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Missy's First Mission

Page 13

by P. G. Allison

  Missy could somehow sense they would indeed be good friends. She liked Sally right away; her instincts were usually very good about people. “Who will we be getting as our other roommate? Do you know?”

  Sally said, “Actually, I just learned we won’t be getting a third roommate. It’ll just be the two of us for this semester. I think one of the girls who dropped out over the holidays might have been scheduled in here with us, but … well, you know how it is, right?”

  Missy nodded her head. Yes, life at West Point was difficult and there were several classmates of theirs who had not returned. By the time each class would finally graduate, over twenty-five percent would usually have dropped out for one reason or another.

  Both girls chatted for a while, comparing their experiences both at the academy as well as earlier, before coming to West Point. They also discussed who they knew and what they knew about them, but since they didn’t have much time before Missy had to leave for her basketball game that night, their discussions were only cursory. Soon, Missy was stripping down and changing, getting ready for her game.

  Missy’s weight had actually stayed at about 140 pounds but her body fat had decreased to only eight percent while her muscle mass had increased. Once again, she was ripped and shredded with some incredible muscle definition; this was why Mike had commented the day before about her maybe losing weight. Sally had heard from Barbara how Missy’s body was like that of a bodybuilder but seeing her was something else. That, and the scars Missy had on her left shoulder and back. Sally hadn’t heard about those.

  Missy was standing there with only her bra and panties on, getting ready to put on a tee shirt, when she realized Sally was staring at her. She could see Sally was rather shocked and she assumed, as had happened for her so many times before, that it was those scars that Sally was noticing. Scars from when she’d been mauled by a bear five years earlier, living as a cat that first year up in the mountains.

  While Missy’s body regenerated and healed rapidly, she still would show scars. And, there hadn’t been any stitches, so her jagged, silvery white scars from that encounter were quite noticeable. As was the six inch scar high along her outer right thigh, creased by a bullet from a hunter’s rifle that same year.

  “Is it these scars, Sally? I’ll explain all about them some other time, okay? They’re actually from a bear, five years ago.” She paraded around for just a bit, flexing and letting her roommate get a good look, and then she pulled on her tee shirt. “This one?” She pointed to the scar on her leg, just visible below the line of her panties. “This was from getting shot by a rifle, also five years ago.”

  “Wow! That’s kind of scary, Missy, but actually … I was wondering how you can have so many muscles like that and absolutely no fat. You must work out like twelve hours a day or something. Is that even possible?” Sally was an inch taller than Missy but weighed no more than 120 pounds. And, while she had some very nice muscle tone from all her swimming, with very little fat, her body looked nothing like Missy’s.

  Sally had known some guys back in high school who had been really into body building, and that was the only time she’d ever seen anyone having muscle definition like Missy’s. While not big and bulky at all, Missy’s muscles were rock hard in some places and like steel cables in others. Twelve pack abs. Unbelievable. While at first glance, with her clothes on, Missy’s body appeared all curvy and almost voluptuous, with such wide hips, a prominent bust and such a tiny waist. But now, seeing just how amazing a build Missy actually had, Sally was incredulous. “Is it because you don’t eat? Are you on some crazy diet, Missy?”

  Missy giggled and started to answer. “Not at all, I actually love to eat …” Before she could continue, she was interrupted.

  Sally suddenly had recalled some stories she’d heard back during Beast Training. “That was you, wasn’t it? Now I remember … you’re the one everyone was talking about … that body fat incident with you asking to sit at the diet table … so you could get more food. That was you?”

  Now Missy laughed and said, “Guilty! Yep, that was me!”

  Sally began laughing and said, “Oh, now I just know we’re going to be good friends! Wow! No wonder Barbara ended up liking you so much!”


