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A Bear's Seduction (Forbidden Shifters Book 2)

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by Vanessa Devereaux

  “How about a bedtime story?” asked Bear.

  He pulled out the book that I’d dropped on the floor the day I’d arrived. The Bird and the Cat. He opened the book and began to read. I closed my eyes, remembering back to when I was a child and my parents reading this story to me, sometimes on a nightly basis.

  “Did you know that the author of this book was an advocate for the shifters?” asked Bear.

  His voice jarred me out of my thoughts.

  “Really, I never knew that.”

  “It’s why my grandmother used to read it to me. She said she liked the idea that the writer wanted to show that our differences are what makes us unique and despite them, we can all live together and get along.”

  “Do you think the recent lifting of the dating, mating, and sex ban’s going to be enough?”

  “It’s a start,” Bear said. “Hopefully when they see how happy non-shifters and werebears can be together, then they’ll realize what fools they’ve been.”

  I took the book from him and ran my fingers over the sketches that the author had added to this first edition.

  “This is beautiful,” I said.

  “Just like you,” Bear said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I didn’t want to wake up the next morning. No, I don’t mean I wanted to die in the night, but I knew Ali had to leave and get back to work. I felt the weight of her arm on my chest when I first opened my eyes. She was still asleep and looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to disturb her by moving an inch.

  I tried to get comfortable but in doing so she must have felt movement on the bed, and she opened her eyes and looked straight at me. There was love there. The look of someone who knows their mate when they see it. I wanted to wake up every single day for the rest of my life seeing that look and knowing that until I took my last breath, she’d be the first thing I’d see every morning.

  “So I didn’t dream last night?” Ali said.

  “No, you certainly didn’t.”

  She ran her hand down the middle of my belly, under the sheet and rested it on my cock, turning it hard on contact. I turned to face her and wrapped my arms around her, taking in her human scent and the smell that was exclusively Ali, my mate.

  “Would you have dinner with me on Friday night?” I asked her. I had to know that she wanted this to continue.

  “I’d love to.”

  “There’s a new French restaurant I want to try and it’s close to your office so why don’t I swing by and pick you up.”

  “I love French food. I’ll take a change of clothing to work with me.”

  “No, how about I buy you one to make up for your ripped one.”

  “You know my size?”

  “Beautiful and round and I think I know what sort of dress you like.”

  “I guess we’ll see if you do.”

  I slapped her on the butt, causing her to laugh.

  “You like having your bottom spanked?”

  “No one’s done that to me since I was a child.”

  “How about I add that to things to do on Friday night.”

  “That’s a long way off. How about you give me something to keep me going.”

  I turned and reached for a condom that I’d sat on the bedside table, unwrapped it and eased it over my cock. Ali wrapped her leg around me as I eased myself inside her. I gave her teasing thrusts at first. Ones I knew weren’t going to do anything for her, except make her a tad impatient and soon she’d be wanting more.

  “Are you always a tease in the mornings?” she asked me.

  I thrust harder and kissed her. She pressed her body into mine and soon our bodies were slapping harder and faster and then the final sign that she was my true mate materialized when we came fast and hard at the very same time. Each one calling out the other’s name.

  Blood pounded around my body, and my heart beat so fast that it took my breath away. Would Friday be too soon to ask her to be my partner in life? I guess we’d see.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I was sad, so I was glad I’d asked Ted to help me play a practical joke on Bear. I made sure I was the first down to breakfast. Ted winked at me when Bear walked into the room. I tried not to laugh as I watched Bear’s butt get closer to the seat.

  The sound of a large fart echoed around the quiet room. I burst out laughing and so did Ted who was taking the covers off the plates of sausages, bacon, and scrambled eggs.

  “So Brussel sprouts do have the same effect on bears as they do on us,” I said.

  Bear lifted up the cushion and pulled out the whoopee cushion I’d asked Ted to get and place on the chair.

  Ted was still laughing as he left the room.

  “You know we bears love payback time so you never know where this cushion’s going to wind up. It could be when you’re meeting a new client. Or it could be when you sit down in the restaurant on Friday night.” He leaned over and kissed me. “You know I love a woman with a sense of humor. I’m sure Ted took great delight in helping you pull that off.”

  “He did, and I’m going to miss him and Mabel and her wonderful cooking.”

  “How about me?”

  “Yes, I’m going to miss you until Friday and if I don’t get a move on I’m going to be fired.”

  I swallowed my orange juice and then stood.

  “I’ll see you out, and I have something for you,” Bear said.

  He walked behind me, and when we got to the front door, he handed me a package.

  “A little something to remember your visit here.”

  It was wrapped in shiny red paper, and I was intrigued.

  We walked out to my car together. And as I turned to say goodbye to him, he pulled me into his arms and gave me the sort of kiss that kicks off lovemaking not saying adios.

  “I better go before I demand you carry me upstairs again,” I said.

  “See you Friday around five p.m.”

  I got in the car, started the ignition, waved, and then headed down the long driveway, glancing momentarily to the left where the swimming pool and wooded area where I’d seen him as a bear was.

