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Missy's First Mission

Page 28

by P. G. Allison

  “West Point? How old is this guy?” asked General Blake.

  “Nineteen, in three weeks.” Robert looked at everyone. “Is there any problem with this request?”

  “Well, I’m sure the academy will go along with whatever the Secretary of Defense wants,” said General Blake. “But, I’m still trying to understand this … you’re saying this guy having all these special abilities, who performed all these miracles for us … he’s just a kid?”

  Robert said, “I’d hardly say that our supernatural asset was just a kid. But, before I identify this individual, our office wants to be sure you really want to use this person and can agree to everything.”

  “Does this kid have any further requests?”

  “Yes. This person wants to be assigned to one of your Special Forces A-Teams. In spite of only being a PFC and only having an Eleven-Bravo MOS, can an exception to policy be made? When this individual returns to West Point, this period of service needs to be included on the individual’s military record. The earlier recon/rescue mission was a freebie but this time, even if the mission details are classified, the individual wants the record to reflect assignment with an A-Team. This can be done, right?”

  There was some discussion about both West Point and the Special Forces but, after several minutes, the consensus was yes. Everything could be done, as requested. Colonel Chory even commented how it made sense for a cadet to want these things on his record. He said, “Obviously, this soldier has some definite career goals in mind which will surely benefit from our acknowledging his doing this.”

  General Blake said, “We can handle these arrangements, no problem. Now, let’s discuss who he is and what else he can do for us. I’m tired of your office always calling him an asset or an individual. He’s human, right? A soldier? Or, at least a cadet. Give me a name.”

  Robert laughed. “I honestly don’t know how to answer that. I mean, about being human.” He paused, looked at Drew and then at each of the four being briefed. “Your soldier, your cadet, who is also our asset … she's a witch. Her name is Missy McCrea.’

  The Defense Secretary was the first to blurt out his reaction. “A girl? A witch? Unbelievable!” From the stunned expressions on all four faces, it was obvious they had not anticipated this.

  “We’ve brought along for each of you a file that we’ve put together on her.” Robert nodded at Marsha who opened her briefcase and took out four thick folders, which she distributed. The information did not include anything about Missy’s dealings with the New England or New York mobs but otherwise was fairly complete.

  Robert said, “Please protect these files … I know you’ll want to study the information and get an idea why we all think she’s so special. But, why don’t you watch this video we have first. You can see her in action. Then, let’s talk about her.” He nodded at Marsha again.

  Marsha introduced the video by explaining how Missy had been drugged, along with her roommate, by a group of upperclass cadets who wanted revenge. Missy had interfered with their secret sex club and the sexual harassment at West Point by going around and putting everyone on notice. She’d made a target out of herself, etc., etc. Then Marsha played the tape.

  After seeing the tape, they all wanted to see it a second time, so Marsha played it again.

  Robert said, “Those collars that you see her snapping off both her own neck and then her roommate’s neck? That’s an example of how she uses her power in plain sight and gets away with it. She told the Superintendent the collars were defective. And, all the martial arts stuff? She moves slowly enough so it almost looks humanly possible. She really has an amazing ability to control herself that way. It’s one of her greatest abilities. She’s very proud of all her controls. She’s worked really hard at that.”

  There was a lot more discussion about what they’d watched on the tape, which was certainly impressive. Marsha played it for them a third time. Then, Winword was the first to open up his folder and begin reading the file on her. Almost immediately, he looked up at Robert and the others. “I guess, after seeing her on that video … I mean … I see why you’re saying she moves like a cat. But …”

  Drew laughed and said, “No, no! Not moves like a cat. We’re saying she actually is a cat. Missy isn’t just a witch. She’s also a werecat. When she did all that recon in the Kunar Province? She was a mountain lion. Here are some photos we have showing her when she’s in her cat form.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  June 1, 2019

  Missy walked out of the bathroom and waited for Mike to react. She’d just sent him a mental message saying she was ready and now she hoped the sexy black outfit she was wearing would spark his interest. She had been persuaded by his sister Michelle to buy this naughty negligee when they’d gone shopping the day before at Victoria’s Secret.

  Michelle had insisted that she make some Missy and Mike Magic Moment Memories and that this was one way to do that. They’d both laughed hilariously about that, at the time, but now Missy was feeling just a little bit anxious. She was staying at Mike’s house for a couple of days, just the two of them. Michelle had made a point of how her parents had gone away, just so Missy and her brother would have some privacy and that the opportunity was one that she definitely should take advantage of.

  Missy had been really enjoying her days at home and, just that morning, she’d been out at the State Forest in Andover. Running wild and free through 3,000 acres, killing a deer for her meal and simply being a cat, allowing her other form to fully manifest itself that way, was so satisfying. It was her nature to do this, just as it was her nature to be human. When she was prowling as a cougar, with all her enhanced animal senses engaged and filling her soul with experiences not possible for a human, the fulfillment was fantastic.

