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Distorted Page 3

by Laura Dunaway

  Grabbing a chair so I could sit down and look at the email, my eyes started tearing up when I saw the pictures. Paul was right, this was by far the worst we’d ever seen. When I got to a picture of a small child holding what appeared to be her mother’s hand, standing outside of a dilapidated house, I grabbed a tissue from Paul’s desk. Dabbing at my eyes, I finished scrolling down, then slumped back against my chair. Feeling absolutely ridiculous for being so self-absorbed about my unrequited love for Paul just a few minutes earlier, I raised my eyes to find him looking at me.

  “This is why I am so happy you work for me. The tears you’re shedding for the people of this neighborhood, your love and desire to help them, to make their lives a little easier. I need you to help me with this, Aly. We need to help them.”

  I nodded as my heart swelled with even more love for this man and his words for me. There was never any doubt that we would help these people. I knew it from the first picture I saw that Mr. Shay had attached.

  “I know we just barely secured the last of the funding for the Glendale project, but I don’t think we should wait long to start working on this. Pierce Homes continues to grow and develop and I think we have the men and the funds to begin working on this. These people can’t wait.”

  Looking at him, I smiled. “My thoughts exactly. I know we have enough money to start working on this and we definitely have enough men to help start.” I knew that this was the project that would mean the most to us and I hadn’t even seen it in person yet. There was something in the look of the small child in the photo that called out to me and I was determined to help her.

  I felt Paul lean back in his chair, and caught his wide smile. “Aly, I think you and I need to take a trip over to this neighborhood and see it for ourselves. We need to meet Mr. Shay and the people of his neighborhood. We need to let them know we received the email and that we’re going to help them.”

  Resisting the urge to squeal, I remained calm. “I think so too. Their neighborhood is in Brewerton, so it’s only about a two-hour drive from here. We could do it in a day or, if needed, one night.”

  “Let’s look at the schedule,” he said, grabbing his iPhone and going through his calendar. “I have some meetings this week I can’t miss, but this weekend I could ride down there. Are you free to go Friday after work, returning Saturday night?”

  “Sure. I’d be happy to drive and meet you there.”

  Paul gave me a look that told me he thought that was ridiculous. “Why would we need to take separate cars when we’re going to the same place? I’ll drive us there and back, end of discussion.”

  Giving him a mock salute I said, “Yes, sir!”

  He cracked a smile and ran a hand through his hair. “Do you mind making the hotel arrangements?”

  “Not at all. I’ll book us two rooms and, if you’d like, I’d be happy to reply back to Mr. Shay and make arrangements to tour the neighborhood on Saturday.”

  He gave me a grateful smile. “You offered to do that before I even had to ask. That would be fantastic, thank you.” His green eyes looked warmly at me and the heat reverberated throughout my body. Oh, dear. How am I going to survive riding in the car with just him and an overnight trip? Telling myself to get a grip, that this was purely a business trip, I excused myself from his office so I could start making the arrangements.

  The week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday. The whole day my heart was beating on overdrive and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get through the trip. Everything was set with Mr. Shay for touring the neighborhood the next day and I had reserved two hotel rooms. It was so silly that I was this nervous, but I was going to be alone with Paul for twenty-four hours straight.

  On Tuesday, Ethan had stopped by and chatted with me. He’d strolled into the office, a flirtatious look on his face. I had sat back in my chair, wondering what he was up to.

  “Hey,” he said as he sat down across from me.

  “Hey, Ethan,” I said, smiling.

  “You look hot today,” he commented, eyeing me up and down.

  I rolled my eyes. “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

  He looked himself over. He did look good in his khakis and blue v-neck sweater; they matched his beautiful eyes. I’d never tell him this though as his flirting and hopes would magnify.

  “You’re damn right I look good, babe. I’m still waiting for you to fall all over me.”

  I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. He never turned it off. We sat there and talked for a while. He made me laugh at his funny stories and observations about some co-workers. I guess I was too loud because Paul popped his head out, another scowl on his face.

  “Would you mind quieting down out here, please? I have a lot to do to prepare for this weekend and I can’t concentrate, hearing the two of you. Actually, Aly, I think it would be best if you got back to work. We need to be ready for touring that neighborhood.” With that, he turned back around and shut his office door.

  Ethan looked at me. “What’s with him?” he asked.

  “I have no idea,” I said, shocked.

  “Well, he’s right. I guess it is time I get back to work,” Ethan said, getting up out of his chair.

  “Before you go, I need to tell you something I’m very excited about. A new project has come up, so Paul and I are traveling to tour. It’s in Brewerton in an area called Hidden Creek. We got an email yesterday about it and my heart broke at the pictures we were sent. We’ve never considered a project so close to another one before, but we both know this one can’t wait.”

  Ethan grinned at this. “Really? That’s great. I think it’s good that we’re starting a new project this soon. The more we do this, the better it will be for everyone. When do you leave?”

  “Friday after work, returning Saturday night. I got us hotel rooms so that we don’t have to get up so early Saturday morning.”

  Ethan got a funny look in his eye.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Are you sure you can handle being alone with him that long? I don’t want you losing that resolve to move on from him, Aly.”

  I hated that he knew me so well sometimes. “I’ll be fine, Ethan. It’s for work. There won’t be much time for me to think of anything else.” I’m not sure whom I was trying to convince, him or me.

  Still looking skeptical, he turned to leave. “I hope so. Just be careful. Now that I have a chance with you, I won’t give up so easily.” I rolled my eyes and he kissed me on the cheek. Giving me a wink, he strolled back out.

  I went back to my desk, still puzzled by Paul’s behavior, but resolved to stop focusing on it. I continued researching the Hidden Creek neighborhood. The more I read about it, the more my heart broke. How did this area go by unnoticed for so long? The crime in this area was ridiculously high. This was the first time I wondered if Pierce Homes had what it took to help. Going in, building new homes, and making the neighborhoods look better definitely helped, but this one was sure to be our biggest challenge yet.

  I was so wrapped up in my reading that I didn’t hear Paul come out until he cleared his throat. Looking up, I waited for him to speak. He stood there against his door and I could tell something was on his mind.

  “I’m sorry I acted that way a few minutes ago. I’m really stressed about starting this new project so soon after we just secured the funding for Glendale. Plus, Ethan has been hanging around more than usual and I’m not used to it.”

  Now that bothered me. “Why does Ethan hanging out with me more matter?”

  He rubbed a hand down his face. He seemed conflicted and I had no idea why. The thought that maybe he did like me more than I realized entered my mind but I quickly pushed it aside.

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything. I’m just very stressed and eager to get this weekend over with.”

  Was he saying he couldn’t wait to be done spending time with me? Doubt seared me as I realized that was probably what he meant. We’d never had to travel overnight for a neighborhood tou
r as they were all within an hour’s drive. Realizing he couldn’t wait to be done with it devastated me.

  Turning back to my computer screen, I shrugged. “Well, it will be over with soon enough. I should get back to my research on the neighborhood so we can be as prepared as possible for the tour.”

  I heard him sigh then walk back into his office and shut the door. Refusing to dwell on what happened, I forced myself to continue reading and soon fell back into the groove. At five o’clock I printed out a few things I wanted to go over more at home and shut down my computer. Stepping into Paul’s office, I told him I was leaving for the day.

  “Aly, wait,” he said as I turned to go.

  I turned back around. “Yes?”

  “I can’t help but feel I’ve hurt your feelings somehow, but I can’t think of what it is I’ve done. Is everything okay?”

  I was stunned he’d noticed. Feeling embarrassed, there was no way I wanted him to know that he had, in fact, hurt my feelings. I had no right to expect him to look forward to spending time with me. This was just business.

  “Everything is fine. And no, you didn’t hurt my feelings. I’ve been wrapped up in learning all I can about the Hidden Creek neighborhood, so I’ve been distracted. Nothing to worry about.” I smiled when I finished, hoping it would add to my words that everything was okay.

  His face showed relief and I felt it as well, knowing he’d bought my lie. “I’m so glad. I’ve been sitting here all afternoon, worried I’d offended you somehow. I’m looking forward to this weekend, but I’ve also been feeling the stress of taking on another project so soon, even though I know it’s the right thing to do.”

  He was looking forward to it? I couldn’t keep up. One minute he couldn’t wait for it to be over with it, then tells me this? I was too tired to worry.

  “It is the right thing to do, Paul. You know I’d tell you if I didn’t agree. These people needed our help yesterday and we are in the position where we can start the ball rolling. We’ll have to have another fundraiser sooner than we’d planned, but our reputation backs us up. I doubt it will be an issue.”

  Standing up from his chair, he walked around his desk over to me. When he reached my side, he smiled at me. “Have I told you lately that you’re the best assistant anyone could ask for?” he asked quietly, looking into my eyes. My eyes widened at the look in his and I had to stop myself from stepping back, away from him.

  Feeling awkward, I attempted to lighten the mood that had suddenly become too serious. “You’d be just fine, Paul. You know this business inside and out. You actually don’t even need an assistant for how well you do.”

  He stood there quietly, not taking my bait. “You’re wrong. I do need an assistant. I need you.”

  Shock and pleasure ran through me hearing this. There is no way he meant that in the way that I wanted him to. I felt my heart rate slow down and I relaxed.

  “Well, thank you. I’m glad you feel that way. I love my job, Paul.” Reaching for the doorknob behind my back, I fiddled with it until I got it open. Moving forward and forcing Paul to step back, I readjusted my purse over my shoulder.

  “Aly, I mean it. The more time goes on and the more projects we work on, I realize I can’t do it without you. You may think I can do this on my own, but I assure you, I can’t. We’re a team, and a damn good one.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “I agree. I’m glad you think so too. Well, I’d better run. I’ve got a lot to look over tonight to get ready for this weekend.”

  His brows drew together in thought. “What do you have to go over?”

  I lifted the printouts in my hand. “Just some things I found through my research that I wanted to go over more at home.”

  “Man, Aly. Do you ever stop?” he asked.

  Confused, I cocked my head to the side, not sure how to answer.

  “No, I just meant that once I think you can’t top yourself, you go and say something like that.”

  Blushing, I waved my hand in dismissal. “It’s nothing. I just take my job seriously and want to do the best I can. That’s all.”

  He stepped toward me and brushed some hair behind my ear. “It’s not all. Trust me. I’m seeing you more clearly now than I ever have.”

  “Paaauulll, are you ready to leave yet? We have that dinner at the club tonight, baby,” I heard her say as she entered our office. Jumping away from Paul, I pretended to look for something in my purse. As she breezed passed me, she put on her nice act.

  “Hello, Aly. Heading home?”

  Giving her my best smile, I said, “Hi, Casey. Yes, I’m just leaving. I hope you two have a nice evening at the club.” Turning to Paul, I saw he was still looking after me with the expression he had on before she interrupted. Feeling even more uncomfortable because she was here, I waved to him and rushed out the door.

  Friday arrived quickly and I’m freaking out that it’s about time to leave for our overnight trip. While it did help that the rest of the week he behaved more like himself, I was still more nervous than I’d like to admit. Ethan had stopped by every day to say hi and flirt with me. I could tell it annoyed Paul, but I didn’t care. Ethan was my friend and he was welcome to stop in whenever he felt like it.

  I was sitting there daydreaming when I heard Paul step out of his office.

  “Are you about ready, Aly? I just have to make a few more phone calls, then we can head out.”

  “Yup. I’m ready when you are.”

  His green eyes dazzled me when he smiled. “Okay, great. I won’t be long.”

  Deciding to go over the research one more time, I could practically recite each article I’d read. I felt fully prepared for tomorrow’s tour. I was eager to get going so we could get to the hotel and settle in. I wanted to get a good nights sleep before our big day tomorrow.

  I finally heard Paul come out and shut his door, locking it for the weekend. “All right, the time has come. Let’s hit the road.” Laughing, I stood and grabbed my overnight bag from under my desk. He was waiting for me at the door to our main office and stood there to allow me to pass him so he could lock that too. Paul’s office took up the majority of the top floor. When you walked in, my area was the first thing you saw. It was more open than Paul’s, but was still hidden behind the walls that surrounded our corner. I liked that we had privacy, as I wasn’t comfortable being out in the open for all to see. Paul had complete privacy with his as he could shut his door and block everything out whenever he wanted. Inside, his office was surrounded by huge picture windows that showed off a magnificent view of the city.

  Hearing Paul clear his throat brought me back to the present. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. Even after having to hear Ethan’s many pep talks about moving on from Paul, I’d already decided I would. At least that’s what I kept telling myself.

  We’d been on the road a little while when I looked over at him as he drove. The same adoration I always felt when I looked at him came over me and I sighed. I still loved him. Even though I shouldn’t, I still loved Paul Pierce.

  Hearing my sigh, he looked over at me. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. I’m just sleepy. I always get that way on road trips.”

  He smiled at me. “Well then get some rest. I’ll wake you up when we get there.”

  “I don’t want to sleep. I’d feel bad if I did, leaving you alone to drive,” I told him, looking out the window.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m fine and I don’t want you to get worn out.”

  “It’s okay, really,” I said. The last thing I wanted to do was waste any precious time with him. While I knew this was just a business trip, it was still alone time with him.

  “Truth be told, I prefer your company, but I honestly wouldn’t mind if you did fall asleep. Either way.”

  I looked over at him. “Thanks.”

  He looked back at me, then to the road. We didn’t say much for a while after that. We just sat there, enjoying the scenery on our way out of town.

  As I admired the be
autiful green pines and flowing waterfalls, I felt content. Being with Paul was easy. We’d always had a rapport that most bosses didn’t share with their employees. Even though he’d been acting strange lately, overall things were still the same with us and I was relieved. I’d never really felt uneasy with him and I definitely didn’t want to start now.

  “So Casey wasn’t too pleased about this trip of ours,” he said out of the blue. Surprised, I turned my head toward him.

  “What? Why?” I asked.

  He sighed. “I don’t know. For some reason she feels threatened by you. She has for a while now. I haven’t said anything, but I can sense she’s getting more aggressive and thought I had better tell you so you’re not caught off guard.”

  I started to laugh. He looked at me, surprised. “What?”

  “You think I don’t already know this?”

  “You knew?”

  “Yes, of course. She is only civil to me when you’re around. But to be honest, I have no idea why she feels threatened. We just work together and we’re friends.”

  He ran his hand through his hair, messing the waves. “That’s what I’ve told her, repeatedly. I think she envies you.”

  I choked down my surprise. “She envies me?” I couldn’t believe it.

  “Don’t act so surprised. You are a beautiful and confident woman who does a spectacular job. She sees how proud I am of you and our work and I think it bugs her.” He looked over at me to see my reaction.

  “Well, I appreciate what you said about my job performance, but honestly, she has nothing to worry about. If anything, I should be jealous of her.”

  He started to laugh, “No, no way. Believe me, you have no reason to be jealous of Casey.”

  I looked at him, not knowing what to say.

  “Don’t get me wrong. She’s great, she really is, but you possess something most people don’t. You are just natural at everything you do. You don’t try to be someone you’re not and you don’t bullshit around. You are just...well, you. It’s quite sexy, to be honest.”


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