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The Reluctant First Lady

Page 5

by Venita Ellick

  Jack covered the microphone with his hand and turned his back to the audience of reporters. “I think I should stop the questions and let Michael talk.”

  Ashley whispered, “I’d rather my portion of the press conference not end with that question. I’d like to answer one more question.”

  Jack nodded. He turned, announced there was time for one more question and called on another reporter.

  “Mrs. Taylor, would you be more specific about what you plan to do or not do regarding the role of First Lady?”

  “First, I don’t think of myself as the First Lady. I’m not going to live in the White House except when I come to visit my husband. I have an apartment in New York, and like many other commuter marriages, Michael and I will live in two cities. I will commute back and forth between the two residences, just as I have while he was in Congress.

  “When I’m here, I’d rather spend time with Michael away from all of the political and social influences. However, I’ll definitely be at the inauguration and all of the activities surrounding it. Plus, it’s possible I might attend some formal dinners when I’m here after that. I’m sure circumstances will arise that I can’t anticipate at the moment. I feel confident that as new situations come up, Michael and I will find ways to work through them. My time is up. Thank you for listening.”

  Ashley turned and sat down next to her husband and children.

  Jack introduced Michael. “Now, President-elect Taylor would like to say a few words.”

  Michael stood and went forward to the microphone. “Good morning. I hope you got a better night’s sleep than I did.”

  The reporters laughed and shook their heads.

  Michael continued. “I’m sure you’re all wondering what I think about Ashley’s decision.” He looked out at the sea of reporters, and they were nodding their heads.

  “First, I’d like to address a question that was directed to my wife regarding whether this information was deliberately withheld from the public during my campaign. The answer is no.

  “While I knew Ashley wasn’t interested in politics, she campaigned for me ardently. She worked as hard as anyone to help get me elected. I had hoped through her involvement in the campaign that she would want to join me in the White House. Not until after the election did she make her intentions finally clear.

  “I believe previous First Ladies have been tremendous assets to their husbands’ administrations and we, as a nation, have benefited from their work. My wife wants something different, and I’m trying to honor her decision. I can’t exactly drag her by the hair to the White House, now, can I?”

  Laughter broke out again among the reporters.

  “I recognize what a surprise this must be to the American people because this is the first time the wife of a president has declined to be involved in her husband’s presidency. But, in actuality, whether she likes the label or not, she is and will be the First Lady as long as I’m president. Her rejection is aimed only at the traditional role past First Ladies have filled; however, I have great faith in my administration. Certainly it’ll take some getting used to, but in the end, we’ll reorganize certain responsibilities that past First Ladies have handled. The days ahead will bring greater clarity as to what type of needs exist and how best to fill them.”

  Jack called on another reporter.

  “Congratulations on your overwhelming victory last night. Would you clarify your position on Afghanistan?”

  Jack immediately stepped in. “This isn’t the time for questions regarding policy issues. Additional press conferences will be scheduled at a later date to discuss other topics. Thank you all for coming.”

  Michael, Ashley, and the twins exited the ballroom. When they were out of sight and earshot of the reporters, Jack asked Michael, “Would you like to meet now to debrief the press conference, or would you prefer to do it later?”

  Michael’s face was like a steel mask except for the flexing of his jaw muscle. “Schedule a meeting for later, say in an hour back at our headquarters. I want to escort Ashley back to our suite. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  In another part of Washington, Ted Hoffman, Speaker of the House and a member of the opposition party, turned off the television and smiled at the other men in the room. “A huge gift has just landed in our lap. It’s time to hold a press conference of our own.”


  The reaction to the early morning press conference was swift and varied as network news, cable news channels, special interest groups, and even late-night comedians weighed in with their opinions. Within minutes of the press conference, a media frenzy had begun and a national debate was underway.

  NBC News

  “President-elect Michael Taylor and Mrs. Ashley Taylor just concluded a press conference in which it was confirmed that Mrs. Taylor does not intend to uphold the duties of the First Lady. Mrs. Taylor stated she’ll be returning to her job as the director of the Cameron Museum of Art in Manhattan, one of the most prestigious museums in the nation. At the press conference this morning, one day after Taylor was elected by a significant majority, Mrs. Taylor had this to say.”

  The tape rolled as millions of viewers watched Ashley give the speech she’d delivered earlier outlining the reasons for her decision to return to work in New York.

  Brian Williams noted, “This is a completely unprecedented situation that raises many questions and observations.” Williams turned to address Tom Brokaw. “I really don’t know what to say. It’s such surprising news. I’m sure as we receive additional information, we’ll see how the White House intends to respond.”

  Brokaw concurred. “It’s very unorthodox. First Ladies have served alongside their husbands since the founding of the presidency in 1789. The only exception was when James Buchanan was president. He wasn’t married and asked his niece to fill in as hostess for the White House. Most First Ladies have tended to champion causes they were interested in that were relevant to their times. Mrs. Taylor will be the first president’s wife who has refused to accept the traditional role.”

