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Missy's First Mission

Page 22

by P. G. Allison

  Granddad McCrea had never learned that Missy was a werecat, so everyone avoided any mention of that, whenever he or Granddad McGonagle was around. But, he had learned she was a witch, with the ability to not only heal herself but heal others as well. He knew what she’d done for Mike’s sister Michelle. But, he didn’t really know she had any other supernatural abilities.

  Then, when they were all sitting around the night before, enjoying a backyard barbecue at Tracy’s house, the subject of witches somehow came up and he learned how Tracy and her Mom were both witches also. One story led to another and finally it was Tracy who began comparing her Mom’s telekinesis ability to what Missy could do. She didn’t have that ability herself and couldn’t really say for sure, but she couldn’t help wondering whether Missy might fully develop that as one of her own powers. After all, Missy could already crush objects as well as push them away. Tracy explained she was very interested in what her witch mentor Millie might think.

  Tracy’s Mom then spent quite a bit of time with Missy. But, when the two of them started moving things around -- all by themselves, as if by magic -- Granddad McCrea said he’d seen enough. Hearing that his granddaughter was able to heal people was one thing. Suddenly being able to see supernatural things happening right there, before his very eyes? That was quite another thing. He and Granddad McGonagle then went inside to continue their reminiscing about being in Viet Nam, fifty years ago. The more they talked, the more they found they had in common.

  Having watched Tracy spend hours that afternoon, playing with her balls of fire and getting a chance to hone her skills as a witch, John was far from bored. Watching her play with fire always affected him and he didn’t really worry about the why or try to psychoanalyze things. The more he got to know Tracy, the more he wanted her to be in his life, forever and always. He looked over at Mike, who he knew felt the same way about Missy. “Has my sister been getting any cat time? Tracy’s getting things out of her system, using energy and having some supernatural fun, and I know how Missy can get, if she can’t do that also. Especially since I hear there was that big scandal at the academy and she was somehow involved.”

  Mike looked at John and laughed. “Somehow involved? Hasn’t Tracy filled you in yet? I know Missy has shared all the details with her, in spite of the big gag order she’s under. Missy says her gag orders don’t apply to me or Tracy, since we’re already keeping all her supnat secrets. I’m pretty sure that extends to you as well.”

  “Well, she does plan to tell me but we just haven’t had the right moment.” John paused to think of those few moments that might have been opportune but then realized he’d been very quick to distract Tracy and she’d been equally willing to be distracted. Maybe all the jokes Missy kept making about their constantly having sex whenever possible were accurate. Of course, those opportunities were far fewer than they both would like and thus not to be wasted. “She did say the details were not anything she could talk about on the phone or send in any email.”

  “The scandal concerns the secret sex club that a number of the guys, mostly third year, had going in there. For those who were invited to join, the parties were even wilder than anything going on at outside colleges. Lots of drinking and plenty of sex, with girls from other colleges plus several professional hookers. Sex shows and videos and you name it. Sadly, there were a number of female cadets who were forced to join in, for one reason or another. That’s when Missy got involved. Once she learned about that, she ran around putting everyone on notice. If they continued to harass any girl, any girl at all, they would have to deal with her. That, of course, made her a huge target.”

  “Sounds like my sister. She’s never been able to tolerate any bullying and especially not when any sexual abuse might be going on. What happened?”

  Mike was still trying to get Missy to share more details on that. “She and her roommate were drugged. They put something in their pizza. When Missy woke up, there were seven guys dressed in KKK outfits and she and Sally were next up for the entertainment. Two hookers were already on stage and one was wearing a dildo strap on. Missy was down to her bra and panties, wearing a collar around her neck with a chain attached. One of the guys was literally yanking her chain.”

  “Holy shit! How badly drugged was she?”

