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Hotwife Exchange For Debt Payments a Hotwife Wife Sharing Wife Watching Romance Novel

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by Karly Violet

  “You need to tell your wife what’s happening, before things get any worse. Trust me, Layden, you don’t want to be in a relationship where one person doesn’t know what the other person is doing. Especially when it’s obviously as important as money.” Monica pauses for a moment before adding, “I can help you out with a couple of thousand dollars if you need it. That’s pretty much all that I have, though.”

  I smile widely. “Oh, no, I don’t want your money, Monica. My problem isn’t your problem. I just have to figure out how to make things right after what has happened.”

  “How much do you owe?”

  “Please, don’t worry about that,” I say to the server. “It’s not as bad as I make it out to be. Honestly, it’s going to be just fine.” Of course, I’m lying to her. After all, how would I go about telling Monica that Damien wants either the entire amount of one hundred thousand dollars or a night with Terri? What would she think of me if she found out that what I’ve done has put my wife in such serious jeopardy? What an asshole I am for getting her involved.

  I stand to my feet, pulling my hand and arm away from the young woman as I look down at her. Though I want her, I know that I have to keep my own lusts and desires in check. This was the very reason that I made such a terrible investment in the first place. My lust for money.

  “I appreciate your concern for me, Monica. It’s really nice of you to worry like you do, but please don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” I allow a smile once again before turning and walking toward my car in the parking lot. Damien wants an answer from me in three days, so I need to spend just a little time trying to figure out how to keep Terri out of bed with him. I’ve never met him, but I’m sure that he’s a strong, well-polished individual cut from the same cloth as Victor. Though he seemed more direct in his text messages to me, he is likely just trying to put some fear into me so that I find the money quicker.

  “Terri,” I mumble to myself as I get into my car and turn on the engine. With the air conditioning running, I sit back and just think about what I’ll need to do to fix things with Damien. I would prefer to not tell my wife about what’s been happening, but I might not have the ability to refuse at this point. Still, I’ve got three days. Anything can happen in three days.

  For more books on Hotwife, Swinging, Wife Sharing, Wife Watching and more, check out my other books on my Author Page

  Chapter Nine: An Interesting Deal

  I walk quietly into the dentist office where my wife is a dental assistant. The receptionist at the front, a woman named Tonya, smiles instantly as I walk up to her desk.

  “Good morning, Layden. Are you here to see Terri?”

  “If it’s possible. I mean, if she’s not busy. I know you get busy around here sometimes, so whenever it’s convenient.”

  Tonya nods her head. “We haven’t had very many come in today so far. It actually might be a good time for her to take a quick break. Hang on.” She gets up from her desk and walks toward the back of the dentist practice. I have a seat nearby in the waiting room. Just a minute or so later, Terri walks up to me.

  “Hey, what’s up?” she asks with a smile on her face.

  I look around and see that Tonya has just come back to her desk. “Can we go outside for a few minutes? There’s something I want to talk to you about.” My wife nods her head and I get out of my seat to go with her outside. There’s a nice tree with a wraparound bench that we pick for our resting spot as we have a very important conversation with each other.

  “What’s wrong, Layden?” Terri asks before I say anything.

  I chuckle. “It’s funny, you know it? You women have the strangest way of knowing when a guy has something going on. Monica noticed something wasn’t right with me this morning.” My cock still throbs from my lust for the younger woman. Nothing happened, nor would it, but I can’t help how badly I truly want her.

  “Are you in some kind of trouble?” Terri’s eyes lock onto mine.

  “Somewhat,” I admit after taking a quick breath. I decide that there’s no better way of coming clean than to just do it. “A couple of weeks ago, there was a hundred grand in our bank account.”

  Terri raises an eyebrow. “No, there’s just two thousand there.”

  Shaking my head, I insist, “At that time, there was that two thousand and a hundred thousand more. So, I pulled it out of the account and transferred it into another.”

  “What?” My wife appears to be thoroughly confused concerning what I’m talking about. Just now I really wish that I had told her about the money before I invested it. She would have been much more responsible in seeing that it got back to its original owner than I was.

  “Someone put their money into our account by accident. I contacted the bank, but they assured me that it was our money. So, I moved it to another bank and then invested it into a pharmaceutical company.” I fidget with my fingers as I clasp my hands together loosely.

  “Wait. You didn’t invest in that company, did you?” Terri’s eyes become large. I nod my head quietly. “And you lost it all?” Again, I nod my head. “Layden, what the hell were you thinking?” My wife becomes cross as she stares with disbelief into my eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” I reply. “Honestly, it was a mistake. I can see that now. But when I first got the money, I…”

  “It was someone else’s money, Layden. It’s always been someone else’s money. How could you take that much money, obviously not ours, and put it into the stock market? That’s like going to a poker game and not winning a single hand.”