  She had learned how to compartmentalize things in her mind and, when she was a cat, her human cares and worries all took a step back. While still with her, they simply did not affect her in quite the same way and she dealt with them differently. Later, when she Changed back, putting all her predatory animal instincts aside once again -- under control but not forgotten -- she brought her human concerns to the forefront and went forward. She was always refreshed and able to cope with things with renewed energy and vigor. Big problems were broken down into little ones which she’d then manage with ease, one by one. What sustained her the most, as she lived through each day, was all the love she had for her family, her friends and … most of all … for Mike.

  When Missy walked into their bedroom, Mike once again felt his heart swell and his blood race. She was a vision! God how he loved her! He’d known she was up to something when she had insisted on taking a shower, alone, and that he get into bed and wait for her. Seeing her now, so seductive and sultry … willing, wanton and wondrous … his pulse began to race as these thoughts and many more went racing right along as well.

  They’d spent an enjoyable afternoon, once she’d driven back from her latest adventure, out playing as a cat and causing who knew what mischief out at the State Forest. She’d had that fresh glow she always had whenever she was able to satiate her frisky feline feelings, as he liked to call them. Her sister Heather had invited them over to check out where she was living now, with her boyfriend Donald Whalen, and the four of them had celebrated both Heather’s college graduation and Missy’s surviving her first year at West Point.

  Then, they’d all gone to dinner with Mark and Alice who had insisted on treating them. Shrimp and lobster for Missy who claimed she was still hungry, in spite of that venison she’d enjoyed for breakfast. Donald was the only one who didn’t realize she wasn’t making a joke about the venison.

  Alice was so proud of what she was accomplishing, as Director of the Roseanne Fund, and had explained how she and Mark would be working at that full time for the next couple of months, now that they both had the summer off from school. They hoped to have the two assistants Alice had hired fully trained by the time their classes started back up in the fall. Before the meal wa
s over, both Donald and Heather had each joked about maybe going to work for Alice. They were almost ready to abandon their boring engineering jobs at the jet engine factory and join the crazy mob lady, who seemed to be dealing with issues and problems that were much more interesting.

  After saying their goodbyes and returning home, Mike had started experiencing Missy’s emotions and he could see how her eyes were sparkling. He knew she was getting into one of her amorous and playful moods, and hadn’t been surprised when she had insisted on getting ready. But, seeing her now slink seductively into the room, showered and primped for pleasure, wearing something she obviously was hoping he would enjoy seeing her in, he was overwhelmed. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was his.

  “I sure hope you don’t have anything else planned for the next hour or three, Missy, because I’m going to be taking my time, savoring this special show. Can you maybe spin around slowly?” The excited approval in his eyes was obvious.

  “You want me to strike a pose?” She twirled around, thrusting her breasts out and up so her perky pink nipples, now fully erect and very visible through the lacy material, were prominently displayed. Missy knew her body was at its voluptuous best right now with enough soft, feminine flesh to pad all those rock hard muscles she had, barely hidden below all her luscious curves, so any man would surely want her. But, she only cared about one man wanting her. And, since she was able to tune into his emotions and experience what he was feeling, she knew that one man was definitely aroused right now and wanted her very much. His desire fed her libido, of course, and she began to really get aroused herself.

  “What I want is for you to get over here where I can get my hands on you.”

  Missy shivered, the thought of Mike’s hands on her body just turning her on all the more. She always got so wet, just thinking about him and how she wanted to feel him exploring her special places, touching and caressing her, teasing and taunting her one minute and then satisfying her the next. She slowly climbed onto the end of the bed and began inching her way towards him. He was not wearing any shirt and, as she got closer, he pulled the covers back to reveal he was completely naked underneath.

  “Did you perhaps anticipate that maybe some fun and frolic might be in your future, Mike?” She giggled. Of course he had.

  Mike was sitting up and, as she came within his reach, he grabbed her and spun her around until her back was pressed against his chest and she was sitting between his legs. He began kissing her neck, nibbling and biting, while his hands slid underneath her negligee and began slowly working their way along her sides and then up to cup her breasts. Missy wriggled her fanny so she was pressing against his hard erection and laid her head back against his chest. She let her arms dangle loosely while he continued to fondle her breasts, kneading her nipples with his fingers. She grabbed his knees with her hands and as her whole body shuddered with the pleasure he was causing her, her hands tightened and squeezed.

  Missy had her eyes closed and with Mike’s big body enveloping hers, his arms holding her firmly and his hands -- oh, those big warm hands! -- yes, they were now doing things to her breasts and nipples that made her melt. She was mush. Only with Mike was she able to completely let go, open herself to all and everything, and not be in control of anything. Her soul was free and as her enhanced senses each provided her with more and more to enjoy, she moaned her pleasure.

  She could hear Mike’s heart beating and, like her, he was very vocal during times like this. His murmuring and groaning and grunting were all keeping pace with her own increasingly unintelligible sounds. His musky male scent -- he was definitely aroused and excited from what he was experiencing -- began to fill her nose and she inhaled deeply, drawing more of it over her tongue and across the roof of her mouth. She wanted to taste him and that finally made her pull herself up. She grabbed his hands with hers and pulled them away, twisting her body around and dropping lower. She soon found what she was looking for. While it wasn’t hard to find, what she found was very hard indeed.

