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The Reluctant First Lady

Page 21

by Venita Ellick

  She missed Michael. He’d been gone for over a week on his trip to Europe, and communication between them had been scarce. Between the time difference and their schedules, finding a good time to talk was a challenge. She tracked his movements through the media. Fortunately the press he was getting from his trip was better than she’d expected. A sharp pain stabbed her insides every time she saw a picture of Michael, especially if Paula was in it too. He felt so far away. They’d been separated by continents before in their parallel yet separate lives, but this time for some reason, Ashley was having a more difficult time coping.

  Ashley had wanted to accompany him on his first trip to Europe as president, yet she knew she couldn’t take any more time off after all the time at Christmas and for the inauguration. Plus, she had the open house at Geoffrey’s this coming weekend. She was thankful for his generous support, and in all honesty, she didn’t perceive him as a threat to her. Although she didn’t enjoy the cocktail party circuit, her job requirements demanded she attend.

  On the afternoon of the open house, Ashley and her Secret Service agents arrived at Robert’s apartment to pick up him and his wife, Audrey. Riding together only made sense.

  The event wasn’t formal, but the late afternoon gathering demanded something a little dressier than beach clothes, a certain casual chic style.

  Ashley chose to wear a bright crimson and gold sari, its neckline and sleeves trimmed in three inches of gold banding. She thought East Indian women had the right idea about their style of dress. They chose absolutely beautiful fabrics, colorful and comfortable to boot.

  She wore her hair down in loose waves, which looked as though she’d spent the day at a fashionable salon to get the very coveted windblown look but was just what her thick hair did naturally. She was happy with her choice of comfortable clothes.

  Ashley felt as if she had everything under control where Geoffrey was concerned although she knew Michael’s feelings were quite different. Where other men were concerned, Michael had always been extremely jealous. He should know by now that she wasn’t as open and trusting as he believed. She let very few people get past the barriers she erected.

  The black SUV pulled up in front of Robert’s apartment building, and Dave got out to wait for him in the lobby. The wait was longer than Ashley had expected. She reminded Robert earlier that day what time they’d be by to pick him up, and he was generally a very punctual man. She was surprised he was taking so long. She, on the other hand, was habitually late, always thinking she had enough time to cram one more thing into her schedule before she had to leave for an appointment.

  A few more minutes passed before Dave came back to the car. “I’ve got some upsetting news. Robert won’t be able to attend the open house with you. He and his wife just received news that their son, Rick, has had a heart attack. They’re leaving immediately for the hospital where he’s been taken.”

  “Oh my God. Rick isn’t that old. Maybe I should go see if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  “I don’t think there is, Mrs. Taylor. They’re leaving immediately.”

  “Well, at least I can give them my love and let them know I’ll be praying for Rick. Hang on for a second while I run in and talk to Robert.”

  Ashley got out of the car and headed toward the building. Dave scrambled out of the car to keep up with her. Just as she reached the front door to the apartment building, Robert and Audrey were coming out. A cab pulled up behind the SUV and gave a short honk.

  Ashley reached out to Robert and Audrey, hugging one and then the other. “I won’t keep you. I’m so sorry to hear about Rick. I’ll be praying for him. I’ll call later to check on his progress.”

  “Thanks, Ashley.” Robert and his wife headed toward the cab. He turned back to address Ashley. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to go with you to the open house.”

  “Nonsense. That’s the last thing that should be on your mind. I’ll handle everything. Just remember, you’re taking my love and prayers with you. Now go.”

  Ashley got back into the SUV, clearly shaken. She voiced her fears to Matt and Dave. “I can’t believe it. Rick’s about the same age as Michael. I only hope everything will be all right. I won’t allow myself to think any other way. Anyhow, it’ll just be us for tonight.”

