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Serial Volume Three

Page 5

by Jaden Wilkes

  “You’re mouthy tonight, aren’t you?”


  Before I could finish the second syllable, he shoved his thumb and forefinger up higher on my neck. They pressed beneath my jaw painfully as his palm applied more pressure to my throat. I coughed because I was caught off guard by how quickly he’d moved.

  “You have no idea who the fuck your talking to, Ronnie. No clue about who the fuck you are.”

  My lips scraped across my teeth with how forcefully he kissed me. Moans erupted from my chest, my orgasm already starting to build in response to the excitement between us. I wasn’t scared of him. Wasn’t worried that he’d hurt me for any other reason but to get me off.

  I trusted him.

  It was probably a stupid move on my part, but I couldn’t help the way I felt. There was something about him. Something dark and hiding in shadow. It was similar to something in me. I didn’t know why we connected the way we did; I just knew that whatever the reason was, it wasn’t normal.

  “Get in the bathroom, Pet. Turn the water on to cold and stand beneath the spray.”

  He moved off of me, completely confident in the fact that I would do as he said.

  He wasn’t wrong. I loved it when he took me…loved it when he was rough.

  Standing up from the bed, I strode quickly into the bathroom, stepping into the large glass shower and bracing myself against the freezing cold water. My body stiffened when the spray hit my skin, thousands of tiny razors scratching against me.

  Jude stepped in only seconds after I become soaked, air hissing out from between his lips and his eyelids shut tight beneath the water. Once adjusted to the temperature, he grabbed my hands without warning. The light click of a cuff sounded as he raised my arms above my head. Securing me to the showerhead, he chuckled when air sucked through my lips, the razor edged cold water painful against my skin.

  There were no words spoken between us. It was simply defiance on my end and his desire to break me.

  I was spun around, my hips jerked back in presentation to his body. His hand slammed against the cheek of my ass, the sting so fucking good. My skin was heated by the slap, cooled instantly by the cold water.

  “It’s about time someone taught you some manners, Pet.”

  His cock was inside me, one hand holding my hip in place and the other gripping my hair. The angle of my neck hurt. It was bent backwards so far that my eyes could only see my hands where they were bound and the ceiling above me.

  His flesh slapped against me, every inch of my body teeming with bits of glorious pain. The water against my skin, the way my taut hair pulled at my scalp…the fullness of his dick inside me; it was all so much, too much almost. I peaked quickly, my body unable to chase away the intensity of the orgasm he forced through me.

  I couldn’t think or hear anything over the moans that flooded out. My body moved against him, desperate and greedy.

  The minute he came was obvious. His body tensed, his cock swelled impossibly wider before he thrust in so deep, I swore I could feel it against the wall of my abdomen. No he wasn’t so big that he actually pushed inside my body, but the force of him was enough to make it feel that way.

  His head spun to the side just then and when I groaned in complaint, he gripped my hair harder. “Shut the fuck up, Pet.”

  Stiffening in reaction to something, he let me go and turned off the water. Within seconds I heard what had caught his attention. There was a slight banging sound coming from the house. Just for the fact that we could hear it in here, I knew that whatever or whoever was making that sound was angry.

  “Stay here.”

  He was gone before I could stop him and I was left alone in the fucking shower. My hands were still attached to the O-ring he’d had installed in the wall above the showerhead.

  The banging stopped eventually, followed by the sound of men screaming. The faint sound of glass breaking in the distance scared me and I instantly startled while trying to tug my hands free of the cuffs. It was no use, I was stuck in place in the shower and until Jude returned, I wasn’t going anywhere.

  Minutes passed, the tension building in me so thick that my heart beat a painful rhythm against my chest.

  “FBI! Is somebody in here?”

  It was a deep voice, one full of authority and strength. I cowered where I stood, unable to curl into a ball in hopes that he wouldn’t find me. Refusing to make a sound, I didn’t move for fear that the links of my cuff would bang against the ring.