  “She says her system purged all the drugs and she was okay when she woke up. When they threatened Sally, she went into action. But, she knew everything was being recorded and she wanted it all on tape as evidence anyway, so she didn’t Change into a cat or kill anyone or even use any of her witch abilities. She merely snapped the stupid collar off her neck and then subdued everyone using her martial arts stuff. Nothing magic or supernatural, other than her strength and speed. Of course, she’s been able to do all that in plain sight for years now, as you know. People are amazed at what she does but they don’t start talking about her being superhuman or anything. They only believe what they can rationalize.”

  John had read about the scandal in the papers, but there hadn’t been all that much information. Only that a number of resignations had been accepted and an investigation was ongoing. “The papers haven’t mentioned any criminal charges. Why not?”

  “Oh, that’ll come out. For now, the guys are all being confined to quarters at some Army base, pending court martial, with a big gag order. The Army can keep it quiet while the investigation’s going on. Eventually, Missy and Sally will have to testify and the story will definitely become big news. That might not be for a few months, though. We’ll see.”

  “With all that … Missy had to be climbing the walls, waiting for a chance to Shift.”

  Mike laughed. “Well, you know your sister. Yeah, she was barely able to keep it together during the Ball on Saturday. To make it worse, she was also getting her period. That finally came Sunday morning. When she was finally released that day and I drove her to the airport? She climbed into my back seat, stripped right down and Changed. I had a hell of a time driving because she wouldn’t stay hidden. She kept fooling around the whole way, looking out the windows, jumping up and down, licking my ears, growling and really being obnoxious … you know how she can be.”

  “Well, at least she Changed back for the flight here.” John realized he and Tracy had ignored Missy and Mike that afternoon, even though they’d been on the same plane. Oh, well!

  “Sure, only she did the same damn thing once we got in the rental car. I had to drive into the boonies and let her run around for two hours out there before even going to the hotel.”

  Just then Tracy walked up, with Missy right behind her. Since Missy had filled her in earlier, with her version of how things had been on Sunday, including what had happened after checking into the hotel, Tracy couldn’t resist having some fun with Mike. “For every hour she ran around out there, Mike, it’s my understanding she more than made up for that. She’s been telling me some things …” She looked at John and lowered her voice, continuing in a very husky, sexy manner. “Missy’s been telling me how she and Mike … wait until tonight, John … there’s this one new thing ... we really have to see if we can … well, just wait!”

  Missy of course had heard everything Tracy said, along with the end of the conversation Mike had been having with John. “Gosh, Mike … if I’d known you were gonna blab all about our foreplay like that … obviously, none of my secrets are safe.” Turning to Tracy, she announced in a stern voice. “There will be no dressing up and playing Naughty Nurse, Tracy. And, no … you cannot borrow any of those medical implements. Those all belong to Mike. I really don’t think John will be into any of that, anyway.”

  As both girls began laughing hysterically, Mike and John could only roll their eyes and shake their heads. Mike actually wondered about the nurse outfit and medical equipment; those actually did sound like fun. Obviously, their witchy girlfriends had been using a bit too much energy and it had gotten them tipsy. Or, gotten them something.

  Mike said, “What were you doing over there with Millie while your buddy h
ere was burning up all the local landscape. I hope there’s still some energy left out there somewhere for all the other witches to play with. Or, did you use it all up?”

  “Actually, I feel as though I’m back in the first grade.” Missy grinned. “Millie has really been teaching me all about being a witch. She’s really great! Now I know why Tracy has been telling me about her so much. She’s the best! And, I can’t get over how great it feels being here, with everyone in this coven being so welcoming and supportive. I’ve promised to Shift for them later this week … be a cat … special treat.”

