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Jonas's Redemption: A Standalone Romantic Suspense (Titan Security Book 2)

Page 17

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  The news regarding Victor was promising and looked like his reign of terror affecting my friend’s lives, my family, Titan Security, Jonas, and me would soon come to an end. My father’s friend Nickolai Siniosi had moved up ranks of his family’s bratva. One of the high-ranking officials suggested Victor Yoknovich become part of their group, especially since he’d held such a high position in Krisnikoff’s brotherhood. He’d kept the books, had taken payments for the brotherhood to keep watch over the businesses in their district, offering their ‘protection,’ and had greased the palms of members of government to look the other way.

  When Krisnikoff’s group went legit, Victor was livid and skimmed quite a bit of money off the top of the books. They kicked him out of their new organization and blackballed him. Nickolai believed in learning from your mistakes and offered Victor a chance to prove his loyalty by pulling off a job where he’d rob two men of their technological wonder as they were set to leave the bank. He’d used Nickolai’s tech-saavy guy, the one my mother traced to the coffee shop around the corner, to assist him. But Victor, being a greedy bastard, he apparently decided to not only steal the electronic device and try to sell if for his own personal gain but also their briefcase that was carrying over ten million dollars. That’s how he was able to hire all these people to come after us and offer bribes to some of the agents working the case to allow no witnesses, which, unfortunately, my friends and I were, with me having the copy of the robbery and killing on tape.

  I guess Victor was too old school to understand the video could be uploaded and saved onto another server, so he only went after me and my friends, believing we were the only ones that could identify him. It hadn’t mattered what Nickolai’s guy told him. Victor was of the mentality he could get away with it if he killed off the witnesses and destroyed the evidence.

  Okay, my mind was off on a tangent here, and I knew I was babbling, but I just wanted to grab the guy by the balls and throw him to the sharks for their feeding pleasure. Yes, I’m that pissed. One of my friends died because this asshole thought he wouldn’t be caught. Boy is he in for a surprise.

  As it turned out, Nickolai enlisted my father and Tony to assist him in capturing the scumbag. He was okay if Titan Security came on board as extra backup to track Victor down as well.

  Apparently, Nickolai didn’t trust Victor, so he set him up to steal the technology that his family created, since they had followed Krisnikoff’s example with moving toward a more legitimate state of affairs. The technology allowed for better security of electronic devices and would be worth a fortune.

  Now Nickolai had lost two of his best men, ten million in cash, and the technology he’d hoped to present to an investor. He wanted it all back, and he didn’t care if Victor lived or died in the process.

  On one of our calls with Rick, I received a surprise:

  “Hello, my daughter.”

  My throat tightened with emotion, and tears began rushing down my face. “Daddy! I can’t believe I get to talk with you!” My words sounded more like squeaks than words.

  “I miss you, my sweet angel, and even though I know Jonas is keeping you safe, I worry about you. That’s why I requested to tell you myself that we’ll get this guy. My friend Nick is on a search-and-destroy mission. He has offered a bounty on Victor’s head for anyone who can hand him over to them. But I want him to spend an eternity rotting in jail, having to deal with the hardships of prison life for the pain and suffering he’s caused you and your friends. This is almost over. We have Victor trying to catch a plane headed toward the Bahamas. We’ve attempted to thwart his efforts and lay traps for him, but he’s managed to escape at the last minute, causing us to start this cat-and-mouse game all over again. Eventually, we’ll set the perfect bait for him and snare him in his own trap.”

  Jonas had stayed close enough to hear what was being said and just held me in his arms as I cried, knowing all of this would be over soon. However, were they tears of happiness or of fear? I wanted the threat on my life to be over, but I didn’t want what Jonas and I were experiencing to come to an end. Once this mission was up, would that be the end of us, or would he want to continue to see me in between his missions as an operative? I didn’t know, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to, for fear of heartbreak.

