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Missy's First Mission

Page 26

by P. G. Allison

  Sally snorted, saying, “Yeah, Missy, and when you’re not around to hear her talking about your brother, she makes your friend Kelly’s great orgasms seem rather insignificant in comparison.”

  “Hey! No fair!” exclaimed Tracy. “Besides … when it comes to having great orgasms … those mind-blowing, grab the bedposts and kick your feet, buck like a bronco, howl like a wild animal, scream like a banshee, melt away to nothing, make magical moments of momentous mayhem … those please don’t stop whatever you’re doing until after I finally get to come … those incredible instances of insane ecstasy …”

  “Stop, stop! We get it! You’re killing us with all that!”

  “Oh!” Tracy gave them her most innocent smile. “Well … I was only going to point out that Missy is actually the Queen of the Big O … I’m only a recently debauched virgin, barely beginning to experience all these things.”

  Missy said, “Clearly you’ve been experiencing these things way too often, and been enjoying them way too much. I wasn’t aware my brother had influenced you quite as much as he obviously has, Tracy.”

  Sharon laughed, quick to chime in with her own thoughts. “Don’t be in such denial, Missy! We all know how you and Mike are. I’m betting Tracy is absolutely right. Whatever you do, it’s always beyond extreme. Surely that’s true about your orgasms.”

  “That does it!” Missy turned to Tracy and Sally. “I was never supposed to tell anyone this … but … Sharon’s got her own big secret. You know how her boyfriend is really big, right? Six feet, seven inches tall?”

  “I’ll never share another secret with you, Missy McCrea! Don’t you dare!”

  Missy ignored her and held up her two hands, several inches apart. “He’s actually beyond extreme …” Missy began spreading her hands further and further apart. “There are horses not as big or as well endowed …”

  “Not true! Don’t exaggerate like that!” Sharon pretended to be horrified and looked at Sally and Tracy. “He’s not even ten inches. And, for a man his size … err, height … well … nine and a half inches is perfectly normal. All in proper proportion …”

  “MmmMmmm … yes, and you told me how his fingers and his tongue are all in perfect proportion too.” Missy looked at the others and grinned. “Sharon has no reason for any jealousy concerning anyone else’s orgasms.”

  Sally groaned. “Fuck me! Forget everything I said earlier about not being ready yet … I want to take advantage of my notoriety now! Bring on the guys and let the games begin! All of these orgasm stories are making me ache and throb and I’m so wet right now … damn!” She laughed and stood up. “Enough, already! I’m going back to the barracks and take a long, cold shower.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  May 15, 2019

  Kion Gosselin looked over at Bruce Vajcovec and said, “Tell me more about the arrangements. And, tell me again why I have to meet with these guys.” He was very nervous about getting personally involved in this and had hoped Bruce could have managed things without that. He was paying the guy enough, wasn’t he? Why was it necessary that he risk exposing himself?

  Bruce said, “Look, you want someone taken care of, you can’t expect to stay invisible. Not with these guys. Everyone insists on knowing who’s ordering this hit. You’re not just asking to have some street slut taken care of. She’s a fucking cadet at West Point. And, you’re toxic right now, Kion. The cops are talking to all the girls you had at those parties up there. The guys these girls work for? These are the same guys the professional hit men work for.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get that. And, everyone you checked with … once you explained about it being me wanting this … they all insisted only D’Amato’s organization would touch it?”

  “Right. And, D’Amato’s guys who are gonna do this? They’ve insisted you bring them a third of the money up front. You, Kion. No one else. They wanna meet with you first … face to face … or they’re not interested. From what I’m hearing, this is from the big man himself. Salvatore D’Amato. He wants his guys to actually see you, up close and personal.”

  “Okay, okay. But, his guys? They’re good, right? Seventy-five grand is a lot of money for this.” He knew D’Amato’s organization had a reputation for being the best of the best amongst the five New York crime families. That bitch McCrea had ruined his life and he wanted his revenge now, while she was still at the academy. And, since this was in New York, D’Amato’s territory, no one else would touch it. So, he was paying the big bucks but would get what he wanted. Then he’d leave and go to France.