  Sergeant First Class Vincent Chasen hung up the phone and shook his head. What the hell did they expect from him? He had been explaining to Marchitto, every day for two weeks now, how Cadet McCrea had completely disappeared … she’d left in a limo after signing out. Then, he’d managed to trace her to Washington D.C., where she’d shacked up with her boyfriend at a hotel for one night. But, after that? Gone. So … now that she was back, on schedule, right where she belonged? Marchitto still wasn’t satisfied. How the hell was Vince supposed to find out where she’d been and what she’d been doing?

  It had taken him four days just to learn about the hotel and that was only because he’d had some luck tracing the boyfriend from Boston to D.C. He’d been unable to determine who actually had paid the airline for the kid’s flight. Or, who’d paid for the hotel. But the room had been in the boyfriend’s name. After checking everywhere down there for either of their names, when he’d gotten the hit on Mike Ryan he’d faxed some photos down to hotel security. And, sure enough, they’d gotten back to him with confirmation.

  Yeah … great big guy with his pretty redhead girlfriend? Yes, they had been there all right. They’d come down the next morning and had eaten a late brunch, with several staff members all noticing them. They’d made quite an impression since they’d looked and acted just like newlyweds and had made such an attractive couple. Then, they’d left. So? What about them?

  That had been a dead end and -- until they had finally shown up again, still together -- they had stayed gone. As for their arriving back in yet another limo? A limo that had to be a government limo, just like the first limo? He’d had no luck with either limo, just as he’d had no luck with who’d paid for the room or the flights. Clearly this girl had been off the grid and was probably in bed with the government.

  That’s obviously what had Marchitto’s panties in a twist. She was in bed with the government. Vince had to smile ruefully at that thought. She’d been in bed with the boyfriend … she’d been in bed with the government … Damn! He sure as hell wished she’d get in bed with him. She was one hot piece of ass! Oh, well.

  When he’d first been contacted by Marchitto, right after Thanksgiving, and been asked to keep an eye on Cadet Missy McCrea -- for twice the money he earned in a year -- he had figured he’d really lucked out. Sure, he could do that.

  He already had been quite happy, just being assigned to this duty at West Point. Tactical noncommissioned officer, responsible for the health and welfare of a cadet company. Each cadet company had an NCO like him and the job was a good one. He was supposed to “assist each cadet in balancing and integrating the requirements of physical, military, academic and moral-ethical programs”. That had not been difficult for him at all.

  Now, his second year there, he’d gotten this added job as well. Yeah, he knew Marchitto was some big shot with the mob but so what? He couldn’t see how spying on some girl could possibly get him into any trouble. Of course, he’d had no idea why anyone in the mob would have any concern about her … until these past two weeks.

  The girl wasn’t in the cadet company he was responsible for but he’d had no trouble keeping track of her up until now. Or, any trouble in backtracking what all her earlier activities had been. Plebes were under a very tight leash at the academy anyways and this girl? Wow. She was some girl. She had sure been busy, between all her varsity team games and practices, first for soccer and then for basketball, combined with all her pistol and rifle matches. When added to a schedule that was challenging enough as it was, he’d not been surprised she’d hardly had any visitors. She certainly had not been sneaking out nor doing anything that should bother the mob.

  So, if indeed she was somehow also in bed with the government, he was guessing
that had to be why all the concern. Okay. Still … he wasn’t doing anything risky or illegal. Just keeping track of the girl wasn’t a crime. Was it?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jan 10, 2019

  “Son of a bitch!” Cadet Christopher Bernhard was very upset and wanted his five buddies to know that. He had just walked into the dayroom to join them at their usual corner and, after glancing around to be certain no one other than his friends was nearby, he began cursing. His friends were all in their third year, the same as he was.

  Everyone began laughing at his obvious frustration and asked him what the problem was. Cadet Ronald Quigby said, “Let me guess. This has to be about some girl, right?”

  Berhhard looked at Quigby and said, “You’re gonna love this. You know how we’ve all been having fun, handing out demerits to those plebe girls? Especially all the ones with attitude, like that Jersey girl Cadet Navarro, right?”

