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Dark Dreams - A Billionaire Romance: Bound By My Dreams

Page 2

by Zaphira D. Gheorge

  When his black SUV pulled up outside the hotel where the event was being held, he was starting to convince himself he had made a mistake. If it wasn’t for the RSVP he had submitted, he would have skipped the event. Yet Benson Fox was a man of his word. If he said he was going to be somewhere, he would be.

  “Hey, Benson. Fancy seeing you here!”

  It was Michael Crane. Benson had been friends with Michael for years, having gone to law school together, although they didn’t ever hang out together. Benson preferred to stay to himself, but Mike wasn’t a terrible guy to talk to.

  “Hey, Mike. I should have known you would be here,” Benson joked, his mouth quirking up into a smile. Mike was always setting out to help others. He was always working on some pro bono case or giving to some cause.

  “Ha! You’re probably right. This was exactly the type of thing that makes me open my wallet. Sick kids just tug at my heartstrings. Especially, now, that I have one of my own.”

  Benson turned and looked at Mike.

  “Really? I didn’t know that.” He slapped his friend on the back.

  “I guess that means I owe you a drink.”

  Inside, they entered the hall where the fundraiser was being held and headed straight for the bar.

  “So now you are married with a little one, huh?” Benson said over his tumbler of scotch.

  “Yep, it’s amazing. I love going home every evening and seeing the two of them. It makes my life worth living. What about you? Do you have a special lady in your life?”

  Visions of his dream girl flashed in his mind before he said, “Nope … No one right now.”

  “Well, I’m sure it will happen soon. Don’t worry. Hey, I need to go talk to someone really quick. I’ll catch up with you after a bit?”

  Mike asked after waving to someone over Benson’s shoulder.

  “Sure, no problem.”

  Benson looked around the room, trying to decide when would be the best time to leave. Looking at his phone, he saw the event hadn’t even officially started yet. Probably better wait until the thing has actually started first, he thought.

  “Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention?”

  A petite brunette in a blue dress was standing behind the podium at the front of the room. When everyone quieted down, she continued. “I want to thank you all for coming. I invited you all here today because you are some of the most influential people in New York. Childhood cancer is something that has become a serious problem in our country.”

  As the woman continued to speak, Benson tuned her out. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about other people or the fundraiser. He wasn’t heartless. But most people just didn’t measure up to his expectations.

  Sipping his scotch, Benson started walking around the room. He located the donation box and started navigating the crowd in order to make his donation. The sooner he did, the sooner he could leave. An older woman bumped into him, causing him to splash some of his drink on his suit jacket. He slipped in between two women chatting next to the food table to grab a napkin.

  “Excuse me,” he said to them, preoccupied with the liquid that was sure to stain.

  “Oh, well hello,” the taller of the two said.

  She was a leggy blonde in a little black dress. Turning to say hello, Benson caught sight of brilliant red hair over the woman's shoulder. The hair disappeared into a group of people, causing him to walk away without addressing the blonde.

  The red hair was very distinct. He had only ever seen that color on one person before, and that person had previously only inhabited his dreams. He scanned the crowd, sure he would spy that hair again. After a few minutes of searching, he saw her over by the donation table. He pushed through the crowd, determined not to lose sight of her this time.

  Breaking through the crowd, Benson saw her bent over at the table. She was filling out a check and dropping it in the box. When she turned, his breath caught.

  ‘It was her!

  The girl from his dreams!’

  She was standing in front of him, in the flesh. Collecting himself, he sat his glass on the tray of a passing waiter and straightened his jacket. He felt as though he had slipped into one of his dreams as he strode up beside her.


  “Hello,” he said, extending his hand.

  “My name is Benson Fox.”

  He flashed his signature smile at her. He had been complimented on his blue eyes a number of times, but his smile always seemed to make the ladies melt.

  “Aspen Hall, nice to meet you,” she said, turning toward him. She was curvy in all the right places. Definitely not a model by her build, but that just made her more intriguing. Most women he knew were forever starving themselves and working out to stay stick thin. For his deepest desires, he wanted a woman he wasn’t afraid of hurting. She needed to be healthy and athletic, not starved and sunken.

  “And to think I almost didn’t come today,” Benson said ironically as he pulled out his checkbook.

  “Now I’m glad I did.” He bent over and started filling out the check. She bent over to watch him.

  “Oh, I think you could do better than that. You have a designer suit, expensive shoes… you can definitely do better,” she said playfully.

  She was close enough he could smell her perfume. It had a subtle hint of jasmine and something else. He looked her in the eye and saw a challenge there. Her bright hair framed her heart shaped face. Her green eyes were almost as brilliant as her hair. Benson’s eyes dropped to her full lips. Never one to back down, he added an extra zero.

  “Much better,” she said, standing up straight again. Benson dropped the check in the box. She looked him over.

  “Hmm, let me guess. High-powered lawyer? You make six-figures while you sleep and are used to getting your way.” She tapped her painted fingernail to her lip.

