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Dutch: (Lucifer's Breed MC Book 4)

Page 15

by Ryder Dane

  A thought stopped her in her tracks and she started to shake. Fuck. Birth control. “How fucking stupid are you? Dammit Kylie, you can’t be that stupid.” She knew for a fact that Dutch had never used a condom when they had sex. He hadn’t bothered to ask her if she was on the pill, either. “Son of a bitch, now what are you going to do?”

  Dutch caught up with her as she started to walk again. He was the last person that she wanted to be around at the moment. She turned her head to look at him, but he was looking straight ahead and didn’t offer to touch her as they walked inside the front doors of the hotel. The walk upstairs was still silent. They were standing face to face in the hotel room at the foot of the bed, and he pulled her into his arms.

  She looked so forlorn that he wasn’t certain how to handle her. She kept holding her arms around her stomach as if she would be sick at any minute. She looked up at him and he felt his gut tighten. He looked her up and down and was certain that she was worried about what he would say if she became pregnant. If she knew how much that idea pleased him she might run.

  “I am not like those two assholes that knocked up Cathy and did the shit that they did. Don’t put me in their place Kylie. I would never abandon my kid or the mother of that kid. I want kids, but I’ve been pretty choosy about who might be the mother of my kid.

  “I never asked you about birth control because I never thought about it when I’ve been with you. You keep looking at me all accusing like that and I’ll show you what I think about fucking you until you have my baby baking inside of you.” He shrugged and leaned closer, “I think you would be a good mother.”

  “I don’t want some club pass around or a weekend party girl. They have their uses, and stop pulling away. I know it is not easy for women to understand.” He pulled her down on the bed beside him and looked down at her pretty face.

  “Kylie, I thought about you almost every day since you left me in that fucking hospital. I’m not gonna lie to you and act all candy assed here, but I couldn’t wait to find you and hold you. I’ve had a month to remember the feeling of your arms around my waist and the taste of your fingertips when you fed me candy. Hell, I haven’t eaten a damned peanut since you ran away. I’m not swearing eternal love here, not yet.

  “If feeling like your guts are being ripped out when you think that you’ve lost someone, is that love? All that I really know is that when I was told that you were in danger, I couldn’t wait to get on the road. I dragged Muff away from his fishing boat to come with me to help find you. When we found you, seeing you laughing and happy like that made me want to grab you and find the nearest bed.”

  He sat up and pulled the t shirt off of his body and pulled at his t shirt that she’d stolen from his bag. “Take it off, Kylie. I want to play with your pretty tits. Do you know how much I love to feel your hard nipples poking at my chest when I’m inside of you?”

  He pulled her zipper down and unbuttoned the top of her jeans. “Let’s take these off, too. You won’t need them for a few hours.”

  She pushed his shoulders back a little and asked him flat out. “Tell me what happens if I knock on your door with a kid on my hip in a year?” She sighed heavily, and turned her head. She didn’t realize that her nipples were drawn up into tight nubs. He knew that she was aroused in spite of her need for reassurance.

  He unsnapped the button and zipper on his pants while he kicked his boots away. “You will have to trust me for a while, but you have my word that I will never leave you alone. Kylie, I don’t know what else to tell you. All I can do is show you, because you don’t seem to believe my word.”

  “What happens if I tell you I love you and call you honey or baby? Will you think I’m disposable, that I’ll take any shit that you will give me? Love changes people. Look Dutch, when you’re ready to move on, I will be alone. How can you say that you want kids, you think I’d be a good mom, but I saw what happened when you got your phone call finished. I saw you throw the phone, and you didn’t even look back at the window here. I stood there and watched you take off like someone lit a fire under your ass. What makes me sure that you won’t cut and run, that you won’t leave and keep going?”

  She tried to stand up and he grabbed her arm and yanked just hard enough to unbalance her. “I told you, all I can do is to show you that you can trust that I’ll be right there with you. It’s not about babies or fuckin’ puppy dogs. It’s about you and me, so let’s figure out what we love about each other, shall we?”

  “I know that you love me, you told me so. I heard you while I laid there like a damned rock. You pulled my hair one night, and I could see your tears as you kissed me on the lips for the first time. It was the only time that you said or did that. I made the mistake of opening my eyes just as you drew back. Do you remember that Kylie? I do. I remember the way that you smell, I remember your voice when you are trying to make a boring fucking story sound interesting. I remember how soft your voice is when you whisper good night.

  “As for the rest, I know that you love to fuck me. At least as much as I love to be buried as deep as my dick will go inside of you. I don’t want another woman, I want you.”

  He pulled her jeans down and flipped her onto her stomach. He raised her hips and straddled her legs while his hands spread her slit from labia to asshole. He aimed his cock straight to her wet pussy and stabbed the entrance with the head. “You ready for me, Kylie? If you really don’t want this, don’t want me, say so now. This is your last chance. I sink my dick deep, you’re mine, you got that? Nod your head if you understood me.”

  She didn’t answer him, but her hips raised and pushed back to try to capture his cock to satisfy her cunt. She whimpered and made a sound that resembled a snarl. “Just fuck me, we can talk later damn you.”

