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His Perfect Lady

Page 11

by Jenn Langston

  Jonathan rubbed his hand across his face. All these years he believed he’d been cheated out of the life he should have had by his father, but the truth was Stanwick had been the one cheated. Their father had sheltered and molded Stanwick into what he wanted without giving him a chance to live on his own or learn how to survive without him. Jonathan began to feel sorry for him.

  “What did you do?”

  “The other night I met Lady Isham. She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen, and she made her interest in me clear.”

  Unable to help himself, Jonathan smiled. “Lady Isham is known for her charm, among other things. I’m not surprised she caught your eye.”

  “She caught more than that.” Stanwick wagged his eyebrows, then immediately cleared his face. “As she practically dragged me into a private room, I never thought about the fact that she was married.”

  “When you don’t think with the proper part of your body, that tends to happen.” Jonathan didn’t blame Stanwick for falling under Lady Isham’s spell. Although he’d never succumbed to a married woman, that lady made herself hard to ignore.

  “Once we . . . Well, as we were dressing, Rawson walked in. In our haste, I must have forgotten to lock the door.”

  “Other than creating an embarrassing situation, I can’t see how Rawson’s presence is significant.”

  “At first it wasn’t, but he caught up with me later and threatened to tell Lord Isham if I didn’t get you to invest. He also indicated I should follow suit.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” Jonathan sighed, wondering if he’d ever see the end of Stanwick’s bad choices.

  “I didn’t want anyone to know. And so far Rawson hasn’t said a word, or at least, I haven’t had an angry husband banging on my door.”

  “Rest assured, Lord Isham will not be seeking you out to defend his wife’s honor.”

  “But Rawson said the viscount is an incredibly jealous man and won’t hesitate to meet me on the other side of a pistol.”

  “And his ploy worked. You’ve done your best to persuade me to invest and you made promises to do so yourself. His scheme was quite brilliant.”

  “What about Lord Isham? Does he not care what his wife does?”

  “He cares, a great deal, I must add. It’s a game to them. You probably did lock the door, but Lord Isham enjoys watching his wife with other men. He either had the key to let himself in when you were otherwise engaged, or he waited in the shadows before you arrived. He must have let himself out before he was caught.”

  “That’s horrible.” Stanwick sounded mortified. “What type of man wants to see his wife like that? And how do you know about it?”

  Jonathan shrugged. “There are no secrets in London.”

  “So I have nothing to fear?”

  “Only that Lord Isham will request you to repeat the performance.”

  The terror on his brother’s face forced a round of laughter from Jonathan. Lord Isham had offered his wife to Jonathan a few years back, but he’d refused. Not only did Jonathan prefer unattached women, but he didn’t feel the need to perform in front of an audience.

  “We don’t need to invest then.” The relief in Stanwick’s voice gave Jonathan immense satisfaction. Perhaps there was hope for his brother yet.

  “No, but I think it’s about time we met with Rawson and perhaps offered him a little bit of payback.”

  Catherine gazed out over the green lawns of Hyde Park. The day was beautiful, but she didn’t see it. Her mind resided in the past. Her last meeting with Jonathan in the park had been unforgettable. She’d sent Jonathan a missive to meet her today, but it had gone unanswered. However, she held on to hope that he would come.

  “Mrs. Gates? What are you doing out here alone?”

  Lord Dudgery’s voice beamed with excitement and pleasure. It made her feel guilty for the disappointment that settled over her at his presence.

  “It’s too beautiful a day to pass it indoors.”

  “I agree. Do you mind if I join you?”

  She shook her head, and he plopped down beside her. The bench wasn’t large and with his substantial size, his body pressed against her. Uncomfortable, she gritted her teeth in an effort to keep from shifting away. When Jonathan touched her, her flesh came alive with pleasure. Why could she not enjoy a similar reaction to her future husband?

  “I know it has only been one day,” he began, “but I wondered if you had a chance to consider my proposal.”

  “I apologize, my lord, but I haven’t come to a decision at this time.”

  “May I ask what your concerns are?”

  Catherine held back a sigh. How could she explain to him she only wanted a few more days of freedom first? Considering her curse may be broken, the earl could be her husband for the rest of her life. Although she’d been married twice, the idea bothered her this time.

  A possibility existed that she would feel differently if she took the time to get to know the earl before their marriage, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Perhaps deep inside, she didn’t want to become close to him in case he didn’t survive. With Luke and Solomon, she’d suffered a great deal after their deaths.

  “After losing my first and second husband, I can’t help but be hesitant when faced with the possibility of suffering similarly with a third.”

  Lord Dudgery gave her a wide smile. “Ah, I see now. Don’t concern yourself over my health. I have been on this earth for forty—three years, and I plan on enjoying many more. I understand from your uncle that the other men were sickly and weak of body and mind.”

  Catching herself before her mouth dropped open, Catherine quickly turned away from him. How could Uncle Toban speak so ill of the dead? Both men were young, but they were strong. Their deaths came about by her curse, nothing more.

