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The Fire Within

Page 11

by Dana Marie Bell

  Dante didn’t see the appeal.

  True, when Piotr moved it was with an old-world elegance rarely seen today. He glided toward them with predatory grace, and Elizabeth tensed. “Detective Zucco. How nice to see you.” He had a slight accent that hinted at his Russian ancestry.

  Dante scowled. “Wish I could say the same.”

  “Charming, as always.” Piotr’s gaze turned toward Elizabeth, and Dante held his inner fire back by sheer force of will. The Cambion should not be looking at Elizabeth that way, heat turning his silver gaze molten. “And who might this be?”

  “Mine,” Dante snarled without thought.

  Piotr stared at him, shock racing across his features before he schooled them once more into his normal, arrogant calmness.

  Elizabeth elbowed Dante in the side hard enough to nearly stagger him, then held out her hand to Piotr. “Elizabeth Rand, P.I. I don’t think we’ve ever met in person. I worked the Marcheson case.”

  “Ah.” Piotr glided forward and lifted her hand to his lips. At the last moment, he turned her hand so that his greeting kiss was planted on her wrist instead of her knuckles. “Charmed, Ms. Rand.” The look he shot Dante was full of wicked challenge before he turned his attention once more to Elizabeth. “And how may I help you this fine day?”

  Elizabeth removed her hand from Piotr’s grip. “We’d like to know about your contributions to Todd Blessing’s gubernatorial campaign.”

  Romanov hesitated briefly before replying. “What makes you think I contributed to the Blessing campaign? Romanov Enterprises is not interested in politics.”

  “We have reason to believe that these were private funds you gave to the campaign, Mr. Romanov.”

  “I’m afraid you must be mistaken.” Piotr’s voice was steady, but something in his expression seemed off somehow, as if they’d managed to startle him and he was desperately trying to hide it.

  “Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars was stolen from the Blessing campaign.” Beth stared at Piotr with the best poker face Dante had seen in some time. “According to my source, you contributed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Your file is the only one that’s missing, and now you tell me that you didn’t contribute anything to the Blessing campaign. Are you sure of that, Piotr?”

  Piotr smiled. “I think I would notice if I was missing three quarters of a million dollars. Even I am not that wealthy.” He stood, all dignity and ice. “Will that be all, Detective?”

  Dante stood and Beth followed suit. “For now, yes. We’ll be back.” Dante took the hand that Piotr offered and shook it.

  Piotr stared, his gaze sharp and focused. “Prebyvaniem bezopasny, moĭ brat.”

  Dante froze. The traditional parting words the Neph gave one another almost choked him as he gave them back to a man he in no way considered his brother. “Stay safe, my brother.”

  The mocking smile Piotr gave them as they left stayed with him all the way to the car. Why would Piotr, who knew Dante loathed him, give him the traditional parting?

  And why had he seemed so intent as he said it? What the hell did the son of a bitch know, and how much of a part did he have to play in Jennifer Blake’s murder?

  Dante needed to speak to Gabriel, yesterday. Piotr was in this up to his long blond hair, and the archangel needed to know before Piotr destroyed them all.

  * * *

  Dante dropped Beth off with a reminder about their date that night before taking off. She walked up to her apartment, her mind whirling, but not with thoughts of Dante. Or at least not the thoughts she should have been having.

  Something about the interview with Piotr Romanov had bothered him, badly.

  Was Piotr Romanov one of them? Somehow she wouldn’t be surprised to find out that one of the scariest people in the United States was the descendant of fallen angels. It would fit, both with his looks and his charm. There was a predator that lived within Piotr Romanov, one he kept on a tight leash.

  One Dante didn’t trust.

  However, Piotr had come through for Seth and Abby, giving them a safe place to stay when Abby was being stalked by Diana. Even more importantly, Andi trusted Piotr, and for that reason Beth was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. She’d have to make a call to her best buddy when she had a moment or two to breathe.