  Ashley was thinking of her kids and of Michael. First she had been jolted by Ted’s car accident and the fact that life was so precarious and now Rick. This was further proof that she couldn’t take anything for granted. You never know how much time you have left with the ones you love. Each day should be cherished. Again, she thought of her plan. Were these tragedies a sign she should continue?


  The open house was in full swing by the time Ashley arrived. Valet parking was being provided, but Matt flashed his credentials to the young man parking cars, indicating his services would not be needed.

  Matt stopped the SUV in front of the house, and Dave got out and opened the car door for Ashley. They’d wait in front of the house for Matt to park the car and return. Only then would Ashley enter Mr. Carruthers’s home.

  Geoffrey must have been alerted that she’d arrived because he walked out onto the front porch where Ashley and Dave were waiting. “Welcome. Are you sure you’re Mrs. Taylor and not someone hired to entertain my guests?”

  “Ah, a nice way to greet your guest, by criticizing her choice of dress. Smooth, really smooth,” Ashley replied.

  “Maybe you’re here to tell their fortunes.”

  “I seriously doubt anything needs to be foretold here tonight. Your guests already have riches beyond most people’s imaginations, or they wouldn’t have been invited to this affair.”

  “You’d be amazed at how the rich are continually looking for ways to make more money.

  And, regarding your appearance, you look exactly as you should, very unique. I don’t see Robert. Wasn’t he able to make it, or is he with one of your agents?”

  “Robert isn’t coming. Just before we were ready to leave, he and Audrey received word that their son had suffered a heart attack. They left for the hospital immediately. In fact, I’d like to go someplace quiet so I can call them on my cell. I’d like to check on him.”

  “Of course, follow me. I’ll show you a private area where you can use your phone.”

  “Thank you.”

  Dave started to stop Ashley from leaving before Matt returned, but he could see Matt walking toward them. He quickly filled him in on Ashley’s wishes to contact Robert about his son. Geoffrey led Ashley and her two agents around to the side of the house and through a side door where they entered what appeared to be an office. Geoffrey asked, “Would you like me to wait?”

  Matt spoke up before Ashley could respond. “That won’t be necessary, Mr. Carruthers. As soon as Mrs. Taylor is finished, we’ll bring her around to the front door.”

  Ashley was about to say the same thing and was rather annoyed that Matt had answered for her. He was getting awfully proprietary where she was concerned. When they got back to New York this evening, she intended to speak to him about this matter. Typical male behavior—taking over whether he was asked to or not.

  Geoffrey nodded. “All right. I’ll see you in a few minutes. Ashley, please convey my best wishes to Robert and his wife. I hope you find all is well.”

  Ashley first called information to get the number of the hospital where Rick had been taken. She began searching for a scrap of paper and a pen. Dave stepped forward and handed her what she needed.

  She called the hospital and spoke quietly to the receptionist. She was connected to the nurse’s station outside of the intensive care unit. She explained to the nurse why she was calling and asked if Robert was available. The nurse said he was presently at his son’s bedside. Ashley, not wanting to disturb him, asked how Rick was doing. The prognosis was positive although he wasn’t completely out of the woods. Ashley asked the nurse to tell Robert that she’d called and that she’d call again later in the evening.

he turned to Matt and Dave. “It sounds like he’s holding his own. They’ll be monitoring him and making decisions as the doctors receive more information from the tests they’ve run. Now I suppose it’s showtime for me, but before we go into the party, there’s something I want to say.

  “I know your assignment to protect me isn’t exactly the job you were hoping for, and I’m sorry about that. I haven’t been quiet about my displeasure that the Secret Service is assigned to me either. I don’t like it, but then I don’t imagine many people in my position do. I’m used to doing things in my own way and not having interference from others. I guess what I’m trying to say is none of us is thrilled about the situation we’re in and we’re all trying to make the best of it. However, I don’t need to have you two hovering over me while I’m at this party. You were given the guest list ahead of time per your request, and you’ve had plenty of time to do background checks on everyone in that room, so please give me some space.”

