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Holiday Kisses and Valentine Wishes: A Fabulous Feel Good Holiday Romance (Christmas Love on Kissing Bridge Mountain Book 2)

Page 7

by Linda West

  “Welcome, welcome everyone!” Dolly, the former elf outfit wearer, was now done up in her Valentine auction best for the Sweetheart bake off in a stunning gold dress that glimmered in the dimmed lights and the strings of fluffy hearts.

  “We have a room full of sweets and sweethearts here on Kissing Bridge Mountain in celebration of the annual Valentine Eve Sweetheart Bakeoff!”

  Everyone clapped and whooted.

  “Tomorrow night will be the official Valentine’s Day Ball right here in this room starting at seven o’clock. Many thanks to our sponsors, Landers Home Baking, who donated all the ingredients for tonight’s Sweetheart bake off. Let’s give them a big hand and let’s celebrate love!”

  The crowd was excited and clapped even more, except Dodie, Carol and Ethel, who rushed to Justine’s assistance. Ethel scooped the cake off the floor as best she could while Dodie ran for the trashcan and Carol helped Justine to her feet.

  “My cake’s ruined!” Justine said.

  Carol reached under the auction stall and picked up Dodie’s cake to place on top. “This is all that’s left. You’ll have this.”

  Justine looked over it, her face downcast. She let out a deep sigh, and then remembered it was Dodie’s cake and managed a small smile. “Okay,” she squeaked.

  Dolly looked regal in her gold gown as she spoke again. “We’ve had some last minute changes, so if all the bakers would like to file out, all the eligible men of Kissing Bridge can come forward and peruse this year’s beautiful offerings again before bidding commences!”

  Once the old apple cinnamon cake was safely in the trash, all the bakers filed out, looking gorgeous in their dresses.

  “Wouldn’t it make more sense if I just have my cake back and Justine takes the apple pie, since her guy likes apples?” Dodie hissed to Aunt Carol on the way out.

  “Yes but Jason likes pies and Nathan likes chocolate, so there’s no problem.”

  Justine whipped around. “Nathan?”

  “Oh, darn,” Aunt Carol said. She’d been trying to keep the names of their potential suitors a surprise.

  Justine jumped up and down. “Nathan! He’s perfect!”

  Chapter 18

  It turned out that Summer, a lifelong romantic, had volunteered in more ways than decorating. As the baking girls stepped into the small side room they were led into, she threw her arms open wide and greeted them.

  “Hey ladies I have a surprise for you!” she said, her new Christmas diamond engagement ring sparkling in the light. “Thank you so much for making this event a success. Without you, none of this would be possible. This just goes to show that Kissing Bridge Mountain still believes in love!”

  Though Dodie was still put out about the cake and apple pie business, she plastered a smile on her face and tried to lift her spirits. As long as Justine landed the man she liked it would be worth it.

  Her Beginners class had so long looked forward to the event and she was determined that it would be just as special as they’d dreamed of.

  Justine hooked her arm into Dodie’s and they shared a smile. “Never mind,” she whispered. “I sure hope Nathan likes chocolate cake.”

  “So, as you know, this year’s auction was sponsored by my mom and Aunt Carol’s new shop, Landers Home Bakery.”

  The girls applauded. “So in celebration for a change we decided to add a fun new twist to liven things up!” Summer continued.

  A murmur went through the small group of girls.

  “We thought it would be more fun to keep you guys out of the room so that your dates for the Valentine’s Ball tomorrow will be a total surprise to both parties! Kind of like a mass blind date!”

  The girls all started talking at once at this new development.

  Dodie smiled wearily.

  “So you’ve done all you have to do for this evening,” said Summer.

  A little groan went around the audience. They had all dressed up nicely and now the evening was over so much sooner than expected. But Summer had a great back up plan.

  “We’ve decided to do something else a little different this year. Outside limousines are waiting to take you all to a secret destination for a very special girls only evening. We hope you have a great time, even though I’m super jealous!”