  I hadn’t expected it to happen, but I’d given my heart completely to Jonas. It wasn’t hard to do. We worked side by side during the day, took time to relax and cool off with some skinny dipping and hot sex near the waterfall, and then at night, I surrendered my body to his, allowing him to show the ways he could make my body soar in the bedroom. And oh my god did he ever!

  Each moment with Jonas was unlike anything and everything I could ever imagine. To say I floated on a cloud of nirvana would not do it justice. There were just no words. He used a few basic Shibari techniques to bend my body to his will, turn me into a heated fall of wanton lust, and make me scream out his name at the top of my lungs, which seemed to be a major turn-on for him. To say he lived to give me pleasure was holding true. He wouldn’t allow himself to come unless I’d come for him at least a couple times first.

  Tonight, we finished eating the last of the food we had on hand and had time to waste while we waited for a plane to supply a light food drop in the middle of the night. Rick had informed us we’d have canned and boxed food along with a few fresh items dropped to us from a plane that should pass over the middle part of the island around three this morning. He gave us the latitude and longitude to ensure we’d be in the right area or close to it, given that wind might cause the crate and parachute to drift a bit.

  We’d been waiting for this drop for awhile now, making me wonder if Titan even cared if we starved. Okay, of course they cared. That was probably the lack of food variety talking. We obviously wouldn’t starve, because Jonas would continue to provide for us with fish and fruit; although, at this point, I think I’ve eaten enough fish and fresh tropical fruit to last a lifetime.

  We already pulled the ATV out of its hiding place and had found a small wagon to attach to the back of it to pull the food back to the house. We would have a small window of time to get the food drop and get it to the house, since the storm had not only started moving again but had gained strength and was coming our direction as a category one hurricane. The winds were predicted to hold at eighty miles per hour, and the house was built to withstand one hundred and thirty miles per hour, so we’d bunker down and ride it out, hoping the power and the security systems held, along with our sanity.

  A couple of days ago Jonas had asked, “Have you ever used a gun before?”

  I had just looked at him as if he’d grown a second head, responding, “You do remember who my parents are, right?”

  He’d nodded, “I’ll take that as a yes. Why don’t we get in some target practice?” He’d set up some targets through the trees for me to test my skills. We’d found a silencer so no one would hear the shots reverberate off the trees or carry on the waves. Lord knows we had not needed the hired asses Victor had sent to be snooping nearby at another island and have heard the gunfire, drawing them over this way. It had felt good to practice, even though I hadn’t really needed it.

  So now we had our preferred guns loaded and waiting, some dark clothes set out so we’d blend in with the night, the satellite phone at the ready in case we needed it, the handheld security-monitoring device, and nothing else to do but wait.

  I began pacing the floor in my bedroom, while Jonas made a call to Rick to ensure everything was still on schedule. I didn’t hear Jonas come in as I moved from one end of the room to another, but stopped in my tracks when I saw him down to his briefs with a large bulge evident underneath. His eyes were burning with desire, making my center begin to heat with need, and then I spotted the hemp rope in his hand; he was ready to tie me up.

  It only took one statement, “You know what to do, princess,” to cause my center to clench with need for this man. I hadn’t thought myself that much of a submissive, but he’d shown me h
ow wrong I was. My body and my mind were willing to do anything this man asked of me.

  My hands reached down, undoing the snap and zipper to my shorts. I purposefully turned and wiggled my ass as I slid the shorts off my hips and down my legs, which elicited a groan of appreciation from deep within his chest.

  I turned back around to reveal to him my freshly shaved mound, already dripping with the need for him to sate my hunger. No, I didn’t wear any panties. I usually preferred thongs, but Jonas had requested I go commando so he could have easy access to my pussy, as he put it. It felt strange at first, but then quite liberating when all he had to do was lift the back of my dress or push down my shorts and enter me from behind. Just the memory of our last encounter where he had me bent over the dining table…let’s just say I could feel a trickle of juices moving down my leg while I heard him sniffing the scent of my arousal and licking his lips in appreciation.

