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Page 19

by Donna Hill

  “Thanks.” She kissed his forehead. “But what about your plans? What are you going to do about Simone—your practice?”

  “First, I want to get to know Simone better—discreetly get some background information and then feed it to Child-Link and see what they come up with.”

  “Do you really think that Janice would have given your daughter up for foster care?”

  “Anything’s possible. I just want to be sure. At the very least, maybe we can find Simone’s natural family. I got the feeling from her that it’s something she really wants. It seems she has never accepted the fact that her parents gave her up.”

  Vaughn digested the information without further comment.

  “As for the firm, I’m letting Sean and Khendra take on more responsibility. I’ll oversee the Harrison trial, which will probably start shortly. But I want to spend more time on speaking engagements and working more closely with the organizations I’ve set up. I can’t do that trapped in a courtroom.” He turned his gaze on her, cupped her face in his hand, and spoke in a rough whisper. “Most of all, I’m going to work on us. I’m going to work on this relationship. I intend to get it right this time.”

  “I’d say you already had it right,” she answered in a silken breath.

  Justin’s dark brown eyes warmed over her face. His lips met hers in a feather-light kiss, one so tender that it made her ache with longing. He threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss, sending sparks of yearning through every nerve of her body. The honey-sweet heat of her mouth enveloped him as his tongue sought out and met hers in a sensual dance.

  There was no denying it. She was in love with this man. Deeply, irrevocably in love. She hugged him fiercely to her, relishing the sensations his mouth created. The tip of his tongue danced across her lips, then plunged deeply inside her mouth. When this campaign was over, she thought dizzily, she would tell him everything. All of it, from the beginning. But for now…

  Their low moans of desire blended together in harmony, heightening their need. Vaughn’s fingers splayed across the expanse of Justin’s chest, making enticing circles that spread shock waves through him. He reached behind her and unzipped her red dress, easing the soft fabric over her shoulders and down to her waist. His heart thudded wildly when his palms cupped her breasts and found them scantily clad in a red demi-cup bra that barely contained her fullness. His breathing stuttered. Just the thought of what she wore beneath her clothes drove him wild with desire. She was the most sensual woman he’d ever known and he couldn’t get enough of her.

  He adjusted his position, pinning her beneath him. He pressed his hips firmly down against her, desperately trying to relieve the hardened pressure. Vaughn arched her body, offering up her breasts as sweet sacrifice to Justin’s caress. Her body shuddered as the excitement of his touch built a maddening sense of urgency in her body. Hungrily, her mouth covered his, cajoling, controlling the titillating kiss. Her tongue danced across his teeth and darted in and out of his hot mouth in deep thrusting motions, an invitation of what was to come.

  She pressed her body closer. She wanted, needed more—to find a way to get closer to him—all of him—have him with her, beside her, inside her, filling her.

  “Vaughn…” he groaned against her mouth. “I want you up here.” His eyes burned savagely into hers. Their gazes locked and held.

  She smiled a slow, sexy smile. Easing from beneath him, she stood up. In a slow, methodical dance of foreplay, they tantalized each other with the simple act of disrobing. Justin stretched out fully on the couch and unbuckled his belt. Vaughn unfastened the front clasp of her bra and let it fall away. He pulled down the zipper of his slacks and pushed them and his briefs down over his hips and off. She stepped out of her dress and half slip and stood nude except for a tiny red garter belt, sheer hose, and three-inch heels. Her lids lowered in sexy invitation.

  “Oh, God,” he moaned raggedly. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  She stepped provocatively toward him. “I think I do,” she breathed. She leaned over his reclining form and touched her lips to his. The tips of her breasts grazed his smooth chest. The contact sent thrilling shocks through her body and she moaned audibly as she straddled him.

  For several breathless moments she braced herself, motionless above him. She took the tiny packet from his fist and tore it open with her teeth. Slowly she placed the condom on his tip and rolled it slowly downward. Justin tugged on his bottom lip to keep from shouting out as her hot hands stroked him up and down. He grabbed her round derrière and pressed his fingers into the supple flesh.

  “You’re not going to make me wait—not a minute longer,” he hissed through clenched teeth. In one upward thrust he pushed the length and breadth of him deep within her.

  Vaughn arched her neck and cried out in unintelligible pleasure as the impact of his entry burst through her. Justin raised his head so that it rested on the arm of the couch, giving him easy access to her tempting breasts raised enticingly above him. His tongue laved one firm nipple and then the other, drawing the tip into his mouth. He suckled hard and long while running his tongue in maddening circles over his treasure.

  Shudders ripped through her and radiated out. She dug her fingers into his shoulders to keep from collapsing above him. She rocked fiercely against him, driving forward to the rapturous release that they both craved.

  She felt weightless and wanton, totally free, and thoroughly loved. There was no hiding from her emotions. She loved him more than she’d thought possible. And every act of loving they committed only solidified her feelings. The steady warmth of fulfillment began to pulse through her belly. The first contraction slammed so hard and sudden within her that the cry of his name hung in her throat until the next onslaught of his thrusts pushed her mercifully over the precipice of sweet release.