  “Sure … so?” They all knew he’d been targeting her the most. She had been his favorite lately. More voices chimed in with, “They can quit if they can’t take it,” and “Fuck ‘em … they don’t belong here.”

  His friends all shared his negative views about women in the military and how girls definitely had no business being at West Point. They also shared his enjoyment in stopping them, correcting them for any deviations from required plebe behavior, testing their knowledge concerning all the required West Point trivia and awarding an endless amount of demerits.

  Bernhard said, “Well, first we were told last semester to stop bothering Navarro’s roommate. Those asshole firsties in Combat Weapons started giving us some shit about her, remember?”

  “That big Latino girl on the soccer team … Cadet Barbara Rozak? Yeah, I remember that. Those guys insisted we all leave her alone … something about how we’d better not mess with anyone on the soccer team, or else. And, especially not with her. They were getting ready to trump up some sexual harassment charges.”

  “Exactly. And, it wasn’t worth going toe to toe with any of those guys. They’ve got too many friends here so we agreed it was easier to back off. At least, for now. Plenty of other girls in the meantime, you know?” Bernhard looked at each of them for confirmation. They had indeed all been enjoying just how much grief they’d managed to cause for this year’s crop of female cadets but had also avoided a few of the girls, not wanting to get themselves into any trouble. They had to walk a fine line since the Army had all of these policies now about women and no one wanted to get accused of anything.

  Cadet Kion Gosselin said, “Actually, wasn’t that all because some plebe bimbo on Combat Weapons was also playing on the women’s soccer team. Cadet McCrea, right?”

  Another voice said, “She was top shot during Beast Training. That Weapons Team grabbed her up right away.” He looked over at Quigby. “Wasn’t she in your platoon, Ron?”

  Bernhard answered before Quigby could respond. “That’s the bitch. Cadet Missy McCrea. She’s why those firsties got on my case. I just didn’t realize she was behind all of that until later on.”

  Gosselin said, “Oh, I hear they fucking love her on that Weapons Team. It’s because she supposedly never misses during any of the shooting matches they’ve used her in. And, now she’s on the Rifle Team as well. Probably has even more friends who think she deserves special treatment.”

  “Isn’t she that redhead? That fighter chick with the really sexy body?” They all had examined several photos, downloaded from the internet and passed around months earlier. The photos showed Missy looking fierce and intimidating, taken right after she’d won an amateur first place trophy at a mixed martial arts Expo two years earlier. Wearing only some skimpy shorts and a little sports bra, with her body quite exposed, Missy had looked very sexy indeed.

  “I bet she’s screwing all those friends … too bad we can’t catch her doing that.”

  “Too bad we can’t be the ones screwing her … I’d really enjoy doing her, even if it was only sloppy seconds.” Gosselin looked around and could see that others were enjoying the same fantasy.

  “Well, that’s what I’m here to tell you about, guys. I was getting ready to brace Cadet Navarro this afternoon, like I usually do … on her way back from swim practice … but before I had a chance to do that, Cadet Missy McCrea stopped me.” Bernhard looked at his friends and could see he had their attention. “She suddenly just appeared … out of nowhere. Right in front of me. I almost walked into her. She pretended it was an accident, but I’m pretty sure she somehow managed that. On purpose.”

  “So, you braced her, right? How many demerits did you give her?”

  “None. Oh, I had her standing at attention and everything. But, she knew the answer to every goddamn question that I asked her and before I could give her some demerits for just being there, in my way? Two of her firstie fuck buddies showed up.”

  Gosselin asked, “Do you think she arranged the whole incident? Just to mess with you or something?”

  “Worse than that. I think she was putting me on notice. Guess what? Cadet Navarro? She and McCrea are roommates this semester. I got the message. If I mess with Navarro then I’m messing with her. Her, and all of her firstie buddies.”

  “Did she say that?”

