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Page 27

by Laura Dunaway

  We arrived with a few boxes in hand and got straight to work. I couldn’t stop the tears as it hit me that this was really happening. I’d spent the last three years of my life dedicating myself to Pierce Homes and its projects and now it was over. I wasn’t sure if I’d make it through the day, knowing I’d never be back here again.

  Ethan stopped me from what I was doing a few times and just held me. He knew how important my job had been to me and knew this would shatter me. I let him hold me as I bawled, releasing all of the pain and sorrow I felt. Once the tears from this round dried up, we finished getting all of my things and I took one last look around.

  Paul’s office door was shut and while I had no desire to see it one last time, I couldn’t help but go over to it and brush my hand along the door. I had so many memories in there, some good, some bad. I knew I would always hold a special place in my heart for Paul, but it was time to let him go.

  I felt a steely resolve build in my system and I turned around, ready to leave. Ethan picked up a box and asked, “Are you ready, babe?” I looked around one last time, then nodded. Picking up the other box, I said, “Yes, let’s get out of here.”

  We walked out and some people gave me strange looks, obviously wondering what I was doing. I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving for good, I couldn’t deal with the attention it would bring.

  Ethan took me back home and helped me go through everything in the boxes. I kept a few things I knew I’d want to remember, but most of it was junked or recycled. The tears flowed as I gave one last toss of the things I wasn’t keeping, and I turned and fell into Ethan’s arms.

  “Shh, it’s okay. You did the right thing,” he told me as he rubbed my hair down my back. I nodded into his chest, acknowledging that I agreed. I was mourning the loss of my job with Pierce Homes, but I knew I’d be okay. Ethan and I were starting new adventures together and I was ready. In fact, I couldn’t wait.

  Things progressed in both our personal and professional lives. I moved in with Ethan a few weeks later and we couldn’t have been happier. Since we had been friends for so long it was like we were already an old married couple, so familiar with each other.

  Ethan stayed with Pierce Homes until we were able to officially get our business, BakerChase Homes, off the ground. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but it was worth it. We leased a building on the other side of town and hired my uncle to design the homes for us. Ethan took care of the business end while I helped and was in charge of landing the clients and the public relations. Things were going well for us and I was thrilled when we landed a few areas to start building neighborhoods from scratch and could help give those who bought there a great place to live. Eventually I was hoping to also bring into the business what I had done while at Pierce Homes, find neighborhoods that were rundown and help them start fresh. That would take time to get there, but it was my ultimate goal.

  I emailed Norman explaining that I had to abruptly leave Pierce Homes for personal reasons and how sorry I was. I assured him that Paul and my replacement would take good care of them and that I would miss them. I had tears in my eyes when I pushed send, knowing that was the last I would interact with Norman and the people of Hidden Creek.

  A few months later, I had had a particularly rough day at work and couldn’t wait to get home. Ethan had asked me to stop by the conference room before I left for one last thing to sign, telling me he’d be home as soon as he could. I shut down my computer and gathered my things, stopping to lock my office door on my way out.

  I said hello to the few employees I passed, happy that we’d been able to hire a few more in the past few weeks. As I got closer to the conference room, I could hear a lot of chatter. Tilting my head, I wondered what could be going on as Ethan was supposed to be in a meeting.

  When I got to the entrance of the room, my heart stopped. Inside there were dozens of balloons and streamers. People were gathered around the big table and the chatting immediately stopped when I was noticed. Ethan turned around and smiled big, coming over to me.

  Grabbing my hand, he bent his head and whispered in my ear. “Come in, angel,” and started leading me inside. My heart started accelerating to a rate that I was sure might kill me. My hands started to become clammy and I thought I might pass out.

  Ethan sensed my reaction and held on to me. Once we reached the table, he sat me down in a chair and bent down before me on one knee. He reached in his pocket and brought out a small black velvet box. Popping it open, he set it on my lap and asked, “Aly, will you marry me?”

  One Year Later

  Ethan and I sat on the beach in Maui, on our honeymoon. I couldn’t stop looking at the gorgeous diamonds on my left hand, then staring at the simple silver band on Ethan’s. After gathering my wits about me, I’d immediately said yes to his proposal and launched myself into his arms, as everyone around us applauded and congratulated us.

  I threw myself into planning our wedding. Everything came off without a hitch and I admit I was one of those silly girls who couldn’t stop writing her name, my name, down every chance I got. It looked beautiful and made me smile every time.

  Aly Chase Baker

  Looking at it as I wrote it in the sand, thoughts of the past year overcame me. It had been so difficult for me to leave Pierce Homes and our unfinished projects. I had stayed in touch with Norman and was pleased he’d kept me up to date. The Hidden Creek project was just nearing completion, which made me happy as it was right on schedule. When I read the email where Norman told me all about Mr. Halliday and how excited he ended up being with his house, I started to cry. He told me all about Heather’s princess room and how overjoyed she was when she saw it for the first time. I wish I could have been there to see it, but I’d just have to settle for reading about it. When Norman invited me out to tour the neighborhood sometime after we got back from our honeymoon, I eagerly accepted. I couldn’t wait to see how it looked.