  When Missy took him into her mouth and began sucking, sliding slowly up and down the length of his throbbing member, Mike thought he was going to explode. Then, she cupped his balls and gently squeezed them, which caused all sorts of interesting things to happen. What a wonderful distraction, even if only for a moment. He felt himself grow even harder, if that was possible, and he wanted to be inside her, filling her, joined with her as one. He reached down and pulled her up, his hands under her armpits, his mouth closing on one of her breasts, still covered by the gauzy fabric of her nightie. He slid his hands down to grasp her rear, holding onto her ass firmly as he rolled over on top of her. They both began wriggling for position.

  Missy felt Mike’s fingers slide along the inside of her left thigh … searching, caressing, teasing … and then, when he reached his destination, she cried out. Her split crotch panties were now impossibly wet and his fingers quickly found their way inside her. Her clit was tingling and throbbing and her need was now unbearable. His palm pressed hard against her, massaging and applying pressure where she wanted it most, while his magic fingers somehow located her G spot. She was suddenly in heaven, that felt so good, and her gasping and panting sounds became frantic; she couldn’t breathe.

  Mike could see how ready she was and since he didn’t even need to strip her panties off, it only took him a mere moment to replace his fingers with what she really wanted. He was then buried inside her, as deep as he could go, and Missy began bucking as her orgasm began to build. And build. She was close. Oh, so close!

  Mike began moving side-to-side, which changed things up. Missy’s arousal from that was even more intense but the sudden shifting of motion momentarily kept her balanced on the height of new sensations, stopping her at a plateau of pleasure, and -- suddenly -- she was unable to achieve that release that had seemed so imminent just a moment before. She moaned and begged and cried and yelled. Impossibly, her sexual arousal began to climb even higher, reaching new heights; she was experiencing greater sensations and her enhanced supernatural body was demanding even more stimulation. She just couldn’t get enough!

  As Missy began moving underneath him, caught in throes of a passion he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her demonstrate before, Mike felt his own emotions respond. He was already in overload and her desire was overwhelming for him to experience when combined with his own desire. He began to pump and pound himself inside her, quickly exploding in a fabulous orgasm, emptying his seed which seemed to spurt again and again, more than he’d ever done before. Whatever triggered him also triggered her and there was no doubt her violent release was now something epic.

  Missy screamed her joy as her orgasm finally began, flooding her in wave after wave of incredible pleasure, her body shattering and splintering apart completely as she experienced her Mike coming inside her. They moved in unison, two bodies as one, each at that ultimate crescendo where all else ceased to exist and only the intense feelings they were sharing had any meaning. But, oh! What meaning those had! Mind, body, soul, every part of their essence, each particle of their being and all they’d ever been, all they’d ever wanted, all they were ever hoping to have -- it was all being experienced at once. Somehow, in some strange yet wonderful way.

  Neither knew how long this lasted or how long it took them afterwards to finally regain their senses, returning to an awareness of anything else. All that either could think about was how much they loved the other. Their mate, who was responsible for bringing them to such wondrous heights and providing them with such fantastic, overwhelming, unbelievable physical and emotional satisfaction … their mate was truly the love of their life. Expressing their love was all that mattered. Experiencing the mutual reality of their love in such profound and pleasurable ways? Priceless!

  As Missy snuggled herself into Mike’s close embrace, his big warm body now -- like hers -- completely satiated and hardly able to move, her final thought as she drifted off to sleep was that … sometimes … it was really wonderful to ma
ke Magic Moment Memories. She was the luckiest werecat witch woman warrior in the world.


  June 3, 2019

  Team Twenty-Two looked down at Team Sixteen and gave them the big thumbs up. They were more than ready to rotate out and very glad their aircraft was now heading back to Kabul. The four weeks had gone okay, but twice they’d had to grab all their gear and evacuate, leaving their OP and their cave to hide out while Taliban troops moved through their area. The first time, they’d only had to wait for a couple of hours but the second time, they hadn’t been able to return for two days.

  Evidently, the Taliban now suspected they were being watched and had started sending out squads to search all likely areas. Fortunately, all the discipline and care that both Team Twenty-Two and Team Sixteen had used consistently had paid off. They’d left nothing behind and that had saved them. However, a couple of other CAW teams had been discovered. While one had managed to escape without actually making contact, the other -- a Seal team -- had lost two men killed and three more had been wounded. Only the timely arrival of several rescue helicopters had avoided the entire team being lost.

  An hour after landing safely at Camp Phoenix and releasing his men, Captain Grimes went on up to headquarters to give his out briefing. He wanted to make sure everyone there truly understood and appreciated the significance concerning all the activity his team had noted. While his reports had described things well enough, relative to the comings and goings of enemy forces at this Taliban base, and all the photos sent back had certainly been clear enough, he hadn’t been able to get much feedback.


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