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Fate of the Fallen

Page 16

by Darren Lewis

  “And which of you decided that she was responsible?”

  The woman shrank back, her guilt apparent in her face. Ellie felt the fire of righteous anger throughout her entire body, she quivered with it and it screamed like tortured metal inside her mind, begging for release, begging that justice be done upon these ignorant people.

  “Mama!” A young girl cried out, clutching the leg of her mother. Ellie brought her fearsome gaze onto the small child and saw the terror the innocent blond girl must've felt when the mob came for her. Ellie took a shaky breath and looked into the sky as if seeking divine revelation.

  “All of you. Your punishment. Your penance. You will bury this girl's body with respect and dignity.” Ellie looked down at the villagers and lifted the girl's body towards one of the men who took it with fear in his eyes. “You will do this and remember me, and remember this day. If you do not I'll come back and burn your village to the ground.” