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Distorted Page 4

by Laura Dunaway

  Come again?

  “Um, thank you?”

  He burst out laughing. “I’m serious. You are one of a kind.”

  The confusion burst inside me again for the millionth time this week. What had suddenly changed between us? He’d always been very kind and complimentary, but never like this. This was completely new and I wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  “Anyway, I had to reassure her over and over that there’s nothing to worry about. I’m getting quite tired of having to do that with her. I’m not sure it’s worth it anymore.”

  My head was spinning. Not only was he treating me more intimately, but he was now telling me he’s not sure he can continue being with his girlfriend? This was all happening so fast.

  “Well, um, I’m not quite sure what you want me to say. I’m sorry you’re having some doubts about her. I think you just need to follow your heart. I’m a true believer that the heart never steers us wrong.”

  His lips quirked up into a small smile. “I believe that too. I’m not sure what’ll happen. I’m not going to worry about it right now, though. We need to focus on this new project and helping the residents.”

  Relieved at the change of subject, I nodded. “Good. That’s definitely what we need to focus on this weekend. Whatever is meant to be with you and Casey will be. Don’t worry about it for now.”

  We were quiet the rest of the ride and I did end up dozing for a little while. We arrived at our hotel and checked into our rooms. Agreeing to meet for a late dinner in fifteen minutes, I hurried into the bathroom to freshen up.

  As I looked at myself in the mirror, I finally absorbed what he told me in the car. Could he really be thinking of breaking up with Casey after all this time? Why had he suddenly started treating me differently? Why was he upset at the time Ethan spends with me in our office? Am I reading too much into this?

  Deciding to once again push those thoughts aside, I ran a brush through my hair, bending over and rising quickly to give it some body. Parting it on the side, I then refreshed my lipstick and added more mascara, hoping it would give my olive green eyes some kick. Grabbing my purse and the room key, I left one lamp on so I could find my way around when I got back and exited the room. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the hall to the elevator and pushed the down button.

  This is just business, this is just business, I repeated to myself.

  The elevator arrived and I stepped in. As it headed to the lobby, I quietly stood and listened to the awful music. It reached the lobby and the doors opened. When I looked up, my heart stopped at the sight of Paul leaning against the wall, waiting for me. He had changed into light blue jeans and a white linen button down shirt. His hair was in messy waves and his jaw had some scruff.

  I was so not thinking this was just business anymore.

  Paul smiled at me when he saw me exit the elevator. “Ready to go?” he asked as he held out his arm to me. I grabbed hold of it and sighed. All I wanted was for him to pull me close and kiss me. I had never known such frustration.

  “Ready,” I smiled as I took hold of his arm and told myself to focus on what we were in town for.

  “Do you want to eat here at the hotel, or would you like to walk and find something elsewhere? I asked the front desk for some recommendations, so I’m fine to go wherever you want.”

  He could not be more perfect. “I think a walk sounds nice. Let’s do that and find somewhere to eat.”

  Smiling at me, he nodded. “Sounds great. Lead the way.”

  We walked out of the revolving door and stepped into the cool evening air. I looked around the small town and frowned a bit. It was quaint, but needed updating. I thought it might be a good idea for Paul and I to drive around the neighborhoods in the morning before we met Mr. Shay. It would be good to see what they look like, to have an idea as to how to make sure Hidden Creek doesn’t stand out in a bad way. I mentioned that to him as we turned right and walked down the street.

  “That’s a good idea,” he said, nodding. “I want to give Hidden Creek its own look, but I also don’t want it to stand out like a sore thumb.”

  We continued walking and looking around. There was a pet shop on the corner and as we passed, we heard little yips and meows from the window.

  “Look, Paul!” I said, clapping my hands together. I beelined it to the window and immediately began cooing at the sweet puppies and kittens. A little golden lab in particular grabbed my attention. He stood up against the window, yelping and clawing like he was trying to escape right into my arms.

  I heard Paul chuckling as he came up behind me. “I think that one likes you, Aly. Can’t say I blame him.” I turned and smiled, then returned my attention to the adorable puppy.

