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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

Page 8

by Ryder Dane

  “I got back to the crib and Wolf told me that the kid was leverage. It’s the only thing that saved her life. She isn’t the only one that Wolfy had stashed, but she’s the only one that I dealt with. Rumors are that there are others.”

  Stalker saw that Dutch’s eyes were open and from the look, the man was furious. He patted Dutch on the shoulder and told him, “once you get up and rolling again, you can talk to her. She doesn’t know Bull’s name, and she might not remember everything that happened, she must have been really young at the time. Wolf is dead, so is that fucker Zero. So this can be worked around.”

  Bull was on his feet and heading for the door when Stalker stopped him.

  “You can’t chase her down and expect her to walk across the street with you man. You’ve seen her, she’s scared to death of you, and probably all of us now. Take Unger and Ollie with you to find Dutch’s bike and take it to the club for now, just put it in the shed out back. The locals should know what happened to it. That will keep you out of her sight when she comes back, and maybe give Dutch and me some time to talk to her about the situation.”

  Bull left the room and Stalker let out a long breath. “That’s just fucking great. You find a long lost secret buried out in that fuckin’ mud hole that you told me about. If I hadn’t been taking care of club business, I’d have gone with you, but who’s to say you would have ended up in any different shape. The girl told Rave that you were thick headed and lacked common sense. Something about telling Mother Nature “Piss on you.” I thought about it, and I can see where you’d do some dumb fucking thing like that.

  “So I guess I get to babysit your ass until the girl comes back.” He resettled in that plastic chair and began catching Dutch up on the latest club happenings.

  “Hoss and Fancy are still at it. I came into the club and he had her little ass laying as pretty as you please on the table, his face was buried in her snatch. That has to be the horniest couple of people I’ve ever known. He told me one time that all he had to do was see her and his dick got hard. It’s like having our own real life porno playing out in front of us anytime those two are in the same room. I almost gagged when he was bragging about getting his red wings. That’s not something that I’ve ever wanted to try. I can wait a few days, or get a blow job to pass the time while I wait.

  “That fucker called me a pussy when I said there ain’t no way I’d eat the red sauce.” He looked at Dutch’s smiling eyes and was encouraged to see that his words were being understood. He grinned and shrugged. “I wouldn’t tell anyone about it if I did, not that I have, but damn. Why would a man brag about that shit?”

  He continued to describe Hoss carrying Fancy around on his dick as he walked them out of the bar’s back door heading to the trailers. “I swear, that old boy had an arm under her ass and was sucking on her lips at the same damn time. Still amazes me that he didn‘t even look up to see where he was going.

  “Those two should set up housekeeping together, but he is so fucking stubborn about not being tied down. He told Gunner that he wasn’t gonna be led around by his dick by any woman. Got his feelings all butt hurt when Gunner laughed at him and pointed towards where Fancy was bent over a table full of men that were enjoying the sight of her tits hanging down while she handed over a pitcher and plastic cups.

  “Ol’ Hoss about went berserk when one of the boys gave her ass a slap and offered to give her a ride on his putt. Yep, Gunner taunted him and we all watched him stomp over to where she was. He was downright pissed that Turner told him to go find another pussy, that Fancy was not looking like she belonged to anyone. Fucker got his wrist broke for his trouble. Ol’ Hoss grabbed his hand off of Fancy’s ass and slammed it on the table just so. There’s some bad blood there now for sure.”

  Stalker grinned. “Hoss grabbed her and sat in the middle of the damn club while Fancy gave him a blow job that looked like he was enjoying the hell out of himself while she had her lips wrapped around his junk. Hell man, she didn’t even wait for him to ask or tell her what he wanted. He’d no more than sat down and she had his dick out of his pants and in her mouth. Everyone in the club knows how those two are around each other now. The other pass arounds and housecats don’t even bother with him anymore.”

  Dutch had fallen asleep while he was talking, and Stalker left him for the night. He would check back tomorrow, and hopefully the girl would be there, so he could talk to her.

  Chapter 8

  Driscol was a tiny spot in the road, and Kylie didn’t see anything familiar about it. She walked up and down the streets trying to find something, anything that might jog her memories, but the place was a bust. She even asked the post mistress if there were any Willards left in the community. She was given a sour look, and the older woman walked over to a list hanging next to the bank of small post office boxes.

  “Not a single Willard, we have some people named Wilson, but they just moved here ten years ago. He drinks a bit too much, and she’s on the library board. That’s about it. Not too many W’s in town anymore, not too many anyone anymore, to tell the truth.”

  The woman droned on until a patron came in, and gave Kylie a chance to escape. She went back to the bus station to catch a ride to Lexington. She needed to find a place to stay that was relatively cheap and out of the way. Not that the bikers would search for her. But she knew that paranoia was in her DNA. Every time she heard a noisy vehicle, she thought it might be Billy, and all of the years of praying that he’d come back and take her away from the farm meant nothing. What Dutch had said made more sense than the fantasy of a brother keeping her hidden for her own protection. Or because he was a super spy, or any of the other excuses she’d made up to soothe her feelings of abandonment. The grip on her shoulders that he’d kept her in back in Dutch’s room said it all. He hadn’t cared that he was hurting her, he wanted answers, and he was not smiling to try to get them.