  Matt Lauer weighed in. “It makes one wonder if there isn’t more to the story than we’re hearing. This news seems to have come out of nowhere. Surely there must have been some understanding between President-elect and Mrs. Taylor.”

  Brokaw added, “I think it’s too soon to speculate about anything at this point. What we do know is that past First Ladies have worked alongside their husbands while they were in the White House and sponsored many noble causes such as ending childhood obesity, literacy, human rights, and healthcare reform. The list of causes goes on and on.

  “In Mrs. Taylor’s case, she says she enjoys a more hands-on approach in regards to the arts and finds that infinitely more rewarding than heading up any type of national program.”

  Williams spoke again. “To wrap things up, we were just informed that Mrs. Ashley Taylor, the wife of President-elect Taylor, does not intend to assume the role of the First Lady. She will be returning to New York and her job as the director of the Cameron Museum of Art. Stay tuned for additional news regarding this unparalleled turn of events. Back to you, Matt and Savannah.”

  Fox News

  “I’m still shocked that Mrs. Taylor is rejecting her role as America’s First Lady. She’s thumbing her nose at a tradition that’s over two hundred years old.”

  Sean Hannity continued. “You have to wonder why President-elect Taylor even bothered to run for office knowing his wife’s position. And don’t think for one minute he didn’t know. They may try to tell us that, but don’t you believe it. He knew.”

  Bill O’Reilly interjected, “I wonder what’s wrong with her. There’s got to be something wrong with a woman who blatantly throws a position of honor that has been bestowed on her back into the very faces of the good American people who voted for her husband.

  “Here’s the first example of what electing a Berkeley-educated, bleeding-heart liberal into the White House looks like. Now he and his wife are showing their true colors.
Their behavior is clearly outside the mainstream values. Who does she think she is?” O’Reilly asked.

  “Maybe she’s doing it to bring publicity to the museum of art she’s so fired up about. I mean, anything’s possible with a woman who would do something like this. Maybe we should have another election. I wonder who’d win if we had a ‘do-over’ election now that this has been made public,” Hannity joked.

  O’Reilly added, “I’d like to point out how Mrs. Taylor was dressed for today’s press conference. I mean she practically had on a kimono. She’s untraditional in every sense of the word. Maybe it’s a good thing she’s refusing to become the First Lady. What kind of role model will she be for our children?”


  “Yowza,” Rachel Maddow cheered. “It’s about time someone brought this issue into the forefront. Personally, as a woman, I’m proud of her. I think she’s setting a wonderful example for other women and young girls.

  “Data from the Department of Labor shows us that out of the one hundred and twenty-two million women ages sixteen and over, seventy-two million women, or 59.2 percent, were labor-force participants in the United States with 74 percent of those working full-time.

  “Mrs. Taylor’s decision is important on two fronts. First two working partners is the norm in most American families today. She’s showing that’s also true in the White House. Second she’s a shining example that a woman can choose what she wants to do. You don’t have to go along with tradition or what’s always been done. Progress is what this is all about. We should be continuing to evolve as a nation, and Mrs. Taylor’s decision shows us we are, in fact, still evolving.

  “I applaud her. I don’t know if I’d make the same decision if I were in her shoes, but that’s one of the points she’s making. Just because her husband got elected to the presidency doesn’t mean she should automatically have to give up her job. Just looking at the facts, the position of the First Lady doesn’t affect foreign policy or legislation. The job is mainly ceremonial. So, why is this so alarming? This is clearly an issue whose time has come. If a woman were elected president, would our nation expect her husband to be the official White House host? Good for her. Finally, a woman who thinks for herself and is willing to stand up for her beliefs.”

  Opposition Party Headquarters

  Speaker of the House Ted Hoffman squinted against the glaring lights focused on him as news reporters aimed their cameras and microphones so as not to miss his reaction to the President-elect and Mrs. Taylor’s press conference.

  “I think I speak for the majority of Americans when I say this is a travesty directed at an American tradition. If President-elect Taylor can’t influence his wife to accept her role as the First Lady, what are his chances of influencing others to pass needed legislation? Our country was founded on family values, and Mrs. Taylor is casting stones at those very values.

  “One wonders how we will be viewed around the world. Our good name may diminish due to Mrs. Taylor’s rash decision and President-elect Taylor’s inability to reason with his wife.

  “Who will welcome foreign dignitaries and their wives to the White House? With Mrs. Taylor turning her back on the job, we have no First Lady to act as a national hostess.

  “Personally I believe President-elect Taylor should consider whether or not he can serve effectively as the leader of our great nation. This turn of events clearly indicates he’s not ready to govern our country.”

  National Organization for Women (NOW)

  The president of the National Organization for Women, Patricia Donaldson, faced the cameras. “I just have a short statement to make regarding Mrs. Ashley Taylor’s decision to return to work in lieu of assuming the role of the First Lady.

  “Personally I’m glad I’ve lived long enough to see this day come. I agree with Mrs. Taylor: becoming the First Lady should be a choice, not an expectation. There is no right or wrong in this decision.