  “Ohh, he’s so cute! I wonder if he has a name. Hey, little fella. I wish I could take you home with me,” I said to the pup as he continued trying to burst through the window. All of a sudden, a black lab came over and joined in with him. The golden one didn’t like his thunder being stolen and tried to inch him out of the way, but he black pup wouldn’t have a thing to do with that. He started nipping at his nemesis and they fell to the floor, nipping and wrestling.

  I laughed at the scene before me. It was so cute. Turning my head to look at Paul, I asked, “Did you see that? I think they’re fighting over me!”

  He lazily put his arm around my shoulder. “I sure did. I’m betting the golden one wins. Too bad he won’t get the prize, though.”

  That made me frown. “I know. I wish I could have a little puppy, but my landlord has a no pets policy.”

  We continued watching and laughing at the pups for a few minutes. They eventually wore themselves out, snuggled against each other and fell asleep. Kissing my fingers and touching them to the window, I bid the sweet animals good-bye.

  Starting to walk again, I took a few steps and realized Paul wasn’t with me. Looking behind me, I noticed he was still looking in the window.

  “C’mon slow poke,” I called out to him.

  Seeing I’d walked ahead, he grinned at me and caught up. After a few more minutes of walking, we came across a little Italian bistro.

  “This is one of the restaurants the front desk recommended,” Paul told me. “Should we try it?”

  “Yes,” I said, already opening the door to walk in. I loved Italian food and this place looked wonderful. Walking to the hostess, I told her we needed a table for two. Picking up two menus, she motioned for us to follow her. We got to a little table in the corner and sat down. Looking around, I couldn’t help but feel the charm of the restaurant. It had the typical red and white-checkered tablecloths and a candle burning at each table. Soft Italian music was being played through the speakers, giving it an authentic feel. A few tables were occupied, but it wasn’t noisy which I was happy about.

  Looking over the menu, I decided on the spinach ravioli with an asiago cream sauce. I hadn’t had anything since lunch and I was starving. I ripped open a roll and slathered it with butter, taking a big bite. Hearing Paul’s laugh, I looked up at him, chewing and swallowing my roll.

  “What?” I asked him, dabbing my mouth with the napkin.

  “You’re just cute. Most women would refuse to eat the roll or at the least, take dainty bites, but not you.”

  Feeling embarrassed, I set my roll down. “Sorry, I’m just so hungry. I haven’t had anything to eat since lunch.”

  He reached over and covered my hand with his. “Aly, please. Don’t apologize. I said it as a compliment. I think it’s very refreshing that you don’t pretend to be something you’re not. I love that you are comfortable enough with me that you can dive into that roll.”

  Relieved, I picked up the roll and took another bite. Chuckling, Paul took his hand back and continued to look over the menu. As soon as he lifted his hand from mine, I felt the loss of it. Sighing, I continued to eat the roll when our server finally came to take our order.

  “Good evening and welcome to Luigi’s. I’m Tate and I’ll be your server tonight. Would you li
ke me to tell you our specials this evening?”

  We both nodded. Tate smiled and indicated to a chalkboard on the wall, listing the specials and their prices.

  “We have a delicious chicken gnocchi veronese which is made with a variety of cheeses served over a bed of noodles. Our second special of the night is our famous mouthwatering linguini in a light saffron sauce. This dish is my absolute favorite. Are you ready to order, or may I start you out with some appetizers?”

  Paul raised his eyebrows to me and I shook my head. “I think we’ll just skip right to ordering our meals,” he said, indicating for me to go first.

  “I’ll have the spinach ravioli with the asiago cream sauce, please,” I told him.

  “Anything to drink?” he asked.

  “Water is fine.”

  “Are you sure, Aly? I was thinking of ordering a bottle of wine,” Paul interjected.

  “Oh, you were? Well in that case, yes please,” I said with a little smile.

  Paul’s burst of laughter warmed my insides and I couldn’t help but join with him. “That settles it, then. Your finest bottle of wine and I will have the chicken fettuccine,” he told Tate.