  I pulled out of the gates and looked at the package sitting beside me. I couldn’t wait to get home to find out what Bear had given me. I reached for it and tore off the paper.

  It was the book we’d read together in bed last night. I opened it and read his note.

  Something to always remember our first night together.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I missed Bear the minute I got home, but then a turn of events luckily filled the void left by not being with him. Josie went into labor late that afternoon and by Tuesday morning had become a mother to an eight pound, twelve-ounce boy, named Charlie after her late grandfather.

  “I’m in love all over again,” said Josie, when she called Tuesday afternoon.

  “I can’t wait to see him.”

  “He’s gorgeous…well, I’m allowed to think that right?”

  “Of course you are.”

  I suddenly felt envious of her because she had it all. Successful business, husband, and now a baby.

  “And you feel comfortable enough about taking over running the business for the next month or so?” she asked me.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, just enjoy being with your son.”

  “And how did things go at Mr. McCready’s?”

  “Couldn’t have run smoother.”

  “Before I went into labor, we had a few calls about what a great job you did and could they hire us. We have a wedding and a family reunion now on schedule for next month. Are you sure you don’t want to hire an assistant?”

  “I’m fine.”

  I knew it would all be good practice for the day I had my own event management company. Yeah, a girl has to dream big.

  “Charlie’s crying so I better get used to making my conversations short and sweet. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will, and I’ll be by sometime later in the week to see the baby.”

I ended the call and looked around the office. I was in charge for the next six weeks. I looked at the calendar. I had to go meet with two prospective clients and then tomorrow was the monthly chamber of commerce meeting. Maybe I’d be so busy that Friday would be here before I knew it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I missed her, and it seemed like weeks since I’d seen her. I had the dress with me and I’d also gone ahead and purchased a new bra and panties for her. As I climbed the stairs to the office, I thought about what she’d look like in them, and it brought about a suddenly uncomfortable erection.

  I’d met with two business associates for cocktails an hour earlier, and all I’d talked about was Ali. They both gave me the look that only a fellow werebear can. They hadn’t said anything, but I knew the look meant, Congratulations, you’ve found your mate.

  I walked through the door with the dress and bag containing the underwear on my shoulder. Ali was sitting on the desk, right leg crossed over her left one, and she was on the phone. She raised her hand to let me know she’d be right with me. I looked around while I waited and then I heard her speak…

  “Sorry about that but I have a client who insists on calling me every hour now.”

  “No problem,” I said. I walked over and kissed her. “I have the dress I promised you and also bra and panties.”

  “You didn’t like the ones I already had?” asked me.

  “I loved them, but I think you’ll like these ones.”

  I handed her the bag, and she pulled out the red lace bra and the thigh-high cut panties.

  “You want me to wear these to dinner?”

  “I’d like that, and I can think about taking them off you later tonight,” I told her.

  I wasn’t prepared for what she did next. She began to undress. Off came her skirt and blouse, and her bra and her panties sat around her ankles seconds later. There’s only so much a bear could take, and the sight of her made the blood in my body surge, and my cock grow instantly hard. I was on her before I realized it, turning her around and bending her over the desk.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I felt like a princess because my body that some men have found too chubby for them made this man want to fuck me as soon as he saw me naked. I spread my legs and lifted my butt up to him so he could play with my clit and slide his finger inside me. My toes curled downward into the bamboo flooring, and I believe I drooled onto my desk as he kissed the nape of my neck and slowly brought me closer to climax.

  “I want you as my mate,” Bear whispered close to my ear. “Do I have your permission to be inside you without a condom?”

  Mate. That meant I was special. Bears are loyal creatures and are always looking for their mate. “Yes,” I said without hesitation, without thinking of the consequences of what we were about to do.

  He slipped his cock inside me, every piece of it hitting my pussy walls, exciting it and me, putting all my nerve endings on high alert. We began our wild ride together. His thighs slapping into my butt as he drove hard and fast. I stood up, slightly allowing Bear to cover my breasts with his hands. He played with my nipples as he licked my neck and drove his cock faster.

  The clock on my wall, the poster on my wall, the photos on my desk, seemed to blur the closer I got to my climax. I wanted this to last. I wanted this moment to be frozen in time, but I knew it couldn’t, and I wanted my reward. I let my pussy muscles milk him as he thrust so hard he almost lifted me off my feet.

  The tingle of pleasure began in my scalp and made its way down into my shoulders, over my belly, and finally in the place that mattered the most, my pussy.

  “Bear, Bear, I want to be your mate,” I cried out.

  He pulled out of me turned me around, sat me on the edge of my desk, and spread my legs before spearing me with his cock. He leaned over and kissed me, his tongue slowly invading my mouth. I came again, not once, but twice, and watched as Bear drove harder inside me.

  Our bodies seemed to melt into one as I came again, and then Bear groaned and filled me, the warmth spreading through my pussy. Then a strange sensation oozed through my veins. I suddenly felt light-headed, and before I could say anything, I felt myself slipping to the floor and then there was complete darkness.