  Matt and Dave looked nonplussed at Mrs. Taylor; then Matt spoke. “We understand your feelings. However, we will do the job we’ve been assigned to do.”

  Ashley sighed. “I understand your assignment; still, this isn’t the time or place for overkill.”

  As they escorted Ashley back to the front entrance of the house, Matt and Dave were thinking pretty much the same thing. They would protect her, even against herself.

  Geoffrey stood waiting to greet Ashley as she stepped into the foyer. He took her hand and secured it in the crook of his arm as he escorted her into the main room. He whispered, “I hope everything is well with Robert’s son.”

  “Rick is holding his own. The doctors will know more later this evening.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. For now, I’ll let you mingle. After all, the event is for the museum. Enjoy yourself.” He released her hand and headed into the throng of people.

  For the next couple of hours, Ashley exchanged pleasantries with all of the invited guests. Most asked the same questions about the museum. They made the kind of small talk they thought was necessary for as long as they thought was polite before launching into their real interest—politics and questions about Michael. They commented on his trip abroad, how they thought it was going, and how lucky they felt to have such a brilliant man in office.

  Ashley felt a headache coming, so she stopped a waiter going by and asked if he would mind getting her a couple of aspirin. Shortly she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Geoffrey standing with two aspirin in one hand and a glass of ice water in the other.

  “At your service.”

  Ashley laughed at how ridiculous he looked. “Geoffrey, you made the right decision to be rich. Playing the dutiful servant, while appreciated, doesn’t remotely fit your demeanor. Why in the world would one of your waitstaff tell you I requested some aspirin?”

  “You still don’t get it, do you? Your every whim could be fulfilled with just a snap of your fingers, and yet you refuse to believe that you’re anything more than an ordinary woman.”

  “I am an ordinary woman, who just happens to be married to someone from whom everyone wants something. I never asked for any of it.”

  “Why don’t you take a break from all the goodwill circulating around you? I keep some of my most treasured art pieces in my den. I’d love to show them to you and give the aspirin a chance to begin working.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. A small break might be more beneficial than the aspirin; however, I need to speak to my security agents first.”

  Ashley walked over to where Matt and Dave were watching the proceedings and assessing any potential threats to their charge. “I’m leaving the main room for a few minutes. Geoffrey’s going to show me some of the art pieces he keeps in his den. You don’t need to worry; I’ll be perfectly safe and I’ll be back in a minute. Stay here; there’s no need for you to follow us.”

  As Ashley and Geoffrey headed to the den, Matt and Dave communicated without a word. They moved to follow Mrs. Taylor discreetly so she wouldn’t get upset.

  Ashley commented, “This is a very beautiful house. How long have you owned it?”

  “I had it built about fifteen years ago. I have a husband-and-wife team that lives here on the grounds who keep it up for me.”

  “You certainly don’t lack for much in your life, do you?”

  “I wouldn’t say my life is without wanting. Not everything has a price.” He opened the doors to his favorite room and stood back to let Ashley enter first.

  The room was lovely and inviting. Dark cherrywood covered the walls, creating a cozy and intimate room despite its size. Priceless paintings were interspersed among the bookshelves and alcoves, which displayed original and costly sculptures.

  The river-rock fireplace commanded Ashley’s attention when she first entered the room, but as she adjusted to its majesty, her eyes began to wander around the room to the many exquisite pieces of art perfectly and tastefully lit to show each to its best advantage. Even though it was a warm evening, a fire had been lit. Its light danced along reflective surfaces. The sofa and chairs were covered in soft, fawn-colored suede. Ashley let her fingers slide along the back of one of the chairs. The sensation reminded her of one of the softest pairs of suede gloves she owned. This room was designed for comfort and indulgence and to create a sense of serenity that might elude one in the outside world.

  “May I have a closer look at your paintings?” Ashley asked.

  “That’s why I brought you here. I wanted you to see this room and part of my art collection.”