  “Both great choices, but you really can’t go wrong here. I will go put your order in and bring you our finest wine.” Gathering our menus, he turned and walked through the swinging doors.

  Paul grabbed a roll and split it open. “This place smells delicious, doesn’t it?” he asked as he buttered his roll.

  “Yes,” I said, breathing it in once again. “I cannot wait to eat. I’m starving.”

  Paul sat back in his chair, looking at me. His green eyes had a darker tone to them tonight, one that made me suddenly feel little currents run up and down my arms. What was he thinking?

  “How are your parents doing?” he asked.

  My parents? That was not something I would have guessed was on his mind. Not wanting to show my surprise, I took a sip of my water.

  Tate returned with our bottle of wine. “Here you go. This is our finest in the house tonight. It’s the 2008 Spottswoode Cabernet Sauvignon at $135 a bottle. I hope it meets your satisfaction.” He uncorked the bottle. Pouring some in our glasses, he told us our meals would be out shortly then left us to our drinks.

  “My parents are doing well, thanks,” I answered after Tate left. I started twisting my hair around my finger, trying to keep myself busy and not focus so much on how sexy he was. “They just got back from yet another cruise to the Caribbean and had a fabulous time.” I took my first sip of the wine. I moaned in pleasure when I tasted it, it was so good. Looking at Paul, I saw his gaze was focused on my lips, then at the hair wrapped around my finger. Realizing I showed a little too much pleasure at the wine, I blushed.

  “I’m glad to see you like the wine.” He winked at me. Now it was my turn to watch as his full lips met the wine glass and he took his first sip. Watching him swish it slowly around in his mouth made my stomach flutter. When I saw his eyes on me as he swallowed the liquid, they burned right through me and I couldn’t breathe. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen and I knew I couldn’t hide it.

  “Damn,” he said. “I really like this wine. I’m going to have to buy a bottle to take back home.” He swirled the wine in his glass and took another sip, still not taking his eyes off me. I knew I was staring but I couldn’t help it.

  He raised a brow and chuckled. “I’m not sure if it’s me or the wine that you’re enjoying at the moment, but I’d prefer to think it’s me so don’t tell me if I’m wrong.”

  Blushing again, I averted my eyes to my own wine glass and took another sip. “Well, in that case, I won’t say anything at all, Pierce.”

  He put a hand over his heart. “You wound me, Chase,” he said, using my last name for the first time that I could recall. I found it cute.

  “Well, you did tell me not to say anything if you were wrong. I’m pleading the fifth,” I teased as Tate brought us our meals. Setting them down in front of us, I about died at the aroma. I was so hungry.

  Once Tate left, I dove in. I didn’t even care anymore if Paul thought it cute or not. I just needed to satisfy my hunger.

  Paul took a gentle bite of his food and I laughed. Shoving my hair behind my ear, I took another bite of mine. The asiago sauce was amazing. I reveled in it, then took another sip of wine. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

  “How’s your food?” he asked.

  “Oh my gosh. It’s so good, Paul. How’s yours?” I asked between bites.

  “It’s good, but I’m afraid not nearly as good as yours. Do you mind if I have a taste?”

  I shook my head. He leaned over and stabbed a piece of ravioli with his fork. For some reason, sharing my dish with him seemed intimate, something that couples would do, even though we weren’t. I looked to see his reaction and could tell he loved it.

  “Mmm, that is good, Aly. I wish I would have ordered this instead.”

  “You can have as much as you’d like,” I offered to him. I’d offer him anything if it would make him happy.

  “No, I don’t want to take away from your meal. I want you to enjoy every bite.”

  Not arguing, I took another bite. Deciding to have another roll, I reached over to grab one when apparently Paul had the same thought and did the same. We laughed as both of our hands grabbed the last roll.

  “You go ahead,” I told him.

  “Please take it,” he said at the same time.

  More laughter. “No, seriously Paul, take it. I have the better meal tonight. It’s the least I can do,” I told him.

