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The Labyrinth King (The Labyrinth Series Book 1)

Page 15

by L. J. Serafin

  The gore of the attack was immeasurable. They had been torn apart, blood soaking the entire citadel. It looked like an animal had attacked them, a monster.

  To think Val was there with him, with that beast who had slaughtered my brothers. It made me enraged, I wanted to be the one to drive a blade through his heart for laying a finger on her.

  I thought about her constantly, about how I had failed her in so many ways. About how I had let her slip away, into his grasp. I prayed for revenge, prayed I could get to her before he sunk his claws into her.

  At least when she was under our control, I would be there to keep her safe. She would never be alone, I would be by her side, protecting her. She may hate me for it, she may never look at me the same. She may never realize what I saved her from, but wasn’t that what love was about? Making hard choices to keep the one you loved safe?

  By the end of day, the Archpriest had our commands at the ready. We would strike hard and silently. The Labyrinth King, and all who served him, would bleed.

  My brothers and I rejoiced, then began preparing.

  Chapter 26

  We searched the citadel for any clues or valuable information, but found nothing. There were no holy texts or hints to rituals. The only thing abnormal in the building were the whips on the walls. And the massive dragon statue, of course. We let the men lay as we had killed them, warnings to their brothers who would eventually find them.

  “They are called the Brotherhood. Spineless fucks. I will kill them all.” Alder said, his eyes ablaze as we searched the citadel.

  He clearly had some sort of past knowledge of this cult. I would be sure to ask him more later, when we had plenty of time.

  In the short time it had taken to search, Alder was already reaching for me again, his eyes pleading with me for round two. His hunger insatiable. Our powers calling to each other, pulling us together as if they were two halves of a whole.

  You were made for me. He had said to me.

  I wondered if he meant it as a sweet nothing or if it meant something more. I hadn’t asked him to clarify, a bit terrified of the answer. The ways our powers interacted, it did feel like we were made for each other. As if we were two sides of the same coin. As if he was the bright white light and I the black darkness, equal and opposites. The sun and the moon.

  Though our powers pulled, wanting each other again, we made the probably wise but painful choice to leave instead. It was too risky to spend much longer there.

  When we reached the ship, Jubilee and Minka gave us appraising looks. Alder wasn’t even wearing a shirt. I had shredded it during our rendezvous. His neck revealed the bite mark I had given him. I should have been embarrassed, but my power was still coursing through my veins, making me feel powerful and exotic.

  I just smirked at them and shrugged to say, Yeah, I fucking did that. I did all of that.

  The looks on their faces seemed to approve, were impressed even. Or maybe they were just happy for us, the tension between us having been not much of a secret the past few days.

  Jinx ran over and gave me a sweet kiss, her way of telling me she had missed me. Alder pulled out extra clothes he had stowed away in the hull, replacing his shirt and giving me a change of clothes. I had a pair still in my knapsack, but they were old rags compared to the clothes he handed me.

  They looked like they belonged to Minka. The shirt was a brick red, the pants a leathery black that hugged my hips and ass just right. I noticed Alder taking a second look after I had shimmied them on. The shirt was a little tighter in the bust than was probably intended, my cleavage spilling a bit out of the V in the neck.

  I thanked them for the clothes, putting my old ones aside to be washed whenever we reached the next stop, though silently hoping I never had to wear them again. I re-strapped my dagger sheath to my thigh.

  Alder said we were a half day’s ride to his home. My heart leapt at the thought of seeing where he lived, the place he called home. My stomach growled at the thought of eating something besides the dried meat and cheese we had on board. I would kill for a fresh fig.

  The sun was rising but considering we had spent all night murdering and fucking, we were exhausted and needed sleep. I laid my head in his lap. His fingers rubbed my back softly as the boat rocked us to sleep.