  Bringing my thoughts back to the present, I looked at Ethan who was now lying down in the sun. I bent over and started kissing his chest. “What are you doing, Mrs. Baker?” he asked, a chuckle in his voice.

  “Just kissing my husband,” I replied.

  “You realize we’re in public, right?” he teased.

  I looked up and around, “Yes, I realize this,” and continued what I was doing.

  He placed his hands under my arms and lifted me to his face. “Would you like to continue this up in our room?” he asked, his eyes hooded and filled with desire.

  I rushed to stand up and gather my things. “Yes, yes I would.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, standing as well. He picked up his stuff and took my hand. As we walked up the beach to go back to our hotel, I marveled at how my life turned out, at the man who was now my husband. I knew with every fiber of my being I was where I was supposed to be, and it felt amazing.

  As we reached the honeymoon suite, he pulled me inside and lifted me over his shoulder, tossing me on the bed. I laughed and scooted over a little, giving him room. He crawled toward me and took my face in his hands. Leaning down, he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I love you, Mrs. Baker,” he whispered.

  I looked in his beautiful blue eyes and said, “I love you more, Mr. Baker.”

  What started out as something completely distorted ended up being something completely perfect. Ethan slanted his mouth over mine making all of my thoughts disappear. The only thing that mattered, that would ever matter, was him. I had finally found my happily ever after.

  The End

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Paul's Story.

  Coming Soon

  The audience cheered for Ethan and Aly as they walked onto the stage. They were accepting the Best New Business award for the year. Hearing her voice as she gave their acceptance speech caused many feelings to rush through me. It still was so difficult to be near her but I was also very proud of what she had achieved. I closed my eyes and tried to prevent the emotions from taking over. It was then that I
knew without a doubt I had made the right decision.

  I was leaving for San Diego right after the award ceremony. I had decided I needed a fresh start and opening a new division of Pierce Homes was the perfect excuse. Luckily my father understood when I told him my thoughts and he took care of finding someone to replace me here. I needed the distance from Aly, no matter how hard that was to admit. I knew that I needed to move on and the only way I could do that would be to put a thousand miles between us. Just seeing her next to Ethan on stage stabbed me in the heart.

  Going back to the office the day she’d gathered her things about sent me to my knees. Seeing her area devoid of her, I almost had to turn around and walk back out. A part of me didn’t expect her to really go through with it and the fact that she did told me she meant every word she’d said. Going through the process of finding her replacement shattered me and that was when I knew I had to leave.

  San Diego was the only place I considered as Casey and my son had moved there a few weeks ago so Casey could start a new job with her father’s company. When the test results had come back that there was no doubt I was the father of her baby, I never once questioned if I would be a part of his life or not. I took this responsibility seriously and would treat it right. When Casey announced she would be moving to San Diego, I told her I’d be coming as soon as I could. While I had been more than clear with her that we would never be more than parents to our son, she still seemed to hold out hope that we’d reunite. I couldn’t look at her without remembering her part in my destruction with Aly, there was no way my feelings for her would ever change. I hoped that she would find someone and be happy, someone who would also treat my son well because if not, he would have to answer to me. My son had been the only good thing in my life since Aly left me. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

  The MC finally announced the evening was over and I stood to leave. I couldn’t wait to board the plane and start over. Before I could leave, I looked around the room to find her and when I did, my breath caught. She was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen and knowing she would never be mine killed me. As I debated whether or not to go over and congratulate her on her award, and tell her good bye, she caught my eye.

  We stood there in the enormous ballroom, looking at each other. Her eyes showed so many emotions and I knew mine did as well. I realized then I didn’t have to go over to talk to her, that it was better this way. I raised my empty glass to her in a toast, and gave her a wink. She gave me a little smile and raised her glass to me. That was all we needed to do, everything else had been said.

  I turned and left, walking out of a building and a city that I knew I wouldn’t see again for a very long time. As I got into the limo that would take me to the airport, I told Aly good-bye in my heart, one more time. I knew I would always love her, but I had to let go.

  My plane finally landed in San Diego, and I couldn’t step off fast enough. My limo driver was waiting for me at the gate and grabbed my luggage. I slid into the limo and we took off toward my new oceanside condo. I looked forward to hearing the waves through my window every night, and to having the beach out my back door. If I was going to be starting over, I may as well be doing it right.

  To My Family:

  My husband, Alan. Words cannot describe my love for you and all you do for me. You are the most patient man I have ever met and I know I’ve challenged that a time or two. You are my rock. You keep me sane and let me know when I’m being a tad dramatic. You let me know when something really needs worrying over and when something doesn’t. Your example does not go unnoticed. Even when you think I’m not watching or listening, I am. I admire you in so many ways and I am forever grateful for you. Thank you for encouraging me over and over to follow my dream. Thank you for being the best father to our children anyone could ask for. Thank you for doing things that helps me without being asked. Thank you for being mine. I love you.