  The girls erupted with squeals of joys. They hugged each other with excitement and and there was lots of jumping up and down as much as their dresses would allow. A stretch limousine was clearly not a regular feature of Kissing Bridge.

  Summer’s million-dollar smile spread across her face as she led the way out and all the young women followed her to the limousines. Each of the black stretch limousines were lit up with tiny heart light on all sides and gleamed in the dull dark of the parking lot.

  A new round of squeals rang out from the girls.

  Dodie squeezed in last. The seats were plush and each had a champagne bucket between them filled with chilling bottles of bubbly. The girls were all talking at once and Aunt Carol poured. Dodie accepted a glass of champagne and clinked it against Ethel’s.

  “I think you and my uncle Earl are a great match, Ms. Landers,” she said shyly.

  Ethel smiled back at her. “Thank you Dodie. That means a lot to me. I hope so darling. It’s a big step for me with the…”

  Aunt Carol stopped her.

  “Not to worry Ethel! Here’s to Summer for breaking the Landers curse!” Carol boomed and they all clinked their glasses.

  “To breaking the Landers’ curse!”

  The champagne was the perfect antidote to the anxiety they were all feeling over the auction.

  Ethel looked relieved. She shook her head.

  “I used to think it was impossible to break the curse, but Brad and Summer’s love made the impossible possible again. I am so grateful.”

  Aunt Carol hugged her sister close. “I love you sis, you deserve happiness.”

  Ethel wiped away a happy tear and smiled. This was turning out to be the best Valentine celebration ever.

  Dodie sank back into her seat, feeling like if there was a Landers’ curse there must be a Dodie curse too.

  She’d been so close to happiness yet it always eluded her. After the death of her first husband it had taken her years to open up her heart again. Then Peter. He had seemed so perfect, so kind, so loving she had let herself fall in love with him, only to have her heart torn out once more.

  Now Jason threatened to make her feel what she had tried so hard to escape by coming here in the first place. The gorgeous stranger with the cloudy gray eyes had stood before her, so excited that she was the Dodie of his letters, declaring how much he loved chocolate cake.

  And now her cake was an absolute mess that Justine had to endure, while hers was in the trash. She was a million miles away from Jason picking her baked good, she was sure about that. The apple pie was boring, safe, conventional, everything he was not.

  She suddenly laughed at herself at how naive she was being.

  She looked around her at the happy girls chatting and laughing and dreaming of love and Valentine dances. She really had fallen under the spell of this adorable holiday crazy town with its kind people and love of baked goods.

  Dodie thought she must be losing her mind. This was still the real world and in the real world men did not fall in love with a woman because of her cooking talent!

  Besides she wasn’t ready for love. She had decided she just wouldn’t care about the auction. Heck maybe it would be better if Old man Jennings picked her apple pie at least her heart wouldn’t be jumping out of her dress.

  Not that she would tell any of the girls that.

  All the young women chattered away happily, talking about who would pick their cake, whether Oliver would pick Carina’s choc chip cookies, and what they would do if someone they didn’t like at all would pick their cake!

  As they sped out of Kissing Bridge and onto the freeway, Dodie realized just how quickly this small town had become home. She still stayed in one of Earl’s rooms at the lodge,
not sure of her next move. She had heard Summer and Brad talking about setting up their new home in preparation for their marriage. They seemed so happy building a life together. Dodie pictured a small, cozy home with a little garden area where she could grow vegetables and flowers, though she couldn’t help but feel she’d love someone else there, too.

  Before she could stop herself she found herself picturing Jason in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. Jason in the garden, tending to the earth. Jason in the living room, eating her chocolate cake. She shook her head, trying to get the images out.

  She of all people knew that Jason wasn’t ready for love any more than she was!

  His heart had been shattered by a betrayal just like hers had. That’s what had bonded them so quickly through their letters. The understanding that some things hurt so much they shut you down for good. He had been cheated on and she had been left for another man. Love hurt. No feeling at all was better than risking being broken and unloved again.

