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Missy's First Mission

Page 11

by P. G. Allison

  “Well, I’m glad you ask who I am, as that’s the other thing. I’m not a normal girl. I have enhanced powers and you all must agree never to tell anyone about me. Otherwise? I’m leaving now. I’ll simply disappear and you’ll have to take your chances with your captors. Explain this to the others. It’s very important that you all can agree to my requirement. If you can promise never to talk about me? And, if you want to escape? Then, I’ll break your chains for you and we can go right now. But, this has to be now, tonight, right away. I assure you, if you agree to come with me, I will get you out of here. Go ahead and discuss this and let me know your decision.”

  Missy watched them as they whispered to each other in German. After they’d talked about it for quite a bit, with a lot of back and forth during which they kept looking over at her, she could see they finally all came to an agreement. Walker then looked at her. “We want to escape but only if risk is minimal. You say you are enhanced and can get us out safely. Prove it. Convince us and we’ll go.”

  Missy smiled. This would be easy! She paused to listen for anyone coming and took several deep breaths, scenting the area. Finally, she said, “Do not make any sounds when I do this.” Then, she sent them a strong energy pulse, pushing each of them back at least a foot. “You guys could feel that, right?” She definitely had gotten their attention by doing that. They all shifted position and stared back at her. Each man nodded his head, acknowledging what she had done.

  “Watch closely now … I’m going to break your chains with my bare hands. Hopefully, that will be proof enough.”

  She went over to where the chains from Walker’s shackles were attached to a heavy steel ring, bolted into the floor. “Watch this, guys!” She then grabbed one of the chains, focused, and drawing on her supernatural strength, which she now could tap into whenever she needed it, she gave the chain a sharp yank. The link attaching the chain to the ring broke and the chain came free. “See? I’m really not a normal girl. Trust me. There’s a lot more that I’m capable of doing. Just let me get you guys out of here. Okay?”

  The men were indeed very impressed with Missy. Just her being there was impossible. Feeling that energy pulse that she’d pushed them with? Even more impossible. So, watching her break a chain with her bare hands? Sure, why not! She clearly was not a normal girl.

  She didn’t wait for any answer but picked up the next chain and broke that away as well. Then, she quickly did this for the other four chains. When all three men were free, she said, “Now that your chains are broken, I’d say you were fully committed. Let’s not waste any more time. Get dressed in the gear I’ve brought you, but only carry your coats for now; those are too bulky … you’ll put them on once I get you outside.”

  She gave them a minute and, after they began sorting through the clothing and boots, she said, “Once you’re ready, follow after me. Don’t talk, just follow and do exactly as I tell you. And, be sure to secure those chains of yours so you don’t make any noises!”

  Five minutes later, they were ready. After Missy checked once again, she signaled for them to step out into the corridor. Then, she closed and latched their cell door and led them away. There should be several hours before any guard would come and notice the men being gone. She carefully brought them along the twisting corridors and tunnels, stopping several times along the way so she could check both the path ahead and for anyone behind them.

  Once, she had them hide in a storage cave for ten minutes. Later, they stopped again while she retrieved the rope she wanted. Finally, when it was all clear, she let them continue, leading them up to the vent shaft. It had taken them a bit more than an hour to get there but their luck was holding. All was still quiet and no one was up and about anywhere near them.

  The vent shaft opening was narrow and the men could see how it would be too bulky if they were wearing their coats. Missy said, “Once you’re outside, you can put your coats on. I’ll go up first and leave this rope hanging down. Tie it around the coats while I’m climbing up there and I’ll pull them up first. Then, I’ll drop it down again. Use it to tie around yourselves and I’ll pull each of you up, one at a time.”

  After watching the way Missy had snapped their chains, no one questioned whether she’d have the strength to pull them up. Walker asked, “What if someone comes?”

  Missy said, “Then, I’ll drop down and deal with them. Trust me. I’ll know if they’re coming long before you do. And, I definitely can take care of them without making any noise. Okay?”

  When the three men nodded in agreement, Missy climbed up the vent shaft. It wasn’t as easy a climb as the times she’d done that as a cat, using her claws, but she managed well enough. Once out, she pulled up all the coats. Then, after listening to make certain there wasn’t anyone approaching, she dropped the end of the rope down and waited until the first man was ready.

  Once he was, she began pulling the rope up, hand over hand. In less than a minute, he was at the top and she helped him climb out, squeeze through the small opening and crawl outside. Then, she handed him a coat.

  Again, she listened for anyone who might be approaching. Just as she was about to lower the rope down, she sensed someone moving in one of the nearby corridors and possibly heading towards the vent shaft. She turned to the man she had pulled out and signaled for him to be quiet. Then, she quickly dropped back down to where the other two men were waiting, and signaled for them to be quiet.

  She waited and -- unfortunately -- someone was indeed headed their way. It was unfortunate for that someone, of course, as Missy had hoped to quietly escape without anyone noticing. Whoever this person was, he could not be allowed to raise any alarm. He simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So, she knew she had no choice. She again signaled to the two men to stay quiet and then she turned to watch the corridor.