  Dante’s issues with him would be addressed. She’d listen to what he had to say and decide for herself if Piotr was someone she could count on.

  But her instincts—the ones she listened to without fail—told her Piotr Romanov only appeared cold. There was something more, a loneliness when he stared at Dante, a longing for...

  Ugh. She couldn’t quite place her finger on what that fleeting expression on Piotr’s face had been. It wasn’t sexual, it was...


  That made no sense whatsoever, but it was the closest she could come.

  Beth packed up her gym bag and headed for the dojo. She needed some time to decompress, to allow everything she’d learned to percolate through her brain before she came to any conclusions, either about their case or Piotr Romanov. And the best way to do that was to get her ass thoroughly whipped.

  She strode into the dojo, ready to work out some stress. “Hey, Sensei.”

  Cheyenne Jones, one of the smallest and toughest women Beth had ever met, waved cheerfully. “Hey, Beth. Haven’t seen you in a few days.”

  Beth grinned. “Work, work, work.”

  Her Sensei laughed. “I hear ya.” The woman’s Carolina drawl was thick with amusement. “Ready to work, work, work some more?”

  “I hate you.” Beth sighed. She changed into her gi quickly, the routine familiar. When she stepped onto the mat, she bowed to her sensei, ready to warm up and spar.

  Beth fought hard and furious, and still knew she was going to lose. Sensei flipped her on her back and hit her with the touch that signified a disabling blow embarrassingly quickly.

  “Damn it, Beth! What the hell is wrong with you tonight? Your mind is all over the place. I should never have landed that move on you, girl!” The normally slow Carolina drawl was quick, disgusted.

  Beth panted and pushed her sweat-dampened hair out of her face, staring sheepishly at the diminutive woman who stood over her. Sensei had her hands on her hips, a sure sign that she was displeased. Beth winced as she thought of what Sensei was going to put her through for her inattention. “Um. I have a date.”

  “A date.”

  Damn, someone was not amused. She knew better than to bring her stress onto the mat. “And I have a new case that’s driving me insane.”

  “You always have cases that make you crazy. What’s different with this one?”

  Like Beth could tell her I think scary angel-monsters ate a woman who was stealing money from a politician.

  Then again, considering how her sensei felt about politicians...

  Nope. She couldn’t do it. “Sorry, Sensei.” She pushed to her feet as gracefully as she could, then bowed to her. “My case this time is...difficult to describe. Someone’s dead, and the widower hired me to find the killer.”

  Sensei bowed back. “I’m sorry to hear that. But that makes me more determined to get you to pay attention this time. If you get distracted in a fight you could wind up dead.”

  Sensei was right. She’d get sympathy from her friend off the mat.

  On it, she’d better get her ass in gear or her sensei would hand it to her.

  Beth winced, then took her stance. “Yes, Sensei.”

  The women faced one another across the expanse of pads. Sensei began her attack, and Beth met it with all the concentration she could. She let go of the case, of Dante, of all of it. She still lost, but this time her sensei nodded her head in apparent satisfaction. “Better. More like what I expect from one of my top students.”

Beth grinned. She currently was listed by the school as holding a second-degree brown-belt. Sensei claimed belts only counted if they held up your pants. Talent, skill, knowledge and the wisdom to know when to use them were what counted with Cheyenne Jones. She handed out belts for the kids and adults who thought they really counted, but by the time her students hit the Brown, she’d told them what she really thought. The good students agreed with her.

  Not many of the bad ones graduated to the Brown, let alone Black.

  “Next time you step in here, try to keep your troubles off the mat. You know better than that.”

  Beth took her head out from under her towel and looked down at her sensei.

  “Sorry.” She ducked back under the towel to hide her embarrassment.

  The towel was ripped off her head with a swiftness that had Beth gasping. “If you want a different lesson, we could go right back out on the mat. I can make sure you remember it too.”

  Beth faced her sensei with respect. “Yes, Sensei.”

