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Missy's First Mission

Page 5

by P. G. Allison

  “And, now you can see just how much power I’m able to exert, if I want to give someone more than just a gentle caress.” Missy smiled at everyone. It was awesome knowing she could actually crush the life out of everyone else in the room.

  There was a long moment of silence as everyone stared at her in various stages of surprise and shock. Then, Mike said, “Bad kitty!” and his tone of voice, even more than his words, made everyone break out laughing. The meeting was over. Time for that dinner they’d been promised. Mike knew Missy was going to be ravenous, after all the energy she’d just used. He’d been able to feel her drawing power from him this time.

  That had only happened once before during Missy’s Operation Roseanne, six weeks earlier, when he had been in that circle with Missy’s brother John, her friend Tracy and Tracy’s Mom. Tracy and Missy had both been drawing power that time. Yeah … she was getting stronger and stronger. But, Mike had stopped marveling long ago at all the wondrous and mysterious power his Missy was capable of.

  Chapter Six

  Dec 22, 2018

  “Gee, guys! Steak and lobster! This is great!” Missy was seated on Drew’s right with Mike on her right; Robert, Les and Marsha were opposite and then the rest of their group had seats on one end or the other of the long dining table. They were still in “P” Branch’s secure office building -- free to discuss whatever supernatural things they wanted to talk about -- and the catered meal had been brought in. “Someone’s been reading my file!” Everyone laughed. Missy knew that everyone had actually read her file.

  Drew said, “We had the lobsters flown in from Maine and the Angus beef from Texas. This is actually a treat for my staff … having dinner with a real supernatural guest. It’s been more than twenty years since the last time.”

  “I know, I know … that whole non interference policy that keeps you from letting the rest of us supnats know you’re even aware of us.” Missy smiled as she served herself, filling her plate. “Mike and I are keeping your secrets. Even my family only knows I have some government friends who’ve been helping me, but not what this whole “P” Branch is really into. Same for my friend Alice …” She paused and looked around the table. When it was obvious everyone knew who Alice was, she continued. “And, now Tracy and her Mom. They know you helped me with Operation Roseanne.”

  Les said, “Those late night comedians are still making fun of the way poor Salvatore D’Amato’s property got hit with all those lightning bolts.”

  The media had made a big deal out of all the mysterious lightning damage that Sal’s estate had experienced. Lightning hadn’t just struck twice but had struck his property more than a dozen times. Since it was well known that Sal was a mobster, heading one of the five families in New York, the editorials -- and, now the comedians as well -- had gone on and on with speculation all about retributive justice and various other possible reasons why the heavens may have decided to dump so much of its venom all on Sal.

  Missy’s pre-planned targets for Tracy had been very effective. Poor Sal and his lawyer Ben Marchitto had been confronted by Missy, in Sal’s study, and after she’d given them her demonstration of the powers she could wield, they’d been convinced. She’d sent out her energy bursts, which they’d experienced at the same time as the lightning bolts were striking, so they had no doubt Missy was responsible. Missy the witch. She’d forced them to release the young girls, mostly runaways, whom they’d planned on exporting to Brunei, destined to be sex slaves in some billionaire’s harem over there. And, she’d insisted Sal establish a trust fund for those girls, the Roseanne Fund. For their education and support, either for college or whatever else they might want, after they’d all been retuned back home.

  Revealing herself to be a witch, capable of such amazing power, had indeed accomplished everything she’d wanted. And, since there was no way that Sal would admit to anyone in organized crime that he was vulnerable to anything supernatural, she and her family were quite safe. Sal had accepted all the jokes about the heavens sending down lightning … but, he had no intention of acknowledging the existence of witches. There was no possible way that would end well for him and he was now just hoping Missy would leave him and his organization alone.

  Marsha asked, “Did using so much energy that night … is that why your powers are getting stronger, Missy?” She and Les had noticed how each time Missy did anything supernatural, she seemed to gain something from doing so.

  “Oh, yes! For me and Tracy both! You guys should maybe put that into a training manual for witches.” Missy giggled and several around the table began chuckling. “Instead of just monitoring us all the time …” She paused, looking around, and then continued, “But, I guess I can see how complicated that might get, if you start helping us. I do feel very special. You’ve made an exception for me and I do appreciate it. That’s why I’m happy to do this recon job for you.”

  Les said, “Well, we intend to keep your identity secret and even those officials that fully know what “P” Branch is really doing will only be told that we have an asset who has volunteered to provide some info. Mike’s identity will also be kept secret as well, of course. I hadn’t had a chance to explain that part before you stood up and announced you were in and would do this.”

  Mike said, “Yeah, Missy was all in right away … she loves doing stuff like this. And, I’m all in for anything Missy wants, of course. But, I’m still wondering how I’ll explain Missy and Mike’s secret adventure to my family. Unlike Missy’s family, they don’t know about all this supernatural stuff. Even Michelle … she knows Missy has some sort of magic, after the way Missy healed her the way she did. Still …”

  Mike’s sister Michelle had sustained a severe head injury in a car accident. The initial MRI had revealed brain damage and, even were she to have surgery, the prognosis had not been very hopeful. Then, Missy had poured her healing energy into Michelle, completely draining herself to the point of collapse. Michelle had made a full recovery and was out of the hospital the next day. And, when Missy eventually woke up, she found that she herself not only had recovered … her energy levels had increased.