  “How could you tell?” he asked, actually curious.

  “Eh, there’s something about you guys. It’s in the way you carry yourself. Like you know it all and have seen everything,” she winked at him saucily.

  “Maybe I do?” he challenged.

  “Okay, then who am I? What do I do?” She cocked one eyebrow.

  Benson studied her from head to toe, allowing his desire for her to show.“

  Hmm, best-selling author?” he guessed while he thought, Woman of my dreams.

  “Nope, you’re wrong,” she smiled. “Want to join me outside?”

  He nodded and followed her through a group of people. It had started to warm up in the building but once they walked through the double doors onto the landing, the evening air felt cool.

  “Okay, I give. What do you do?” Benson was intrigued. Normally he wouldn’t still be talking to a woman like her.

  She seemed overly confident and a bit bossy.

  Not his typical choice.

  The fact he had seen her in his dreams was keeping him by her side. He just had to know more about her.

  “Oh, I’m just a wealthy heiress in control of over multiple companies around the globe,” she said with a cocky grin.

  “Well, definitely not what I thought. Is that how you usually get the guys?”

  Benson leaned on the railing, watching traffic go by.

  “No. Normally I try to hide my money from people so that they can get to know me for me.” She stood next to him. “Something tells me you understand a little bit about that.”

  “How does that usually go for you?”

  He turned to look at her.

  She was looking up at the stars rather than down at the traffic.

  “Terrible. Usually they already know who I am and are just looking to date me for my money,” she said softly as she rubbed her arms, her dark green dress was long enough to keep her legs comfortable, but the small strips of fabric that passed for sleeves didn’t protect her arms.

  Benson took his suit jacket off and draped it around her shoulders.

  She seemed surprised at his action.

  “You do
n’t have to do that,” she said.

  “No, I don’t, but I want to.” He rubbed her arms. “Is that better?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that you haven’t had a good date for a while?” he asked, wanting to keep her talking.

  The few people that had been outside, made their way back indoors.

  Aspen laughed, “Definitely not.”

  “So why don’t you let me take you out sometime?”

  Benson felt like he was on autopilot. Even though this woman seemed to be the antithesis of what he wanted in a woman, he was hooked.

  She looked at him sideways.

  “Hmm, I don’t know about that.”

  She continued to study him.

  “I’m not sure you’re worth my time yet. Wealthy woman, you know. My time is valuable.”

  Benson felt like he was losing her. He couldn’t have come this close only to have her walk away. He had to have her in his life. There was no way this woman wasn’t the same as the one from his dreams. They looked one and the same, sounded the same, even smelled the same.

  “What would convince you to give me a shot? After all, I already know you have money and I don’t care. I have my own,” he challenged.

  “Okay, I am going to ask you a few questions. If your responses sound like someone I would be willing to spend more time with, I will go on a date with you. If not, I hand you back your jacket and we go our separate ways.”

  She turned toward him, leaning against the railing with her hip and crossing her arms.

  “Deal,” Benson said but internally he was saying, No deal! No deal!

  “Multiple choice. You go to a Chinese restaurant. Do you order the beef and broccoli, a steak, or emperor chicken with lo mein?”

  “What kind of question is this?” Benson asked.

  He didn’t understand how she could possibly get his measure from what he would choose at a restaurant.

  “Just answer the damn question, Benson. Sheesh.”

  He stiffened at her demanding tone. Nobody ever spoke to him like that, but if he did anything about it now he was afraid she would walk.

  “Uh, the emperor chicken.”

  “Okay,” she said. Pausing for a moment, she thought about her next question.

  “If you had to choose a pet, would it be a cat, dog, or some form of rodent?”

  “Definitely a dog,” Benson said definitively.


  “Why would I choose a dog?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, why would you choose a dog?”

  She seemed less defensive now than she had before.

  “Well, cats just shit in a box and that’s disgusting. I’m not ten, so I don’t want some rodent. Dogs are loyal and can be trained.” Benson said.

  “Hmm” Aspen turned back toward the sky while she contemplated his answers.

  When she didn’t say anything for a few minutes, Benson broke the silence.

  “So, how did I do?”

  “Good enough,” she teased. Aspen smiled a wide beautiful smile that made Benson ache to kiss her.

  “Are you free tomorrow night?” he asked, not wasting a moment.

  “Sure,” she replied, never breaking eye contact.

  “Don’t you need to check your calendar or something?” he asked.

  “No, why? Do you?”

  “No, I just thought… since you oversee so much…” He found himself a bit flustered.

  “What good is being the boss if you can’t do what you want?” she asked. She pulled her phone out of the small handbag she had been carrying. She typed on it for a while before putting it away.

  “Give me your phone,” she said, hand outstretched.

  “My phone?”

  Benson never let anyone touch his phone but him.

  “Yes, your phone. The thing that everyone has that lets you call people? Hand it to me.”

