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Fantasy Football

Page 14

by Jennifer LoGalbo

  Trent ran his hand through his brown locks looking bewildered. “I’m such a horse’s ass.”


  “I’ve done a lot of stupid things in the past two years, and dumping Emily is at the top of the list. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Then call her. Ask her out.”

  “I will. And I’ll take care of Teagan, too.” Trent kissed me on the cheek. “Parker, you truly are an amazing person.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  When Trent crossed my path I saw Devin look at me then turn away. I snatched my backpack and ran after him. “Devin, wait up.”

  Devin spun around and I jumped back. There was no way I was going to be knocked on my tailbone again by his tank of a body. But when his glossy green eyes penetrated mine, he nearly bowled me over.

  “I see that you and Trent are now an item. Did he ask you to Homecoming?”

  “Me and Trent?” I laughed, but not for long. “No, he’s really not my type. Why doesn’t anyone ever believe me when I say that?”

  “Good looking and charming isn’t your type?”

  “Those are two very redeeming qualities. And there’s only one guy I know who fits the criteria.”

  “Boyd,” he said gazing at his gym shoes.

  “You,” I said without missing a beat. “Devin O’Grady, will you go to Homecoming with me?”

  Devin wrapped one arm around my back and another around the back of my head and nearly lifted me off the ground to kiss me. Two things went through my head. One of them was holy cow, what a kiss! The other, it’s true what those romance books say. You truly do get swept off your feet.

  When Devin went to release me from his grasp, I clamped my left hand over his right wrist. I don’t even think my hand fit half way around it, but he held still unsure of what I was doing. I ran the fingers on my right hand over his scabbed knuckles, and tears nearly welled up in my eyes. I inhaled deep and blinked the tears away before he could call me a wuss again.

  “You know, it’s usually customary for the guy to take a girl out on a first date before he kisses her,” I said releasing his wrist.

  “You’re absolutely right,” he said, resting his face on top of my head. “I plead insanity.

  Should I take it back?”

  He lifted his face off my head and I gazed up at him. I thought my legs were going to fail me, and I would collapse to the ground. Around Devin it seemed I mastered the craft of being knocked on my ass by him.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  And Devin took back his kiss by kissing me again, but kissed me longer and harder. Students from around us were awing and cooing. Someone even shouted that it was about damn time.

  Devin and I waved to the crowd like royalty. I most certainly did feel like a queen. Nikki and Boyd sneaked up from behind and congratulated us.

  Boyd slapped Devin’s hand and said, “See, I told you she wouldn’t turn you to stone.”

  “Devin and Parker?” Amber and Casey said in unison.

  “Cutest couple ever!” Nikki said, squeezing Devin and me between her.

  “That means Trent’s still available,” Casey said to Amber.

  Amber suddenly had a scowled look on her face. “And he’s mine you slut.”

  “Like hell he is!” Casey screamed pushing Amber.

  The two of them scurried into the school, obviously to hunt Trent down. The poor guy. I thought it was my duty as a friend to give him a fair warning and sent him a text.

  Just as I hit the send button Nikki asked, “So who do you think Trent will ask?”

  “Emily,” I said, sliding my phone in the front pocket of my jeans.

  “Emily?” The three of them said together.

  I walked in the front door and stared at all the flowers hoarding the foyer. Some of them were wilting and starting to smell. It was time to dump them, which was such a shame. But some of the flower stems were starting to grow fuzz and other strange things.

  “Ick,” I coughed.

  The stench was actually stronger when I closed the front door. I grabbed the garbage can from the kitchen and dragged it to the foyer. I first collected all the cards and notes and placed them on the white marble table.

  Just as I began to dump the flowers, Emily burst through the front door, screaming at the top of her lungs. She then looked at me and pointed a freshly manicured finger in my face.

  “You did this! This is all your doing, I know it!”

  Mariah and Mom came bolting down the hallway. I didn’t think anyone was even home. I nervously waved at them, and then turned my attention back to Emily in case she decked me. I didn’t want to be caught off guard.