  Justin held his breath when the first grip of her climax captured him. He wanted to go with her, but more—he wanted her to experience completion with the full power of him buried within her. When he felt the final shudders trigger through her, without breaking the connection between them, he lifted her and lowered them both to the carpeted floor.

  For a little longer than a heartbeat, he looked into her sleepy gaze, slid his hands down the length of her thighs, and raised them high onto his back. “Look at me,” he growled. Vaughn’s eyes flickered across his face and she held her breath as he plunged again and again. The powerful eruption of his release pulsed convulsively within her.

  “Yes!” she cried as ecstasy swept through her in an unending symphony.

  Chapter 18

  In the weeks since Simone had contacted her, Melissa Overton had been working diligently on her case. She’d checked every record, every detail. She’d taken a trip to Atlanta to visit the small town that Simone had grown up in. She’d asked questions. She’d gone to the foster care agency that had placed her. She’d reviewed newspaper clips and collected them all. The most curious of her discoveries was that the woman she’d met at the foster care agency had remembered distinctly a strange request that had been made. Whoever took in Simone was never to adopt her and she was to retain the last name of Rivers. Someone had done an incredible job of covering his tracks. Melissa knew from experience that people with money and power were capable of hiding anything. Whoever had given up Simone had money and power. That obviously limited the possibilities. How many black women living in the south had enough money and clout to cover their tracks for nearly nineteen years? Or had family money or influential friends done it?

  A stack of reports and notes sat on her desk. She had a strong sensation that everything was finally coming together. This was going to be one of those cases that could be solved. With the information she’d been given by Simone about the mysterious bank account, she’d put a trace on the origins. It kept coming back to Virginia. In fact, all the information she’d been able to piece together pointed to Virginia. That’s where the answers lay. She fed all the informat
ion into the computer. She did a search of all the black families in politics or business living in the Virginia area at the time of Simone’s birth and fed that into the computer as well.

  “Melissa,” Elaine said, stepping into her office. Melissa looked up from her work and smiled inquiringly. “Yes?”

  Elaine pulled up a chair. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just received a call from Mr. Montgomery.” She cleared her throat. “He wants us to do some investigation into Simone Rivers’s background.”

  Melissa’s eyes widened.

  “He seems to feel that she may be his daughter.”

  This time Melissa’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding? You’re not kidding.”

  “I didn’t tell him that Simone has already requested that we try to locate her natural parents, since each case is confidential.” Melissa nodded. “I want to impress upon you the importance of handling his request with the utmost efficiency. I realize that you feel some affinity to Simone. But we have to remember that Mr. Montgomery is our benefactor. Without him we wouldn’t be here.”

  Melissa straightened. “Mr. Montgomery never came across as someone who throws his weight around.”

  Elaine stood up. “Nevertheless. His request takes priority, and I want an update on your progress.” She turned and left without another word.

  Melissa slumped down in her chair. She wasn’t going to back off Simone’s case, no matter what Elaine said. If there was one thing she was certain of, Justin Montgomery was not Simone’s father. The pieces didn’t fit. She was sure it was someone else.

  Vaughn and Crystal sat in her office going over the plans for the day. “I contacted Stone’s office and told them we want the twenty-fifth for the air date. You start with Imani at the end of the week.”

  “Good. I’m going to be going away for a few days next week. I have to go to Georgia.”

  “This isn’t a good time, Vaughn. There’s too much happening.”

  “I have to,” she said definitively.

  Crystal took a deep breath. “Are you going to Atlanta?” she questioned softly. For as long as Vaughn and Crystal had been friends, Vaughn had disappeared to Atlanta without explanation. She would never tell her why, or how she could be reached; she’d just gone. It had always bothered Crystal, but she’d never really pressed the issue. Vaughn nodded.

  “What is it in Atlanta that compels you to make this pilgrimage every year?”

  “It’s not something I want to discuss, Chris, you know that.”

  “How long will you be gone?” she asked in frustration.

  “At least two days. You can handle things until then.”

  Crystal got up. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” she added, gathering up her notes.

  Vaughn didn’t respond.

  “I’ll talk with you later. Don’t forget your appointment at city hall.”

  “I won’t,” Vaughn answered quietly.

  Crystal slipped out, leaving Vaughn to her musings. The old feelings of melancholy crept through her. She knew what she was doing was masochistic, but it was her only way of making atonement. It was what would get her through the next 365 days. It was her secret promise to Brian.

  Her phone rang, startling her out of her ruminating.

  “Vaughn Hamilton,” she answered succinctly.

  “Vaughn, it’s Paul.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “More cloak-and-dagger news?” she said, trying to still the sudden anxiety that settled over her.

  “Call it what you want. But there are rumors flying that there’s some potentially scandalous information that someone is planning to use against you.”

  Her pulse quickened “Do you know someone named David Cain?” Paul asked.

  A stab of familiarity poked at her subconscience. “I knew someone named David Cain when I had my first law job,” she answered hesitantly. “Why?”

  “It seems he knows you very well, and he’s working for Stone. And,” he added, “he’s been seen with your chief of staff, Crystal Porter.”