  “But, it was doing so well at first. I just should have pulled out of the market sooner than I did, honey.” I realize how stupid my attempt at making excuses for myself sounds, but I can’t help but to do it. I really did think at first that I was about to make a killing on the pharmaceutical stocks. If only my investment advisor had been more open to me about the problems this stock was having before I lost it all.

  “That doesn’t matter, and you know it.” Terri sighs. “So, have the owners of the money come forward to ask for it back?” I quietly pull up the text messages I got from Damien earlier. My wife quietly sits and reads through each one of them, her face turning white as she does.

  “I know, it’s impossible,” I say after a minute or so. “What he wants I can’t give him. I don’t know what to do, honey. This guy isn’t the first one to come for the money. There was one earlier named Victor who used a less aggressive approach.”

  “You should have told me,” Terri says quietly as she hands the phone back to me. “Now they want me?”

  “That’s out of the question, of course,” I tell her. “I’ll figure something out soon. Maybe I’ll go to the police and see what they can do about this.”

  “The police? No.” My wife frowns as she looks into my eyes. “They might charge you with a crime for what you did with that money. It might be illegal money from something that this Damien person has been up to. We can’t take the chance of you getting arrested and then me having to handle this on my own. No, we need to deal with this the only way that we know how.” Terri looks toward the street nearby where cars are passing by. She seems to be off in her own world as she thinks about my situation.

  “I don’t think I would object,” she finally says as she turns back to face me. “It’s been a bit of a fantasy, after all.”


  “Tell Damien that we can meet at a hotel and see where things go.”

  “You can’t be serious,” I reply as my face becomes hot. “Terri, the man wants to fuck you.”

  “I know,” she says before adding, “Maybe that would be for the best. He gets what he wants and you get out of this mess. I might even get something out of it.” There is a wicked grin that spreads over my wife’s face.

  “Terri, you can’t do this. You don’t even know the man.”

  “I know that he’s willing to let you be there,” she replies. “You could make sure t
hat nothing happens that shouldn’t happen, Layden. You can be my bodyguard.”

  I lick my lips as I’ve noticed them to be dry. “Honey, you do understand what you’re agreeing to, right? Damien means to have sex with you. He’ll probably not want to wear a condom either. You know you wouldn’t like that.”

  “There are fantasies I’ve had that I’ve never shared with you,” Terri says as she reaches over and puts her hand on my leg. “To be honest, this sounds like a great chance to put those fantasies to work for us. I want to know what it’s like to have sex with someone while you watch us.”

  “Honey.” I watch as my wife’s face turns bright red. She looks away from me, avoiding eye contact likely because she knows how nuts this sounds to me. How could my wife actually want to have sex with Damien or any other man she hasn’t met? Especially one who is threatening the both of us like he has.

  “I like the danger,” Terri tells me quietly as she leans toward me. “This man Damien sounds dangerous and I want to meet him. Layden, I want to know what he’s like in bed.”

  “But...he could be unattractive and old. You have no idea what he looks like.”

  “Do you?” I shake my head. “Then it’s going to be a surprise, huh? I know it makes no sense, baby, but I want to do this. I want to clear off this debt for you by having sex with Damien.”

  My cock stiffens as I continue to look into Terri’s eyes. “I don’t know…”

  “I do, and that’s all that matters,” she interrupts. “This is really up to me, Layden. You got us into this mess and I’m going to get us out. Sure, it means doing something that I guess you’ve never thought about letting me do, but I want this.”

  I don’t know what to think as Terri pats me on the knee and then gets up from her seat beside me. The dental assistant makes her way back into the dentist office and leaves me to ponder what has been spoken between us. My wife wants to screw Damien in place of the money that I owe him.

  “Fuck,” I say quietly as I look around. Though it’s warm outside, my body shakes as if It’s the dead of winter. “She has fantasies,” I add incredulously. Not once in the years we have been married has Terri said anything to me about fantasies concerning other men. We have had some wild sex of our own, but not once has she brought up having another man give her the sort of satisfation I have always given her.

  I move around to adjust my hardon as I chuckle to myself. “You dirty bastard,” I growl at my manhood. “You want her to fuck him, don’t you?” The idea of talking to my cock is an odd one, but I feel the need to express my confusion to someone. “She wants him to come inside her, man. Do you know that? Terri would let him do that. She might even suck on his dick or let him poke her in the ass.” My man meat suddenly engorges fully with blood as I think about him reaming out Terri’s back door. It’s not something she has let me do but once before, and she wasn’t all that thrilled about it.