  I lifted the hem of my shirt and drew it up over my head before tossing it to the floor. I hadn’t put a bra on tonight either, because my nipples were already so sensitive, thanks to his constant need to suck, lick, and feel them, driving them to hardened points. He’d lavished them with so much attention they automatically tightened into peaks whenever he was close, like they anticipated his affection for them.

  Standing there in my birthday suit, Jonas proceeded to walk around me in a large circle, taking in the shameless way my body craved his. He stopped behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and dragged the rope from my neck down toward my mound.

  Jonas’s lips kissed a blazing trail across my shoulder and up my neck, and then hovered millimeters from my ear. “We’ve got time to kill, and I have a thirst that only you can quench, love. Are you ready to play?”

  On its own accord, my head fell back against his chest. His teeth nipped at the skin behind my ear, making my knees feel weak. “Yes, Sir.” I know: its cheesy calling him sir and all, but I kind of liked it and didn’t mind as long as it stayed in the context of play within the bedroom and didn’t extend outside of it.

  “I’m going to start tying you here; then, I’ll carry you over to the bed and position you the way I need you to be. I want to try a different angle with you tonight, one that will feel more intense than anything you’ve ever felt, one where I can claim you more deeply than I’ve ever done before. Do you want me to lay my claim on you? Do you want me take you so high, bring you such an earth shattering orgasm that you feel the earth move and forget where you are?”

  Damn that man. He had me almost ready to come just from the sheer ferocity of his voice. I answered the only way I could, the only way I knew for sure my body would get what it needed, him. “Yes, Sir.”

  Jonas ran the rope over the tight peaks of my nipples, causing me to fidget and moan. His words were whispered as he ran his tongue down my back and across my ass. “Stay still, love. Let me guide you into the pose I want.” He then playfully smacked my bottom with his hand, testing me to see if I’d move or obey his commands, which I did. He added fuel to the fire with the words, “And by the way, you’re not to come unless I give you permission, which will only happen if you follow my instructions.”

  I felt the heat in the room amplify. Did he want me to incinerate on the spot?

  I closed my eyes as he began tying the rope around my breasts, causing them to lift, enhancing my cleavage along with the desire to have him suck my nipples. I didn’t have to wait long, as his tongue came out and laved them, making them perk up even further. The contrast of wetness with the cool air sent desire coursing through me, but I held it in, following his directive.

  He moved past my breasts and onto my arms, using the rope to draw them in front of me, forcing them together, which, in turn, forced my chest to push up even further. The ropes and knots crisscrossed my body in some form of a pattern and headed down toward my mound.

  I didn’t want to look and spoil the effect. I liked waiting for him to reveal me like a fine piece of art masterfully sculpted by the artist’s hands—in this case Jonas’s. I still couldn’t see how this was considered part of the BDSM world, because it offered so much beauty in its designs, but I wouldn’t argue, since I loved the feel of his hands all over me, forming me into his newest creation, his newest seduction. I was his for the claiming.

  My mind was brought back to the present when Jonas asked, “Can you move your feet shoulder’s width apart?” Okay, this was new.

  I did as he asked and expected him to tie my legs up and open, almost as if I were in stirrups, with my pussy open for his viewing and his taking. That had been his preferred positioning of my body, where I surrendered to him fully, not being able to move, only being allowed to feel what he offered up to me. And, boy did it feel oh so good.

  Trying to contemplate where he was going with the rope, my mind sifted through the various pictures he’d shown me in the book he’d brought along. I was startled out of my thoughts when I felt his fingers part my folds and place a huge knot right over the protruding hood of my clit before pulling both parts of the rope back around my outer thighs, causing the knot to slip right against my hardened nub.

  “Doing okay, princess? Not getting turned on much are you?” His voice was a tad on the snarky side, but I knew he was turned on just as much as I was.