  Tears burned her eyes, but she blinked rapidly to put them off. This was all her father’s fault. When he warned her against marrying a man not approved by him, she didn’t take him seriously. He claimed they would not live long enough to enjoy their marriage, and he’d been right. She didn’t realize at her father’s passing marriage to her would mean a death sentence for her husband.

  Considering her previous husbands died before their marriage was consummated, she held on to hope that the solution lay within that first night. Now that Jonathan had become her lover, surely the curse was broken. However, she had no way to test the theory without endangering another life.

  “Thank you for your assurances,” she finally managed to get out. “I will take it under consideration when I make my decision.”

  “Well, I should be on my way, but first I wanted to inform you that I will be leaving London in two days. I have business at my country estate that I must attend to.” He took a deep breath as he looked at her with imploring eyes. “If at all possible, I’d like to have an answer before I depart.”

  Catherine pinched her lips tight, but nodded in agreement. He’d been nothing but kind and accommodating during this time, so she owed him. Watching him amble away, she realized he would soon be her husband. Considering his kindness, she imagined it might not be such a bad thing.

  A short while later, Vanessa stumbled upon her. Catherine sighed. She couldn’t handle her cousin’s endorsement of Jonathan right now. Every time they spoke, she managed to make comments that Catherine couldn’t bear to hear.

  “Catherine, did you come here with Lord Dudgery?” Vanessa asked. “I saw him walking away with a smile on his lips. You didn’t agree to marry him, did you?”

  “Not yet, but I intend to.”

  Vanessa sat down in a rush and grasped Catherine’s hands to her. “Why? What about Lord Linwood, or any other young man for that matter?”

  “What do you have against Lord Dudgery?”

  “Something about him makes me uncomfortable. I just get these feelings about people as I did with your uncle long ago. I believe there are some who are inherently evil and if you keep yourself open, the tendencies will present the
mselves to you.”

  Catherine removed her hands from Vanessa’s grip and crossed her arms. Vanessa didn’t understand. Besides, if she actively sought incriminating information, anything could appear that way.

  “I’m sorry to hear you have those feelings for him, but I intend to marry him regardless.”

  “And I am sorry to hear that. I don’t want to see you throw your life away.”

  “I’m not. I honestly believe he will make me happy.” The words were hard to say through the lump forming in her throat. She didn’t want to lie to her cousin, but she couldn’t let Vanessa continue to worry.

  “So could a number of other men. I just—”

  “I have already made my decision, and Uncle Toban agrees with me.”

  “There is nothing I can do?”

  Catherine shook her head.

  With pinched lips, Vanessa slowly stood. After looking down at Catherine for a moment, she moved away without glancing back.

  Depression settled around Catherine as she walked through the garden and back to the hackney her uncle hired. The sun shone down, mocking her with its happy glow. Once again she thought of the rain. However, it would only tease her as well with thoughts of what she couldn’t have.

  When she arrived back at the townhouse, her uncle stood waiting for her. Without a word, he ushered her into the drawing room and slammed the door.

  “What is this?” he demanded, holding up a letter.

  She suppressed a smile to see Jonathan’s seal. He’d written her back.

  “I do believe it’s a letter, Uncle.” She tried to keep her voice even.

  “Don’t put on a stupid act with me. Why are we receiving missives from Linwood? Don’t you understand what you’re doing to your future?”

  “Sharing correspondence with an old friend can hardly cause concern over my future. You should be pleased I chose to communicate in this manner.”

  “Then why does he express his regrets about being unable to join you at Hyde Park today? This response arrived only minutes after you left.”

  Catherine’s mouth fell open. “You opened a letter addressed to me? How could you do such a thing?” Anger and hurt filled her as the tears she’d suppressed such a short time ago spilled down her cheeks. She’d never felt so mistreated, so violated, in her life.

  “Because I’m worried about you. If you allow things with Lord Linwood to escalate further than what is proper, you may develop impossible hopes of a future with him. A future, I must add, that will not happen.”

  Catherine turned away from him and stalked to the window. She knew a life with Jonathan could not exist. Although she would love nothing more, it wasn’t possible. Her reluctance to let go of him didn’t stem from a hope of marriage, but from the burning passion she had for him.

  “I have spoken with Lord Dudgery. You will both know my answer in two days time. Until then, I request that you allow me to make decisions alone.” Her voice came out emotionless, but she didn’t care.

  “You have my word, as long as you do nothing to jeopardize his interest in you,” Uncle Toban threatened.

  Having heard enough, she turned around, plucked the letter from her uncle’s grasp, and left the room. He didn’t say another word nor try to follow her. Why was the match with Lord Dudgery so important to him? There had to be something passing between them. Something more than forgiveness for Kenneth’s gambling debt.

  When she entered her bedchamber, she shut the door and fell back against it. The day had been too trying. She knew one simple word to her uncle would cease his badgering and give him great happiness, but she wasn’t ready.

  Holding the note in her trembling hands, she opened the folds and ran her finger across Jonathan’s quick scrawl. Touching the parchment that had come from him seemed intimate in a way. Shaking her head at her silliness, she read:

  Most Fair Catherine,

  I apologize but I’m unable to meet you at Hyde Park today. Name any other time, and I will be delighted to bask in your perfection. My day is scheduled to be taxing for a typical man, so I have little faith that I will survive it. Know that I will think of you today and if your matter is urgent, send for me at the place that only you will know where to find me.

