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Beautiful Broken Girl (Broken Girl series Book 1)

Page 11

by Rachael Tonks

  Today has been amazing. I feel like everything is starting to fall into place. Caitlin has kept her distance, although I have seen her whispering to her cheerleader friend’s. I brush it off; I don’t want to give her an ounce of satisfaction. The most surprising turn of events is Jake and Abbey; I definitely didn’t see that one coming. It looks as though Jake’s into Abbey just as much as she is into him.

  Its great how our friends have started getting along; even Ash and Pete have been talking, despite being polar opposites.

  Then there’s Cole. There are no words to describe how he makes me feel. After my feelings of guilt last night, I wasn’t sure how things would be for me today. But seeing him and being intimate; feeling dirty was the furthest thing from my mind. I feel safe and wanted, for the first time ever I feel like I am starting to form relationships and friendships with meaning.

  I walk along with a very excited Abbey as she clings to my arm, leaning in and talking all things Jake related. What position he plays, when he trains, what size shoes he wears; the information is never ending. I love seeing her happy, it’s kind of cute.

  We walk into our History class, the last class of the day, and I’m relieved to find out we are doing mock exams. They require complete silence, and I sure could use it.

  After a grueling test and several eye rolls later, the bell finally rings. I quickly pop out my cell and text Cole.

  Kennedy: Meet you at the Truck in 10 - Ken

  I hit send and seconds later the handset vibrates.

  Cole: Can’t wait baby

  As me and Abbey make our way towards the parking lot, we spot Ash running down the hall towards us.

  “Hey guys, glad I found you two little tarts,” he scoffs before continuing. “Word is that Dennis the Scumbag is in bad shape. He was hit by a car! I guess the Police have been here talking to teachers. I wonder what happened to him?” I can feel his eyes burning into me.

  “It wasn’t me Ash, don’t look at me like that, I don’t even drive. It was probably a random hit and run.”

  “Yeah you’re probably right Barbie, totally random.”

  As we approach the truck I see Cole’s toned body leaning against it, smiling as he catches sight of us. We say our goodbyes, and I jump in the truck.

  Cole drives and I just stare out of the window. I want to ask him about Dennis, but I know it’s probably not a good idea.

  As we pull up to Cole’s, we see a police car sitting on the driveway. Cole’s eyes widen and instantly know that it’s about Dennis. If I had any doubt in my mind that Cole had anything to do with the accident, it was just wiped away. I lean over and touch Cole’s knee with my hand.

  “Cole, why are the police here? Does this have anything to do with Dennis?”

  “Listen Ken, let me just deal with this ok?” Cole jumps out of the truck and strides towards the house, leaving me behind. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach and I really hope Cole hasn’t done anything because of me.


  My heart is beating erratically as I walk to the door. My forehead is beading and my palms feel incredibly sweaty. I tell myself to just breathe, it’s probably just a routine check and they’ve been interviewing everyone. I walk into the house and look towards the living room, seeing my mom sitting quietly with two uniformed police officers.

  “Cole, darling you’re home. These two gentlemen have been waiting for you; they would like to ask a few questions?” She looks at me pointedly.

  “Yeah that’s fine mom.”

  “Come sit down Cole,” mom pats the seat beside her. I hear the front door closing and turn to see Kennedy walk through solemnly.

  “Hi Kennedy, would you be so kind as to make coffee for the officers, and yourself of course. Cole would you like something?”

  “No I’m good, thanks Mom.” Kennedy nods and heads straight into the kitchen. The balding Officer starts the conversation; the other, much younger guy sit’s taking notes.

  “Okay, so we just have a few questions about Dennis Randall. We’ve been informed by the principal of Newport Harbor High that a fight occurred yesterday between the two of you; could you shed any light on what happened at school between you and Mr. Randall?”

  “I’m going to be completely honest here, that jerk deserved a good ass kicking. I’d found out that he’d been screwing around with my ex-girlfriend for god knows how long. I confronted him about it, we got into a fight. You know how guys are.”

