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Wrong Number, Right Guy

Page 9

by Tara Wylde

  Of course he does.

  The entire place is done in snow white and gleaming chrome. The only exception is the marble countertop, which is a lovely swirl of pale gray and black. The room is almost bigger than my entire apartment. In addition to the standard toilet and shower, there’s an enormous whirlpool-style bathtub that looks like it could easily hold nine or ten people.

  A mini washer and drier sit side by side along one wall.

  In addition to a few vanilla-scented candles, there are several ferns, each one planted in a gleaming chrome pot, in the room. I don’t know why, but the ferns are what make the room feel truly decadent.

  I have to be careful about how I move whenever I’m in my bathroom, since the slightest change in balance results in banging my funny bone against a wall, and Jason has a bathroom that comes complete with washer and drier. Talk about different lifestyles.

  Jason reaches into the shower and twirls a few knobs. Water runs and a moment later, steam fills the air. I close my eyes and inhale the damp air. Even the steam smells and feels nicer than what the shower in my apartment produces.

  Without saying a word, Jason slowly peels his sex-rumpled dress shirt from my shoulders and tosses it in the general direction of the cute little washing machine.

  Instead of moving to get into the shower like I expect, we stand in the middle of the luxurious bathroom for a few seconds. Jason’s gaze roves over my body, like he’s never seen it before and is trying to commit it to memory.

  He reaches out and lightly touches the pale scar that bisects my stomach.

  My muscles contract and I take a step backwards, moving away from his touch, my movement causing the thick cloud of steam surrounding us to swirl.

  “What happened?” he asks, his voice so soft I can barely hear it above the running water.

  I place my hands over my stomach, hiding the scar. It’s funny, I haven’t thought about it in years. It’s a part of me, no different than the light freckles across the bridge of my nose or the pale pink birthmark on the back of my left thigh. “It’s nothing.”

  He quirks a brow. “It looks more serious than nothing.”

  “It happened a long time ago.”

  Jason’s lips form a tight thin line and I brace myself for more questions that I can’t possibly answer.

  He must sense my resistance because after a moment, he relaxes and gesture to the running shower. “After you.”

  I step over the edge of the shallow tub and into the shower, where the steam is so thick I can barely make out the opposite wall. Cross streams of hot water startle me, the spray hitting me with more force than my tired old shower apartment sprayer could ever handle.

  “Wow,” I mutter as the initial surprise fades and I quickly decide that I can easily get used to being able to soak each inch of my body at the same time instead of constantly being forced to turn this way and that in order to rinse myself.

  Jason steps in behind me, crowding me against the far wall. Slicking my already sopping hair away from my face, I turn to look at him through the spray and steam. I angle my neck so the water doesn’t spray directly into my mouth.

  “This is amazing,” I tell him.

  His smoldering eyes lock on mine. “You’re amazing,” he tells me in a guttural tone. He moves in closer, his big body crowding up against me until my spine presses against the slick shower tiles and he seals his mouth over mine, in a kiss that’s so deep and wet it robs me of my breath.

  Panting, we break apart.

  His eyes pierce me as his hands drop down, skimming my sides, the slow circling motions of his thumbs sending electric sparks of pleasure radiating over my skin as I squirm against the shower wall. He lowers his head, his mouth finding the space the between my shoulder and neck and setting fire to the tiny cluster of erogenous nerves that sit there. Desire coats my inner thighs.

  I reach for him, my nails biting into his shoulders, as much out of desire as to hold myself steady.

  I wait for him to wedge a knee between my thighs, to part them and enter me in one long slow thrust. That feels like what should happen.

  Instead, Jason bends his knees, never lifting his mouth, instead allowing it to glide down my body, leaving a trail of heart stopping, electrifying kisses in its wake until his knees strike the bottom of the tub.

  Only then does his mouth break contact as he tips his head back and stares up at me, an unspoken question in his eyes, water streaming down his face.

  I bury my hands in his silky wet curls and let my legs part.

  Jason flashes me a grin before turning his attention back to my aching body.

  His finger strokes, with agonizing slowness, my lower lips, triggering a fresh flood of moisture. Once than twice more, his fingers repeat the motion.

  My knees shake and my fingers tighten in his hair. “Jason,” I gasp, and my voice sounds like it’s coming from a long way away. “Stop teasing.”

  He chuckles and places a light kiss on my hip, his tongue licking the drops of water from my flesh.

  His finger strokes me again, sending a fresh wave of anticipation sizzling through me.

  I thrust my hips forward in a desperate attempt to seek some relief for the ache that’s steadily building in my core.

  “Patience,” Jason hums, the word barely audible above the shower spray. “Good things to come to those who wait.”

  Yeah right, I think as I twist my fingers into his hair and arch by back of the slippery shower tiles. Easy for him to say.

  I’m so busy trying to control my building climax, I don’t notice Jason leaning closer until the tip of his tongue brushes against my clitoris. The contact sends me onto the balls of my feet as I cry out. Seemingly never-ending sparks followed by shards of heat radiate through my pussy.