  “Oh, no. No, she’s much too smart for that. And, none of her buddies said anything either. Not directly. But, she still managed it so I got the message. Can you guys believe that? The balls on this babe …” Bernhard looked around, waiting for the guys to all acknowledge his little joke.

  But, instead, Quigby finally spoke up. “Chris? I did have her in my platoon at Beast Training. And, I have only one piece of advice for you. For all of you. Don’t mess with Missy McCrea. She doesn’t need those firstie buddies … she’s a total freak, all on her own. I’m staying as far away from her as I can get. And, that applies to any of her plebe buddies as well. I can assure you … it won’t end well otherwise. That’s all I have to say.”

  With that, he got up and left them. He was surprised at himself; he hadn’t realized he’d been harboring any of those thoughts and feelings. But, he knew he’d spoken the truth. She was a total freak. And yes, he was planning to stay away from her. So, now he’d warned his friends. And, yeah … she definitely was a very ballsy babe as well. But, he knew the babe with balls joke would be on them if they didn’t heed his warning.


  Jan 13, 2019

  “Sal, I talked on the phone with this girl Alice Mathews this afternoon. About the Roseanne Fund. And, how she’s representing Missy McCrea.” Ben looked at his boss with some concern. He knew anything related to that Roseanne Fund was a trigger for Sal. One that typically would get him pretty upset.


  They were alone in Sal’s study and could talk freely. “She tells me we need to name her as one of the Trustees on the Fund. And, she’s going to administer how that extra million gets used.” Missy had insisted that Sal create the Roseanne Fund, a trust fund to help out a particular group of girls, and she later had insisted that Sal add a million dollars to that fund. The extra money was her punishment for Sal not doing anything about her initial request until after she came out to his place and forced him into it by putting on her witchy power demonstration with all the lightning bolts.

  The group of girls that Missy was concerned about were all young teenage runaways who thought they were about to embark on a very lucrative, exciting adventure. They had no idea they were actually being sold as sex slaves and would end up in some billionaire’s harem over in Brunei. Arranging for the export of girls like these was a very lucrative enterprise and Sal’s organization had been doing that for years. With false passports and ID’s, no money or resources, no family or friends, and with any escape attempt only exposing them to things even worse? Girls like these rarely ever returned back to the US. Not for years, if ever.

  Instead, for these particular girls, Missy had insisted they all be sent back home. Twenty-six girls. Each with an unusual entitlement from the Ro
seanne Fund. They now had resources available for whatever they needed in order to finish school and then either go on to college or else prepare for any other career of their choosing. And, all this was under the watchful eye of their local family services organization, which was reporting monthly to the Roseanne Fund Trustees. There would be no further exporting of young girls to Brunei, or anywhere else. Not by Sal’s organization.

  Ben had received very specific instructions from Missy concerning these girls. And, about this new Roseanne Fund that Sal had needed to create. Instructions that could not be traced to her, of course, but he knew they were from her.

  She also had provided him with a list of all her family and friends. He knew these individuals couldn’t be touched and they’d better not experience any problems from Sal and his mob organization. Or else.

  “This Alice Mathews? She’s a sophomore in college, okay? She and her husband … he’s a junior at this same college … they both are on the list. Missy’s untouchables list. But the interesting thing about this Alice? Her stepfather was Tony Gonzales. So, that means her stepsister was Roseanne Gonzales.”

  Sal said, “Oh, shit! Really? Does she know …?”

  “Does she know about your guys killing Roseanne? And, about Missy naming the fund after her stepsister? Does she know about Missy being a witch? Oh, yes. All of the above. No doubt about it. That’s why she’s Missy’s representative.”

  They both knew Missy had them and they had no choice but to comply with whatever she demanded. Even worse than possibly having their secrets get exposed to some government agency? Missy’s real threat was exposure to the other four mob families in New York that Sal was afraid of a witch. No, he couldn’t admit to that. He had worked too hard getting to where he was. Even the family he was heading would never understand or accept how Sal could believe in anyone having supernatural powers.


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