  It was dark, the moon in the sky a violent red against the midnight blue. The bright white stars weren’t dancing tonight, instead they appeared to be falling to earth. Thousands of falling stars, burning as they crashed through the sky. I stood on the ledge of a cliff, watching them fall into the dark ocean that stretched out before me.

  Alder stood next to me, his eyes watching the reflection of the falling stars in the water. His eyes were alight, fire burning in them. I lifted myself to my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, his scratchy beard rough against my lips. I felt his cheek warm under my kiss. I pulled away, smiling.

  It was Leo, his face ecstatic. He reached for me, pulling me into him in a hug. My face froze in shock.

  “I missed you so much,” he said, kissing me on the lips. His kiss turned hot, as hot as fire. I pulled away and saw smoke leaking from his nostrils. His eyes wide with fear, he opened his mouth to speak, but only flames emerged. The flames engulfed him in an instant, his mouth screaming, but no sound came out. I backed away, terrified.

  The flames went out and took the form of a man. His hair was pitch black, a messy medium length that rustled in the wind. His skin was light, pale almost. His face was roughly cut but clean shaven, jaw sharp, and cheekbones prominent with eyes the brightest cold blue. His teeth shone vibrant white against his dark hair. His shoulders were broad and inviting. He wore a large black fur coat with a tight black shirt underneath. His black pants straight and meeting a pair of dark boots with sterling silver tips.

  The man’s mouth was upturned in a wide, wicked smile. He was so handsome it hurt. Only Alder could be his equal, but this man was a very different sort of handsome. Painfully, breathtakingly beautiful. A dark temptation. I realized my jaw had actually dropped, I closed my mouth quickly and swallowed hard.

  “Not much longer, my dear Valeria…” he said. The glimmer in his blue eyes made my heart race and heat flush in my chest.

  He turned and stepped off the cliff. I gasped as a great dragon flew up. Its white and black scales reflected the blood moon and falling stars. Its head was massive and strangely beautiful, its eyes a light blue. The beast beat its great dark wings and flew off towards the moon.

  I wanted to run after it, to join it, to touch its scales. I yelled for it to come back. I reached my arms out, begging it to return…

  I awoke suddenly, my hands holding my chest, breathing labored. It took me a second to recognize my surroundings.

  Alder’s hands were on me, stroking my hair softly. Jubilee came over to me as well, bending down in front of me and reaching out to hold my hand.

  I took in a few more deep breaths, and the panic settled. The dream had felt real, it was all so vivid. The sensations on my skin had been heightened. The man was so alluring, the dragon so beautiful.

  “What happened, Val?” Alder asked, his eyes sincere and worried. Jubilee’s eyes were heavy with concern as well.

  “It was nothing, just very vivid. I hardly remember it now,” I said to them.

  They nodded and accepted my lie. I felt a bit of shame, but I didn’t want to tell them about him. As if describing the man would somehow make him real.

  “Alder, tell me about them, about the Brotherhood,” I said, pushing myself up to a seated position. I needed to get my mind off of those ice-blue eyes.

  “Well, they were formed right after the curse took place. They worship the dark warlock who placed cast the curse, Daemion Draco. They work to free him, hoping that when he is free, he will reward the Brotherhood greatly with riches and power. But if he ever becomes free, I can promise you he will slaughter them all. He will never give them the riches and power they so desperately desire. They are but pawns to him, servants to feed on whi
le he is locked in his eternal prison. He has fooled them,” Alder said, looking across the water. The sun was high now, midday. It accentuated his golden glow.

  “He demands child sacrifices?” I asked, my voiced pained at the memory of that poor child. Its chest ripped open by the stake. I shook my head to push the disturbing image away.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. But I wouldn’t be surprised if that was something the brothers do just because they can. To scare the villagers even,” he said, his voice with an edge of confusion.

  “What is it?” I pushed.

  “I just, I know Daemion. I knew him. He was evil, the most evil warlock I’d ever met. He would kill all of the Brotherhood without a second thought. But to command they kill children… It is out of character for him. Perhaps all the years of seclusion have turned him mad.”