  She found a room for rent in a place like the one back in Center City, and was thankful that the waitress in the diner where she stopped to read the classifieds noticed what she was doing and offered her a room. The place was clean, had a small bathroom all its own, and there was a lock on the door.

  It took her two weeks of exploring and finally researching at the library to find a cemetery that had the people that she believed were her parents buried in.

  Now she stood outside of the gates of the century old cemetery, and looked around the entrance. There was a few older people tending flowers decorating their loved one’s final resting places. None of them gave her a moment of their time, so she ventured down the paths until she came to a small hill where the map had given her to look where her parents had been interred. She had a hard time finding the headstone because it was just a small chunk of rose colored granite. It was obvious that no one visited the place other than the sextant. There were no plastic buckets or hanging baskets over the marker. The grave next to theirs was a surprise. It also had a short stone, but the names on the stones surprised her. They were Willards, too. The most surprising thing to her was the fact that one man was flanked by two women that had died two years apart, but his date of death was just over a year ago. He had been in his eighties and outlived both women.

  She sat between the five graves and started to talk, not certain what she was saying, or even making sense. “What do I say here? I don’t know you, I don’t know much of anything other than we are related. You are my parents, but now I wonder why no one reported me missing or anything. I watched the news with Naomi and Job, they never said a thing about a girl being missing.”

  She sat there for hours talking and not realizing that she was crying until the teardrops fell onto her balled up fists. “I am mad at you. You should keep your kids safe from shit like what happened to me. You left me all alone and now I have to find some way to piece my family together, even if they are all dead.”

  It was almost dark by the time she left the grassy spot between those two stones. She’d ended up laying
the flowers that she brought, half on one and half on the other graves. She would be back, but she had to go to the library and try to find out what exactly happened to the Willards, and hopefully there would be an explanation for her being alive.


  The knowledge that the man that she thought was her father was actually her brother had been hard for her to understand. Her father was the other man back in the cemetery between the two women. Her mother had died when she was born, and according to the lady at the church that her father attended, she was handed over to her brother and his new wife to raise.

  Shane Willard Junior and Denise Willard had been killed in a hit and run accident on a busy street while visiting the elder Shane. Kylie had been staying with the housekeeper at the Judge’s house for the afternoon when the accident happened.

  The new nanny was the lady at the cemetery at the time Kylie had been taken away. She had begun work that morning, and the judge had given her the responsibility of taking care of the broken hearted ten year old.

  According to the elderly lady from the church, anytime he was asked about her whereabouts, they were told that she was living with out of state relatives of her mother’s. The judge had suffered from a stroke five years after her disappearance, and resigned from the bench due to the complications from the stroke. He’d sold everything he owned and lived in a rented condo by the river front. The woman told her.

  “You won’t find much left if you’re after money. Judge Willard lived long enough to spend what money he had left. The church received a very substantial donation in the will, but you will probably want to see Clarence Houston over at the courthouse square. He is the lawyer for most of us here of a certain age, you know. Older people have to stick together.”

  The last part of that little snippet of wisdom was delivered with a finger to the side of her powdered nose and a nod of her grey head.

  Kylie found herself back in the cemetery between the headstones while she read a copy of her father’s will, and several other papers that the Attorney had insisted that she had to fill out and return to him with a D N A sample to prove who she was. He was a nasty bastard, and Kylie didn’t trust him as far as she could see him. Talking out loud to tombstones was nuts, but she craved someone, something, that she could identify with and if it was in the form of names on granite, then it would have to do for now.

  She decided to make an appointment with a different attorney, after all, her father’s attorney was the one that received what was left of the estate if she hadn’t come forward within five years of the Judge’s death. Attorney Houston had too much to lose to honestly help her.

  Once back at the house, she rolled her eyes at the sound of a party going on in the back yard. She had never known people that partied as much as the people in the house did. Jill, her landlady, had a side income that involved illegal substances, and Kylie had already begun looking for a new place to sleep.

  She had no sooner gotten inside her room and turned on her light when she saw a couple on her bed fucking like it was their last minutes on earth. She walked through the room to the bathroom and pulled her robe from the hook on the door, and tossed her toothbrush in the trashcan just in case. She looked around to make sure she hadn’t left any of her belongings, and walked out of the house for good. It had been a miserable damn day, and it was after seven o’clock at night. She had no transportation, no place to sleep, and right now she was hating everything and everyone.

  She pulled the hood up over her head and started walking towards the interstate ramps. There were always hotels near a highway, and she still had enough money to pay for a week or so of lodging in a cheap place. She needed to find one of those places that bought and sold jewelry and precious metals. Her list of needs was growing and a job of some sort was number two on that list. First thing would be a safe place to sleep.


  She missed seeing the truck pull up in front of the house. If she had of seen who stepped out from the driver’s side of the vehicle, she might have been alarmed. Stalker and his companion quietly shut the doors of the truck and walked to the front door. Knocking got no response, so they walked around the side of the house and stepped into the lit patio where there were probably ten people lying around, swimming, or fucking. They looked at the faces closely, but the woman they were there for was absent.