  A man appeared around the bend, about twenty feet away. He was probably there to investigate some noises he might have heard them making. But, Missy didn’t even wait for him to see them. She immediately extended her arm, pointed towards the man and -- using her supernatural energy which she controlled with her power -- she grabbed and crushed the man’s throat. Without making a sound, he started to raise his hands. Then, he slowly just collapsed. The two men with Missy were shocked. One of them was Herr Walker and he whispered, “How did you do that?”

  Missy gave him a sad, rueful smile and said, “Shh!” She then went over to where the man had fallen and checked his pulse. There wasn’t any; he was dead. She pulled him into a nearby cave where he wouldn’t be found right away and returned to the two men waiting for her. Finally, after listening for another full minute, she again climbed back up the vent shaft.

  Once again, she dropped the rope down and waited for the next man to be ready. It was a tight fit for him, but with her pulling from above, he managed getting through and finally appeared at the top. She helped him climb out and handed him his coat.

  Again she listened carefully, but this time there was no one coming. She lowered the rope and Herr Walker came up, scrambled out easily enough and accepted the coat she handed to him. So far, so good. Missy then attached the rope around each of their waists, keeping about ten feet of spacing between them.

  They were out. It was cold but clear. She pointed to the trail ahead and they all headed up, climbing higher up the mountain side. She lagged behind, listening carefully for any alarm or signs of pursuit, but once satisfied they had really made it out safely, she caught up to the men and then she took the lead. She didn’t let them rest until reaching the first cave. More than an hour had passed since they’d climbed out of that vent shaft and, fortunately, all was still quiet.

  The men were getting very tired but they were determined to keep going. With each passing minute, they grew more and more confident that they were really making their escape. They indeed were doing the impossible, all because of this girl who couldn’t possibly be real. Not and be doing the things they’d seen her do, getting herself inside and somehow findin
g them and now getting them out the way she had. Not to mention whatever she had done to that man who had stumbled onto them at the last moment.

  Missy said, “Rest for a minute, guys. I’m going to check on your helicopter ride. I’m also going to check the area up ahead. Just stay right here for a few minutes and don’t make any noise.”

  She was relieved at Mike’s response indicating all was set and that the two helicopters were indeed ready to takeoff, once she was ready for them. She climbed up, carefully scenting and listening for anything unusual and was very relieved that no one else was out there. Finally, she went back and rejoined the three men. She then outlined and explained everything so they all would know exactly what was going to happen.

  Walker said, “This is all very impossible. We don’t understand how you are doing any of this … leading us out here, in the dark … finding the way to a pickup landing zone. Yes, we are very grateful. Thank you, thank you! But, how will the helicopter know when and where to come? Do you have a radio somewhere out here? Won’t there be some risk when you turn that on?”

  Missy knew they were all confused, which was why she had tried explaining the next steps as clearly as she could. “The helicopter will come to the place that I have arranged. They know the exact coordinates. And, when they are close enough, I will be communicating with them, so they will know we are ready for them and exactly where to set down.” She waited for Walker to translate that much. Then she said, “I don’t have any radio. There’s no risk. I am communicating by using my enhanced senses. You felt my energy pulse back there. You watched me break those chains and you saw how I pulled you up that vent shaft. And, you saw how I dealt with that man. You do understand that I’m not normal, right?”

  Walker again translated for the others and then he looked back at her. “Yes, we understand. Only, we …”

  Missy interrupted and said, “Good! Just remember … you can never tell anyone about me. When you meet with the press, later on? You must say the Army guys in the helicopter came and rescued you and since all the details are classified, that’s all you can say. Also … this is important … do not talk with the press about this base. Only discuss that with the guys who rescue you in the helicopter. Then, go home to Germany.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jan 4, 2019

  Mike looked at Les and Marsha and smiled. “They’re in the air. Both helicopters are headed back. The pilot says to thank whoever the hell was giving me all those instructions.” Mike had been relaying Missy’s detailed information and, once the helicopter had started its descent towards the landing zone, she had been sending very specific details about how to approach, when to turn on the spotlight, confirmation that all was secure, as well as just where to set down. Once the aircraft was on the ground, the three Germans had rushed out and scrambled on board and, less than a minute later, the helicopter was back up and safely climbing away from the ridge.

  Les said, “Fantastic! I’ll let Major Flament know. He’s been outside, waiting to hear just what this operation has all been about. We can tell him now. Those three kidnapped engineers will be in Kabul, over at Camp Phoenix, in less than an hour. I’m sure there will be a press conference later today … probably once they reach Germany. All this secrecy has been difficult for him but finding out what we’ve been doing and how well we’ve pulled this off will really make him happy. This will end up looking great on his record as well. He’ll get to share some of the glory.”

  Marsha laughed. “Yes, and as long as he never gives away any detailed information about any of us, he can bask in the limelight all he wants.” She watched her husband leave the room and then she looked at Mike. “What’s Missy doing?”

  “She’s looking for a good place to Change. She wants to throw away all the clothing she stole where it’s not likely to be found. And, as usual, she’s starving. She plans to eat and sleep, just for a little while, and then eat again. She’s also going to finish her tour of that Korengal Valley for us and then work her way back to where we dropped her off. She’ll let us know, of course, but she’s guessing she’ll be ready for pickup midday tomorrow.”

