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Loving You (Remembrance Series, Book 2)

Page 7

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  “What are you doing out here alone my love? This is not the kind of hour a woman should be out on the street by herself.” His arms wrapped around my shoulders, as he pulled me close to his chest for a warm embrace.

  A gunshot rang out from the distance, as I bolted upright in bed.

  Gregory’s arms quickly surrounded my waist, pulling me into his side. His lips were at my temple, giving me a reassuring kiss. “It’s all right. I’m right here and I won’t let any harm come to you.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “What is it with these dreams? They don’t feel like they are only visions of the past, but of things to come.”

  “We don’t know that, Jordan. It could be that the darkness is playing with our imaginings. We’ve both been on edge lately in regard to Pamela. As a result, they could’ve slipped into your visions and played with our dreams.” His words were reassuring, but the look on his face held the same fear as mine.

  I didn’t want to think anymore about the past, tonight. I only wanted to have one night of restful peace and quiet without any thoughts of darkness, evil spirits or a witch out to destroy my life.

  We fell back to sleep in the comfort of each others’ arms. I surrendered to Gregory’s thoughts of our wedding, as various visions of honeymoon locations filled his mind. He flashed through ideas of wintery vacations: a ski lodge, traveling through various cities in Europe, a tropical vacation, as well as other exciting exotic destinations. They all seemed wonderful, but in the back of my mind I had to wonder if we would ever even make it to the altar and see the dreams we had of our future, materialize.

  The next day was a busy one at work. We had a few people out and chaos throughout the office with computer issues and flooded appointment scheduling lines. Every available person who knew how to schedule appointments was having calls routed to them, including some members of the marketing team, while I worked with IT to resolve the computer issues.

  I ended up working well beyond my normal eight hour shift and somehow got through it feeling better than ever. It was good to know that I could handle the stress of a difficult day, again.

  Gregory had called a couple of times, insisting that I needed to let my body rest and to head home, so he could get dinner ready for me. My mom was already at his house, having come down to spend the upcoming weekend with us and to go with Lorraine to some of her meetings.

  I really needed to spend another hour or two at work to finish up a couple of projects, but finally relented and decided they could wait until tomorrow. There were only a handful of people left in the office. I was thankful to learn that Pamela had left a few moments before, so our paths would not cross. Being tired and worn out, I didn’t want to deal with any of her issues and have to pretend to like her. Suddenly, I heard Ramiel’s voice in the back of my mind. “Prepare yourself. Your strength is about to be tested. Hold to your beliefs.”

  I had made it successfully to the parking garage when I heard the fast clicking of heels coming up behind me and my name being called. “Jordan, wait up. I need to talk to you.”

  Great, just what I needed. Pamela. I attempted my best effort at a friendly smile, before turning to greet her. “Hi, Pamela. Can I help you with something?”

  “I was wondering how you feel about Caroline. I know you two haven’t been getting along as of late.”

  Her question threw me for a second. “What do you mean?”

  She enlightened me. “My group and I could really use your knowledge and was wondering how loyal you were to Caroline.”

  I hated myself for what I was about to do, but responded. “I am my own person. My loyalty is to whoever can assure me a paycheck.”

  Her face was alight with the most malicious smirk I had ever witnessed, while her eyes seemed to glow a dull red. “I was hoping you would say that. What if I could guarantee you a paycheck and possibly an advancement for your talents?”

  My face turned serious; I played the part well. “You have my attention.”

  “Doctor Harrison and Doctor Phelps have grown tired of Caroline’s management style and think she is too set in her ways to develop the practice any further. They feel I have the knowledge and ability to take over and I already have the backing of everyone from my group. I could really use someone close to Caroline to help me undermine her authority, so I could get the support of the hospital’s Board of Directors. Plus, if you assist me, I will happily reward you with the promotion you so rightfully deserve—one with actual management responsibilities.”

  My mind told me to get out of there as fast as I could. But, I needed to get as much information as Pamela was willing to divulge to finally figure out what was going on within the practice.

  “What exactly did you need me to do?”

  “Just keep tabs on Caroline and let me know what she is about to do with the staff, reports and so forth, so I can keep one step ahead of her. If I can get enough information, the doctors are going to call for an emergency meeting and request a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the administrator. Can you do this for me?”

  “Sure, no problem,” I said, seriously trying to make my facial expressions and tone of voice sound convincing.

  “You are the key to finally getting what I have been working for during these past few years. Thank you, Jordan. I promise you will not regret coming to our side.” She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze. I returned the hug with one of my own, feeling repulsed, internally, by the mere touch of her.

  Our conversation ended and we walked on toward our individual cars and smiled as we waved goodbye to one another.

  I knew she was up to no good. The brush of her hand always made me feel like my skin was on fire. Now I knew why; she was the epitome of evil.

  My mind raced as I rehashed the conversation in my head, trying to figure out what I should do about the information and who I should trust. I knew instantly not to put my faith in Pamela. She could not possibly go from disliking me to all of the sudden being my best friend in just a few short weeks; and worse, it took the loss of my father’s life for her to approach me and then my being seriously injured to play me. I was furious!

