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Adios Amigo

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Adios Amigo

  by Robert C. Waggoner

  Copyright 2013 Robert C. Waggoner

  Smashwords Edition

  Adios Amigos

  Robert C. Waggoner

  My name is Jose and I live in Mexico; or I should say I used to live there; because I'm leaving soon. I'm not sure how old I am as I've no record of my birth. I live with an old woman who took me in when I was left on the church doorstep. She taught me how to read and write; bless her soul.

  I'm not sure where we live, but it's not in a big city that's for sure. Mountains are all around us and some small fields where I work growing vegetables. It was in this field where I met my friend Alin. He came one night to visit me and he became my best friend. Let me tell you the story.

  It was summer time and very hot. We always took a siesta after lunch. After our siesta we went back to work. Because it was so hot that day, my granny, I called her granny, but not my real granny as I've no idea who that might be. Anyway, that night it was too hot to sleep, so I went out where the garden was. It seemed a little cooler by the plants. I lay down and looked at a zillion stars in the sky.

  I think I'm fairly normal as I dreamed about what was up and way out there that was unreachable. I wondered if there were kids my age that worked in gardens and tended some animals. I also thought about if there was life out there, would they be poor like us or rich living in nice big haciendas? Jose, you're not very smart, I said to self. Of course if a space ship came, whoever was flying it would be rich.

  I had one wish and one wish only back then. I wished I had someone my age to play with. What few kids lived close by went to school and I didn't. School cost money and time. Both of which I had neither. Looking up I saw some shooting stars cross the sky. They moved so fast it was unbelievable.

  It felt comfortable lying on the hard ground. I'd wiggled my place free of hard lumps and drifted off to sleep. All people have dreams and I was no exception to that sweet place of comfort. In my dream I saw a shooting star cross the sky and watched the trail of whatever it left behind. I was wishing for another shooting star when a shinny bluish silver flying thing was slowly coming down where I was.

  In my dream I wasn't scared as it appeared that it wasn't dangerous. In other words, it wasn't blasting me with lasers. I waved and silently wished they would stop awhile and visit. I saw the beginning of a bright beam of light and when it stopped; standing next to me was a boy of about my age smiling at me. He said, "My name is Alin and you're Jose right?" Later he told me that my mouth was hanging open unable to speak. I can laugh now, but not back then.

  "How did you know my name," I asked Alin.

  "Because I'm your new friend and I'm here to play with you for awhile."

  "But, I'm only dreaming so what should we do. I don't remember ever playing in a dream before."

  "Jose, I hate to tell you but you're not dreaming anymore. This is real time and place. I'm from a long ways away, but on our way back, I heard your wish for a boy to play with. The wish was so strong I just had to see who you were."

  Jose looked down at the ground and he wasn't lying there anymore. It was still dark out but he was standing up talking to a boy who wanted to have some fun. He said, "Alin, it's kind of dark to do much right now. Tell me where you come from and where you live."

  "Let's sit down Jose. This maybe is hard for you to believe but I'm from another planet not so different than yours. It's a long, long ways from here to my home. It will take us about one of your years to return home. I'm just coming back from visiting my grandparents on a planet not so far from here. We pass by here all the time, but this was the first time I got your wish asking for a friend. Nobody should be without a friend. If you don't have a friend, then who would you talk to? I've many friends back home."

  "Do you go to school?"

  "Oh yes we do. School never ends for us. It's too much fun not to go to school. I can't wait to get back home."

  "I'm too poor to go to school. My granny needs me working and taking care of her all day long. We struggle everyday to eat and sell a few vegetables for money down at the market."

  "We don't use money like you do Jose. After we finish going to school, we work so others can do what we did. What we produce is sold all over the universe and our elders keep the money. Our homes are all basically the same and nobody is dirt poor or ultra rich in our world."

  "Your world sounds much better than here Alin. Maybe someday I could visit you and see your home."

  "Wow! Would you really like to visit me and meet my friends?"

  "My granny is very old and she will pass on soon. I must stay here until she's gone. But how would I tell you I was ready to come see you?"

  "Here, take this. Keep it with you always and when you're ready to come, just twist the top and either me or someone will come pick you up."

  Jose saw it was a small cylinder about the size of his thumb. It felt warm and friendly. He put it in his pocket and said, "Thanks Alin."

  "I see the sun is coming up very soon Jose. I have to go now, but before you know it we'll be together again very soon. Good bye for now my friend."

  Jose saw the bright light and then nothing. He walked back to the one room house as it was near time for breakfast. He felt the cylinder in his hand and it never left his person.

  Well, that's my story up to this point. My granny passed on and I'm alone in the world. Three summers have gone by since my friend Alin stopped by on that hot summer night. I've done what I could to help my old granny and have no regrets. Now, as the hot summer night is upon me again, I'm going to twist the knob on the end of the cylinder and see what happens. He gave it a twist and sat down on the ground very near where he did when Alin came to visit.