  His cock slid fast and deep and she screamed between her teeth when he hit home. His hands were on her hips and controlling the action no matter how much she wanted to speed up that feeling of his cock gliding and stretching everything inside of her pussy. She was coming, and this time it was different than the other times. She grabbed the coverlet under her body and bit the material as she jerked her hips and her body hunched to satisfy the urge to claim the promised pleasure.

  He bent completely over her hunching body and bit the cord between her shoulder and neck as he lost his own battle to hold onto the orgasm that claimed his soul.

  He was sweating and so was Kylie. His tongue tasted the droplet that fell near his lips that were still locked onto her flesh. His lips let go, but he needed to taste. “You are so goddamned sweet. How could I ever leave you alone? You’re mine Kylie, don’t forget it and get used to it. Mine.”

  After a touchy feely shower session that ended up soaking the bathroom’s tile floor, they collapsed on the bed. They lay side by side staring at the storm clouds that showed through the wide window.

  She decided to try to salvage their former communication. The way they could talk before the Tornado hit. She loved the sex, but she needed to get him to understand that she had to deal with her family problems.

  “I’m going back to Teresa’s.” Her hand reached for his and she clasped it, entwining their fingers as she talked. “I wasn’t there when I was needed. I believed that I had a brother that dropped me off in the sticks to protect me from the people that wanted to put me in a state cage. A place for bad kids even though I wasn’t a bad kid that I could remember. I must have been though. After all, they don’t just take kids and lock them up if they’ve been good right?”

  The size of his hands distracted her for a long heartbeat. “I knew, deep down I knew, that my life was a lie. The thing is, I was too afraid to leave the nest that I had for the unknown.

  “According to the news archives that I read at the library in Lexington, my family was fucked up. My mother died giving birth to me. My father handed me over to a nanny and when I started walking and talking he handed me over to his son and daughter-in-law. Those were the people that I called my parent
s.” She raised both arms to pillow her head in the cradle of her hands.

  “The pictures of the bike that my parents were driving that day looked like a mangled mess. A semi-truck didn’t see them when he turned right on a narrow street. I was at home with the nanny when it happened. Witness’s saw it happen, but no one took a license number or could describe the truck. All that they remembered about the vehicle is that it was white.” She sat up and looked back at his long bare body and knew that this man was capable of fighting her demons, but she also knew that she had to fight them herself. She would have Dutch help her deal with the shady attorney, but she had to be there to make him fill in the gaps of her life.

  She laid down, scooting over enough to cover his right side with half of her body. She propped her head on her hand and looked into his calm eyes. Would he agree?

  “I know that you have said that you were in the mood to just kill Houston. You’ve said that you’ll keep me safe and I appreciate that. But the lawyer has all of the information that I don’t know about my family. I said before that the money mattered. Maybe it does, but I need to know if I have any family anywhere above the ground. I want to know why I was basically stolen and taken away. I want answers and I cannot get them from a dead man.”

  Dutch understood what she wanted, no, more like needed. To gain some kind of closure. He tightened his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “You win this time, just don’t expect to get your own way all of the time. Baron and Race will have my nuts if I fuck this up you know. They want to play do-gooders. Wolfman was hated by most of us in the Breed, but no one expected that he had living people squirreled away like you were.” He rolled them over and grinned. I’m hungry woman. Why don’t you put your best dress on and we’ll go out to dinner. I know this great little place not far from here.”

  She laughed and dressed in his t shirt and her jeans. He enjoyed watching her brush the long blonde strands of hair that fell down her back and made him want to wrap it around his fist while she blew his mind with her lips sucking down his cock. Yeah, he planned to see that happen as soon as they got back to the room from eating dinner. He shook himself, and willed his cock to behave for the next hour or so.

  Chapter 17

  Muff watched the punk slip into the stairwell next to Teresa’s building. He was standing on the roof having a smoke and a rest from the bitch’s greedy cunt. He didn’t mind taking what she offered for a while. The minute that he’d taken his wet shirt off and tossed it and his pants into that relic of a dryer that she told him to use, she’d almost attacked his cock. To be fair, she was the reason that it was hard, but still, he hadn’t touched her first. She had been bent over and her tits hung loose barely covered by the material hooked on her hard nips. Fuck yes, that woman had an impressive rack.

  He’d cleared his throat and she looked up at him. Her eyes never left his dick, and she’d gone to her knees while she was reaching for his cock. She knew her way around a cock that was for sure. He’d barely pulled out of her mouth to turn her around to slam inside her cunt. She screamed and shoved her ass back onto him.

  She was schooled in sucking cock, and if she wasn’t attached to this building, he might take her back to the winery with him. He might even decide to keep her at his place. It got lonely at times when a man lived alone like he did. He knew Murray the Juice back in the day. Knowing that the man had been an asshole didn’t matter or make him feel sorry for Teresa. As far as he was concerned, if she was fed up with the fucker cheating on her and making her feel like shit, she should have left and taken her happy ass back to where she came from.

  The punk waved his buddy over toward him and Muff sighed. He’d already told the little fuckers that the blonde they were looking for wasn’t here. He wondered how they’d found her to begin with. The little pimple face Latino kid from last night said that they’d been looking everywhere in town. This building was being renovated by the women and the blonde was new to the area.