  Jones snorted with amusement. “Taking your emotions into a fight will get you killed.” She turned to walk away, stepping off the mat, and Beth let out a brief sigh of relief.

  “Oh, and, Beth?”

  “Yeah?” She whipped the towel from around her neck.

  Cheyenne, once more just her friend now that she was off the sparring mat, winked. “Have fun on your date tonight.”

  Beth groaned, all the tension she’d come to work off returning in a rush of adrenaline. “I hate you so much.”

  * * *

  Dante made his way to Gabriel’s home. He was no closer to finding either of the Shem he’d been sent to hunt.

  He needed the help of his brothers.

  He pulled up outside the house, surprised to see that there were no cars in the driveway. There were usually one or two cars present at all times, since some of the brothers chose to live with Gabriel rather than on their own. But with Rafe still missing, it was possible his brothers were out hunting for him. Gio especially wouldn’t give up until Rafe was safe at home with them.

  The front door opened just as Dante reached for the bell. Gabriel smiled, waving him inside. “I was wondering when you would show up.”

  Dante entered the warmth of the angel’s home, a sense of peace and purpose filling him. He always felt safe in Gabriel’s house. The angel wouldn’t allow any harm to come to him.

  But he had a job to do. “I’m having some difficulty with the hunts.” Gabriel led the way to the kitchen. Usually they discussed business in Gabriel’s living room, but today his boss looked tired, worn down. “Damien and Seth are helping to hunt down the Shem Angelus, but so far we haven’t had any luck finding him.” Dante took a deep breath. “He made a threat I’m taking very seriously.”

  Gabriel froze in the act of pulling open the fridge. “What did he say?”

  “Something about my woman not surviving the week.”

  Gabriel pulled out a can of cola and handed it over before grabbing a ginger ale for himself. “You don’t have a woman. Not anymore.”

  Dante could feel his cheeks begin to burn. Damn it, he hated blushing, especially in front of Gabriel. It was so fucking unmanly. “I have a date tonight.”


  “Elizabeth Rand.” Gabriel coughed and turned away, but not before Dante saw the smirk on his face. “It’s not funny. How in the hell did the Shem figure out I’m seeing someone?”

  “Good question.” Gabriel turned back around and popped the top on the can. “Most Shem work alone.”

  “So this guy is shadowing me? Great.”

  “Or he’s shadowing Elizabeth.” Gabriel’s unease seemed to match Dante’s own.

  Dante gritted his teeth. He’d rather find that the Angelus was watching him. At least he could defend himself against it. Elizabeth didn’t stand a chance. “What do I do to protect her?”

  “She knows about us. Tell your brothers what was said.”

  “Damien and Seth were both there when the Shem threatened her. They know already.”

  Gabriel took a sip of his soda. “Then I’ll inform your other brothers as well. They’ll keep their eyes open. If the Shem is shadowing her, they’ll help protect her.”

  “Even Piotr?” As if. The man hated him.

  Gabriel’s brows rose. “I trust in him.”

  Dante winced. He knew a reprimand when he heard one. But how to explain that Piotr set off every instinct he had? The man was bad news, and no one but he and Damien seemed to see it. “There’s just something about him that bothers me. He never comes here. He never takes part in meetings unless they’re mandatory. He uses his business as a shield to keep the rest of us at bay. What is he hiding?”

  “Dante...” Gabriel sighed. “If I told you I know why Piotr stays apart from the rest of us, will you give him the benefit of the doubt?”

  “Maybe.” He ignored the slight shake of Gabriel’s head. The angel might be disappointed in him, but until Dante was satisfied Piotr wasn’t a threat, he was holding on to his suspicions. Even Gabriel could be fooled. He glanced down at his watch. “I’d better get going. Elizabeth is expecting me.”

  “Consider her your top priority. If the Angelus has targeted her, you know what her fate may be.”

  Dante shuddered. “Yeah.” The fear and anger that rose within him called forth his inner fire. It danced along his arms, raced down his spine. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “When it’s time, bring her to me.” Gabriel’s serene expression baffled him.