  Bruce laughed. “Billy Martin and Donny Delgato are well known to all the people I’ve checked with. Sal’s best guys. They’ve been handling things, taking care of people Sal wanted taken care of, for years. They’re real pros. And, if you want to get rid of someone and not have it traced back to you? You pay them seventy-five grand and they do it.”

  “Is it normal to pay a third up front? What guarantee do I have they’ll do this?”

  “You’re dealing with D’Amato’s organization, Kion. You don’t need to worry. If they accept payment, the job always gets done. Always. Are you ready? Let’s go.”

  Twenty minutes later, they pulled up outside one of Sal’s clubs, climbed out of the car, handed the key to the valet and made their way inside. They had to go through an elaborate security check to eventually gain admittance to the back office where the meeting was scheduled. They both were searched, in addition to going through metal detectors. Kion held onto his briefcase with the twenty-five thousand except when it was x-rayed. Finally, they were allowed to enter through the office door while their escort remained outside, standing guard.

  “Hey, kid. Kion Gosselin, right? Glad to meet you. I’m Billy Martin and this is my associate, Donny Delgato.” Billy was well dressed and good looking with long black hair, slicked back; he wore a diamond earring on his left ear. Donny was also well dressed but looked like a thug; he was completely bald and had a tattoo on his neck. Looking at Vajcovec, Billy added, “You must be Bruce Vajcovec. It’s my understanding you helped arrange for this meeting.”

  Vajcovec looked around and saw there was no one else present. Although not a member of any crime organization, Vajcovec was well known as a middle man and had several mob contacts, although mostly at the lower levels. This was the biggest deal he’d ever put together. Martin and Delgato were both standing in front of a large desk, but there were several comfortable easy chairs over on the side of the room, along with a small table. Nervously, he said, “Yes, you both were recommended to us. Highly recommended.” He noticed that no one was extending their hand so he didn’t do so either. Shaking hands with hit men was probably not part of the normal protocol.

  Kion continued to clutch his briefcase and remained silent. He wasn’t pleased about being called “kid” but kept his mouth shut. He was the one with the money and that helped him feel superior to all of these guys.

  Donny stepped forward and said, “Billy and I want to chat privately with Kion, here. Bruce, is it? You don’t mind waiting outside, do you? I’m sure you understand, right?” He took a further step forward and Vajcovec could tell that making any objection was not really an option. He smiled at Kion and said, “Sure, no problem.” Then he walked with Donny over to another door, which Donny opened for him, and he stepped through to the corridor outside. Two men were there and guided him down to another office where he went in and took a seat in one of the chairs. The door closed and he was left alone.

  Kion tensely watched while this was going on but when Billy gestured for him to take a seat in one of the chairs, he relaxed somewhat. He placed the briefcase on the table there and took a seat. Billy and Donny came over and sat down in chairs across from him. “I’ve brought you the money, just as you asked for. Twenty-five thousand. Do you want to count it?”

  Billy said, “No, no. That won’t be necessary. Now, Kion … we understand this is payment in advance for taking care of someone. A cadet at West Point? Her name is Missy McCrea,
right? And, we’ll be paid an additional fifty thousand afterwards?”

  Kion nodded and said, “Yes, that’s right. That bitch has fucked up my whole life and I want you guys to fuck her up. It’s important that she knows why you’re doing it, of course. And, that you get it all on film. You can do that, right? Wear masks so you can’t be identified, of course. But, I really want to watch … see her suffer. For what she’s done to me. It’ll be my own personal video tape. I was told you’ve done this sort of thing before.”