  Knew him? Why would he know him? And well enough to judge his character? Alder saw the confusion cross my face.

  He sighed. “You’re wondering how I know Daemion?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “We grew up together, a very long time ago. We were like brothers. Him and I were the brightest students in our Academy. Our powers grew with each day, and soon we were too powerful for them. They expelled us both after an… incident. We spent many years after that together doing, well, whatever we wanted. Our ‘rebellious years’ you could say. I eventually outgrew them, but he did not,” Alder said. His eyes deep in thought, lost in his memories.

  Suddenly, the question I most wanted to know bubbled up, bursting out of me before I had thought it through.

  “What does he look like?”

  Alder’s face lit a bit with surprise at the question. “He has black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes,” he said, watching my face.

  I held still. I did not let the shock cross my face.

  “Can he turn into a dragon?” I asked. My face stone.

  “Yes,” Alder answered hesitantly.

  “He is who I made the bargain with, isn’t he? I agreed to set him free, to save Leo,” I said, asking but already knowing the answer.


  Chapter 27

  Is it wrong that my first thought was, hmm… maybe I’ll get to seduce him?

  The enchantress inside of me was a greedy, hungry bitch and Daemion was unimaginably attractive. I looked up at Alder’s sweet face and felt a bit of shame.

  Sadness shone across his eyes as he thought of the bargain I had made, of the warlock I would have to set free.

  I reached up my hand to touch his cheek. I could make no promises, neither could he. But we could face it together, our powers strengthened by each other.

  “A problem for another day,” I said to him, hoping the words served as some comfort.

  He nodded.

  Minka let out a howl, a guttural sound of joy. I looked at her, her black hair long and loose around her face now. She was looking to the horizon, smiling. Jubilee next to her was smiling ear to ear as well, eyes glued forward.

  I followed their gaze, expecting some sort of grand display before me. But it was just a tree. An enormous tree. It sat on the shores of the river against the obsidian walls of the surrounding Labyrinth. Its leaves were a soft pink, swaying in the breeze, dropping a few of its petals into the turquoise water. They bobbed in the gentle surf.

  Jubilee swung the boat in a wide arch, aiming us in towards the tree. I wondered what she was doing, going in from this direction. Surely we would run into the tree from this angle—I gasped as we plummeted right towards it.

  But we didn’t hit it, we didn’t hit anything. Instead, the tree disappeared the second before we touched it, revealing more water. An open bay with a great city resting on a hill above it.

  The city was massive, sitting on cliffs above the waters. Lofty towers of gilded gold and jewel tones shone in the bright sun. A large wall surrounded the entire city, keeping it from spilling into the waters below.

  The water had turned a lighter teal. It was crystal clear and I could see all the way to the bottom. Multicolor fish swam in schools around the boat. Their scales glistening in the bright water and reflecting the sun over ahead.

  I realized my mouth had fallen open in awe. I quickly shut it before Alder saw.

  “What is this place?” I asked him.

  He smiled a warm smile. “It’s Labyrinth City. It holds the Labyrinth court. And it is my home.”

  A city within the Labyrinth. Not just towns like we had seen before. No, a grand city. I wondered how many people lived here? It looked like it could hold thousands. And all of it hidden away all this time.

  I wondered how they fed this many people. Was this where our taxes went each season?

  “Alder, how do these people survive here? Where do they find food?” I asked, preparing myself for the answer. That my people slaved away in the fields day after day, living meal to meal, to feed this rich city.

  “The Labyrinth holds many secrets, Val. The towns, they have fields of their own that provide for them. But this city, it is provided for in other ways,” he said.

  “You mean we provide for this city. Me. My people. My town. Giving our tithe every season to the Labyrinth King so these people can live in their gilded towers,” I spat. Anger rising inside of me.