  I now understood how I was being tested and why I needed to stand strong. If I reported this and was found out, I would have much of the office against me. However, if I did nothing, the office could be set for major restructuring if Pamela took over. What to do?

  I drove around in circles for what seemed like an eternity trying to figure out what I should do. A gentle voice in my head, that sounded much like my father’s said, “Do what is right. The truth has a way of coming out.” Finally, I found myself back in the garage and parked on the garage’s 2nd floor next to Caroline’s car and headed toward her office.

  “Jordan, I thought you had left already.” My luck held out and she was in her office.

  “Caroline, we need to talk…now!” Her face was shocked by my insistence.

  I closed her office door quickly, took a seat across from her and began to elaborate on the conversation I had just experienced in the garage. I admitted that I was never really getting close to Pamela and that I had only played the part to learn why her sudden interest in me. I gave her all the sordid details of what transpired, including my falsified answers, to get the truth finally out on the table.

  Caroline’s expression was one of pure shock. She knew there was something amiss within the office, but I don’t think even she was prepared for how extreme this was.

  “I should have known you would never turn your back on me or the office. I am sorry for ever doubting you.”

  She came around the desk to give me a hug. “Thank you for being such a devoted employee. I need you to keep playing along to get as much information as you can and find out who all is involved in the plot. Would you be willing to repeat everything to our head doctors and the hospital’s Board of Directors?”

  The idea of addressing the doctors did not appeal to me, at all. “I only want the truth to come out,” I ans
wered less than enthusiastically.

  “Today has been one crazy day. Let’s get out of here and hope tomorrow is better. Goodnight Jordan and thanks again for your assistance.”

  “Goodnight Caroline.”

  It was already well past the time I had anticipated getting on the road. I gave Mom a quick call to let her know I was on my way, with a brief description of everything that had come to light. She had words of praise for my efforts, but warned me to be careful. I wasn’t ready to speak to Gregory, because I knew the speech I would get from him, when he found out. She promised to let him know I was on my way.

  Mom was upstairs in the guest bedroom when I arrived at Gregory’s place.

  I walked over, after placing my keys and purse on the table, to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He leaned back and asked, “Why are you so late?”

  “The day went from busy, to overwhelming to frustrating.”

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was laced with concern.

  “I’m fine, just had to deal with something outrageous as I attempted to leave work this evening.” I knew Gregory would only worry if I did not elaborate and I really wanted to be honest with him, so I went into all that had happened.

  When I was done, he asked, “Can you do me a favor, honey?”

  “Anything, what did you need?”

  “Watch yourself. Do not trust anyone outside of Caroline, right now; and, above all, do not discuss this with anyone else, until asked to do so by your boss.”

  “I wasn’t planning on telling anyone. I am just going to go about my work as usual, having everyone believe I am on their side. Why are you so concerned?”

  “Something about the situation does not feel right, especially the part of the ‘red glow’ in her eyes. She always seems to know when you are hurt, if you’re having trouble getting along with anyone or when something major is going on in your life. Everything feels off a bit to me. Just be careful, sweetie.”


  It was no surprise that dinner was ready and waiting at the table. It was a nice oriental chicken salad, one of my favorites. “Did Mom fix dinner?”

  “I told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted on making dinner, tonight.”

  Mom joined us as we discussed the day’s events. I mentioned Gregory’s concerns and she shared his views on the matter, advising me not to talk to anyone other than Caroline, for now.

  I promised I would follow their advice.

  Friday was off to a good start with all the employees present. The stress from the day before seemed to be a distant memory and everyone was working together rather pleasantly.

  The day went smoothly and I started to relax and mentally prepare for the weekend when Caroline rushed into my office, closed the door behind her, and dropped a bombshell on me. “An emergency meeting has been called by the doctors for tomorrow morning, without Pamela’s knowledge. I am sorry to ask this of you, especially on such short notice and it being a Saturday and all, but I need you present to talk about what you have witnessed regarding everyone’s temperament around the office and, more importantly, what Pamela discussed with you in the garage.”

  “What time are we talking about and is the meeting here or at the hospital?” I questioned, hoping I didn’t have to change any of my plans. Gregory and I were going to lounge around his pool and just spend time relaxing tomorrow morning and afternoon, before meeting his parents at a restaurant in the tourist district, for dinner.

  “The meeting will be at the hospital in the conference room. We don’t want to draw attention to any activity around the office on a Saturday and alert anyone to what’s going on. We will convene at 10:30 AM. You will only need to be here long enough to give your statement and then you are free to go about your day.”

  Caroline went on. “I am sorry this is short notice, but there have been other complaints about Pamela and the doctors and directors want to get this resolved before it gets out of hand.”

  “I will be there to assist in any way that I can. Will it be business attire or casual dress?” I wondered, hoping I had what I needed at Gregory’s place.

  Caroline gave me a big hug and said, “Since it is the hospital’s Board of Directors, you might want to wear business casual, as a safety.