  Donny laughed. Oh, yes! They’d done this before all right. Grab Missy McCrea. Un-fucking-believable! When Billy had explained how Sal had called him -- in person, rather than merely sending down instructions through anyone else -- and had asked that they do this? He just couldn’t get over how that witch bitch had managed to once again get her way. He and Billy would actually have loved doing what this asshole Kion wanted them to do, if only they’d dared to do so. Fuck her up? Riiiight! Wishful thinking.

  They’d grabbed her three years earlier, injected her with a knock out drug and then left her bound and gagged in the trunk of a car, up in a parking garage. As instructed. Another contract job successfully completed, right? Too bad she was such a looker and so young. But, a job was a job and they’d done their part.

  Hah! Too bad that asshole Tony Gonzalez had been unable to do his part. Not only did she get the drop on Tony, but she managed to show up that same night at their hotel and get the drop on him and Billy. He’d never forget that night. Being humiliated and terrorized by a sixteen year old girl! Fuck!

  Billy looked at his partner and knew exactly what was going through Donny’s mind. That night. Their life hadn’t been the same since then. Missy McCrea had cut off his little finger and had threatened to cut off a lot more, forcing him and Donny to confess on a video tape to two murders they’d committed earlier in addition to how they’d kidnapped her. All three jobs had been for an anonymous client, who was friends of a friend of Sal’s. As it turned out, that client was Tony Gonzalez and the murders had been his wife and later his daughter.

  Missy not only had forced them to admit to everything but to also name Sal as their boss. Then, she’d blackmailed them. Should anything happen to her or her family? Not only would the cops get the tape but so would Sal. And, if Sal ever found out they’d named him? That was unthinkable. There’d be no escape from Sal’s wrath should that ever happen. So, they’d kept quiet and had done exactly what she’d asked them to do.

  Then, last October, when Sal and Ben Marchitto had asked them about Missy McCrea? At first they’d been afraid Sal had somehow learned about their naming him on that fucking video tape. But no … instead, Sal and Ben had somehow stumbled across her all on their own. And, as it turned out, the girl really was some kind of a witch! They’d known it had to have been her responsible for all that damage to Sal’s place a few weeks later. Wow! Neither Sal nor Ben would admit anything, but he and Donny knew.

  “Kion, just to be perfectly clear about this. You’re not just hiring us to kill this girl. You want us to really torture the girl, maybe rape her repeatedly and cause her to suffer as much as possible first, and film all that. For you. Right? Then, once we’ve disposed of her, we get the rest of our seventy-five thousand dollars.” Billy wanted to get all this recorded, unequivocally, as Sal had instructed. This kid Kion was so screwed … Missy McCrea was going to get another video tape for her collection. Sheezzz!

  Kion smiled at them. “Exactly! Make her suffer as much as possible. Then, kill the bitch and get rid of her body so she’s never found. How soon can you do this?”

  Billy said, “Okay. Great! We understand exactly what you want and what this initial payment is for. There’s just one other little bit of business to take care of. Kion, we’d like to have you meet yet another associate of ours. Donny? Would you open the door so Mr. Robert Ulrey can come in now? I believe he has something he wants to read … so Kion here will know all his rights.”

  Donny had already started towards the rear door of the office, where Vajcovec had gone out earlier, and after a few more steps he reached the door and opened it. Kion watched as a man walked in who looked like a cop, with close cropped grey hair and an official manner. The man flashed his FBI credentials at Kion and nodded to Billy.

  “Kion Gosselin, you’re under arrest!” Robert continued to read Kion his rights and explain all the charges against him. This took some time as Kion began cursing and screaming, after getting past his initial shock, and was very uncooperative. Finally, with his hands in handcuffs behind his back, Kion was led away by another government official who had come in with Robert.

  After they were gone, and Robert was alone with Billy and Donny, he told them, “Missy sends her thanks. She wants you to know … and Sal of course … that this tape will never actually be made public and you won’t be asked to testify. I guess you already know how she can get someone to do what she wants … once she has them on tape … right?” Robert had seen the tape Missy was blackmailing these guys with and didn’t need to say anything more. They knew.

