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The Starlight Club 6: Double Seven

Page 11

by Joe Corso

  “We have our movie studios operating in the black now. We have two boxers that are champions and the prospects for a third championship belt are looking good, we have one Vegas casino open and operating in the black and the second one is being rebuilt as we speak. I just need to build some generals and that’s why I sent Bull to Las Vegas. He’s my eyes and ears in Vegas and he’s gonna be in charge of the casinos.” Red shook his head and waved his arm toward the bar. “This is my world, Trenchie. Yeah, I can fly out to visit my business investments whenever I want…and I can spend some quality time in Vegas and Los Angeles, but this is where I have to be in order to keep everything running smoothly. You’re the one guy I won’t send away. I need you right here with me. The rest of the guys, the ones I know and trust; they’re the ones who will be my generals, and they’re the ones who will help me build an empire. Our biggest money producers will be in movies and legitimate gambling. Our operation in Queens will pay our expenses; the businesses out west will allow us all to become rich. This is big business, Trenchie. We’re like a Fortune Five Hundred company, but my dream for us to be one hundred percent legit is just that…a dream. I tried hard to make it happen, I really did. But reality hit me square between the eyes and I realized that if I were to leave the Queens rackets in the hands of a few of my captains, sooner or later, another mob would try to take over our action and that is something I can’t allow to happen.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Allan Webber picked up his private phone, the one that bypassed his secretary. “Webber speaking.”

  “Allan, it’s Red. How are you doing?” Webber still wasn’t completely comfortable having Red or anyone else as a partner. He never needed a partner because, although his casino was situated in the old section of town, it was the first one you came to when you entered the old part of town and it was situated next to Binion’s Horseshoe, where all the high rollers came every year to play in his tournament, and besides, the double Seven casino was operating in the black. Big Red saved Webber’s ass when wise guys threatened to kill him and his family after they offered him chump change for a lifetime of work if he didn’t hand over his casino to them. Big Red stepped in and prevented that from happening. In return, Red promised to invest his money in the complete renovation of the Double Seven casino plus a generous legitimate cash buy-in to own fifty-one percent of the Double Seven. Webber balked at first because he didn’t know if he could trust Big Red Fortunato. But Webber was an honorable man and Red kept his word and did as he said he would, so Webber went with his gut and agreed to have Red as his partner. To his relief, Big Red let him maintain control of the day-to-day operation of the casino and trusted Allan’s judgment in matters of policy. In effect, Allan, although owning less than half of his casino, was making a better profit and taking home a larger salary than when he owned one hundred percent of his casino. And that wasn’t all. When Red’s second casino was completed, Allan would get a percentage of that as well.

  “Everything is fine, Red. The casino looks great with the great job your man did in renovating the place.”

  Red chuckled. “Yeah, Artie also did all the work on the Starlight Club for me. He’s the best. It’s too bad I couldn’t get Angelo to go to Vegas and do a little work on the place. You know…put finishing touches to the place.”

  “The place looks great now, Red. I don’t know what your man Angelo could do to have made it look any better.”

  “Look, Allan. I’m throwing a party at the Starlight Club in the fall and I want you and your wife to come to it. The food is the best and that night I always have the best entertainers money can buy performing at the club. Columbia Pictures made two movies starring James Roman that featured the Starlight Club. I know you and your wife will enjoy the night. I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.”

  Allan saw all of James Roman’s pictures because his wife and daughter wouldn’t miss any of his pictures. “Yes, I remember the place now. My wife and daughter dragged me out of the house to see all of James Roman’s pictures.”

  “Roman was one of my men and he worked for me. I was proud of what he made of himself when he was given the opportunity. But I didn’t call you specifically to invite you to the party, although I was going to get to that. No, I wanted you to know that my guys should be there any time now. One of my men is an expert in card manipulation and he can spot a cheat in both cards and dice. I want him to wander around the floor to check out the big winners. If he has to, he can sit in at a table and deal cards. I would use him if you suspect someone is cheating, but you can’t spot how he is doing it.

  “The man I’m talking about is Richie Cambria better known as Richie Fingers. I’d like you to do me a favor, Allan. If he shows up by himself, then let him get his own place, but if he shows up with a woman, I’d appreciate it if you found them a nice place to stay at until they find a permanent place. Okay?”

  Red hung up and then he dialed the private number for Nell’s Silver Spur and the call was redirected to the construction shack. Ernie picked up on the second ring.

  “Ernie here. Is this you, Red?”

  Red laughed. “How the hell did you know it was me?”

  “This is the private number to Nell’s place and the only people who have it are you, Bull, and Doc, and since I hadn’t heard from you in a while, the odds were this call was from you. I guess you want an update on how the construction is coming along?”

  “Yeah. Give me a quick update on how the place is looking.”

  “Well, the original plans called for a slab to be laid and the casino built on the slab. But I decided to add a cellar since the old slab was torn up. It was much too small for our casino, so I had it bulldozed and taken away. I took a look at the hole it left and thought that we could use a cellar to store our liquor or maybe put offices down there. I hope you’re not pissed off at me for doing it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  Red was silent for a moment, making Ernie think that maybe Red was pissed off at him. But a moment later, his fears were allayed.