  “What did you do, Parker?” Emily asked.

  I shrugged. Did I misunderstand Emily when she said Trent still had a hold on her? Or that she still had feelings for him? I couldn’t understand why she so upset.

  “Trent asked me to Homecoming!” Emily squealed. She charged at me and tackled me to the floor and kissed my forehead. “You’re the best Parker. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!”

  “Really, Trent asked you?” Mariah asked, her face all-aglow.

  “Can I get up now?” I asked Emily.

  Emily held out her hand and lifted me off the ground. “And you’ll never guess who Parker is going with,” Emily said to Mariah and Mom.

  “Wayne Stevenson?” Mariah said.

  “You’re sick,” I said. “Devin O’Grady asked me this morning.”

  Emily turned to face me. “I thought you asked him?”

  “Technically, yes I did. But I had to…long story.”

  “Devin O’Grady?” Mariah whistled. “He’s so friggin’ hot!”

  “Oh, to be young again,” Mom sighed.

  Chapter 16

  The next week and a half just flew by and I was sure Devin had something to do with that.

  Nikki and I watched football practice every day after school to root on our guys. Trent was true to his word and set Teagan straight. It’s been strange though not to be greeted after first period to a befouled locker.

  In newspaper class Casey rarely spoke to me unless it was about the layout from last week’s football game. She spent most of the classroom time with Kelley. But she wouldn’t be able to ignore me for long; considering tonight was Homecoming and we needed to strategize on my photo schedule.

  I woke up with my stomach all in knots. The thought of going to Homecoming with Devin made me nervous. Devin didn’t make me nervous; in fact, I was extremely comfortable around him. But I’d never been to a dance where I had to wear a dress and high-heeled shoes, and do my hair all fancy. I think the last dance I attended was back in the ninth grade, and it was just to hang with my friends.

  The stormy weather last night had me cringing. It poured buckets and the ground was saturated. This could only lead me to believe that the football field was going to be one big mud pit, and I had to be on it taking photos. I don’t own cleats like the football players. I was so worried of slipping and sliding, and taking a mud bath in front of the entire school.

  And with the Homecoming dance immediately after the game in the gymnasium, I had to bring my dress, make-up, and accessories with me to the game and leave them in Nikki’s car. I thought about leaving them in the girl’s locker room, but frankly I didn’t trust them unattended with Casey, Amber, Whitney, and possibly Teagan on the prowl.

  I climbed in Nikki’s car, and wiped away rain droplets from my exposed arms. There was just a light drizzle falling, with the promise of clear blue skies after lunch.

  “Are you ready for the big day?” Nikki asked.

  “Not really. My lip is raw from nibbling on them all morning.”

  Nikki shoved both her hands in front of my face to show me her newly French-manicured fingernails, painted in dark pink with tiny fake diamonds. Pretty.

  “I made sure to get my nails done last night to discipline myself, so I don’t chew them off!” she said.

  I thought
about those waxed lips I used to get in my Halloween candy when I was younger, and wished I would have saved one. Instead I had to slather my lips in cherry Chapstick, which relieved them for a whole whopping two minutes. It crossed my mind to rub Anbesol on them. But then I’d probably rip my lips to shreds because I wouldn’t be able to feel them.

  “I’m just so nervous about the field, and honestly I still don’t trust any of the Barbie’s to behave tonight. I’m sure date or no date; they’ll be there to collect their crown.”

  Nikki pulled out of the driveway. “You didn’t vote for any of them, did you?”

  “Not a chance,” I snickered. “The Homecoming court was a joke. Well, I did vote for Boyd and you as a write-in.”

  “I voted for you and Devin.”

  ”I can’t believe he nearly put his fist through the wall in the hospital,” I said, shaking my head.

  “It’s so knight in shiny armor-ish,” Nikki cooed. “He’s your protector.”

  It was pretty freaking awesome to think of Devin that way.