  Tracy said, “Oh, Millie thinks you’re beyond special, Missy. Almost everything you’ve done … all the training you’ve given yourself …” Turning to the men, she said, “Missy’s only had her instincts to go by until now. Millie was so amazed at how well those have helped her develop and how much progress she’s made. Of course, with just a little bit of training …”

  Mike groaned. “You talk about her making progress as though she’s only getting started. I thought she was all grown up. She told me what you said about witches not reaching their full potential until maybe age twenty-five. But, she’s mostly a werecat, right? A Shifter who can also heal and do that energy pulse thing she does. I know she can crush things, too, but …”

  Tracy began to laugh. “You’ve got it backwards, Mike. Missy is a witch who can also Shift. Being a Shifter gives her super strength and all those enhanced abilities you guys know she has. But, using her energy? Both her own and what she can draw from all around her? No one here can measure just how extraordinary the amount of energy is that she’s really using. There are other healers and even a few who can regenerate the way she does. Mend broken bones in a few days, etc. But, she’s off the charts. Crushing things? Also off the charts. Missy has some telekinesis abilities that Millie has never even heard of. What’s so amazing is that most witches first use their abilities and then learn how to control them. Missy first learned how to control herself and is only now learning about using her abilities.”

  John looked at Mike and said, “Maybe you really have to be a witch to understand what my girlfriend just said about my sister. I’m gonna just go with they can both do some magic tricks. Much, much easier to understand that way. Right?”


  Mar 22, 2019

  Mike walked over and looked at Missy. She’d been so focused on her latest magic trick -- picking up objects and moving them around the room -- that she’d hardly put any words into his head all day. He missed the intermittent yet somehow constant talking that she’d usually do, sharing her thoughts and feelings about just about everything, all day long. Mental messages. Ever since returning from a nice long run in her cat form that morning, which she’d again done after waking up in the middle of the night and going out really early, she’d been playing at her newest witch talent and had practically ignored him.

  “Talk to me, Missy! You have hardly said two words since you Changed back to your human form. Do you need to Shift back into a cat again just so I can get you to communicate with me?”

  Missy looked up at him, still holding two books and a coffee cup up in the air and a foot or so above the table. “Hey, I’m sorry! Let me put these away. Then, I’m all yours for the rest of the day. And, night. Let’s not forget about the night.” The two books were placed on the table, one on top of the other, and then the coffee cup was placed on top of the books. “I know I’m taking advantage, but this is all so new for me and I won’t get much opportunity to practice later.”

  Since she was sitting about twelve feet away from the table, this would have seemed very magical indeed had Mike not been watching her do similar magic tricks all day. They were over visiting at Tracy’s home and everyone had left her alone in this room for quite a while now. John was right … Mike found it much easier to simply view all this as magic. Now, Missy could perform just about anything and Mike figured he probably would hardly take notice. Maybe if she made an elephant suddenly appear out of thin air … maybe then. Then again, maybe not.

  Mike said, “Hey, you can take advantage all you want, you know that. And, I definitely have not forgotten about the night. This week, having you with me for so many days … and nights … in a row? It’s like those weeks we had right after you graduated from high school. I knew our time would be limited once you started at West Point but I truly never anticipated it would be months and months … this really has been our first time being together for a complete week since last June.”

  Missy came over and hugged him tight, sliding her arms around him. Then she looked up and said, “True. And, I hope you know how much it means to me that I’ve been able to have these days with you. All my energy reservoirs and batteries have been charged back up again. I’ve even managed to gain some weight and fill back out. My body fat has to be at least fifteen percent now.”

  Mike chuckled and said, “Oh, I’ve noticed that as well. You definitely have that voluptuous Jessica Rabbit body again. Remember how you filled out that slinky prom dress? I sure do!” He slid his hands down and cupped her buttocks, squeezing her very sexy female flesh and pulling her close. She reacted by grinding her pelvis against his hard erection, which had noticeably made its presence known all of a sudden. For several seconds, they both enjoyed one of their special moments, allowing their mutual passion and arousal to fill them with that delicious anticipation for things they knew would be happening later. Then, of course, they were interrupted.

  “Hey, none of that in here, guys!” Tracy was obviously enjoying how she’d managed to catch them getting so amped up. “We knew you were taking much too long in here. Mike was only supposed to come and get you so we could all go out to dinner. Instead, I see he’s looking to get you for something else entirely. Gee! You never want to miss a meal, Missy. Whatever he’s offering must be pretty amazing!”