  “No, Ernie. That was good thinking. More space is always a good thing. Is the foundation laid yet?”

  “Yeah, the cellar and foundation are laid and the frame is up and the electricians and plumbers are laying in the wiring and pipes. As soon as that’s completed, the walls will be put up. It’s coming along great, boss. I’ll take some pictures and overnight them to you.”

  “Perfect. I can’t wait to see them.”

  “Oh, I almost forgot. The sign maker came by and dropped off some designs for the large lighted sign that’ll be built in front of the place next to the highway. We’re the first casino and everyone who’s coming into Vegas will see it.”

  “Has construction started on the motel yet?”

  “Yes. Since the foundation for this place was completed, the company moved their equipment to the lot behind the casino and they started working on the foundation. Once it’s completed, then we’ll begin building the motel.”

  “What about the restaurant? Is the foundation for that being laid also?”

  “No! We have a company that specializes in building prefabricated restaurants. It’s a Greek company. I discovered that if you are a Greek, they’ll set up the restaurant with no money down, but everyone else has to put down a minimum of ten percent and then finance the rest. It’s a good thing we don’t need any financing.”

  “Wait a minute, Ernie. You gave me an idea. Tell the restaurant people that we’ll put down twenty-five percent and finance the rest. Do the same with the casino if you can. I’d rather have the restaurant, motel, and casino pay their own way and, this way, we can take a write-off on our investment and still claim the interest.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Richie Fingers sat in Red’s office, waiting while Red took an envelope out of his desk drawer.

  “Are you ready to go to Vegas, Richie?”

  “Yes, Red. Only I wish I had another couple of weeks.”

And why’s that?”

  “I’m worried about JoAnne, Red. She’d been through a lot and she’s finally starting to trust me and I’d hate to let her down by leaving her, but I know what I have to do and I’ll do it. I’ll go to Vegas because I know you need me there.”

  “Would it make you feel better if she went with you?” Richie’s eyes widened in surprise at Red’s question. “Yeah, it sure would, Red.”

  “Can you get her ready to leave with you this afternoon?”

  “Hell, yeah. As soon as we’re finished here, I’ll drive over to the house and tell her to pack her bags, she’s coming with me to Vegas.”

  “Go on; get out of here. Call me to confirm that she can leave with you and I’ll buy the airline tickets and you can pick them up at the American Airlines counter.”

  “Gee, thanks, Red. I really appreciate it.”

  “Did you set a wedding date yet?”

  Richie shrugged his shoulders. “No, Red. We haven’t even gotten engaged yet.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Does she love you?”

  “Yes, I know she does.”

  “Well, then why the hell are you waiting to get engaged?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it. I was gonna ask you who you use as a jeweler and then I was gonna go see him.”

  Red waved the remark away. “I’m my own jeweler. Sit there and don’t move while I get something out of my safe.” Red moved a picture aside and spun the dial a few times and opened his safe. He took out a small black velvet ring box and closed the safe. He sat back down behind his large desk and handed the box to Richie. “Open it.”

  “Holy shit!” Richie looked at the diamond ring and then he looked at Red and then back down at the ring. “Red, I have to have this. Take some money out of my pay each week until this is paid for. I really appreciate this, Red…JoAnne’s gonna flip when she sees this rock.”

  Red’s eyes narrowed. “Here’s what you’re gonna do. When you leave here, you’re gonna tell JoAnne that she’s going with you to Vegas. Then you’re gonna hand her the ring and ask her to marry you. When she accepts, and there’s no reason in the world why she wouldn’t…you’re setting the date for September and we’re going to have the ceremony at St. Leo’s and the reception right here at the Starlight Club. We’ll plan it for the day after my party. This way, the club will be jumping on Saturday and Sunday. Now, how does all this sound to you?”

  “It sounds great, Red, so long as I can pay you back a little at a time for the ring.”

  Red grunted and dismissed the thought. “You don’t owe me nothin’ for the ring. Consider it my gift to the bride. Now get out of here and get your girl dressed and ready to go. You have to be at the airport in a few hours”

  Red left his office and watched the door close behind Richie. He sidled up to the bar beside Trenchie and he told Fat Charlie to put up a pot of coffee. Then he and Trenchie sat at Red’s favorite table.

  “Is Richie leaving tomorrow for Vegas?” Trenchie asked.

  “No. He’s leaving this afternoon and I told him that if he wanted to take JoAnne with him, it was all right with me. I can’t have an unhappy man working my casino. I want his mind on his work and not on his girl. Besides, I want him to get to Vegas before Bull if it’s at all possible.”

  “Do you think she’ll go with him?”

  “Yeah, I think she will. Especially since he’s gonna ask her to marry him.”

  Trenchie barked a laugh. “So Richie’s gonna ask her to marry him?”