  In the end, it didn’t matter. The heavy sound of boots against a floor approached the bathroom, a man coming into view dressed in a black suit and tie.

  “Patricia Wilson?”

  He asked the question, but his voice grew silent when I turned to look at him from over my shoulder. Fire burned behind his eyes, the same darkness that was so recognizable in Jude.

  “Veronica Lapierre.”

  I nodded, not knowing who the man was or why they were in Jude’s house. “Where’s Jude.”

  His eyes trailed over my body, slowing down in their perusal over my ass and hips. His tongue flicked out, wetting his bottom lip for half a second before being pulled back into his mouth. “Are you hurt, Ms. Lapierre.”

  “No! Where’s Jude?” I demanded.

  “Are you being held against your will?”

  Screaming finally, I answered, “No! Jude is my boyfriend. Where is he?”

  The corner of his lip twitched, heat building even more behind his eyes. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Ms. Lapierre, but your boyfriend is going to jail for a very long time. It seems he has a taste for cutting up pretty women.”

  Chapter Nine


  I heard the banging on my front door before Pet did. I slammed her against the wall of my shower and told her to shut the fuck up. She would never just shut the fuck up.

  I’d tried fucking her into silence, but it hadn’t seemed to work. She was so aroused by the shower that she’d ended up babbling at the end of my cock, declaring her love for me and her undying devotion.

  I’d been thinking about Patty when I heard them. Voices from somewhere in my building, then that banging.

  I pulled a towel around my waist and went to the front of the apartment, checking the door of my study first to make sure it was still locked. It was.

  As I was about to open the door, it burst open and men spilled in. Swat team types, full riot gear, and their weapons drawn. Fucking insane. The dogs of war in my foyer.

  “FBI. Get your hands up!” One in the front yelled through his visor.

  I obeyed, stood there in my towel, still wet, still smelling of Pet, as the rest of the group swarmed in. One agent strolled through at the end, the arrogant piece of shit. Donovan Blake, the one from the papers, the TV, the press.

  The one who had dubbed me CK, and the one who claimed he was thiiiis close to an arrest in the case of the Cascades Killer.

  I laughed when I saw him and said, “What’s this about?”

  He moved to stand directly in front of me, almost matching my height. He looked me in the eye, but I didn’t back down. He blinked and I won. He waited a moment longer and said, “Jude Hollister, you’re under arrest for the abduction and murder of Noreen Hamilton. You have the right to remain silent…”

  My mind wandered as he read me my Miranda Rights, I held out my hands and let him cuff me. Just as he was about to snap them shut, I pulled back and said, “Can I at least put on my pants?”

  He sneered and looked me up and down and replied, “What you’re wearing is fine enough. More dignity than you’ve afforded any of your victims.”

  “Victims?” I asked and raised my brow. “I believe you just arrested me for one victim, who are the rest?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Hollister,” he said, “I know you’re CK and I know you’re a fucking animal.”

  “CK?” I asked, “What on earth is a CK and how do you think I am linked to it?”

  He glared at me, his eyes
dark and deep with rage. In any other circumstance, maybe a few thousand years ago, he and I would have met on the battlefield and fought to the death.

  Sometimes civilization could be such a fucking bore. I’d get immense satisfaction sinking a sword into his belly and fucking his wife in front of him.

  I should have been born a barbarian. For all my refined ways, I really was born into the wrong life.

  “Agent Chase, assist him in finding his pants,” he barked and an attractive young female agent came rushing to his side. The way she looked up at him with those soulful puppy dog eyes revealed everything I needed to know.

  They were obviously fucking, she was obviously in love, and he was obviously and deliberately ignoring it.

  “Yes sir,” she said in a clipped, professional tone. She looked at me and said, “Where can I find them?”