  Marsha said, “You have no idea how happy I am about that. You and Les can make another phony trip out to Asadabad and be back here with her tomorrow night. Then, we can all fly home and still arrive back there on Sunday. I’ll get with Major Flament and make all the arrangements. We have a military flight, dedicated just for us, that’s standing by for whenever we’re ready.”


  Although it was late in the day in Berlin, the big press conference made the morning news back in the US. Three German citizens arriving home after a miraculous escape from their Taliban kidnappers with the rescue operation performed by U.S. Army Special Forces. Details on where they’d been held and how they’d been rescued were being withheld, typical for classified military operations, but their safe arrival back home in Germany was a huge story. They had been quickly whisked onto a U.S. military flight out of Kabul and were now singing the praises about the U.S. Army. They were very happy to be back home, safe and relatively unharmed.

  Yes, they had indeed suffered through a terrible ordeal. Details of their experiences in captivity would be forthcoming, eventually. But, for now, they just wanted to be reunited with their families.

  General Blake called Drew Martinson to thank him. “Drew, this is a big deal for us. All the press coverage has been very favorable. Good for the Army and good for America. Your team has indeed performed brilliantly throughout this entire operation. I certainly want to give thanks where thanks are due.”

  “Well, General, you need to thank yourself as well, since if you hadn’t okayed the helicopter pickup, there wouldn’t have been any rescue. You know that.”

  “I’ve been on the phone with Captain Grimes, who commanded the A-Team that went in and picked up the three men. He traveled with them on the transport to Berlin as well. Those Germans have quite a story to tell, only they’ve all agreed not to tell it. They’re willing to talk all about the Taliban base, but only to Captain Grimes since he was the one who came out on the helicopter. They won’t say anything about your asset, other than that’s how they were instructed … your asset told them only to talk about the base to the guys on the helicopter who came to get them.”

  Drew said, “I’m not surprised. It’s just as the Secretary of Defense said at our meeting. The Intel Report we’re providing you is never supposed to be anything official, so until you can find ways to make the information official by other means, there isn’t any Taliban base. That’s why our asset was insistent about their not talking to anyone else. Your A-Team will only report what they’ve learned to you, right?”

  “There are a few others in the chain of command, but everyone in that chain knows how hush-hush all this info needs to be. Don’t worry. There won’t be any leaks about the base or about your “P” Branch … or about your asset, either.” General Blake paused for just a moment, but then began with, “Besides … from what one of the Germans is saying? Herr Walker, the one who speaks English?”

  “Yes?” asked Drew.

  “At one point, he called your asset an angel. A heavenly angel who came to save them. But, an angel who also could simply reach out and strike a man dead. Evidently, that became necessary at one point, to avoid discovery during their escape. He was pretty excited and that sort of slipped out, the way Captain Grimes tells it. But, when he tried to further question Herr Walker about that, he couldn’t get any more from the man. Apparently, saying even that much was an unintended mistake. But, all three of those men were very much in awe of your asset. Whoever or whatever he is. And, they were very adamant. They’re not talking about him.”


  Although not anywhere near as big a story, that same day there was quite a write-up in the local papers in Texas, including a few photos. There had been some amazing thunderstorm activity with lightning bolts cracking down, again and again, out along a deserted area just outside of Dal
las. Eventually, the story would get picked up and go out on the Internet.

  Fortunately, there were no reports of anyone being injured or of any property damage. But, the photos were rather spectacular. As was the video. A local news van had been driving nearby and had pulled over so their photographer could film what was happening. The extreme weather was some sort of meteorological anomaly, all the more unusual since it was so localized.

  There was no mystery about that, of course, for Tracy and her coven members. While Tracy had been “getting the energy out of her system”, her coven members along with her boyfriend John had all been experiencing a very impressive amount of power being drawn through each one of them.

  Tracy had made a large circle on top of a hill, enclosing them all within, and had then focused for a few minutes. While she did that, the storm clouds had appeared -- gradually at first -- and then they had suddenly gathered and grown, with the sky becoming quite dark. When she extended her arms out and the lightning bolts began arcing down, striking various trees and objects down below, the show was indeed something to be seen.

  Afterwards, the sky cleared almost as quickly as it had clouded up, and the scent of ozone was quite noticeable. Tracy thanked everyone for supporting her; she figured she could get by for a few months now, back at West Point, without needing to use any of her powers and abilities. Her fellow witches were all congratulating her on how well she was doing, both as a witch and as a cadet at West Point.

  Tracy’s Mom pulled John aside, along with Tracy’s mentor Millicent Pratt. “My daughter seems to be really advancing at quite an accelerated pace. As her mother, that’s a bit scary to see. And, I know she’s probably getting a lot of this from being with you, John. Millie tells me she’s not at all surprised but, I have to say this … I am. Truly, I never dreamed anyone could be as powerful as she is right now. And, she’s probably going to grow even more powerful for a few more years yet. Unless …”


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