  Chapter Nineteen

  What had I done? I couldn’t get any response out of Ali, and I knew the consequences of calling for emergency assistance, but her life was more valuable to me than any punishment I had to face.

  I covered her with a blanket I’d found in the closet and cradled her in my arms while I waited for Emergency Tech to arrive. Her breathing was shallow and her pulse weak. How ironic would this be if I’d finally found my mate and then lost her. I hung my head and cried as I heard the sirens approaching. I didn’t think I’d let them take her from me but realized it was the only way they’d be able to help her.

  “Take the best care of her,” I pleaded with them as I handed her over.

  I leaned over and kissed her before they wheeled her out.

  The Enforcement agents arrived minutes later. They threw me up against the wall before I had a chance to say a word. One of Ali’s posters fell to the ground and smashed. They ground my face into the wall and I wanted to fight back like my ancestors had but I knew I was outmatched here.

  “I can smell what you’ve done in this room you dirty, filthy bear,” he spat so hard bits of his saliva went into my ear. He ripped my shirt off my back, and the scanner was passed over me just before the metal choker was put on me.

  “Looks like you have a history of breaking the rules. Take this piece of shit away.”

  I lost track of time and how long I’d sat in the cell. I’d been in this position before but in the earlier cases I hadn’t cared about the women, and none of them had passed out and their lives in danger. This time, Enforcement stripped me, spat on me, and shouted at me not to fuck their women, before leaving me here in the cell for what seemed like hours.

  Then the door opened, and a senior Enforcement agent stepped inside holding a long taser stick in his hand.

  “Sit down,” he said, pointing to the chair by the wall.

  I did as I was told.

  “Ali, Ms. Bixby, is she okay?” I asked.

  “I haven’t heard any news because they’ve put her in isolation but they assume it’s a reaction to your semen, and they’re treating it as such.”

  I looked down at the floor. I’d unintentionally killed my mate.

  “You do realize you’ve broken lots of rules. No permit, having intercourse without protection, and should Ms. Bixby become pregnant…”

  A baby with Ali, what a thought, what a wonderful thought…

  “You could be facing life in prison,” he said.

  “I can explain. You see I believe she’s my mate and…”

  “You didn’t have a permit, and you’re a past offender.”

  “I’d like to see a legal advisor,” I said.

  “Too late for that. Tomorrow you’ll be transferred out of the county and to the holding pens for transportation to the Forbidden Shifter area.”

  I knew what that meant. No one survived there longer than a week. I stood. “No, I’ve done nothing wrong. And I have to see Ali.”

  He struck me in the chest with the taser but instead of it subduing me, it pissed me off, and I began my transformation into my bear half. Yes, I was breaking another rule, no shifting inside and especially not in public places, or in front of non-shifters, but I couldn’t stop it. I saw it as my only way to get to Ali.

  Chapter Twenty

  I ran as fast as I could, knowing that the nearest hospital to where Ali worked would be Harbor General. I ran as a bear and knew that I was being hunted as one so when I arrived in the parking lot, I willed myself to transform back. On my way there I knew exactly what had happened to Ali, and yes, I was partially to blame, but it had nothing to do with me being a bear. I ran behind a tree and walked out the other side. I was naked, but I was going into the hospital no matter what. I strolled t
hrough the doors and heard screams when the first few people spotted me.

  “Allison Bixby,” I said to the woman sitting at the front desk. “Where did you take her? I know what’s wrong with her.”

  I watched as the woman literally shook and then her hands hovered over the keyboards.

  “Level 5 Trauma Area,” she said.

  I ran up the stairs hoping I wasn’t too late. Why hadn’t I thought of it I when the emergency technicians had arrived? Because I was a bear in love and I wasn’t thinking straight.

  The trauma area was almost eerily quiet as I approached the glass and banged on it.

  A nurse picked up the phone, and I knew she was calling security, but I couldn’t let her do it.

  “Allison Bixby, I know what’s wrong with her. She is allergic to shellfish, and I know many people with that food allergy can have an adverse reaction to peanuts too.”

  Thank God that there were a few sensible non-shifters—she pushed the button and let me into the area.

  “Are you sure she’d eaten peanuts?” asked the nurse.

  “No, but I ate them when I went for a drink with some buddies just thirty minutes before I kissed her.”

  “Stay there and I’ll go tell the doctor,” she said. She threw a robe at me and ran down the corridor.

  I put it on and slumped onto the nearest chair. I would be banished, would never see Ali again but at least I’d saved her life.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When I opened my eyes, I was confused and disorientated. My mouth was dry, and I couldn’t remember a thing after Bear fucking me and telling me he wanted me to be his mate.

  I tried to focus but couldn’t see him. I was no longer in my office so I assumed I’d dreamed the whole thing. Going to his house, the party, the tango, the sex…

  “Welcome back, Allison.

  It was a woman’s voice. I turned my head and saw it was a nurse, and a drip was in my arm. I realized I was in the hospital.


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