  When he didn’t move, she continued, “I’m going to put my personal number in your phone so that you can call me tomorrow.”

  She shook her outstretched hand as if to say just give it to me.

  “Oh, right.” He pulled it out and handed it to her. She navigated to his contacts and added herself.

  “I am only putting my cell number in for now. If things go well, we'll see about other numbers. Sound good?” she asked as she handed his phone back. Benson found he could only nod.

  “Alright, nice meeting you, Benson Fox. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow,” she said coyly as she headed to the door to the hall and opened it.

  “I look forward to getting to know you better, Aspen Hall. On the first of many dates,” he added.

  Benson finally had a chance to collect himself and put on his usual charm. She winked at him as she slipped through the door.

  Benson was left alone out on the terrace. He looked up at the stars, like she had, rather than at the traffic passing by. He couldn’t believe he almost didn’t come. Now, he had a date with his dream woman. She was a little more domineering than he would have liked, but he felt there was more to her than what meets the eye. Now he needed to figure out the best place to take her. She seemed to pay attention to the small details, at least that’s what he assumed from her questions. They were seemingly off the wall questions, but she was definitely looking for something in his answers. Whatever it was, he must have answered right, because she’d agreed to go on a date with him.

  Pulling out his phone, he dialed the number for his driver.

  “I’m ready,” he said curtly. He turned to head back into the hall to pay his respects and leave. He couldn’t see himself finding anything else worthwhile here. He met the woman from his dreams, managed to get a date with her, and ended up donating far more money than he had anticipated. Benson felt like that was his cue to leave.

  He found Mike, told him he was leaving, and they both promised to get in touch sometime, even though Benson really didn’t think that would happen.

  Now, to find out if his dream woman still showed up in his dreams that night.


  Fingertips stroked luxuriously slowly down Aspen’s bare spine. She shivered at the sensation as she clutched tighter to the pillow she was face down upon. Turning her head in the direction of her bed fellow, she smiled up at him and the way he gazed down at her hungrily.

  “You are a beautiful woman, Aspen Hall.”

  The voice was one she’d heard only once before, the blue eyes she’d seen for only a few minutes but they left a lasting impression upon her.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself, Benson Fox,” she grinned back at him and when he leaned down to press his lips to hers, her entire body quivered with desire.

  “I wish I could stay here all day,” Benson sighed as he inched his body closer and Aspen felt his rock-hard cock press against her hip. It was clear that he wanted her, and the truth was she wanted him. So much so, that she found herself biting her lip.

  “Then stay with me,” she whispered to him and when she turned over onto her back, he seemed to take the invitation willingly. Adjusting the bed sheets, he slipped between her thighs and brought his body down on top of hers. He was muscular and manly.

  The scent of last night’s sex session still lingered on him and that made Aspen wanted him all the more. She burned with desire for him as she felt his cock hovering at the entrance of her pussy.

  “Take me.”

  Just then, her eyes flew open to the sound of her alarm clock. For a moment, she was disorientated. She had no idea where she was. She blinked several times until she recognized the familiar pale cream ceiling above her head and the gold silk curtains that surrounded her four poster bed., for a moment, she didn’t dare to look beside her. She held her breath, feeling out with her mind into the room for any sign that there was another presence with her. She racked her brain trying to remember the events of the night before but she couldn’t remember coming home with anybody.

  “Did I have a littl
e too much to drink,” she asked herself, but when she turned over, she found, that she was alone. She was slightly relieved and more than a little disappointed. A part of her hoped that she hadn’t in fact been dreaming but it seemed that she was. There was no Benson Fox laid beside her.

  With a sigh, she rolled the other way and reached for her cell phone which she always left on the bedside table to charge overnight. Removing the charger, she pressed the home button and the phone lit up. Checking her messages she found one from her assistant that was dated only five minutes ago:

  “Morning Boss,

  Here’s a quick rundown of your day.

  Conference call at 9:00am.

  Brunch with Lacey at 11:30am.

  Hair appointment at 1:00pm.

  Looks like you have the rest of the day off so enjoy it.

  Take care.”


  Aspen smiled to herself, as she always did every morning when she received her assistant’s text.

  “What would I do without you Jenny?”

  She checked through her emails, responded to a few and deleted a few more before she finally plucked up the courage to climb out of bed. Looking at the clock on her bedside table, she saw that it was only seven. She had plenty of time before her conference call and the frustration of her dream left her in need of some exercise. Grabbing a towel, she glanced from her silk pajamas into her favorite green swimsuit and headed up to the rooftop pool.

  Slipping into the water, she allowed it to embrace her and began to swim from one end to the other. She swam confidently just as she did everything else in life, keeping up a steady speed to get the most from her workout.

  Glancing down through the glass bottom of the pool every so often, she could see the watery image of her penthouse below, a marvelous idea her father had once had that she had never had the courage to put a dampener on. Though she had to admit that she liked looking up from the living room at night and being able see the stars through the water.


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