  “If he does what I told him to, he will. Besides, it’d be nice to have the wedding dinner here at the Starlight Club. If she agrees, I told him to plan the wedding for the day after my party. This way, everyone will already be in town and I think they would love to attend their wedding.” Red smiled. “Hey! Everyone loves a wedding.”

  Richie rushed into the house to tell JoAnne the good news. “JoAnne, are you home?”

  A voice answered from the laundry room in the rear of the house. “I’m back here doing laundry.”

  Richie rushed to the laundry room. “JoAnne. I have great news.”

  She stopped what she was doing and wiped her hands on her apron and she looked at him curiously. “What’s the good news, Richie?”

  “I’m leaving for Vegas this afternoon and you’re coming with me.” When she heard him say that, her smile lit up the small room.

  “Are you sure, Richie?”

  “Yes, I am. Now go pack your clothes; we don’t have much time.” She turned to leave, but he stopped her. “Wait a minute, before you do anything, come into the living room and have a drink with me.” JoAnne was still in shock from the news that she was going with him to Las Vegas and she thought that the drink was to celebrate the fact that they’d still be together. Richie poured two rum and Cokes and he handed one to JoAnne.

  “Sit down, JoAnne. I have something important to ask you.” JoAnne sat while holding her drink and she was about to take a sip when Richie asked her without any warning to marry him. She was shocked when he said that and she choked on her drink and it went down the wrong pipe.

  “Richie. Did I hear right? Did you just ask me to marry you?”

  Richie took the little blue box from his pocket and opened it. JoAnne took one look at the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever laid eyes on and she started to cry. Richie took her in his arms and patted her gently on her back as he squeezed her tightly. He took the ring and placed it on her finger and he was pleased to see that it fit perfectly. There would be no need to have a jeweler size the ring.

  “It is a beautiful ring, isn’t it?” he said softly to her.

  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “It’s the most beautiful ring I ever saw. The size of the diamond must be at least three, maybe four carats.”

  “Well, what do you say? Are you gonna accept my proposal or not?”

  She threw her arms around him and kissed him hard on his lips. “I never thought I would ever say this so soon after my experience with Brian, but I discovered that I’ve fallen in love with you, so my answer is yes. I will marry you.”

  He whispered in her ear, “I have more to tell you.”

  Richie explained everything that Red had told him. How the date of their marriage was set in September, the day after Red had his grand party. Once Red set the date for his party, then he’d know the date they would be married. Richie explained to her how he asked Red what jeweler he used because he wanted to get her a ring…and Red replied that he was his own jeweler. He even told her how after Red showed him the ring, he asked if he could pay him a little at a time until the ring was paid off. Then he looked at her and said, “Red wouldn’t take any money from me. This ring is his wedding gift to you.”

  She lifted her hand and stared at the ring over Richie’s shoulder.

  “Oh my lord,” she said softly into his ear. “This ring must have cost him a fortune.” Then she looked in his eyes. “Red’s a good man, isn’t he?”

  “Yes,” Richie said. He smiled and thought to himself, Yeah Red’s a good man. When he wants to be. “Now hurry up; go and get ready…we have a plane to catch.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Red felt good. Two weeks had passed since Richie and JoAnne flew to Vegas. His movie companies were profitable and two of his three fighters, besides being champions, were now all famous screen personalities. Swifty still had a return match clause that required him to fight the ex-champ. Gil Clancy, their trainer, had tried to find a loophole that would get Swifty out of the fight, but he signed an ironclad contract and there was no way out of it. The fight would happen on a date yet to be agreed upon. The problem was Slick Parker. The ex-champ had a style that would allow him to beat Swifty. His style was a lot like Henri’s, who was like a ghost in the ring; he danced, he jabbed, and he cut off the ring. You had to catch him to hit him and the way he danced and jabbed, it neutralized Swifty’s in-your-face style of fighting. In a one-on-one br
awl, the odds were that Swifty would probably knock most of his opponents out because he had power in either hand and if he could hit you, he could knock you out. Swifty got lucky in their first fight. He caught the champ with a punch he didn’t see coming and that punch took him out of the fight. Parker was way ahead on points when the punch landed and if the fight had gone to the scorecards, Swifty would have lost by a wide margin.

  Red called Swifty at Starlight Productions and reached him in the gym he had constructed especially for his three fighters.

  “Yeah, what’s up, Red?”

  “You’re fighting Slick Parker again in August at Madison Square Garden. Are you in shape for the fight?”

  “Yeah, I’m in good condition and I’ll be in better shape the night of the fight.”

  “Look, don’t slack off. Make sure you stay in shape for the fight but be careful. I don’t want you to over train to a point where you become stale.”

  Swifty laughed. “Relax, Red. I’ll be in good shape for the fight.”

  “Listen to Gill. He’s worried about styles and he’s trying to come up with a plan to counter Parker’s style. I just hope he comes up with something before the fight.”

  “Look, Red, I beat the guy once and I can beat him again.”

  “I know you beat him, but he almost killed your movie career with the pounding he put on your face.”


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