  The boys weren’t waiting for us at their car as usual. With tonight’s game, the coach wanted an early morning practice. They were probably hitting the showers right about now.

  When I entered my first period class, the students were buzzing with excitement over the Homecoming game. I heard some wagers going on about who’d be homecoming queen and I swore I heard my name in between Casey’s and Amber’s. Or it was Kelley calling me over. At least I thought it was Kelley, she looked different.

  “Hi Kelley,” I said, taking a seat in front of her at the table. “You look very nice.”

  Kelley had ditched her glasses for contacts. Her hair shimmered and had large bouncy curls at the ends. And she donned hints of blush and mascara. She looked like she just got done shooting a shampoo commercial.

  “I’ve been a busy beaver all week, that I forgot to thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For Wayne, you little sneak. He asked me to Homecoming last week.”

  No wonder I hadn’t seen Stalker Stevenson for a while. He’d been too busy courting Kelley. It’s been one incredible week. I’ve never played matchmaker before, but I was on fire with Emily and Trent, and now Kelley and Wayne. I should start charging!

  “That’s awesome, Kelley. I’m excited for you two.”

  “You were very sneaky inquiring about the roses,” Kelley said, wagging her finger at me. “Wayne was waiting for me at my locker with a single long-stemmed red rose.”

  All I could do was smile. I wasn’t about to tell her the real reason I asked for a courtship history. Kelley continued talking about something; I’m not even sure about what because I tuned her out as I searched the classroom for Casey. The tardy bell sounded three minutes ago, and no Casey.

  When Mr. Morrison passed the table I asked him, “Do you know if Casey is here?”

  “I haven’t heard anything. If she’s absent, then you and I can coordinate tonight’s event.”

  Oh, yippee. Fred Flintstone wants to event plan.

  I then turned to Kelley. “Don’t you think with it being a big day, Casey would be here come hell or high water?” I asked her.

  “The ‘All About Me’ girl never misses a day of school. She really must be ill.” Kelley replied.

  The bell sounded to end first period. There was a flutter in my stomach when I realized the end of the class meant Friday night was getting closer. I followed behind Kelley and my eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when I saw Wayne.

  Wayne was dressed in contour fitting jeans and a dark gray cotton cashmere shawl collar with a brown T-shirt underneath. His hair was cut short and spiked at the top and he had to be wearing colored contacts, because his eyes were bluer than blue. What was with the complete make-over with him and Kelley?

  Wayne smiled at me, retainer free. “Hey, Parker. Are you excited for tonight?”

  “Hey.” Is what I believe came out of my mouth on my stoned-cold face. “Um yeah, sure.”

  “See you later Parker!” Kelley said, gabbing hold of Wayne’s hand. And they strolled away, catching second glances and opened mouthed stares from everyone they passed in the hallway.

  I shook my head and said under my breath, “Holy crap, how cute.”

  “Yes, you are,” a voice whispered low in my ear, startling me and I screeched. I nearly jumped out of my skin from sudden fright. My notebook went flying in the air, but Devin snatched it in mid-flight.

  “Don’t do that!” I yelled at him, punching him in the shoulder of his football jersey. “For the love that is good and holy, please stop knocking me down on my ass and scaring the living beejeezus out of me.”

  Devin laughed and handed me my notebook. “Was that Wayne Stevenson and Kelley Silvers?”

  “Can you believe it?” We started walking down the hall. I needed to go to my locker for my Chemistry book and wondered if Devin would follow me all the way. “I did that. I got those two crazy kids together.”

  Devin put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. “My little Miss Matchmaker. Wayne and Kelley, Trent and Emily. Maybe you can find someone for Willie before the day’s over.”

  “He doesn’t have a date for tonight?”

  Devin shook his head no. I was a bit shocked that someone as sweet and cuddly as a teddy bear didn’t have a gorgeous lady to share an important night with. Sure, he was built like a house of muscles, but Willie was a good-looking guy, a true gentlemen and even intelligent. And I considered anyone who could spell annihilate correctly, intelligent. Heck, I couldn’t even spell annihilate. I’d forget about the H.