  A hot flush spread through her. It couldn’t be, she thought, as her head spun. She’d had David dismissed for sexual harassment. She hadn’t seen him in years. If it was the same David, maybe that was the reason why Crystal wouldn’t introduce them. No. Crystal wouldn’t do that. She was being duped as well. She swallowed hard.

  “Thank you, Paul. But I’m really not concerned,” she lied smoothly. “I’m sure Lucus has spies under every rock.”

  “Like I said before, Vaughn, be careful. You don’t always know who your friends are, and that includes Justin Montgomery.”

  “What?” she sputtered.

  “Listen, I have to go, I’m due in court. Take care, Vaughn.”

  When Vaughn hung up, her heart was pounding so hard she could hardly breathe. Her eyes swept the room unseeing as she tried to figure out what to do. Crystal wouldn’t betray her; she just wouldn’t. But damn it, pillow talk had destroyed too many people. And what did Paul mean about Justin? She thought about it for a minute and tossed it off as Paul’s jealousy. Then again, how did he know? She had to talk with Justin.

  Paul turned and faced the man in the chair. “All right, Elliott, I made your call. My debt to you is paid,” he said angrily. “No more. I don’t know what you’re up to, but I don’t want any part of it.” He turned and stormed out of Elliott’s chambers.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Hamilton, Mr. Montgomery is in court. The Harrison jury selection started today.”

  “Oh. How could I have forgotten? Would you just tell him that I called, and that it’s important that he reach me as soon as he can?”

  “Of course. I’m certain when they break for lunch he’ll check in for his messages. I have a stack of them building up already,” she added good-naturedly.

  “I’m sure,” she said absently, as Tess placed a stack of newspapers on her desk and tiptoed out. “Thank you, Barbara.”

  Barbara hung up and added Vaughn’s message to the two from Stan Waters and took them to Justin’s office. She ran into Simone in the corridor.

  “How are you making out today, dear?” Barbara asked.

  “So far, so good. I’m making copies of these briefs for Rush.”

  “Don’t let him work you too hard,” she teased.

  “I won’t.” Simone smiled and went on her way. She was already looking forward to the end of the day. Rush had promised to take her to dinner.

  Vaughn meticulously scanned every newspaper on her desk. Generally, this was Crystal’s task, but she knew Crystal would be out of the office for the rest of the day. She reviewed all the articles Tess had circled. Then her eyes settled on one in the Herald and her heart skipped a beat.

  There in black and white was a story of her impending makeover. The article alluded to the notion that she was attempting to soften her image, that she didn’t want to come across as hard and distant.

  Vaughn suddenly felt sick. She couldn’t read any more. Her phone rang.

  She snatched it up. “Yes?” she answered sharply.

  “Have you seen today’s papers?” her father boomed without any attempt at a greeting.

  “Yes, I have,” she said, as calmly as she could.

  “How could anyone be privy to this information? It’s obvious that you have leaks in your office. Or that Montgomery is telling tales out of school.”

  “Daddy, I really don’t care to discuss this with you. Now, or at any other time. And as far as your innuendos about my staff and Justin—well—you’re wrong. Whatever is going on in my office or behind my bedroom doors,” she added for emphasis, “I will take care of.”

  “You think you can take care of this? You should have listened to me in the beginning. Get your professional life and your personal life together before it’s too late! Too much work has gone into getting you to where you are. I won’t stand by and see it all go up in smoke!” He slammed down the phone before she could respond.

  By the time Justin had returned her call several hours later, h
er nerves were raw.

  “I need to see you,” she was saying, fighting to control the tremors in her voice.

  “What is it, baby? What’s happened?” Justin turned his back on the throng of people that walked the corridors of the courtroom. It was a madhouse. The press was everywhere, and the noise was deafening. He cupped his hand over the ear without the phone. “I can hardly hear you. It’s crazy down here.”

  “Things are crazy here, too. We need to talk.”

  “We will. Can you meet me at my house tonight? Or do you want me to come to you when we finish up?”

  “Come to my house. I’ll fix a good home-cooked dinner and we’ll talk.” She swallowed. “I really need you, Justin.”

  “That’s good to hear,” he said softly. “I just hope I can help.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “See you later.”

  Justin tried to keep his attention focused on the jury selection, but his mind kept skipping back to Vaughn and the note of urgency in her voice. That wasn’t like her. She was always too cool and controlled. Something was definitely wrong.

  Crystal left her meeting with the camera crew and headed home. She needed to check something. She, too, had seen the papers, and she was scared. There was only one way the press could have gotten that information. It was given to them. She was the only one who had it. The twisting and turning in her stomach intensified. Her head pounded. She made her exit onto the expressway and drove out of Richmond. She’d be home in another ten minutes.

  Slamming the door to her car, she ran up the steps to her townhouse. Once inside, she went straight to her computer and clicked it on. She scanned the data stored in the system. Everything seemed to be in place. She checked her latest entry, which included Vaughn’s agenda and the strategic plans. The date was right, but the time of the last adjustment was wrong. She knew she’d worked on the computer until nine. The file information said 11:30 P.M.


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