  Ashley stepped closer to a Renoir, which had been beautifully framed and perfectly lit.

  Silently she moved to the next painting and the next, all superbly showcased. Geoffrey’s art collection was quite eclectic. He also had an exquisite collection of handcrafted glasswork and Fabergé eggs. But what surprised her most was the Matisse, a painter she considered rather whimsical when it came to his use of color. Most of Geoffrey’s art collection was more elegant and refined in its beauty.

  As she stood before the painting, studying its composition, she wasn’t aware that her host was beside her, just a breath away. She was so deep in thought, she jumped when he spoke.

  “I can think of only one thing to add to this room to make it complete.”

  “Your collection is extraordinary. What more could you want?”

  “I want you.” Without waiting for Ashley to respond, he grabbed her and claimed her mouth. At first, his kiss was gentle, but it quickly grew demanding.

  Ashley was shocked. Was this really happening? She pushed Geoffrey away, furious with him for putting the two of them in this situation and furious with herself for not being more aware of him after Michael had warned her.

  “How dare you? What the hell are you thinking?”

  “I think what I’m thinking is fairly obvious.”

  “Knock it off. I’m not one of those silly women you pursue who stand around panting and waiting for your attention.”

  “I know that. I’m keenly aware of who you are. Don’t tell me that you aren’t the least bit curious about me, or rather us, and how we might be together.”

  Ashley doubled up her fist and punched him as hard as she could. “You are certifiable.” Ashley turned toward the door while shaking her hand from the pain in her knuckles after delivering a well-deserved blow.

  Geoffrey was surprised that Ashley had slugged him like a man rather than slap him as most women might do. He grabbed her wrist, firmly enough to keep her from going anyplace. “If you’re so uninterested, why didn’t you stop the kiss immediately?”

  “Shock . . . I can’t believe you. Let go of me immediately. Do you realize my husband could kill you for this?” Ashley wrenched her arm away and moved to put some furniture between the two of them.

  “You’re living in a fantasy world, Geoffrey. I’m not available, and if you touch me again, you’ll be missing one or more of your body parts.”

  Geoffrey threw back
his head and laughed. “You’re magnificent. You’re threatening me?”

  “You bet I am. I don’t need my husband or anyone else to fight my battles for me.” Ashley walked toward an expensive vase. “How much did this little beauty cost you?”

  “Oh, now you’re going to pretend as though nothing happened.”

  “On the contrary. I’ll never forget what happened and what a fool I’ve been. How much did you say this cost?”

  “I paid fifty thousand dollars for that piece.”

  “I wish it had been more,” Ashley responded, deliberately knocking it off its pedestal. A loud crash and the sound of shattered glass resounded in the room. She quickly moved toward another beautiful glass sculpture.

  “And, this one?”

  Geoffrey said nothing as the door flew open and Matt and Dave came through the portal, guns drawn.

  “Are you all right, Mrs. Taylor?” Matt asked.

  Geoffrey promptly spoke up. “There’s just been a little accident. No problem.”

  “Is that right?” Dave asked, watching Ashley’s face.

  Ashley responded, “Actually there was an accident, and there’s about to be another one.”

  She quickly picked up another glass sculpture, took aim at the river-rock fireplace, and threw it as hard as she could. It hit the rocks and broke apart and fell to the floor.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mr. Carruthers, we’re leaving.” She walked over to her Secret Service agents and said, “Time to go.”

  When they were outside, heading toward the car, Matt asked, “Is there anything we should know, Mrs. Taylor?”

  “No, not at all. What happened in that room is between Mr. Carruthers and me, and it’s going to stay that way. And I’d appreciate it if you never mention that you saw me destroy a beautiful piece of art.” Ashley smiled at herself.

  On one hand, she’d never felt such satisfaction from an action. On the other hand, she’d destroyed a miniature masterpiece. Sometimes the price one paid for one’s mistakes was costly. It was a lesson that both she and her host had just learned.


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