  Stalker walked to the nearest lounge chair where two people had just finished coming, and were lying in each other’s arms trying to catch their breath. He was not in a good mood to begin with, and thinking that he had been sent on a wild goose chase was not his idea of a good time.

  He nudged the feet of the couple and the guy with the limp dick told him to “go the fuck away and leave us alone.”

  He looked across the cement and saw Bull backhand a big ol’ boy that was pointing his finger to Bull’s chest. The man ended up on his ass on a cooler while the woman with him screeched to high heaven. Surprisingly, no one bothered to look their way. Bull reached down to haul the dumb assed mouthy fool up, and the guy tried to kick him in the kneecap.

  It was Bull’s turn to yell and he grabbed the man by the wrist and jerked him up using enough muscle to sling the guy past him and into the pool. He turned and headed towards the next group of people, and Stalker sighed. This was going to be a cluster fuck, he could feel it in his bones.

  When they found Kylie, he was gonna bust her ass. Baron called him almost three hours ago and told him to go to this address, grab Kylie, and bring her back to the club & keep her there until he could travel home from Braxton Hills.

  “Keep an eye on her, and don’t let anyone take her off club property. I got a call and there’s cash on her head. Someone wants her permanently gone. They made the mistake of thinking that Lucifer’s Breed was a club that wouldn’t mind doing some wet work for a price. War and Race are filling me in on what’s what about her. It gives me another excuse to go home & check on Stretch. She’s driving Gunnar nuts.”

  So here he was, ready to shove the lounge chair over with two people in it, and Bull was mowing through the males in his sight, while the women screamed but sent him speculative looks. Bull might not be the prettiest of the brothers, but the fucker was built like his namesake, and women seemed to overlook his lack of tender feelings for any of them. They looked on him as a challenge, and they almost always cried when he walked away after tiring of them.

  Bull had been at the club when the call had come in and he wanted to ride along. The big mother was wanting to make up for frightening Kylie so bad that she abandoned Dutch after sticking by his side for so long. Once Dutch was in good enough shape to be discharged, they took him to the house that he and Stalker shared along with Hoss. He was still using a cane to walk, but the doctor’s seemed to think that there wouldn’t be lasting damage from his bout with the wrath of Mother Nature.

  Once he could talk, he shared the tale of his ride to lay Roarke to rest in that muddy pasture. “That road was little more than a damn cow path. Fuckin’ mud everywhere, and I almost dumped Betty Lou twice just getting into the driveway. There she was trying to start a generator that was probably fifty years old if it was a day. No electric, no nothing but a mangy assed cat and the look of someone desperate enough to do just about anything to get out of the situation she was in.”

  Dutch had fallen asleep before anyone could ask him anything more about the girl or the place. Two days later he told Stalker the rest of the story while they watched Hoss and his woman Fancy going at it in a biblical way on the back porch. She was sucking his cock, and from their spot at the picnic table, it appeared that the woman had skills that Hoss seemed to appreciate. He had her hair in his fist and he looked to be enjoying himself. Fancy reached up and slid her little hand inside the zipper where his cock was dangling from and whatever the woman did with those little fingers must have encouraged Hoss into begging her not to stop. “Fuck me, you’ve got the best fucking mouth that’s ever been wrapped around my cock. No
, don’t stop, yeah, right there. Fuck, I’m coming, I’m warning you, …coming.”

  His hand ended up cradling her face, and once he stopped jerking, he leaned down and kissed Fancy as if she was the most treasured possession he had. She tucked his dick back inside of his jeans, and stood up without using the arm that he’d held in front of her to balance on. She looked at Hoss, and whatever it was that she said to the man must have been unwelcome news. He began to yell at her and she shrugged before turning away and heading towards where Stalker and Dutch sat watching the drama happening.

  She walked past the men on her way to the front door, and she didn’t look back as she closed the door behind herself. Hoss was working off his case of mad by throwing chunks of firewood into a pile that would need to be restacked later when he wasn’t so pissed.

  Stalker raised his eyebrow and shook his head. “See what happens when you get involved with a damned woman? You get all twisted up and they just shake their tits and ass towards other men that you know would fuck them in a minute. If I ever get that gut punched over a split tail, you need to straighten me out. Look at how Stretch has Gunnar and Baron all tied up. She has them boys by the balls and they handed them over without a fuckin whimper.”


  Stalker had a mission now, and he wanted to get Kylie in the protective shelter of the Breed. “Hey, I’m looking for a friend of mine.” He was ignored and he was not about to let a couple of drugged fucks stop him from finding the girl if she was here. He pulled the man by his shaggy hair and yanked him hard away from the woman that was passed out on the lounger. “Let me talk slow, I’m looking for a blonde with hair to her ass and blue eyes. I was told she lives here.”

  All he got for his trouble was a blank look, so he dropped the fucker and stomped his way to the back door of the house. He saw someone that he recognized from a party a few weeks back and moved over to where she was snorting a line from the kitchen counter. She leaned her head back to make sure she got every tiny particle of the white powder, and saw him standing just a few feet from where she leaned on the counter.


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