  “Don’t worry, Mike … Michelle will explain things to your parents. And, she and Aaron will just go on that ski trip without us. She’ll be thrilled we’re off on a secret adventure! As for my magic? She truly does not want to know about that and is very comfortable not knowing. You know?” Missy laughed. She knew she was right and so did Mike.

  Missy and Michelle had always been on the same page, even before Missy had bonded with Mike. Michelle was Mike’s twin and had a bond with him that was very strong. After Missy had bonded with Mike, she’d felt a real connection with Michelle as well. Then, after Missy had pushed her energy into Michelle and healed her, their emotional bond had gotten that much stronger. She actually now felt a sisterly bond with Michelle much like the one she had with her own sister, Heather.

  Once the meal was finished and the table had been cleared, Missy looked at Mike. I need to Shift. Okay if I do it now instead of when we get to our room? She was on the third day of her period and Shifting would restart her cycle. She’d then be on day one but without any discharge. Her ovulation was always fourteen days after she Changed back to her human form and she’d then get her period on day twenty eight unless she Shifted again.

  When Mike nodded his head, Missy stood up and said, “Hey, folks … this banquet in my honor is maybe your first ever visit by a werecat, right? So, is anyone interested in watching me Change?”


  Up in their luxurious room, alone at last, Missy thanked Mike for being so wonderful about everything. The dinner had gone well, with everyone there really treating them like royalty. Her Shifting for them -- Marsha and the other women actually watched her strip naked and Change on one side of a dark tablecloth while the men all watched from the other side -- had been very special. Even the men had experienced the great shimmer of light and had felt the burst of energy.

  A lot of photos had be
en taken. Missy had leapt onto the table and strutted around, chuffing and purring, putting on a real show. Mike had faithfully verbalized all the mental messages she’d sent him, allowing them all to fully appreciate what they’d only read about in those reports. It made the whole recon plan they’d been sitting around being briefed about suddenly very real. Missy and Mike were leaving the next day and were actually doing this.

  Then, just over an hour later, she’d Shifted back. They both had been anxious to say good night and finally check into their hotel.

  Mike said, “Being with you, whenever that’s actually possible, is all the thanks I want, Missy. You know that.” He walked up to her and pulled her close, his arms wrapping tightly around her. She might be a supernatural, capable of the most amazing things, but she was his supernatural and when he wanted to possess her, she always melted into his embraces and gave him all and everything. “I liked how you told them today that I’m now as much a part of you as any of your other parts. That was really nice. Of course, now I want to explore some of those other parts of yours … in case I’ve overlooked any.” He began sliding his hands up and down her back and then helped her remove her blouse.

  She immediately began unbuttoning his shirt and they both continued undressing, moving as they did so in the direction of the huge bed. Once they each were naked, they quickly pulled back the covers and slid between the sheets. Missy squirmed and moved herself on top of Mike’s big body and settled there with her head on his chest. “You have always accepted each of my parts, Mike. Whatever I’ve ever shown you, you’ve always been so good about showing me that you still wanted me. Not just my being an animal as well as being human … not just my killing those guys who kidnapped Alice … but everything else I’ve done, good and bad. And, accepting how I need to be …”

  “Missy, I understand how the fulfillment of those special needs you have is driving you. All the extreme physical stuff, West Point, the Army, even this recon thing we’re doing in Afghanistan. I’m proud of you and what you are. And, I’m thrilled that I’m the one you actually have given yourself to. This bond we have, which neither one of us really understands, it’s beyond words.” Mike began rubbing his hands all over Missy’s body, touching her the way he’d learned she so liked being touched. She responded, of course, relaxing her incredible controls and letting her emotions and feelings flood them both. Her dual nature, which she’d melded into one, was an overpowering experience for him each time she did that.

  It was the only time she was ever vulnerable, completely open … and, totally his. Their lovemaking always went off in new and different directions as their bodies began that inexorable search for things they could only seem to find in one another. His male member was throbbing, pressing against her thigh … she shifted and it was able to rise, pushing itself against her abdomen. She shifted again and began rubbing the slick, wet folds of her sex along his hard length, up and down. She pushed up, lifting her breasts which had been pressed firmly on his chest, arched her back, and began wriggling to position him at her entrance.

  She could do this … no hands. Mmmm! Mike’s hands cupped her breasts and his fingers began doing things to her nipples that sent delicious shivers all along her entire body, but then centered on the heat she felt building in her core. Just as she felt him penetrate inside, filling her and joining them as one, his hands went down and grabbed her buttocks. She loved having him control their movements with his hands on her ass that way!

  He began rocking her back and forth, sliding himself all the way in. Then with a side to side motion, pushing her clit against his hard shaft, he quickly brought her up to that wonderful place where all her sensors began to clamor. Her enhanced senses allowed her to experience pleasure far greater and for far longer than anything humanly possible. Mike knew exactly where she was and what she needed and he began to thrust, in and out, increasing the pace to trigger that explosion she now so desperately was seeking. She began yelling and making all sorts of wild noises as her body bucked and her inner muscles clenched and released, meeting each of Mike’s thrusts with complete and total abandon.