  My feet slide sideways against the bottom of the shallow porcelain tub, widening my stance and allowing him to delve deeper with his thrusting, exploring tongue. He rotates between gentle caresses that make me tremble and sharp bites that send me careening closer and closer to the orgasm that I just know is going to rip me apart.

  He presses himself more firmly against me, the combination of the warm water and his hot breath driving me wild even before he catches my clit between his teeth. The tip of his tongue flicks over it one last time, and that’s all it takes for me to come apart.

  My scream bounces around the room as I surrender to the inevitable and drown under a tidal wave of white hot fire.



  I’m not completely sure, but I think the force of the orgasm might have actually caused me to black out for a moment or two.

  All I know is that one moment, the touch of Jason’s tongue on my clit was driving me to the most intense climax of my life, and the next thing I know Jason is back on his feet, has turned me around so my back is to him, and is carefully massaging shampoo into my hair. It’s not my brand and will probably do horrible things to my hair once it dries, but since it smells like Jason, I decide I don’t care.

  I close my eyes and lose myself in the simple pleasure of feeling someone massaging my scalp. Scalp massages have always been one of my most favorite things in the world, but since having Kelsey, I haven’t been able to afford to go to the salon and have been trimming my own hair, so it’s a pleasure I’ve been denied for so long.

  Even though he’s the only guy who has ever touched me like this, I suspect that he’s the only one capable of taking my body to such lengths. I simply can’t imagine any other man making me feel even half so good. That’s one of the reasons I actively avoided entering into a relationship with anyone else after Jason and I parted ways.

  “Mmm,” I purr. I’m tempted to rub myself, cat like, against him. I don’t think he’ll object.

  “Like that, do you?” Jason growls in my ear.

  “Very much.” I’ve always enjoyed washing my hair and having it washed, but I never suspected that the simple chore could become an erotic experience.

  As the water rinses
the shampoo from my hair, Jason reaches for the body soap. He ignores the loofah, and pours the dark green soft soap directly onto his hand. I watch him, anticipating what’s about to come next. Unsure whether or not I’ll be able stand another round.

  Just as he’s about to return the soap for the shower caddy, I reach for it. This time I’m not going to be a passive participant. If I’m going under, he’s going with me.

  We run soap-slick hands over one another’s bodies, swapping kisses as we slowly, lazily explore curves, crevices, and planes. He leans forward, biting my lip. I reward him by pouring just a bit more soap on my hand and letting it slide down his body until I encounter his cock. I wrap my slippery hand around it. Measuring its width first, testing its weight, before sliding my palm along its length.

  “Holy mother of …” he wheezes as his dick jumps in my hand. The veins in his neck stand out as he bows his head and struggles to catch his breath.

  His response delights me, driving me to push him even further.

  “Oh,” I coo. I pump my hand a little, loving how he responds to that slight change, how it makes him grow longer and harder with each little move I make. “Looks like I’ve found something you like.”

  “If you’re not careful …” he pants.

  “What?” Enjoying the shift in power, I lean forward and nip his nipple. He shudders and his cock grows even larger. “Turn around is fair play.”

  I slowly slid my hand up and down his shaft, moving with the same exquisite slowness he treated me to when he took me earlier today on his bed. He moans, the sound coming from a place deep inside of him, and bows his head, resting his brow on my shoulder.

  Interesting. If he reacts this strongly to my hand, what will happen when I…

  Putting action to thought, I lower myself to my knees in the tub. Ignoring how the change in location means that the water is spraying directly into my face, I lean close to Jason’s dick. Holding it steady with one hand, I lick the end of his erection, tasting the salt of his pre-cum.

  Above my head, one of his hands slams into the bathroom wall and he lets out a low moan that shoots straight to my pussy.

  Needing to see him, I tip my head back, squinting against the water, and am surprised to find him looking down at me. I keep my gaze locked with his as I open my mouth and encase him in one long, smooth, slow motion. I instinctively relax my throat until I hold his entire length on my tongue.

  His thighs tremble and I hear him mouthing curses as I lazily lick the cock’s underside. Encouraged by both the obvious sounds of his pleasure and the steady vibration of his still expanding cock, I suck and lick harder, using one hand to caress his scrotum at the same time.

  His thighs tremble and he utters a hoarse scream.

  Without breaking contact, I rock back on my heels and prepare for his climax, thrilled that I have brought him to this point.

  The trembling in his spine tells me how close he is to experiencing the same shattering climax he gave me, but just before that happens, he jerks back. His hands come down and grab me around the shoulders, pulling me to my feet.

  With a fierce look on his face that is one hundred percent alpha male, he pins me to the shower wall. I feel each individual tile digging into my shoulders as he lifts my left leg and wraps it around his hip. With a primal cry, he slams himself into me until his shaft fills my vagina, which grips him tightly, welcoming him.

  He buries his face in my breasts, nipping and biting, lighting a fire that starts in my chest and ignites my blood.

  Reaching between us, he finds my sensitive nub and rolls it between his fingers.

  The heat between us is so intense that I’m surprised our skin doesn’t scratch as we climax at the exact same time.