  “So, this tape is good and you have what you want? He’s clearly admitting to everything. You’re leaving us a copy for Sal, right?” Billy wanted his boss to know exactly how well he and Donny had carried out his wishes. “We’ll tell Sal you’re only using it to blackmail this Kion. We’ll also explain to that Vajcovec guy how things are. So he understands he needs to keep quiet.”

  Robert said, “Yes, to avoid being charged with attempted murder, Kion will be pleading guilty to all the other charges at his Army court martial. We think his six buddies will all agree to do that as well. They’ll get a few months in the stockade and a Dishonorable Discharge. But, if they try to plead not guilty and insist on any defense, exposing West Point to further scandal? That won’t end well for them. Not with Kion testifying against them. Kion will be accepting a somewhat longer sentence, of course.”

  Billy said, “And, we’ll be explaining to Vajcovec, and anyone else that hears about this, how Sal wanted to cooperate with the Army and avoid any scandal. Secret sex club at West Point? This asshole Kion exposed Sal’s girls to some real embarrassment and Sal takes care of his girls.” He handed over Kion’s suitcase with the twenty-five thousand to Robert. Not only was that now part of the government’s evidence but it was important that it be known Sal’s organization had not accepted any payment.

  Donny had been listening to all this and thinking about things. While not as bright as Billy, he had figured out this whole deal wasn’t really an FBI sting. This Robert Ulrey guy. While he was flashing FBI credentials, he had to be something else. Something more. “Robert, we know you’re with the government and all. But … you and Missy … you know about her, right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, she’s not just a normal girl, is she?” Somehow, Donny just knew this Robert had seen that tape of Missy’s from three years ago and that he knew it all. He knew about the murders they’d done, how they’d kidnapped Missy, everything. He was in the government and was protecting Missy, so she could do whatever the hell it was she was doing at West Point. The government knew Missy was a witch. Damn!

  He couldn’t resist blurting out what he and Billy were most worried about. “Billy and I? We’ll never go against Missy. Or her family. Never. If anything happens to her? It won’t be us. You government guys … you know that, right?”

  Robert looked at the two of them. “That’s good to know. Missy is very special. She appreciates the way you two have cooperated so far.” He knew they were worried about Sal someday seeing that tape she’d made of them. “As for us government guys? If anything were ever to happen to Missy? Her friends would know whether or not anyone had gone against her.”

  Donny and Billy stared at him. That was probably all the assurance they’d ever get but, at least it was something. If the witch bitch went and got herself killed while serving in the Army, hopefully her friends wouldn’t be showing Sal that fucking tape.


  May 21, 2019

  Twenty four members were present for the latest CAW review session. And, recent events in Afghanistan, Pakistan and a few other locations as well were all proving the importance of having these sessions. The militant activities by Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists were very disturbing. Bombings and kidnappings had increased and the targets were embassies, airports, railroads and key transportation points. The Afghan military and police had been ineffective and widespread panic was taking place.

  The disruption this had caused for all movement of food and supplies was taking its toll. The economy was about to collapse. A complete overthrow of the Afghan government was now looking to be a certainty. Yet, as the discussion over the past hour had revealed, there still wasn’t enough concern by the American public. War in the Mid-East was to be avoided so committing any U.S. forces to this campaign, other than the limited effort by those troops already in place, was not a consideration. Anything that might lead to greater involvement was to be avoided at all costs.

  While the U.S. and other NATO countries were willing to provide relief assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan on a humanitarian level, the conflict over there was not perceived as anything that posed a serious enough threat to countries outside the region.

  General Blake had briefed how Intel reports from his teams, identifying key troop movements in and out of the new Taliban base in the Kunar Province, had then helped others track these attack units as they’d traveled through Asadabad and beyond, not only to Kabul but out to Pakistan and elsewhere. This had led to advance warnings for potential target locations and actual interference when these attack units were confronted. Skirmishes had been very infrequent, however, and stopping these units, preventing them from achieving their goals, had not been very successful.


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