about?”

  “Charlotte's got a fan club,” Marianne announced gleefully, her face bright with unadulterated amusement. “She got asked out on a date.”

  Lucas's gaze drifted back to the group of teenagers, a bemused smile playing on his lips. “Hmmm. So I've got competition?”

  I rolled my eyes, the heat of a blush creeping across my cheeks. “Hardly.”

  “He seems very keen,” Marianne added mischievously.

  “In that case…” Lucas caught me in his arms, aligning me against his body as he dropped his mouth to mine and kissed me more firmly. My knees buckled as he ran his hands lightly down my back and my heart pounded as I breathed in his luscious aroma. When he released me, he held my arms to steady me. “I'm sure he wouldn't kiss you like that, love,” he murmured against my ear, making me shiver with desire, “and if he did kiss you - I would probably have to kill him.” With a smug smile he caught my hand in his and we walked to where the others stood.

  “Hey Sugar, how's the knee?” Conal grabbed me in a bear hug, kissing my cheek. “Ready to get back into it?”

  “Nope. I've got a leave pass for another couple of days. Thought it would be fun to see someone else getting covered in demon blood for a change.”

  Epi strode across, his eyes magnified enormously behind the thick glasses. “All right, let's have one of you men in with Nick and Conal initially and we'll get an indication of how you work together.”

  “I'll go,” Striker volunteered. In the camouflage pants and black t-shirt he cut an imposing figure, with muscles rippling across his chest and shoulders. His long blond hair was pulled back at the nape of his neck, secured with a leather strap.

  The three men slipped through the opening into the cage and we moved closer to watch. Striker approached us, obviously geared up for a fight and looking positively jubilant at being involved in some action. “Any advice, Lott?”

  “Keep away from the sharp bits.”

  The look he threw my way was scornful. “Lott, I'm a vampire. Sharp bits won't worry me in the slightest.”

  I laughed. “All right, so don't worry about the sharp bits.” I leaned against the bars, relieving some of the weight off my knee. “The most important thing to remember is to aim for the chest. You can injure them with the weapons but to send them back to the Otherworld, a wound to the heart is most effective.”

  “Demons have a heart?”

  I shrugged. “I don't have a clue, you'd have to ask Epi about that. But the chest shot always works.”

  “Cool.” Striker bobbed his head in understanding and bounced eagerly from foot to foot, waiting impatiently for Conal and Nick to transform. They were imposing figures in wolf form, Conal was absolutely enormous, standing taller than Striker and broad across the shoulders. Nick was
only a head shorter and he barked happily from inside the cage. I would have sworn he winked at me.

  “Let's begin with something simple,” Epi announced. He dropped to one knee and drew the pentagram on the dark earth. The dirt erupted inside the cage as the fifth sigil was completed and a demon stepped out. Epi had begun with a Valafar, however this demon was perhaps half the size again of the one he'd produced for Conal and I. As it coalesced, Striker sprang forward, his movements quicker than a lightning strike. In a blur he reached the Valafar's side, standing so close he was almost touching it and I thought he was going to kill it before it even had an opportunity to attack.

  At the last second, the demon comprehended that Striker was there and represented a danger, swinging its huge claws. It hit Striker's chest, hurling him towards the side of the cage. The sound of the demon hitting Striker was sounded like a crack of thunder and while the noise still reverberated, Conal and Nick pounded across the cage, sinking their teeth into the Valafar's body, snarling as they tore into the oily black flesh.

  Striker was on his feet, his form blurring as he hurtled towards the demon, a Katchet clutched in his fist. Intuitively, Conal and Nick dropped back from their assault, allowing Striker to attack the Valafar. They circled, biting and growling while Striker launched himself onto the demon, knocking it off balance. He stabbed it once and thick black blood sprayed in an arc from its body. With a deafening shriek, the Valafar rushed Striker, catching him with another thrashing crack from its claws. Conal and Nick joined in for a second time, gnawing at the Valafar's legs while Striker regained his balance and twisted back toward the demon. This time his aim was accurate and he plunged the knife into the demon's chest repeatedly until it folded in on itself and vanished.

  Striker jogged across to where we stood, his face and arms smeared with demon blood and I could see a new respect in his eyes. “They're tougher than I anticipated,” he confessed, which was a huge admission from Striker. “The fact that you can kill them, that's pretty astounding, Lott.”

  Lucas wrapped his arm more tightly around my waist, squeezing me against his side.


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