  As her orgasm began, with those convulsions finally providing the release that had kept eluding her for so long, she screamed. All her senses shattered and splintered and she was swept away with wave after wave of incredible sensations. This continued long after she felt Mike’s orgasm overtake him, his seed pulsing inside of her, his movements pounding and thrashing as he continued to control her body with his hands, somehow maintaining a rhythm that was equal to hers.

  As she slowed her frantic pace and stopped, so did he. As her tears of happiness began flowing, his satisfied grunts became noticeable … she tuned back in and embraced the wondrous lassitude that soon engulfed them both. The afterglow this time was extraordinary … they somehow had once again reached some unique place, having gone where they’d not gone before. Each time with Mike was different for her. And, he always acknowledged that he found the same was true for him.

  This time, they both were satiated and quietly drifted off to sleep, their bodies together and with hers still splayed on top of his.


  Sex in the morning was also great fun. Their lovemaking was slow and leisurely, without the fierce passion and ferocity from the night before. Playfully, they enjoyed one another, teasing and taunting, gradually building up to very satisfying climaxes. Missy was on the bottom and came twice before Mike groaned, pounding himself deeply into her at the end as he finally came as well. They showered together and then went down to eat. As always, Missy was starved and ate a huge breakfast. Mike was equally hungry and managed to put away even more food than Missy did. They were a very happy, satisfied couple that morning.

  Chapter Seven

  Dec 23, 2018

  Tracy looked at her Mom now that they were finally alone. John and her Dad had just driven off together, running more last minute errands in preparation for Christmas. She suspected her Dad had really just wanted some time alone with John and -- likewise -- she figured her Mom wanted to talk to her. There hadn’t been any time for talks, with her and John arriving together the night before. Her parents had met their flight when it had arrived at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and had then whisked them right out to a nice restaurant for a welcome home celebration dinner.

  That had been great and very special. But, now that the excitement over her being home for the holidays had ebbed, it was obvious that both her parents wanted to explore just where her relationship with John might be going. It had all been well and good when he merely had visited her home for a couple of days the month before, after which she’d gone on to his home for Thanksgiving with not only John, but with his and Missy’s entire family, followed by the wedding for their friends Mark and Alice.

  So much had happened for Tracy. Her parents were thrilled that she was doing so well at West Point and had found another witch there who was now her best friend. They had been very pleased with the way Tracy had helped Missy, just a few weeks before Thanksgiving -- using her power to bring down those lightning bolts -- all for a good cause. Her Mom had even participated in that, reinforcing Tracy by being in her circle along with John and Mike. And, all without Tracy being exposed in any way; her secrets were still safe.

  Then, she had returned to West Point. She knew her parents both liked John and were happy for her. Happy that she finally had a real boyfriend, which hadn’t really happened for her before. She had dated a few guys and had attended both her junior and senior proms. But, no one had ever caught her fancy the way she was obviously feeling about John. Nor had any of her earlier dates expressed any feelings for her. And, of course, John even knew she was a witch.

  So now, with John back visiting Tracy once again, this time there was no doubt. The two of them were getting quite serious about each other and things were moving along very fast. So, it was definitely time for a talk.

  Tracy said, “Sooo … you probably want to ask me about John. Right? And, I’m betting
Dad is giving him an earful. You two are so transparent. So, go ahead. Ask away.”

  Her Mom said, “Well, yes … we only want what’s best for you, which I know is a cliché but it’s true. And, while we think very highly of John, we hope you two aren’t rushing into anything. We don’t want you getting hurt, Tracy.”

  “Is there a question in all that, Mom?” Tracy giggled.

  Her Mom laughed and shook her head. “Well … are you two rushing anything?”

  Tracy smiled and said, “He’s not. He writes me every day, you know. And, he has already said the ‘L’ word. He insists he’s crazy in love with me. But, he also insists he wants me to fulfill my dream and be a West Point officer. So, he says he’s more than willing to wait. No rushing anything.”

  “But, you want more, don’t you, Tracy?” Her Mom sighed. “I can tell from your tone. You think you’re ready for your relationship to get … physical.”

  “Oh, yes! Mom, I’m so sure about John! He’s the one. I do want to graduate and serve my time in the Army, just like Dad and Granddad. But, I also want John. And, somehow … I just think we can make it work. He believes in me. In what I am and what I can be. And, when I’m with him, I really feel … well … you’re the one who has already used a cliché. When I’m with John, I feel complete. When I’m at the academy, separated from him … it’s a constant ache now. One that only his emails and phone calls can help me with. Fortunately, those are also constant.”

  Her Mom studied her for a bit. She herself had been so smitten, after just a few weeks of knowing her future husband, that she’d given up everything -- left her coven and dropped out of college -- just so she could be with him. She’d followed him back to the academy, living outside while he finished his last year. Then, they’d been married right after he graduated. And, she’d never looked back. She had no regrets.


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