  “So you didn’t see Dennis after that altercation?”

  “No sir, I had in-school suspension all day, followed by an hour’s detention. I came straight home afterwards; Mom can vouch for me. I arrived home around 5pm.”

  “That’s right officer, I can confirm he arrived home around that time, although you did fail to mention about the fight, Cole!”

  “Mom I didn’t want you to worry, it was nothing, really.” I am totally downplaying the whole situation.

  “And you have no idea where he may have taken off to after the fight?”

  “No Sir.”

  “Well, I think we have all we need for now ma’am, I’m sorry we can’t stay for those coffees but we have several more inquiries to make.” The two officers stand and shake hands with both of us before mom shows them to the door, saying her goodbyes. I turn towards the kitchen and meet eyes with Kennedy as she is entering with two cups of coffee. I shake my head and she returns to the kitchen. I go to follow her but my mom stops me.

  “I don’t think so Cole! You are not going anywhere until you explain what the hell happened at school.”

  “Please don’t start with me mom. I’ve had enough after that grilling with the officers.”

  “Grilling Cole? You have no idea what a grilling is. I am so disappointed that you would raise your fist to someone. I thought I brought you up better than that.”

  I am careful how I reply. I know Kennedy is within earshot and the last thing I want her to think is that this is her fault.

  “Mom look, it won’t happen again. He deserved it and I acted on anger. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not happen again, have you even thought about how this could affect your scholarships Cole? You have a bright future ahead of you and you are going to ruin it over some girl. You didn’t even tell me about you and Caitlin splitting, getting into fights, I don’t even know where your head is at right now. I’m hurt you didn’t feel you could talk to me about this Cole!”

  I wasn’t even thinking about Kennedy now, I was so worked up I couldn’t stay here and listen to another lecture, especially from Mom. I had enough with the shit I got from my father.

  “Give it a rest Mom, I really can’t deal with this right now,” I roar at her and storm towards the front door. I need to get out and clear my head again. I swing open the front door, not waiting to hear her reply, and make my way to my truck; throwing myself into the driver’s seat.

  I put my keys in the ignition and shoot a look out my side view mirror. My heart stops. I see Kennedy standing behind the truck looking dejected; I can’t leave her just standing there. I open the door and shout to her to get in. She rushes to the passenger side door and I speed off before it’s fully closed.

  I can’t think about anything but her and me in this moment. She is the only person I want to be with right now. We sit in comfortable silence listening to the songs playing on the radio. She understands I don’t want to talk and she doesn’t push.

  The daylight begins to fade outside; I have no idea how long we have been driving but I can’t go home just yet. Just being with her makes everything seem ok.

  I find myself looking at her constantly. She looks so peaceful just looking out of the window. I can’t take it any longer; I have to be close to her. I pull up at the edge of the beach.

  I want to hold her hand in mine, anything to get close, so I suggest we take a walk down by the water; the view is pretty awesome. She just nods and smiles, opening the door. I walk around to meet her and take her hand
tenderly, walking towards a secluded area of the beach, where I know it’s quiet and far enough from the main strip. She reaches down and takes off her sandals clutching them in her free hand. I steal a glance at her as we stroll towards the water in silence. She looks me in the eyes with deep intensity and I can’t resist any longer, so I lean down and touch her lips with mine softly. Damn she tastes so good; I don’t think I will ever get bored of this.


  He leads me down to the water and I see the reflection of the moon and the stars against the gentle ripple of the sea. I’ve never felt so alive in my whole life. He leans down and slowly takes my face in his hands, kissing me adoringly. The way he looks in my eyes makes me feel so loved. My knees tremble and my heart starts beating erratically. I have never been in love, but this is exactly how I’ve imagined it would feel. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer. My chest rests against his and I can feel his heart hammering against mine. I realize that this man will be the undoing of me and I panic. I start to pull away but he tightens his hold and pulls me back.