  My children. Elise, Sammy, and Isaac, I love you to the moon and back. I love you more than words can say. I have the most amazing children in the entire world. Thank you for being so patient with me. Thank you for being silly and making me laugh. Thank you for being such great kids and helping each other when Mom was writing her book. Thank you for being mine.

  My parents. I could not have asked for better. I am so lucky to have you and I realize that more and more every day. Your examples of love, respect, and devotion have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for always supporting me, being patient with me, and showing me what a loving family is. I love you both so much.

  To My Book Family:

  My editor, Jennifer Roberts-Hall. I have nothing but love for you, girl. You are the most patient person I have ever met. You always messaged me back and let me know that no question was stupid. You let me freak out and get excited, never making me feel like I was silly for doing so. You caught mistakes and took away what wasn’t needed and suggested what to add. You let me know when I was repeating too much, or if something was choppy. If it weren’t for you, Distorted would be a mess and we wouldn’t have Ethanol. I love you and won’t ever use anyone else. I’m yours to keep.

  My cover designer, Allie Brennan. From the time I messaged you asking if you were available to the finished product, you were a delight to work with. I am so impressed with your work. You answered all of my questions and never got sick of me. I will be recommending you to anyone who is in need of a cover designer and you will always be mine.

  My formatter, Angela McLaurin. Thank you for making my book look so pretty. I appreciate all of your hard work. I appreciate your patience with my questions and helping me understand how formatting works. I’ve found my formatter for life.

  All of my beta readers. Distorted wouldn’t be what it is without your guidance and input. Thank you.

  Writer’s Club. What can I saw about my group of writers? I created this amazing group to help me and it grew stronger than I ever imagined. They are there for me whenever I’m in need and I couldn’t have done this without them. If you are a writer, you could not find a better place to be supported and loved.

  Denise and Nicola at Flirty and Dirty Book Blog. You guys rock! Without you, no one would have a clue about my name or Distorted. You have listened to my questions and given me great advice. You have cheered me on and told me how amazing this will be. It wouldn’t be nearly amazing without you and I am so grateful for all you’ve done. Flirty and Dirty will always have a special place in my heart.

  Stephanie at Rude Girl Blog. I noticed you were liking my posts on my author page and leaving me encouraging comments. When I realized you were Stephanie Locke, I was surprised I already knew you. Your love and support of me and my book has meant the world to me. I wouldn’t be where I am without your help. You have reached out to me and shown me love when I needed it most. You are always always willing to promote me on your page. Thank you.

  To My Friends:

  Author Nina D’Angelo. Oh my gosh, how can I even begin? You came into my life when I needed you most and have been there through it all. You cheered me on, picked me up when I was down, and let me know that yes, I am indeed worth it. You will never know how much your love and support means to me, Nina. I love you, girl. Oh, and I may or may not be counting the days down to December for when we meet. Thank you for your passion, your support, and your friendship. I couldn’t have done this without you.

  Author EL Montes. Words cannot even begin to describe what you’ve done for me. You came in my life when I needed you most and showed me all the things that I thought were lacking, were alive and well in you. You helped me polish my writing and you listened to every question. You never once made me feel like I was bothering you. You helped get my name out many times to your fans and that in itself says more to me than anything else. Being your critique partner was a blessing even you don’t realize and I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever. And to those who are reading this. If you haven’t read Disastrous by this lovely girl, go do it. The next book in the series, Caut
ious, is out on May 23 so run, don’t walk, to get it.

  Author RL Mathewson. You have encouraged me from the time I told you I wanted to write a book. Your support has meant the world to me. Thank you for making me laugh and being real. I never question what you say and know you say what you mean. We have a lot to look forward to and I’m excited about what the future holds.

  Author Mimi (MJ) Abraham. You have been my sounding board and kept me going. If it weren’t for your fabulous group I never would have met you. Thank you for listening to me, for keeping me sane, and for being my friend.

  Author AL Zaun. I feel like we are writer soul mates. We are both writing our first book and publishing them a day apart. We both have been there for one another and vented our hopes and frustrations over this new journey we’re on. You reached out to me when I needed you most and showed me what I was feeling wasn’t ridiculous and in fact, quite normal. I am glad to call you my friend.

  Author Kaylie Newell. My twinsie. Meeting you has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. You have loved me from day one and never once made me feel like I couldn’t do this. In fact, you told me in no uncertain terms that I could and I’d be stupid not to try. You read my book and told me I could write. You read my book and told me you loved it. Hearing all of that from you, my friend, made me feel like I really can do this and trust me, not many have been able to make me feel that way. I raise my glass to you, Newell.

  Author Gail McHugh. Wow! I have never met anyone like you and that’s a good thing. Your messages of support always came at the right time whether you knew it or not. With just a few words or a paragraph, you knew exactly what I needed to hear. Getting to know you and becoming friends has meant so much to me. And I will never ever forget coming home that day to the giant fruit basket you sent me, congratulating me on finishing my book. You have no idea how much that meant to me. Thank you and remember, other ladies might tell you Gavin is theirs, but they’re lying. He’s mine.


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