  “Master bedroom, end of the hall, walk in closet, second drawer on your left. Sweat pants and a shirt if you can manage, sweetheart,” I said and smiled. The effect was not lost on her; she smiled back, then glanced at Donovan with a guilty look on her face.

  She was gone a couple minutes, rushed back in and said, “There’s somebody in the bathroom.”

  She handed me a bundle of clothes and Donovan took off down the hall.

  “You want to watch?” I asked and dropped my towel; my cock was hard as I pulled on the sweats. She watched. She then watched as I wiggled into the tee shirt. I could tell she was aroused as she pulled my hands behind my back and cuffed me. “You’re rather good at this,” I said, “you might be a fun lady to hang out with.”

  “Shut the fuck up, you sick bastard,” she spat and jerked my hands up.

  “I need to call my lawyer,” I said and resisted her attempt to pull my hands any higher. I wasn’t in the mood for a dislocated shoulder. She finally gave up and stepped around me, ignoring the watchful eye of the men on her team. It’s like we all knew what was up between her and Agent Blake, Donovan, but nobody wanted to mention it out loud.

  “You’ll get your chance,” she said and looked down the hallway to where Donovan had probably discovered a very wet and naked Pet.

  “He’s most likely otherwise…engaged,” I said, “there’s an incredibly beautiful, naked woman down there. Don’t be surprised if he takes a while.”

  She whipped her head back to face me and said, “Seriously, shut the fuck up.”

  I’d unsettled her though, she turned to a man beside her and said, “Watch this sick son of a bitch, I’m going to see what’s happening.”

  He smirked and nodded, she left and I observed. The dynamic among the group was fascinating and I was just finding out now if there was anything I could exploit later on.

  I sighed and tried to look bored, hide my anxiety as I went through every possible scenario in my head regarding Noreen’s death.

  Where had I fucked up? What did they have on me? I’d been so careful, I’d known I was sloppier than most with her death being accidental, but I had cleaned the body carefully before disposing it in the park.

  Perhaps that had been my fatal flaw, disposing of the body so close by.

  It didn’t matter, my father had the best lawyers money could possibly buy, I’d be back eating dinner and fucking Pet by tomorrow.

  If only Patty could hang in there, I didn’t want to lose another one.


  “Where were you? Answer the question,” Donovan demanded and slammed photos of Noreen’s body down on the table in front of me.

  “I’ve already answered you,” I told him, glancing at the images and feeling secretly smug about my work. It wasn’t my best, obviously, but I could still feel pride at how beautiful she looked in death.

  “Yes, I heard you, you want your lawyer,” he said and sat back down, “and I’ve told you this is an FBI investigation, you will get your lawyer when I damn well let it happen. We follow our own procedure around here; we’re not the PD. Now where were you the morning Noreen Hamilton went missing?”

  “How long have you been fucking Agent Chase?” I asked and stared directly into his eyes, keeping my face impassive. “She’s a nice little piece of ass, I can’t say I blame you, but doesn’t the FBI at least follow procedure for something like that?”

  The slightest eye twitch gave him away, a small movement at the outer left eyelid and I knew what I’d detected was in fact the truth.

  “Where were you the morning Noreen Hamilton was abducted?” he repeated, “If you make this easy on us, we can make it easy on you. We’ll plead you down if you tell us where the others are.”

  “I’ve told you before, Donovan,” I said coolly, he hated it when I used his first name, “I want to speak with my lawyer before I discuss anything with you. Not that there’s anything to discuss. You are, as they say, barking up the wrong tree.”

  He leaned in really close, inches away from my face and snarled, “I will fucking pin you to the wall. I have everything I need to put you away for a very long time, and I am going to make this extremely hard on you, do you understand?”

  I stared back at him, enjoying this game far more than I probably should have and said, “Lawyer. Now. And if you wouldn’t mind, a little more ice in my glass this time?” I rattled the empty water glass he’d given me when we’d gotten into the interrogation room of their field office. We’d been here a couple hours already. “You might want to swab it for DNA now though, before bringing me a refill.”