  Once again he nodded off and when he was woken up, Alin was looking down at him with a smile. He looked older and I guess I did too. He said, "Let's go Jose. Have you got everything you need? That's good because you won't be coming back here ever again. I really should've said you won't want to ever come back here," he laughed and the bright light shinned down on both of them.


  Alin showed Jose where to put his small bag of belongings. Then he showed him the shower area where he had to debug before going on the long trip. Jose did as he was told and soon he came out wearing a set of cotton pajamas. Alin led him to a place where they could sit down to eat. Both ate Mexican food. After that they both went to a sleeping room where inside a bubble coffin like bed Jose laid down and went to sleep.

  It didn't seem like a whole year passed, but Alin told him that was true. Alin woke Jose up and told him they were almost home. Jose felt a little stiff, but after another refreshing shower, he felt great. Alin was waiting for him in the dining area. After eating a healthy meal, Alin led Jose to the viewing area. Jose looked out the window and was amazed at what he saw.

  Jose didn't know his planet earth was mostly blue in color. But what he saw made his head swim a little. Two blue planets, like twins, slowly rotated in front of their space ship. Alin said, "My home is the one of the left. They're very little difference between the two planets. Both have over half the land in water. Like your oceans, ours are full of fish too. Come Jose, we must prepare for entry into our atmosphere. We have to sit down and buckle up for safety.

  After a little bumpy ride they landed in the middle of a very large circle area. There were similar ships like this one parked or sitting not far away from each other. Alin led the way down under the middle of the ship to a stairway that was an escalator either going up or down. Jose was rubber necking like crazy once they stopped at the bottom. It was like a city underground. Vehicles were coming and going but not making any noise or any blue smoke coming out behind them, like he remembered the few times he had gon
e to a town with motor cars.

  A vehicle pulled up and the driver waved at Alin. Alin took Jose by the hand and led him to the waiting car. Alin spoke a different language than he did with Jose. Later Jose found out it was the native tongue of the planet. Jose would become a student very soon. Alin said, "Sorry Jose but my brother doesn't know Spanish or English for that matter. We're on the way to my home and the family is excited your joining us. He says welcome to Posthoc and the other planet is Ergo. We have two moons and their names are Propterhoc and Hocpost. A little history here Jose, in our beginning we discovered a book of Latin. That language fascinated our scholars. The upshot is many of our major places have Latin names."

  Jose was enjoying the ride. It felt peaceful and friendly around him. The car slowed down and as if by magic a part of the wall rose up and the car entered and parked. Jose could see they were all alone and Alin led him to an elevator. Jose looked back and the car was gone. Alin told him the car senses when nobody is there and it takes the car to a parking area. "Hop in and let's go see my family," he said.

  A few minutes later, even though Posthoc didn't run by a clock like planet earth, they did have a method of telling time, but that would take a class or two for Jose to understand. The elevator stopped and Alin and his brother led the way to an apartment door. The door opened when Alin placed his hand in the doors open depression.

  To Jose's pleasant surprise the members of the family were standing waiting to greet the sons and their new friend from earth. Alin did the introductions and then they all sat down in a mostly round living room. The round part faced out the window to a wonderful view, while the inside was made up of square walls.

  Alin's father, Addie said, "Jose, we welcome you to our home and planet. We've made room for you with Alin. Alex will have his own room. I think you'll be happy here. We never hurry, or worry, or fret, or panic, or anything else you might think of. We live life to enjoy and not to suffer any undue stress or anxiety. We learn, work, and live life to the fullest. If someone needs our help, reach out and give them your hand; if someone feels sorrow, comfort them; and if someone denounces you, smile and walk away."

  "I hope I can go to school. I want to know and meet a lot of friends," Jose said.

  "And so you shall Jose," said Alin's mother. "Alin will take you very soon. Today is a holiday. In a little while we're going for a boat ride and eat some tasty fish. Our sun is very harsh, but we have a lotion to protect you Jose. The boat will be full of people like us. You'll be quite an attraction due to your brown skin."

  Jose never really noticed but his new families skin color was a pale yellow. He looked for other differences and found the eyes were widely spaced and much larger than his; and very dark black. The nose was similar, but the mouth was almost lipless. They smiled a lot, he noticed. His teeth were decidedly much larger; but their teeth appeared sharper than his.

  When he looked closely at their ears, they too were much larger than his. Overall they were nice looking even though their heads were hairless. Which at first makes you wonder what sex each of them were. However, he was relieved when he saw the two large mounds on Alin's mother's chest. Not that he had any idea about reproduction either back home or here on Posthoc.

  Father said, "Well, shall we go?"

  After they exited the elevator Alex pushed some buttons on the wall and soon a different vehicle arrived than before. This one had more seats in it than the little car. The conversation was in their own language, Tosthoc so Jose never knew what they were talking about. Erin patted his knee and said, "Be patient Jose and it won't take long for you to learn our language." Jose just smiled.