  The pheromones coming off his body were intense, making me want to fall into him and scream “Take me!” but held back. Instead I offered, “I’m doing fine, but could you please stop hitting my leg with that piece of wood? It’s so hard that you might bruise me.” I couldn’t help but call him out on his own desires, which earned me a sharp smack on my ass. “Ouch. What did you do that for? You’re taunting me, and I can’t comment back?”

  “That’s for being disrespectful. You’ve hurt ‘Woody’s’ feelings.” He couldn’t keep his tone even.

  We both started to laugh, until he pulled on the rope between my legs, causing me to stop mid-laugh to keep from coming from the intensity in which the knot rubbed my spot in just the right way. It would have me screaming if he didn’t let up.

  I nearly fell forward onto him, when he caught me. “There are more ways to punish you than with a smack to the ass. Try that again and I’ll make sure you don’t come tonight.”

  Swallowing hard, I took deep breaths in to calm my anxiety. Yes, I was on edge wondering what he was doing with me tonight, but I trusted Jonas would push me no further than what I could take.

  He tapped the outer edges of my thighs, “Legs together and don’t move. This part will be quick. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. You look so fucking beautiful trussed up like this.”

  I closed my legs and felt that damn knot pull up tighter against my hardened nub. This was extreme torture of the sexual degree. His hands moved swiftly over the ropes he’d already wrapped around me, testing their strength and the amount of give. Jonas had been wonderful in making sure my comfort and mental state were all perfect before he moved onto the final tying. “Everything feel okay? Nothing too tight or uncomfortable?”

  “No, Sir. But if you want to cut that knot away from my clit, I wouldn’t mind.” It was merely a suggestion, one I knew he wouldn’t do, but you couldn’t blame a girl for trying.

  I could feel the heat of his body move closer to me. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” I nodded. “Well, I’m not in a giving mood tonight. The knot remains, and you’ll thank me for it later. If things go as I think they will, you’ll feel the strongest, most intense orgasm of your life.”

  His words scared me. “How strong, Sir?”

  The whiskers from his beard tickled the edges of my face as his lips hovered over mine. I could feel his heated breath as he answered, “Life affirming,” before he pushed his tongue into my mouth, plundering every inch of it, showing me the way he planned on taking me: raw and powerfully. My body automatically responded, as I felt more of my arousal coat my inner thighs. Who needed foreplay when Jonas’s words and hands and that darn rope were enough to drive any woman to the
highest heights of sexual pleasure.

  He broke from the kiss, took the rope in hand, and tied my legs together every so many inches all the way down to my feet. I startled when I felt myself tipping backwards, but he caught me in his arms and carried me over to the bed, before placing me gently in the center.

  I was stretched out on my side in a perfect line, when he said, “Open your eyes and look at how beautiful you are.”

  My eyes opened to see he’d placed me on top of the bed where I was perfectly aligned with the mirror that was on the dresser. Who was that in the mirror? I knew it was supposed to be me, but the sensual creature lying on the bed couldn’t be, could it?

  My hair had been mussed a little from his earlier explorations of my neck, shoulders, and mouth. There was a small blush heating my skin, causing a radiance I’d never seen before, and my body…this couldn’t be mine could it?

  I’d always looked in the mirror and had seen all the curves and flaws my wide hips, fairly large breasts, and short stature created. But this woman, this vixen staring back at me looked wanton, needy, and so self-assured in her sexual nature. Had I come to this island as a caterpillar and was now emerging as a butterfly?

  I knew I’d lost some weight and gained some muscle because of the food we’d eaten and the work we’d done around the island. Until now, I’d never allowed myself to fully get past the frumpy image I’d created to hide all my imperfections, but with Jonas, I’d truly embraced my inner beauty, and it was now extending outward. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, “Thank you. You’ve made me beautiful. This art, it’s truly amazing how you’ve turned me into this stunning individual. I don’t even recognize myself.”

  His hands caressed the side of my body and worked their way up to my lips, where his thumb brushed over them. “This is the way I’ve always seen you, Erica. From the first moment we met at my sister’s wedding until now. You are a woman who steals my breath away.”


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