  The two sneaking up the side steps were not typical gangbangers, and he hated to toss them from the top of the building, but they needed to understand that he wasn’t the type that would let them bully a woman or women. There was certain things that a real man just did not do. Hurting a woman was one of those things.

  His Daddy used to say to him, “boy, you can break a woman’s heart and walk away if that’s what you gotta do. Don’t you ever break her skin, you don’t put your hands on a woman in anger, walk away.”

  So far that advice had been tested a time or two by some of the housecats and pass arounds at the club, but he always walked away. Spanking an unruly woman was one thing. That was mutually satisfying most of the time. If a woman needed to die, well then a woman would do the deed, he wasn’t the man for the job.

  He looked down over the side of the blocks and grinned. The little fuckers were lighting up a joint and sitting there like big time tough assed motherfuckers. That was something he could relate to. He’d been a young teen asshole himself and knew how the two boys felt, yeah they were tough as nails. At least until their moms or brothers caught them. He’d let them enjoy the smoke before he started making noise and chucking rocks over the side onto them.

  He felt his cell phone buzz in his front pocket and read the text from Dutch.

  Do we know where Houston lives?

  He typed back.

  Not yet, will by A M

  A simple K was the answer. He looked through his contacts and hit the call button. His friends at the warehouse could help him find out what he needed to know. Forrester grunted and hung up. Muff pushed the phone back into his pocket and bent down to grab the few rocks that were scattered over the flat roof.

  The sounds that the little shitasses made had him grinning as he continued to pelt them until they’d cleared the steps and when he took a look, they had disappeared altogether. Well, hell, them boys must’ve had some lousy weed. If it had been the good stuff, then they would have not been as fast to get away as tonight’s escape had been.

  He went back down the short flight of steps from the small access plate on the roof and found Teresa watching the evening news. He sat down, she got up and got him a beer, and she sat down closer to him to finish watching the newscast. He watched her move around and decided that maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have her around sometimes. The jury was out about that, but maybe he’d give her a whirl or two. At least the pussy was decent and hadn’t been worn out and abused. From the way she’d carried on the first time he buried his dick in the woman, he could tell that she hadn’t been with a man that had a dick worth going back for seconds. She was as snug as a man could ask for.

  Teresa didn’t ask where he was going when he stood up and went to the door. So he rewarded her with an explanation. “Going out for a few, keep the place locked up, don’t let anyone in.” He nodded his head and left the apartment through the steps going down into the store. He didn’t bother to turn on the lights because there seemed to be plenty of light shining through the huge front windows. He noticed that there was a Jeep sitting out front at the curb, and stepped a few feet forward so he could see the occupant. It was Forrester, and he wondered at the speed that he’d gathered the information. He continued to make his way to the back door and ultimately his scooter.

  He pulled in behind the SUV and walked to the driver’s side to have his chat. Forrester bumped forearms and shrugged. “It’s like breathing, I knew that you were concerned when you asked to find her to begin with. Stands to reason that you would want the threat eliminated. With him gone, the incentive for taking her out is gone. It will have to be a public thing unfortunately. Some of those bangers don’t read the papers, but they watch the news. They like to see the cops talk about their latest score. A damn shame that a kid’s proud of being wanted by the authorities, but there you have it.”

  Muff nodded in agreement and tapped the top of the driver’s door. “Thanks brother, I owe you.”

  The jeep pulled away from the
curb before he got back on his bike. He sat for a minute, long enough to text the address to Dutch.

  He put the cell in his pocket and went to find the attorney’s house. He hated the early evening traffic, but it would be a good thing to scope out the neighborhood just in case there were complications.


  Kylie was waiting with the chopper when Dutch went into the truck stop to get a new phone. She had a cheap pay as you go cell phone, but the only ones that called her was the lawyers. Attorney Houston had the number but that was only because her new guys told her that she might want to know what he had to say as the case came closer to the court date. Billings was happier with the living arrangements and address, and he told her so. She wondered what he would say if he was told about her association with one of the members of the notorious Lucifer’s Breed.

  Dutch was frowning and looking at the new gadget when he was walking out of the building. Kylie had to laugh when the car that he walked straight into the path of blew the horn and he jumped back. That was funny enough, but his middle finger salute got him another blare from the compact car with the white haired old lady driving it. She returned the salute and yelled “Asshole” as she passed him. She was laughing so hard that tears were trailing down her cheeks once he’d stomped his way to where she sat.

  “You have a way with old ladies don’t you? I can’t help it, when she shot you the bird I lost it.”

  He was still slightly embarrassed by the event, but seeing the way that Kylie was laughing at something so damned silly made him smile sheepishly. “I know better than to walk into traffic, but damn, this phone has more fucking buttons than the last one did.

  “The damned thing started dinging as soon as the clerk activated it. This thing doesn’t have a sim card, so it took longer for him to find a compatible phone to transfer the information on to this one. I got another three texts from Race and Baron. But the important ones are from Muff. He has the address, and some other information about that fucker Houston.


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