  “There are only a couple hours left to the work day. Why don’t you go ahead and put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ and take the rest of the day off, since you have to be at the hospital early tomorrow?”

  “Thanks, Caroline. I normally would pass on that; but given the week we’ve had, especially the chaos yesterday, I welcome the opportunity to get home earlier and get some sleep. See you, tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Jordan, for everything you have done. Have a safe drive home.”

  I gave mom a call as soon as I was heading back to Gregory’s, explaining that I would be early and why. She didn’t like the idea of me having to do work on the weekend, but understood and agreed that I had an obligation to fulfill.

  I had thought about calling Gregory, to let him know of my change in plans, but opted to wait until the regular business day was over. I felt bad for his current work situation, having to try and handle a double workload this week, with a team member out on vacation.

  As soon as I walked through the door, Mom guided me to the sofa. “Are you sure you can handle everything, tomorrow?” she asked.

  I quickly reassured her that I had the same concerns, but wanted nothing more than to get a good night’s sleep and would proceed with everything as planned. “As for going out tomorrow night with Gregory’s parents, we’ll see how tired I am at that point and play it by ear.”

  Mom drew me into a warm embrace. “I am just concerned you have yourself overscheduled. You still tire easily from the accident and I worry that at some point you will end up exhausted.”

  “I have the same fear, Mom. Thankfully, the meeting is fairly early; so hopefully I can have a quick nap tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That sounds like a reasonable plan. Have you told Gregory, yet?”

  “No, I was going to wait until he got home.” Just then, he walked through the door.

  “Wait until I get home for what? Is something wrong, Jordan?” His voice was full of worry.

  Mom got up from the sofa, giving me a pat on the hand, before heading toward the kitchen to give us some privacy. “Everything’s fine; just needed to discuss an unexpected change in our plans for tomorrow.” Gregory took Mom’s spot on the sofa as I enlightened him on my conversation with Caroline and the sudden urgency of the meeting.

  He reaffirmed my suspicions about wanting to be my protector. “I’ll drive you to the hospital for the meeting and wait for you in the cafeteria.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, but you know I can drive myself.”

  “If it means I get to spend more time with you and know that you’re safe, I am happy to oblige. Are we still on for the rest of tomorrow?”

  “It’s probably too late to postpone the dinner reservations with your family, tomorrow night, so we’ll go through everything else as planned. I am hoping to get some restful sleep tonight and maybe a nap tomorrow?”

  His tone sounded sympathetic and understanding, “I’m sure my parents could postpone the dinner.”

  “I beg to differ on that. Your mother was insistent on us all going to this place to eat. The way she praised the chef, I would almost bet that she has him in mind to cater the Engagement Party and this is our chance to try a sampling what he has to offer.”

  He laughed. “You’re getting to know my mom a little too well. She definitely isn’t subtle about pursuing what’s on her mind. At any rate, the food should at least be good. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the place they’re taking us.”

  He placed one hand on the back of my neck and the other arm wrapped around my lower back, pulling me to him. He gazed deep into my eyes. “So, will you let me chauffeur you around tomorrow morning?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “You’re going to
work to persuade me until I say yes, aren’t you?”

  He leaned in, brushing his lips gently across mine. “Yes,” he admitted, before landing another convincing kiss against my lips. He nipped at my lower lip, forcing them to part, then plundered my mouth.

  After nearly taking my breath away I acquiesced. “Fine, I give in, Mr. Protector. But, know that we can’t sleep in, because I cannot be late.”

  “That will be no problem.” He gave me another kiss before heading to his bedroom to deposit his jacket and tie.

  “What was all that about?” My mother questioned, coming back in to announce that dinner was ready.

  “He is concerned about the meeting tomorrow and would like to drive me to the hospital and stay close by.”

  Her face seemed a little perplexed. “I thought you were going to ask him to drive you?”

  “I was, if he argued with me about the meeting. But, it was his idea, so I let him run with it.”

  “I would feel better having him close by, in case there is any trouble,” she admitted.

  We quickly ate dinner and headed off to bed to prepare for an earlier morning than expected.

  My mind knew I had fallen asleep around ten, but my body felt like I had only a couple hours of sleep. I couldn’t seem to relax enough to dream or allow myself to sleep soundly. A cold shower and a stiff cup of coffee were definitely calling my name.

  It didn’t take me long to shower, put on some makeup and get dressed. I didn’t have a lot of time to do something nice with my hair this morning, so I used the blow dryer to get most of the moisture out and let it finish air drying the rest of the way. It would have a slight curl to it, which Mom and Gregory seemed to like. I already decided to wear a black, two piece dress suit, with ¾ length sleeves and some white piping, with and a cute petite white belt at the waist. I could wear the white strappy heels that I planned to wear tonight. It was not a formal dress suit, but I would definitely be presentable for the meeting.

  I grabbed a piece of toast with my coffee and talked with mom, while I waited for Gregory to shower and change. I was surprised to see that he was wearing a pair of casual navy pants and a crisp white polo shirt that outlined his muscular build.


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