  Alder gave me an appraising smile. “The Labyrinth King himself provides for these people. He does not need to steal food from the outside,” he said.

  “Oh sure, he magically makes food for thousands of people. Spare me,” I said, seething.

  “Valeria, the—” he started, but stopped. We were getting close to the dock, Minka and Jubilee moving swiftly to prepare the boat.

  “I need you to trust me? Will you trust me?” he said, his voice lower, anguished.

  I gave him a look, not answering. His power reached up. I felt it stretch towards me in a caress. I allowed it, but I was not happy.

  “Are we going to meet the Labyrinth King? I assume that’s who sent you, sent all of you?” I asked him. I had a few choice words saved for that man when I did meet him.

  Alder gave me that annoying smirk again with a laugh, but did not answer. He turned and walked over to Minka, helping her tie up the ship.

  Jinx jumped off the ship and onto the wooden dock. Her tail wagging as she said hello to the dock master who was standing nearby.

  They finished tying the ship and stepped off onto the dock as well. I grabbed my knapsack and followed behind them, my legs happy to be on solid ground again.

  I looked up at the city towering over me. The long wooden dock stretched out like a miniature labyrinth. Dozens of boats sat docked among its lengths.

  As we walked to the dock master, I saw the man’s body language change. His face became sweaty in an instant, an emotion crossing it I did not understand.

  He quickly sank to his knees in a bow.

  “My King, welcome home,” he said, his head low, his voice shaking.

  “There’s no need for all of that, Alistair. Just keep watch on the ship please. We will require it in a few days or so,” Alder said, walking right past him.

  I stopped, my heart beating wildly against my chest.

  “WHAT?!” I yelled. My face and chest turning a deep red. “KING?!”

  All four of them were looking at me now. Even Jinx looked surprised by my outburst.

  Alder raised a corner of his mouth. “Well, as long as we are getting this all out in the open now. Alistair, meet your new Queen, Valeria of the Labyrinth.”

  Chapter 28

  “Alder, we need to talk. NOW!” I said, my power and anger seeping out of me, creating a deep crimson glow around me. I felt her inside of me, begging to come out and rip the head off the nearest person. I pushed her down.

  You can come out later, if I don’t like what he has to say. I told her. She seemed satisfied with my response and sank back into me.

  Alder, the fucking LABYRINTH KING, sauntered over to me. He bent his head down and whispered, “Valeria, I asked you to trust me. Will you pl
ease? Just till we can get inside, then I will explain more,” he said with hurried tones. He reached his hand up to graze my face. I pulled away from him. Fury still inside of me.

  He had been lying this whole time by not telling me who he was. He told me what he was, but he hadn’t truly told me who he was.

  “Valeria, I rule this city. I want you to look, really look, at this city as we walk through it. This city is exactly as I wanted the world to be. Look and see what I have created, through blood and sweat and, yes, magic. Just look, it will help you decide,” he said.

  “Decide what?” I spat back. My hand grazing my dagger in its sheath.

  “Decide whose side you are going to be on,” he murmured, looking at my lips as he spoke. I thought he was going to kiss me, but he turned and walked down the dock. Minka and Jubilee gave me a sympathetic look and then followed him.

  I guess I had no choice. Jinx walked up next to me, her wet nose bumping against my hand. I looked down at her, her forever smiling face. I took a deep breath and walked after them.

  The inside of the city was just as grand as the outside. I expected beggars in the streets and poor children running around in rags. Things I saw everyday living in Villam. But there were none.

  The people wore richly colored clothes, silks and satin. Women in decadent dresses with long sashes and scarves wrapped around their bodies, diamonds hanging from their ears and around their necks. The men wore sturdy clothes, tunics with vests and vibrant jeweled brooches pinned to their chests. They walked around, full and shining faces, no evidence of starvation anywhere on their bodies. No ribs poking out, no hardened and dirty hands. The children played in the street, laughing and bounding about, shoes on their little feet.


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