  At the dock area no cars were seen. They pulled up next to the gangway and climbed out. Someone took the vehicle away while they climbed aboard a strange looking boat to Jose. Once aboard he could see and hear many people talking either sitting or standing. Alin was with Jose as he realized Jose would be an attraction of sorts. The deck and boat was more egg shaped than long and narrow. Most of the people turned to look at Jose, but kept on talking to their friends. Jose did feel a little self conscience, but not bad.

  Alin led him to the water side of the boat and they looked out over a vast blue-green ocean. Jose did notice there were only a few scattered clouds above and the sun was warm, but not hot like Mexico. Alin said, "I think we're about ready to sail Jose. You won't' feel much but the wind blowing a warm breeze. It's nice.

  Like he said, he never felt much but the boat went sideways and then went out to sea at nice rate of speed. Alin said, "I hope you like to eat fish Jose. We will fish for our dinner and cook it right here onboard the boat. Jose was curious as he'd never been fishing before, but knew about it from coastal visitors. They sat down on some nice chairs and enjoyed the warm day.

  "Alin whose your new friend," a girls voice was heard. Alin looked up and then stood up revealing a big smile.

  "Hi Angkie this is my friend Jose from planet Earth. He's going to live with us and go to school. I hope you can help him learn out culture a little bit."

  "I sure will. We love visitors to our planet. Nice to meet you Jose. I'll see you in school very soon. Meanwhile I have to go catch a fish," Angkie said laughing. Jose was quickly getting used to girls with no hair. Her eyes, even though dark, showed a sparkle when she talked.

  The boat slowed down as it approached an island. Jose didn't notice the island until they were almost on top of it. Alin said, "It's time to go fishing Jose." Alin led the way to a square platform where about six people were standing. Alin took his hand and the platform went down inside the boat. Once they reached the next level down, they stepped off and Alin's father waved at them. Each family had their own cubicle to fish and to cook from. Tables were lined up in a big circle color coded by family color. For example, Jose's cubicle was a light green and the table outside the cubicle was light green too. That's where you ate after cooking your fish.

  An attendant was there to help you bait your line and so on. It appeared the fishing poles were automatic. Jose soon saw that when a fish was on a green light appeared on the reel. The fisherperson pushed a button and in came the fish. The attendant took the fish, gave it to another attendant who disappeared with the fish. Jose wasn't used to seeing any fish, but a few in dog eared books he found on the side of the road one time. These fish resembled those fish and he was starting to get hungry. One thing Jose noticed was that everyone was having a good time. People were laughing and clapping their hands catching fish right and left. It never dawned on Jose why there were so many fish caught in a short time. As a matter of fact before long there were a vast amount of things that he wondered about.

  He cast his thoughts to the wind and enjoyed the fish and his new family. The boat went around the island and then returned to the dock. The whole event only took about two hours earth time, Jose thought.

  They went to a large shopping place. Jose was somewhat bigger than most Posthocins. His clothing was not appropriate and they were grungy. In a short while Jose was decked out in new duds. What he really needed now was a haircut. Addie must have read his mind and as the planet didn't have any barber shops, skin care was the best they could do. An attendant with a strange pair of scissors soon had Jose's black hair on the floor. She took some weird lotion that smelled good and rubbed it into his scalp. From that day forth, Jose head hair never grew again. She gave him a bottle of it and smiled looking down between his legs putting two and two together.

  Back home they watched a movie about space pirates. Alin programmed the movie to Jose's language and he had subtitles to view. Jose had never seen TV or a movie before in his life. He was amazed how real it appeared. He asked Alin "Is there really space pirates?"

  "Oh my yes Jose. If you stray off course or try to take a short cut and or many things you don't do to protect yourself, pirates will steal your ship and most likely kill the occupants."

  "Do have a military or air force for protection?"

  "Yes of course we do. As a matter of fac
t I'm a reserve cadet learning how to fly space ships. But right now all I do is study written stuff."

  "That sounds like something I'd like to do Alin," said Jose.

  "First things first Jose. You must learn the language and other languages too. Space geography is very important as well as computer science. Anyway, enough of that. Let's take a rest and when we wake up, it'll be time for school."


  The next day, at school, Jose's world crumbled around him. He never knew what hit him. Never in his life had he been subjected to such ridicule as the first class of the day. Many years later he still remembered the words coming from the instructor.


  At school that first morning all was well with friends coming up to Alin saying hello and being introduced to Jose. Jose tagged along with Alin to his first class. The classroom was circular with the instructor in the middle. When he saw Jose his smile quickly disappeared. Alin introduced Jose to the class and to the instructor.

  The instructor said, "Alin, you brought us another specimen to examine. I hope this one has a bigger brain than the last one we had. Well, let's get started shall we." Jose had turned white with fear. He looked at Alin for help, but none was forth coming. He looked back at the instructor who was laughing his head off; as was the class, including his friend Alin.

  Jose became even more scared when a chair rose out of the floor resembling a dentist chair. Jose felt him being lifted and gently placed in the chair. Shiny metal snap rings clamped his arms and hands to the chair arms. The same with his legs. Jose couldn’t move and lastly a wide clamp went around his forehead pinning his head in one position. The only thing he could move was his eyes.


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