  “No Kennedy, please don’t run from me. You and me… this… is so right; I know you feel it too.” He places his hand on my chest, feeling the thud of my beating heart.

  “Cole I can’t. I heard what your mom said and I’m really not worth the fight. If you knew who I really was, where I came from, you wouldn’t want this. I don’t deserve it.”

  “Everyone deserves to be fought for, even if they think they are undeserving.” He murmurs back.

  My skin is alive as soon as those words leave his mouth. He runs his fingers down the side of my face, my skin instantly covering in goose bumps. My body reacting to his every touch. I want to feel more of him, but I’m scared of being the person I was before. My mind and body is conflicted. I want to feel him, be close to him; but I worry that being intimate with him will only remind me of the past.

  “I don’t know what you are running from, but I can promise you I am nothing like your past. I’m your future, Kennedy. Does that scare you? Are you scared of falling?”

  “I’m scared of so many things, but one thing I’m not scared of is my feelings for you.”

  I feel Cole’s lips crashing down on mine as the words leave my mouth. Kissing me with a raw passion I have never felt before. I open my lips and let him in. As his tongue enters, he explores my mouth. He slowly reaches down and lifts me from the ground, wrapping my legs around him. What he doesn’t realize is my heart is wrapping around his as we entwine as one. He slowly lowers me to the ground, never breaking the kiss, and lays me down onto the soft sand. Our bodies feel in sync, molding perfectly as one. His hands reach and tangle into my hair as his lips leave mine; pulling my head upwards and tenderly kissing down my jaw, slowly and passionately. His other hand wanders down towards my chest and his eyes reach mine as if seeking consent. I nod and he slowly descends towards my breasts, releasing them from my t-shirt. As he lowers his lips, he takes one tenderly into his mouth; sucking and teasing, working his tongue until I am literally squirming with pleasure. I can feel the arousal build between my legs and reach my hand into the waistband of his pants, wanting to offer some satisfaction in return. I open the button and pull down the zipper, before pulling down his boxer shorts. I see the head of his shaft as it is released and springs free. Gently rubbing up and down, a guttural moan escapes from his mouth. “Oh Kennedy, I want you so much,” he moans as he continues to work my nipple tenderly with his tongue. He pulls on my pants, taking my underwear with them and then his hand cups me softly. The pad of his thumb begins to circle my clit, causing my body to tense involuntarily. I continue to work his cock, grabbing his girth tighter with each repetition. He rubs up and down my slick folds with his finger and slowly works one deep inside me; moving in and out. My body can’t help but move in rhythm with his thrusts, working against his, trying to find my release.

  “Kennedy, are you sure?” he asks gruffly.

  “Yes Cole. Please… more… don’t stop”, I cry at him. I need so much more. I know I should probably feel more scared of what we are about to do, but my need for him is overwhelming. It over powers any fear I have.

  “This isn’t just about sex Kennedy, I really need you.”

  “Please Cole, I need you too,” I exhale as he works me deep with his fingers.

  He reaches towards his pants, grabbing his wallet as he continues working me with his fingers. He removes them to rip open the foil packet of the condom, removing it and rolling it onto his erect cock. I gasp as I notice his size for the first time. I wonder how he will fit inside me. Lining the tip to my entrance, he slowly enters.

  “Only you, Kennedy!” he moans.