  “Very funny, very funny!” Missy took a step back and smiled at Tracy. “He is definitely amazing but you’re right. I don’t want to miss a good meal. Being the carnivorous predator that I am, I want it all. My big meal and my amazing man.”

  As they all walked out, Missy realized she truly had been refreshed this week. Being with her family, Tracy’s family, and of course with Mike; these were experiences that soaked deeply into her soul, freeing her from some of the darker, more predatory feelings that could also soak into her deeper places. Especially when she had to cope with things like what she’d been through these past couple of months, confronting and then finally defeating evil.

  Yes, only now was it being recognized by others that a very evil group of guys had caused a terrible scandal. She loved West Point and was glad she’d been able to do her part. She also realized she was finally back to normal from what the Afghanistan experience had done to her. She was glad she’d been able to do her part in that as well.


  Mar 26, 2019

  The Secretary of Defense looked around the room. Once again he had all the usual people meeting in secret for another CAW review session and, once again, there seemed to be dissention, with his military advisors and the CIA all wanting to go forward with some teams in Afghanistan and with Ted Hanson and several others opposed to any actions, direct or indirect, unless and until there was much clearer “world opinion” to support that.

  The Afghan government was not yet officially asking for any help, in spite of all the publicity about the new Taliban base and alleged kidnappings and acts of terrorism that were purported to all trace directly back to it. Unofficially, they admitted to being very concerned and indeed were hoping the U.S. would take a more active role, but that wasn’t good enough for Hanson.

  Since Hanson was speaking now for the Secretary of State, who supposedly was fully up to speed but continued to avoid these meetings, always sending his Deputy Ted instead, the matter could only be decided by taking it to the President. And, without there being any clear threat to the U.S., to U.S. citizens or to U.S. business interests, the President was not likely t
o go with any secret military options. No, the potential backlash for that was far too great. While the presidential election wasn’t for another year, he was not about to ask the Congress or the American people to get involved, where no official request from any government had been made. Hell, even if there was a request, there still might not be enough justification.

  Charles Winword from the CIA said, “We can’t just sit back and do nothing. At the very least, we need more Intel and better Intel. Otherwise, we can’t even react to the next crisis in any effective manner. Our sources over there are good, but not good enough. And, the risk is too high. We’ve lost two of our best informants recently. One was killed and the other has disappeared. And, we’re hearing from a few others that due to threats to family members, they won’t have anything for us until we can get their families out.”

  Hanson looked at Drew Martinson and asked, “What about “P” Branch? Can’t they get us any more Intel?”

  Drew said, “That’s not what we do, Ted, and you know it. That recon and rescue assignment we performed was a onetime situation, taking advantage of an opportunity. It also proved why our branch is so important … a lot of people, in spite of our secret briefings, were not at all worried about the U.S. being vulnerable to the paranormal and supernatural threats. You were one of them. I thought what our asset accomplished was enough to convince everyone why identifying and monitoring these individuals was needed.”

  General Blake had actually been discussing the issue with Drew for a few weeks now, outside of their CAW review sessions. He wanted to know why some limited use couldn’t be made, assuming there were any assets who might be willing. Surely the other countries were doing that, right? Why was the U.S. the only country with this non interference policy?

  The Defense Secretary spoke up, as this subject had been debated at great length over the years. Not surprisingly, those discussions and debates had not included the military. The concern for what the general public’s reaction might be was far greater than any perceived benefit. Combined with the long established and well understood desire for those who really did have abilities and powers to remain hidden and anonymous, there really didn’t seem to be much choice. “Drew is correct. We need to identify and monitor the individuals and activities, and we even have obtained assistance from some of his so-called assets with doing that. But, to openly use supernatural forces? That’s almost like asking to use nuclear and biological weapons. No, we defend ourselves from them. We don’t use them.”


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