  He glared at me, took the glass and left the room.

  I sighed and looked into the one-way glass, wondering who was behind it and watching me. Most likely Agent Chase, the hot little piece of ass Donovan was banging. I would have to find out more about her, maybe cross paths with her once I got out of here.

  I looked at the wall clock and closed my eyes. In just a few short hours, things had been turned upside-down.

  I reveled in the chaos though, still not knowing how much they had on me and how much we’d have to fight. Still not knowing how long I’d be in here, if Patty were alive or dead, if Pet would squeal and give it all up the moment they started questioning her.

  I knew she wouldn’t though. As much as Pet loved to talk, I knew she wouldn’t talk to the FBI.

  I don’t know how I knew, but I supposed when you had a love as deep as ours, one just knew these things.

  I bided my time like that, relaxed, calm, almost meditative. I knew it would drive them mad on the other side of the glass as they watched me. I’m sure they were expecting me to panic, to be sweaty and nervous, scared of being caught.

  But how could I be afraid of something I knew would never happen?

  Chapter Ten

  Donovan Blake


  The bastard wasn’t going to give up any useful information easily and I paced the floor of the visitor’s office attempting in vain to come up with a way to trick him into revealing the whereabouts of the other victims.

  There was a chance that Patricia Wilson was still alive and being held somewhere and I needed to locate her before it was too late to save her life.

  Jude was too smart.

  But not Veronica Lapierre.

  If she was involved, she could be manipulated into revealing everything I needed to know.

  Striding out of the office like a man on a mission, I located Reynolds by the vending machines. He’d already inserted his money and his finger was hovering over the button that would select something extraordinarily unhealthy.


  He pressed the button before swinging his head in my direction. “Yes, sir?”

  “Where is Ms. Lapierre being held?”

  Retrieving his candy bar from the bottom drawer of the machine, he shrugged a shoulder and answered, “Agent Chase remained with her at the home as the Portland PD searched it for evidence. It didn’t take long, we weren’t able to find anything without another warrant.”

  Annoyance tightened my spine. Why hadn’t they brought her into the station for questioning? “Fi
ne. I’m heading back out to the house. I’ll be sending Ms. Chase back to continue interrogating CK. Perhaps with some feminine charm; she might convince the asshole to give up just enough information for us to locate the rest of the victims.


  “Agent Chase, I’ll be taking over the questioning of Ms. Lapierre from here. I need you back at the station.”

  Emily’s eyes looked up, they were rimmed red with distrust and anger. Whatever her problem was this time, I didn’t have time for it.

  “I’d like to speak with you alone, agent, before you leave.”

  “Yes, sir.” She spit out, putting on a mask of subordination for the benefit of the remaining police officers and the witness she had seated at the dining room table.

  Taking Emily aside, I moved in close to her and spoke low. Lying to the bitch would get her moving faster – the idea that there was a chance she could walk out of this investigation a hero for having tricked CK into divulging his secrets.

  “I haven’t been able to get anything out of our suspect. No matter how I went about the questioning, he wouldn’t talk. He’s a vile son of a bitch, but a smart one.”

  Emily smirked, her superior mind already believing that her experience in psychology could possibly get the bastard to talk.

  “Maybe I can do something. A man like him? He likes women – fucking them, killing them and dumping their cold, carved up corpses outside to rot. Perhaps if I talk to him, I can pull the information out of him that we need.”

  I had to goad her a bit more, but so far, she was already walking the line I needed to get her out of the house. “Are you sure you can do that? He’s got walls, Emily.”

  Her eyes widened at my use of her first name and I knew she assumed it was because I was flustered. I’d done that on purpose. Sometimes it was too easy to get what I wanted out of people.

  Her delicate hand came up to rest on my shoulder, victory and making a name in the agency a glowing light in her eyes. She wanted to one up me and I’d let her believe this was the way to accomplish just that.


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