  “Have you heard anything on Casey? She’s not in school today.”

  “I thought Casey was your arch nemesis. Why would you care if she were in school or not?”

  “I don’t know why. But she’s been acting strange all week and it’s not sitting well with me.”

  Devin grabbed my arm and yanked me out of traffic, and pinned me against the wall. “Are you thinking she may do something to herself?”

  “Maybe, I’m not sure,” I huffed. “She certainly hasn’t been herself. And with Homecoming tonight and her being dateless, anything is possible and nothing is dismissible.”

  “I think we should go to her house right now,” Devin said, dragging me towards the exit.

  “I thought you didn’t like her?”

  “Casey might be a pain in my ass, but I don’t want her dead.”

  As we trekked across the parking lot, Devin called his mother and asked her to call us in to excuse our absence for second period. Devin was nearly out of the parking lot before I had the chance to buckle myself in. All four tires on his Mustang squealed when he peeled onto the main road.

  “Do you know where she lives?” I asked him.

  “Yes. Seems I know where everyone lives, thanks to Trent.”

  Enough said.

  The sun was trying to fight its way from behind the gray and white puffy clouds. I rooted with all my might for the sun to prevail and be crowned champion, so that the muddy football field could have more time to dry.

  Devin turned into a cul-de-sac and parked in the driveway two houses on the right. Casey lived in a two-story colonial with all white siding and black shutters. Her yard was adorned with a vast array of Halloween decorations. A yarn spider web was extended from the top gutter, and all the way down to the ground with a gigantic spider in the middle. Tombstones and coffins were strewn across the lawn.

  “Holy crap,” I said getting out the car. “The Whitmore family sure does take Halloween serious.”

  “I think it’s cool,” Devin said. He walked beside me up to the front door.

  I rang the doorbell. “I agree. We should come back at night and see how it looks all lit up.”

  “I’m game.”

  Casey opened the door and glared at us in confusion through the screen door. She was dressed in red and black plaid shorts and a knitted black T-shirt. Her hair was up in a high-ponytail, and
she appeared to be more adorable than sick.

  “What the hell are you two doing here?”

  I looked up at Devin and shrugged. “We came to see if you were alright. We were worried about you,” I told her.

  “Parker Collins worried about me?” Casey laughed. “Are you here to save me, Parker?” She then glanced over at Devin and said, “And I suppose you’re the whole darn Cavalry.”

  “Horse and all,” Devin said.

  “Can we come in?” I asked.


  Casey tried to slam the door on us, but Devin was like lightning speed with his reaction. He jerked open the screen door and caught the heavy door before it could click shut. I trailed behind him into the large living room off to the left, where he had followed Casey.

  Her living room was nice. It had light hardwood floors with a huge throw rug under the glass coffee table and black leather couch. There were two built-in bookshelves on both sides of the couch. And a huge flat screen TV that I guessed to be about 52”, hung on the opposite wall.

  On the coffee table was an empty container of cookie dough ice cream, crumpled up fast food wrappers from Taco Bell, McDonalds and Culvers. There were a few cups of Starbucks, some empty and some half-full.

  “So you’re going to pig out on junk food and break out in zits all because Trent didn’t ask you to Homecoming?” I asked.

  “And what about cheerleading?” Devin asked. “They’re counting on you being there tonight.”

  Casey plopped down on the couch, staring at the TV. She was watching a game show, not bothering to look at us when she spoke.

  “It’s all about karma isn’t that right, Parker?” Casey asked. “Trent dumped your sister for me. And now he dumps me for your sister.”

  “But you two aren’t dating.”

  “It doesn’t matter!” Casey screamed. Then she calmed back down. “Not one single guy asked me to Homecoming.”

  Casey glanced up at Devin. He shrugged his shoulders. “What? I’ve already asked Parker.”

  “I know that. But you hang out with all the jocks, so you must have the inside scoop as to why no one asked me. So spill it, now.”


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