  “I would also like to congratulate President-elect Taylor. While he doesn’t agree with his wife’s decision and would obviously prefer for her to join him in the White House, he recognizes her right to make her own choice. I know how hard it must be for him to be under such immediate controversy so soon after the election. I admire him greatly for accepting his wife’s decision.”

  Later that night, the late-night talk shows joined the national debate.

  The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

  “I think we all know the top story of the day is Mrs. Taylor’s rejection of the First Lady position. I say, shame on you, Mrs. Taylor, shame on you.” Jon smiled his sweet, sarcastic smile while shaking his finger at the camera.

  “Who wouldn’t want to have such a wonderful job? Let’s see, just examining the facts, previous First Ladies have come into office as intelligent, educated women and are turned into fashion icons, trendsetters, and hostesses. I’m sure every father is happy to pay the tuition for a good college education to see his daughter turned into a hostess at Applebee’s. Oops.” Stewart covered his mouth with his hand and giggled. “I meant to say First Lady.”

  Stewart swiveled in his chair and looked earnestly into a different camera. “We all know how much Jacqueline Kennedy was loved and admired. Here is some old news footage we found of her after being in the role of the First Lady for just one week.”

  An old NBC News Time Capsule interview of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy showing off the White House to the press begins running. Her voice is light and whispery.

  Stewart continued with straight-faced sincerity, “I’m not accusing Mrs. Kennedy of being on any mind-altering drugs—that would be libelous. I’m sure she was just very relaxed with all of the lights, cameras, newspeople, and millions of viewers focusing on her every word. Wouldn’t you be? But, after only one week of being the First Lady, they turned an intelligent, articulate woman into a tour guide.”

  Late Show with David Letterman

  David Letterman stood before his audience with his hands in his pockets. “Did you hear today that Mrs. Taylor, the wife of our new president, says she doesn’t want to be the official First Lady or live in the White House? I find that interesting. Don’t you, Paul?”

  Paul Shaffer began playing “Hail to the Chief” and let the strains dwindle into silence. “Yes, I find that very interesting.”

  Letterman continued. “Well, we got to thinking. Why wouldn’t you want to live in the White House? I mean it’s a national monument, for God’s sake. Here are some reasons Mrs. Taylor may have decided to forego living in a national monument.

  • Everything in your house is a hand-me-down.

  • Tours come through your house daily.

  • Trying to get a good parking spot is a bitch.

  “I’ll bet you can never get a good parking spot at the White House.” Letterman grinned. “I’d hate that. Next.

  • You can’t run around in your pajamas.

  • You can’t paint your house any color you want.

  “Here again, don’t you hate it when you live in a neighborhood and there’s some kind of organized rules saying what color you can paint your house? If I want to paint my house lime green, it’s my business.

  • Creepy secret service guys are always around talking into their wrists

  “And finally,

  • Your favorite take-out restaurant won’t deliver to your address.”

  Michael’s advisors turned off the bank of television sets with the prerecorded newscasts they’d been watching. Each of the networks, the cable news channels, and the special interest groups were all true to form in their opinions and responses. It was going to take some quick thinking, a lot of tact, and a little luck to put the unleashed monster back in its cage, if that were even possible.


  After the press conference, Michael and Ashley were unusually quiet as they returned to their suite. Maintaining their public persona of togetherness and support was taking its toll on both of them. Once behind closed doors, they were free to release their pent-up emot
ions and remove their public cloaks.

  Ashley sat down on the sofa and waited for Michael to join her. Instead he sat on the arm of a chair across the room, distancing himself from her. “It’s almost impossible to express how angry and disappointed I am. I’ve probably experienced every other emotion where you’re concerned, but never this heartrending disappointment. You’ve taken the focus off of my election and the work I hope to accomplish.”

  Ashley stood up, kinetic energy surging through her body. “I’m sorry, I truly am. I’ve lost count of the number of times I tried to get you to discuss this with me before the election. Or how many times I’ve urged you to brainstorm possible solutions. What you said at the press conference evidently isn’t true. You don’t respect my right to make my own decision. You want me to succumb to your way of thinking.

  “You keep talking about how my decision is going to affect you and your presidency. I recognize that’s a huge focus for you; how could it not be? The presidency is as big as it gets. But what I don’t hear you saying is that you’re going to miss me, just me. I’m disappointed in you too.”

  “Then it appears we’re at a stalemate, and we have nothing else to say to one another,” Michael shot back.

  “Not true. I have something to say. I’m out of here. I’m leaving immediately for New York. I’ve given you all of the time I can afford. I’ve been gone off and on from my job for over a year to help campaign for you. No matter what I do, it’s never enough.

  “When you first ran for Congress, we agreed to try to make things work for both of us. We said we’d always put our family first. You followed your dreams, and I supported you. I’ve never done anything to give you the impression that I wanted to live in your shadow, so acting like my decision is something new is disingenuous.”


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