  “Number four.”

  I love how having my head on his chest allows me to feel the low rumble of his voice just before his words reach my ears. It makes our current position, sprawled on the living room floor, feel even more intimate than the latest round of athletic sex we just engaged in. Like we’re the only two people in the entire world.

  Still, his words don’t make any sense. Without lifting my head, I roll my eyes in the general direction of his face. All I see is the underside of his jaw and a slice of cheek. “Number four what?”


  “If you think that clarifies anything,” I say, “you’re mistaken.”

  “I didn’t tell you my new goal?” Jason says, sounding surprised.


  He dips his head and kisses the top of mine. “I’ve decided that I want to make love to you in every single room in this house. This is the fourth room we’ve done it in.”

  I reach down and pull a smashed carton of fried rice out from beneath my hip. Luckily, in this case, the box smashed in such a way that the contents remained in the carton as opposed to being smeared into the carpet, but I have a feeling that the rest of the Chinese food we ordered for dinner and only ate a small amount of before we were on one another like white on rice.

  The exuberance of our lovemaking made us fall off the couch, crash into the small table where we’d set up our food, and knock all the containers to the floor.

  I’m really glad I’m not Jason’s maid or wife so that I don’t have to worry about cleaning up the mess. In fact, I’m glad I’m not Jason, who is going to have to explain how so much sweet and sour shrimp and orange chicken got ground into the carpet fibers.

  He’ll be lucky if the maid doesn’t quit right then and there. I know I would if I walked in and discovered the mess.

  “Are you sure the house will still be standing after we make our sex journey through it?”

  “Considering what I paid for it,” Jason says, his voice shaking with laughter, “it had better.”

  “And what happens after we get through all the rooms?” At the rate we’re going, we should accomplish Jason’s goal in just a few hours. There seems to be no end to Jason’s endurance. All it takes is one look from me, and he’s ready and willing. I’m starting to wear out a little, though.

  “We take the show on the road,” Jason decides. “Every hotel room in every single hotel in the great city of Chicago.”

  I laugh. “Sounds ambitious.”

  “Perhaps, but I know I’m up for the challenge,” Jason says, cocky. “I’m more concerned about you.”

  “Oh,” I float a brow and snuggle in more deeply against his chest. “Why’s that?”

  “Are you up for it?” He shifts his position and stares down at me. “I mean, you’re already falling asleep, which doesn’t bode well for your ability to keep up with me, now does it?”

  “You just lead the way and I promise to match your every move.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Now that the conversation has run its course we fall silent, content to lay on the floor, surrounded by the remains of our dinner, and simply enjoy the feel of skin on skin contact and the warm, post-coital afterglow.

  Jason’s left hand slowly strokes the long, smooth muscles of my back with a featherlight touch. The repetitive motion feels hypnotic, each long sweep dragging me just a little closer to him.

  I stretch languidly, rubbing one foot lightly against the side of his leg. Yawning, I snuggle closer to him and close my eyes.

  “What happened to you, Ella?”

  “What do you mean?” Sleepiness gives me a slight slur.

  “When we were together in Florida, you were so confident, so full of dreams and ambition. All you were needed was to complete your degree and then you were going to take over the world. You inspired me to work harder than I ever would have worked if I hadn’t met you. You don’t know it, but you’re the reason I stopped tinkering around with software design ideas, but actually finished them and started marketing them.”

  I remember the girl he spoke of. He was right, she was full of herself, so confident and happy. It’s hard to believe she and I are, were, the same person.

  Man, I w
as so naïve back then. Convinced that with a little determination, a little hard work, anything was possible.

  Now I know better. Now I know that life can spin on a dime and that keeping your head above the water isn’t easy.

  “The entire time I was looking for you, I was sure that I’d find you doing great things,” Jason continues. The last place I expected to find you was at some call center. Something must have happened.”

  Something happened all right. Kelsey happened. She completely changed my world in ways I hadn’t ever imagined possible. And, while life with her is tough, tougher than I ever imagined it would be, I wouldn’t change having her in my life for all the gold in the world.

  Jason doesn’t know it, but that night in the lifeguard station, he gave me the most precious gift.

  I open my mouth, ready to tell him about Kelsey. Ready to tell him that he has a beautiful, vivacious six-year-old little girl, but the words dry up in my throat.

  Right now, Kelsey’s all mine. And while that means I have to handle all the fear and concerns about her health on my own, it also means that all of her love is directed toward me. I’m not ready to give that up any time soon. I don’t know how I’d cope with things if I suddenly wasn’t the most important person in Kelsey’s world.

  And then there’s the mess with Abe and his father. There’s no way I can drag Jason into that disaster. It’s my mess to clean up.

  So instead all I say is, “Things change.”

  “Yeah, they sure do,” Jason agrees but he’s not ready to let the matter drop. “But they don’t change without a mitigating reason and you were too ambitious, too smart to simply throw everything you worked for away. So what happened?”

  I’m tired of this conversation. With the direction it’s taking and if Jason keeps pressing, I might crack and then the whole story will come flooding out.


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