  Just then the limousine stopped outside a beautiful redbrick building. Justine pressed her face against the window. “It’s a spa!”

  Chapter 19

  Valentine’s Day

  Dodie considered what to wear to the Valentine’s Day Ball that night. She had changed her mind over and over again and was still unsure. She couldn’t bring herself to rent out a puffy gown for the special occasion like the young women from her baking class. That would feel like dressing up like a cream puff, or a Disney princess.

  She still marveled at this town’s love of the holidays. She had never seen people go so far out to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

  She caught sight of her new pedicure from the surprise spa visit last night. Dodie had opted for a soft pink shade with a red heart painted on each toenail. She wiggled her toes liking the effect.

  All the women had been so excited to get pampered before the big event. The massage had been just what she needed to relax her last night, but today she found herself nervous and uptight all over again.

  She wondered what kind of dress Jason might find her attractive in, and then berated herself for caring. She doubted Jason would even be there, having just come back from the war he most likely wasn’t up for a frivolous evening, and she of all people knew the last thing he was looking for was a relationship. Why would he go? It looked like he was only there at the auction to help out Summer and Brad with the decorating.

  She considered the night’s possibilities before her. If Jason had opted to even buy a baked good, and by some chance had chosen her pie, then she would be his date for the entire event. Sit next to him. Dance with him. Be near him.

  Once again she would fall for another unavailable guy.

  Dodie wanted to explode.

  The best thing she could do was hope that someone else, anyone else, but Jason had chosen her apple pie. Then she would be safe. Bored perhaps, but safe.

  Dodie thought about the auction. All the young women were in a tizzy over who would be their date. She was too old for all of this and started bitterly regretting not doing like Carol and staying way out of it. She considered ways to back out and rejected them all as unbelievable. She was stuck.

  Dodie looked through her wardrobe and finally pulled out a sleek black dress with a slit up the side. Black. Perfect for how she felt. While everyone else would be looking like a sparkle princess she would be Ursula, Queen of Darkness.


  The Valentine’s Day Ball

  The hall from the night before had now been transformed into its final beauty for the Valentine’s Day Ball, the booths were removed and a wooden dance floor was laid down. Small tables dotted the outskirts of the dance floor. They were decorated in pink with white rose bud centerpieces. Candlelight illuminated the room giving it a romantic feel.

  The ballroom was full to the brim with well-dressed young people, beautiful and smiling and ready for love. From her seat at the sidelines, Dodie saw Summer and Brad intertwined as they danced to the soft music in the background, seemingly unable to wait for the official dancing portion to start.

  Now that was love.

  Aunt Carol was the host for the evening’s gala. She was on a small stage in front of the auction hall. She wore a sequined red dress that flickered in the light and bounced off her brilliant red hair. A lovely gold necklace set off her outfit. Summer thought she had never seen her Aunt look so lovely. Aunt Carol thumped on the mic to make sure it worked.

  Summer and Brad stopped dancing and moved to stand by mom, as the event was about to begin. Ethel Landers looked extra beautiful. She was wearing a floaty dress in her favorite Tiffany blue color and it was splashed with delicate little silver rose buds. The silver set her grey hair off just perfect and the blue mirrored the color of her eyes. Summer hugged her.

  “You look beautiful mom, any guy would be lucky to have you.”

  Her mom blushed “I’m just a silly old fool for even entering what was I thinking?”

  Brad pointed out Earl who was just entering. “Hey there’s Earl.” Brad called out to him. “Looking good Earl!

  Earl was in a dark blue suit with a silver shirt that looked quite sharp. His hair was slicked back. He waved to them all from the door, and winked at Ethel.

  Aunt Carol rallied the crowd. “ Everyone please your attention!” She grinned and drum rolled on her knees.

  “Let’s announce the results!”

  Aunt Carol continued, “The suitors have already taken their baked goods home to consume, and now they are to meet the woman who has either delighted or disappointed them!