  Getting up from the seat by the tree, I turn and make my way to my car. I’ll have to contact Damien and see what can be set up soon. Apparently my wife is willing to give the man what he wants in exchange for the money. My worry is that what he considers a one-hundred-thousand-dollar fuck could be over the top for either one of us. I’m not sure Terri fully understands what she’s gotten herself into. I know I don’t.

  Chapter Ten: Payment in Kind

  “How do I look?” Terri asks nervously as she stands before me in a bathrobe.

  “You look gorgeous,” I reply. “Too gorgeous for another man.” There has been some jealousy to begin to show through me as I have helped my wife get ready for Damien. Though she has managed to talk me into actually going through with this, I am still worried about what he might want during their time together.

  “And you can be here, right? You made certain that he won’t object to that?”

  I sigh. “He seemed a little too happy to let me watch him fuck my wife,” I say dryly. “Are you sure that you want to go through with this, honey? We could still back out of this and try to find the money some other way. Maybe we could get a loan?”

  “You tried to do that already,” Terry says with a smile. “This is the only thing that we have to give him, Layden. Hopefully it will be enough to satisfy Damien.”

  I told my wife about an additional conversation I had with Damien by text message right after she told me that she would have sex with him. Though he seemed willing to go through with sex with her, he believed that it had better be mindblowing sex in order to forgive the entire amount of money that I owe him. He even mentioned that this might simply be a downpayment and that he will expect other things from us, even money. I told him my wife expected him to forgive the entire amount of money that is owed, Damien would only promise to keep an open mind. A good evening and he would forgive it all. A less than expected performance would cause me to continue to be indebted to him.

  There’s a knock at the door that causes us both to flinch. “I’ll get it,” I tell Terri as I turn and walk over to the door. Opening it, I find a tall, ruggedly handsome man standing on the other side with two men standing beside him. Damien is tall, well over six feet in stature, with black hair and dark brown eyes. A scruffy five o’clock shadow fills his face as he steps into the room and motions at his men to wait outside. I close the door and swallow hard as I see the look on my wife’s face.

  “Hello,” he says with a sly grin on his face. “Aren’t you the handsome couple?” Damien looks over at me. “You lost a lot of money, Layden. How did it happen so easily?”

  I sigh. “As I told Victor, it was the stock market. I invested it into a pharmaceutical brand that turned out to be more scam than legitimate.” I hate having to defend myself again, but he already knows the story. Damien is simply trying to shame me before my wife.

  “Ah, the pharma scandal.” He nods his head. “What’s funny is that I too lost some money in that. However, I didn’t put an entire hundred grand into it. That would have been a bit...stupid.” Damien takes his dig at me before turning to look at Terri. “And what about you? Did you know that your husband was gambling with someone else’s money?”

  My wife shakes her head and becomes stoic. “I didn’t know, but that doesn’t really matter, does it? You’ve come here to collect through me, Damien. Why continue to berate my husband?”

  He smiles. “It’s a lot of money.”

  “Sure it is,” Terri answers as she continues to look hard at him. “But it’s not that much to a guy like you, is it?” She raises an eyebrow as she smirks at the wealthy man.

  Damien smiles. “You are an intelligent woman, Terri, I’ll give you that. It’s a shame that Layden has brought you into this.” He turns to look at me once again. “If this isn’t what I have expected, you will still owe me. We will discuss how much after this is over.”

  “Excuse me?” My wife walks up to him and reaches down for his belt. She unfastens it and then opens his pants. “I think you’ll find that I’m worth every penny and then some.” Terri goes to her knees and then reaches into his pants to find his hardening member. After pulling it out, she tugs on it. My wife’s eyes grow large. “You’re a big guy.”

  “Nine inches,” he chuckles. “Not many women can handle me.”

  “I can handle you.” Terri leans forward and kisses the tip of the monster meat before opening her lips and slowly guiding his cock inside. Damien bucks a little as my wife gags and forces his shaft deep into her throat.

  “Motherfucker!” His tall frame jolts as she seats the head of his manhood deep inside her throat. “Dammit, woman. Holy shit.” Damien doesn’t bother to look at me as he enjoys the feeling of Terri’s mouth over his shaft. She moves slowly along the entire length of it, her lips hugging the sides of his timber as she does. I get hard as I watch her work her magic on the other man.

  “Ack...UTTT!!!” Terri almost vomits as she pushes his large manhood deep into her throat. She quickly backs away and takes a deep breath. “Fuck, you’re huge,” she tells him. “I don’t think I’
ve ever had one this big inside my mouth.”


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