  As the last word leaves his lips, he fills me completely. I inhale sharply as he consumes me wholly, not just physically, but mentally too. In this moment it is just me and Cole, no one else. I move in rhythm with his soft but deep thrusts as he hovers over me. We continue to kiss sensuously and I wrap my legs around his waist, allowing deeper penetration. My nails dig frantically into his upper back as I try to hold on through the ripples of my impending orgasm. My clit rubs the base of his shaft; building the tension as my muscles tighten deep within. As he continues to work, I can no longer hold on to the explosion of ecstasy as my back arches, removing me from the rough sand beneath me. My sex pulsates and I have to release my legs from around him as they shake violently. I convulse around his cock, holding onto him as tightly as possible as I ride through my release. Cole thrusts deeper and deeper, gripping me tighter and with a loud moan from deep within his throat, he collapses onto my chest. He rests on me for several minutes as we both come down from the high. I have never felt so sexually alive as I did just now with Cole, and for once I felt complete in myself. I try to compose my emotions as the fire runs through my veins in the aftermath. I feel the weight of Cole’s body lighten as he moves beside me, pulling me into his hold. We lay there, just holding, feeling each other.

  The cool night air, soon causes me to shiver, Cole tightens his hold on me before indicating we should make a move. He stands and removes the sheath from himself.

  “Here baby use this.” He hands me a tissue he retrieved from his pants pocket and I clean myself up. Cole takes it and wraps it around the used condom. He takes my hand, helping me up and we start making our way back towards the truck, Cole dropping the tissue in a trash can. Taking my hands, he gently leads me backwards until I am leaning against the truck. His cool hands run smoothly across my cheek and down the back of my neck. I look at him realizing just how different this felt, how right it feels being with him. The doubts in my mind totally erased as his eyes are fixed on mine.

  “So… shall we go grab a burger or something, beautiful?”

  He pulls me into an embrace searching my eyes for an answer.

  “That would be a good idea, I’m totally starved.”

  We start to brush ourselves down, removing the loose sand from our clothes, and I slip my sandals back on.

  “Cool, jump in baby, I know an awesome place not too far from here. They do the best rodeo burgers; you are going to love it!”

  “Damn Cole, you must be hungry. I’ve never seen you so enthusiastic about food!”

  “It’s all your fault. I worked up an appetite while we were down on the beach!”

  I feel my face heat at Cole’s words. He looks at me, narrowing his eyes as he recognizes my embarrassment.

  “Don’t feel embarrassed, making love to you was the best feeling of my life. I feel like we solidified what we both already knew.”

  “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”

  “That we fit as one. We are meant to be together Kennedy. This feeling deep inside, I’ve never felt it before… with anyone!” I feel the jitter in my stomach as I absorb Cole’s words. I don’t think he will ever understand the meaning behind what he says to me.

  “No one has ever made me feel this way either, Cole.” He responds with a heart-warming killer smile as he starts the engine.

  We head to the diner and make our way into a booth. Cole squeezes in beside me, wrapping his muscular arm around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder. I would remember this night for the rest of my life. The waitress arrives at the table to take our order and I have no clue what to get, so I let Cole order for me. A second later she is back with the drinks; Cole takes the straw in his mouth slurping loudly like some Neanderthal man-child. I laugh and shake my head simultaneously.

  “What?” He questions me as I continue to giggle at him.

  As our food arrives we chat over our burgers about everything from TV shows to what our plans are after school. The food is unbelievable, I never realized something as simple as a burger could taste this good! I am so hungry I manage to finish the whole burger, to Cole’s amusement.

  “Where the hell did all that food go baby? I take it you liked it then?”

  “That was hands down the best burger I have ever had, thank you so much!” I hold his hand tightly and kiss his jaw, feeling his stubble against my lips.

  “You are so welcome, you deserve this and so much more; I promise here and now we will experience as much as we can together, would you like to travel?”

  “I’d love to travel Cole, see and experience Europe.”

  “We will do it baby, we will do all of it together.” The sound of passion in his voice is audible and I can see he is buzzing about this.


  I check the time on my phone and see Mom has called at least 10 times; damn she’s going to be pissed. After the diner we head home, I have to face the music sooner rather than later I guess. We pull up outside, a little after 11, and all the lights are on downstairs. Jesus Christ, I hope she didn’t send out a fucking search party. My mom is really amazing, but I’m 18 and she still worries about me far too much.

  As I walk through the door, I hear my mother almost immediately.


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