  No lawsuits, please.” She flashed a smile and the audience laughed. “Okay, so will our beautiful bakers please come up to the stage.”

  Dodie’s heart sank.

  She hadn’t dared to hope that Jason bought her pie, but somehow a little bit of hope had sunk in and now even that was dashed. She hadn’t seen Jason in the crowd all night. Not that she was looking. Ethel took her hand and soon she was swept up in the swarm of young women that took to the stage. They arranged themselves in lines and some of them posed like they were in a pageant.

  Aunt Carol held up a large golden envelope.

  “Are you ladies ready to meet your dates?”

  “Yeah!” the young women called out.

  “I didn’t hear you!” Aunt Carol called out, grinning from ear to ear. “Are you ladies and gentlemen ready?!”

  “Yeah!” The crowd burst into hoots and hollers.


  Aunt Carol opened the envelope with a defiant rip.

  “Right, first on the list is our very own royalty, our cookie queen extraordinaire, Ethel Landers! Step forward please.”

  Ethel, blushing the color of her lipstick now, stepped forward and clasped her hands behind her back. Dodie saw her wring them and fidget. She truly hoped that Earl had bought the perfect Boston cream pie that Ethel had worked so hard to prepare just for him.

  The crowd awaited the name to be called. Aunt Carol announced triumphantly, “Your date is… Earl!”

  Ethel turned and grinned at Dodie, bringing her hands to her face in disbelief.

  Earl strode up the stairs, looking half the age he usually did, and held out his arm for Ethel. She slipped hers into his and everyone clapped and cheered wildly. Earl beamed and pecked her on the cheek, sending the crowd into a gleeful uproar.

  “Fabulous choice Earl, fabulous!” Aunt Carol said as they descended the steps and blended in with the crowd.

  “Now next…Carina Marshall step forward!”

  Dodie felt her spirit rise as she watched Carina get paired off with Oliver, who climbed up to the stage and declared her choc chip cookies even better than his grandma’s. Carina was jubilant that everything had worked out so perfect after all. She shot Dodie the thumbs up as the she walked past her with Oliver.

  Stephanie, Tassy, and all the other girls from their baking classes were magically paired up with exactly whom they wanted as well. One could say this was a mini
miracle, but in all fairness with a talent such as Aunt Carol’s on their side they couldn’t lose! Aunt Carol’s eavesdropping talent had come in handy once again managing to ferret out the perfect baked goods for each suitor!

  Soon there was only Justine and Dodie left on the stage. Justine scooted over to her and clutched her hand. She leaned in and whispered, “I hope you get just who you want.”

  Dodie squeezed her hand and offered her an encouraging smile, though her stomach churned and she wondered what the heck she had gotten herself into.

  “Now lovely lady, Justine Slater, please step forward!” Aunt Carol was really taking to this hosting gig.

  Justine did so, turning loose Dodie’s hand.

  “Your date for tonight is…” she drum rolled on her knees again and the crowd joined in.

  “Your date is… Jason Anderson!” Aunt Carol tried not to sound disappointed as she announced his name. She glanced over to see how Dodie was doing with this news.

  Dodie felt a powerful drop in her gut, like she had an anchor in there. Jason. He was there…

  A thousand thoughts shot through her mind at once. So he had chosen her chocolate cake after all, only it was Justine’s now!

  Justine turned back to look at her, mouthing, “Sorry,” her own sweet face crestfallen. She then turned and put on a show of excitement and gratitude, though Dodie could tell it was fake. Justine was just as disappointed as she was.

  Dodie stared at her shoes as she heard Jason climb the stairs to the stage. She couldn’t even look at him for fear he would see the feeling for him in her eyes and she’d make an even worse fool of herself. There was nothing she could do now. The letters had been just that, letters. Jason would spend a romantic Valentine’s night with beautiful, vivacious Justine not her. Maybe Justine would open up his heart again where she could not. Why would he want a broken person like her anyway? Why would anyone?

  Dodie was in a daze now as everyone clapped for the couple and they left the stage.


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