  “I will take it, then. Thank you very much.”

  I took an extravagant bite and made a show of enjoying it. I moaned over and over at how good it was and put a hand to my throat. When I’d swallowed the last of it, I finally looked at him to see if my show had worked.

  I think it worked, but not in the way I’d expected.

  Paul had a look of pure desire on his face and there was no way for me to deny it. I guess I went too far in my overacting. Feeling stupid, I just sat there, not wanting to bring any more attention to myself.

  “I have to say, I wish I was that meal, Aly,” he said quietly.

  Jolts went through me. Looking down at my plate, I suddenly lost my appetite. I couldn’t think straight.

  As if he heard me, Tate came by and asked us how our meals tasted.

  “So good, Tate,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a better asiago sauce. Please give my compliments to the chef.”

  Tate gleamed. “I will do that. I’m so glad you like it. And yours, sir?” he asked, turning to Paul.

  “It’s good, but I had a bite of hers and I must say, it’s delicious. I’m jealous I didn’t follow her lead and get it myself.”

  “Would you like me to bring you one? It would be of no charge. We want to make sure our customers leave completely satisfied,” Tate offered.

  Paul smiled. “Oh no, but thank you. I’m suddenly quite full.”

  “If you’re sure,” Tate said. He told us he’d be back to clear our plates shortly and turned to take the order of the table that recently arrived. The tension that was there before he came over returned, and I wasn’t sure what to do.

  “Well, that was great, but I’m so full,” I said, not knowing what else to say. He still had desire in his eyes and he continued to stare at me as he finished off his wine. He set his empty glass down and leaned back, continuing to look me over.

  “It’s getting late, Aly. We should get back to the hotel and get some rest for tomorrow. What time would you like to meet for breakfast?”

  His change of subject caught me by surprise. “We’re supposed to be at the Hidden Creek neighborhood at one o’clock so should we meet at nine to eat?”

  “That would be fine. I think we’ll need only an hour or two to drive around seeing the neighborhoods, then have a quick bite of lunch before meeting at one o’clock. I’m quite eager to get this going.”

  Tate came back w
ith our bill and cleared our table. I reached over to get my purse when Paul shook his head. “I don’t think so, Chase,” he said. “I am paying for the expenses on the company credit card.”

  Oh, right. That made sense. “I didn’t think of that. Okay, thanks.”

  Paul gave Tate the credit card and we waited for him to bring it back. I looked around me and noticed a cute younger couple dining. The man had his hand on the woman’s hand and it appeared they were in deep conversation. Suddenly the woman started laughing and the man joined in. They appeared so happy and I couldn’t help but smile.

  Tate came back with the receipt and thanked us for coming in. We thanked him as well and wished him a good night. I rose from my chair and grabbed my purse. Paul waited for me, then put his hand on the small of my back and followed me to the door.

  We thanked the hostess as we walked outside. It was pitch black by now and I was grateful Paul was with me. We headed back toward the hotel, not saying much on the way. I enjoyed just being beside him without the pressure of Casey or work getting in the way.

  We made it back to the hotel and reached the doors to our rooms. Getting my room key out of my purse, I looked up to thank him for a fun evening. I found him standing against his door, looking at me with his arms folded across his chest.

  “I’m really glad you’re here with me, Aly,” he said quietly.

  “Me too. I can’t wait to finally meet Mr. Shay and some of the residents of Hidden Creek. The next year or two will be intense with these two projects going simultaneously, but I know it will be so worth it.”

  Smiling, he stepped toward me. Reaching his hand to my face, he suddenly changed his mind and dropped it to his side. “Well yes, that too, but I’m just glad you’re here with me as my assistant and friend. You are too modest to admit it, but you are a huge part of Pierce Homes success.”

  I wanted to take him in my arms and hug him. Disappointed I couldn’t, I just smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Listen, it’s late. We need to get our rest. We have a big day tomorrow. Sleep well, Chase,” he teased as he leaned over and brushed his lips against my cheek.


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