  Your humble servant,


  Catherine clutched the letter to her chest and closed her eyes. He would think of her today. The simple knowledge brought her such joy. Pushing herself forward, she thrust her shoulders back. She knew what she had to do. And she knew exactly where to find him. Ravenhurst.

  Jonathan silently watched as Rawson entered Ravenhurst. The man’s smug smile told Jonathan all he needed to know. Now it would be too easy to collect the necessary information from him. Also, the ability to make Rawson squirm a little as he’d done to Stanwick would be satisfying.

  Slowly entering the club, Jonathan formed his plan. He wished he had the same ability with cards as Greyson did. There wasn’t a match that his friend couldn’t rise from victorious. Had Jonathan shared the skill, he would make Rawson’s lesson more effective.

  After settling himself at his usual table near the back, Jonathan motioned Nathaniel over. They’d become friends over the years, and Jonathan didn’t expect that to change with the ownership of Ravenhurst. Although Nathaniel didn’t know it yet, that very event would take place tomorrow morning, which is why Jonathan had decided to spend one last night here bathed in memories.

  “How may I help you, my lord?” Nathaniel easily adopted the formal manner they used in public.

  “When Kenneth Rawson finishes his match, send him back to me.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Nathaniel bowed and then left.

  It didn’t take long before Rawson threw his cards down on the table, obviously in defeat. As he stood, he tapped his pocket as if wondering about the state of his funds. When Rawson approached him, his narrowed eyes fell upon Jonathan. In response, Jonathan lifted his glass.

  “You wanted to see me?” The confusion sounded clearly in Rawson’s voice.

  “Have a seat. I want to have a friendly conversation.”

  Rawson sat cautiously, his eyes fixed upon Jonathan as if concerned he would attempt to harm him. Jonathan merely kept his face open and cheerful, hoping to force Rawson’s guard down.

  “You and I have never engaged in any relationship that would account for a friendly conversation. What do you want?”

  “How is your family? Are your mother and father doing well?”

  Rawson crossed his arms as he stared emotionlessly at Jonathan. “They’re doing brilliantly.”

  “And your cousin?”

  Although Jonathan had intended to relax the man with innocuous conversation, he realized this line of questioning would not further his purpose. Rawson’s lips pinched tight as the muscles in his jaw flexed. Then, without provocation, a large smile broke out across his face.

  It wasn’t the type of smile that anyone wanted to see. The sight of it sent fear slicing through Jonathan’s body. What had happened to Catherine? He cursed himself for not rescheduling his meeting with Sideon today so he could meet with her in Hyde Park. Considering he still didn’t know what his intentions were toward her, he didn’t think dropping everything to see her would send the right message.

  “Catherine is quite wonderful. Seeing as Lord Dudgery proposed to her yesterday, I can’t see that anything will dampen her spirits.”

  Jonathan’s heart twisted, but he managed to keep his expression unchanged. He knew this very thing would happen, considering marriage was her purpose for being in London, but he hadn’t been prepared for the pain the knowledge brought. Was that why she’d wanted to see him today? To tell him goodbye? This couldn’t happen now. He wasn’t quite ready to let her go.

  “I’m glad to hear it. The earl should make her a fine husband.” He felt as though the words were being ripped from his mouth.

  “She is fairly confident of that as well. She singled him out the moment she arrived in London.”

; Determined to conceal his reaction, Jonathan attempted to turn the conversation back to his purpose. “That’s fortunate for her. However, the new alliance between your families seems rather odd to me.” He crossed one arm over his chest as his other hand tapped against his chin.

  “I don’t see why it would strike you in such a way. We have no quarrels with the earl.”

  “Not yet anyway. However, I can’t imagine he’d appreciate the fact you’re trying to cheat him.”

  “What are you talking about? I have no reason or means to cheat him.”

  Rawson wasn’t a good liar. His eye twitched in anger even as he tried to profess his innocence. Jonathan now held on to the confidence that he’d been right in his assumptions. Sideon and Rawson intended to cheat the other investors.

  “You can’t lie to me. I’ve met with Paul Sideon, and I know all about the investment. I also know your intention to undercut Lord Dudgery.”

  After silently staring him down for a few minutes, Rawson crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Why are you telling me all this?”

  “I’d simply like to know what it’s worth to you to keep my mouth shut.”

  “And if it isn’t worth anything?”

  “Then we’re done here, and I have a meeting to schedule with Dudgery.”

  Rawson’s eyes flashed with hate. However, Jonathan couldn’t bring himself to feel any sympathy for the man. Not only did he intend to cheat the earl out of an investment, but he’d blackmailed Stanwick.

  “What do you want?” As they surveyed one another, Jonathan noticed Rawson seemed more resigned to his fate.

  “Information.” At Rawson’s cringe, Jonathan quickly added, “Don’t look so concerned, it costs you nothing, and no one will ever know you offered it.”


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