  “Time for what?”

  “You’ll know.” Gabriel took the soda from him and escorted him to the front door.

  “And the Azar?”

  “You’ll find him with Elizabeth’s help. If you need the others, they’ll come.” Gabriel opened the door, letting in the frigid air. “Enjoy your date, Dante.”

  “Thanks. Stay safe, my brother.”

  The pleasure that lit Gabriel’s expression whenever one of them spoke that phrase to him was bright. “Stay safe, my brother.”

  Dante left Gabriel’s home feeling more confused than when he arrived, but at least Gabriel now knew Elizabeth was in danger. That alone had made the trip worth it. Gabriel would never allow any harm to come to a human one of his Neph cared about, and Dante found he cared far more than he was completely comfortable with.

  Elizabeth was nothing like Lillian. Already she’d proven she was his equal in many ways. The knowledge that he had a partner who was worthy of bringing before Gabriel and the others, one who didn’t shy away from the supernatural parts of his existence, told him more about how he’d felt about Lillian than anything possibly could have. It wasn’t just the fact that she’d cheated on him that had ruined their marriage. He’d needed someone who matched his fire.

  He’d needed Elizabeth. And he’d do everything in his power to make sure her flame never went out.

  Chapter Nine

  Dante showed up on the stroke of seven, clutching a single red rose in his hand. Beth was oddly touched at the old-fashioned gesture. The romance behind it wasn’t something she was used to. Most of the men she dated took her to ball games and bought her hot dogs and soft pretzels.

  It was sweet, and not something she would have expected from him.

  She smiled as she took the rose. “Thank you.”

  Dante cleared his throat. “You look good.”

  She’d chosen to dress simply for their first date, in the same black leather jeans that she’d worn the night before in the club. She’d paired them with a hot pink turtleneck sweater that played peek-a-boo with her midriff. The sleeves hid the bruise on her arm.

  She didn’t want any reminders of the asshole he’d put on the ground getting in the way of their date.

  “So do you.�
� The tight red button-down shirt and black jeans hugged his body in all the right places. She waved him into her apartment and tried not to react to the heat in his gaze. “I can’t remember the last time someone brought me flowers.” She put a small bud vase under the faucet and filled it with water, then carefully arranged the rose and baby’s breath within until she was satisfied with the arrangement. She looked up to see Dante watching her, a strange smile on his face. “What?”

  “Sorry, for a moment there you actually looked domesticated.” He grinned as she bared her teeth at him. “Want to come over here and try that?” he asked softly.

  Beth took a deep breath and reminded herself not to rise to the bait. Rising to the bait was what had gotten her into this mess. The last thing she needed to do was fall for her partner. “We’re going dancing, remember?”

  “Right. You decided to challenge the ‘old man.’ Still think I don’t have what it takes to keep up with you?”

  She wasn’t certain, but she didn’t think they were talking about dancing anymore. “We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?” She reached for her jacket and put it on, then pulled her purse over her shoulder. She dug her keys out of her pocket and guided him out of the apartment, locking the door.

  No going back now, she thought as they walked down the stairs to his car. She just hoped they weren’t both making the biggest mistake of their lives.

  The restaurant he chose was quiet and intimate, the seafood excellent. “I thought the traditional first date was dinner and a movie.”

  “Only if you’re still a poor college student. At the very least, if you’re going to take a woman to a movie, you have to make sure there are subtitles or it doesn’t count.”

  The disgust in his voice had her grinning. “Gotten complaints before?”

  He looked perplexed. “No, it’s not that. Just once, I’d like to take a woman out on a date and not feel that I haven’t managed to live up to her expectations.”

  The honesty of the reply surprised her. She let out a small laugh. “You don’t have to worry about that with me. So far I don’t have any expectations.” She toyed with her angel hair pasta. The food was delicious, but she was so nervous that she hadn’t been able to take more than a mouthful of it. Hell, she was still shocked she’d said yes, despite her attraction to him.


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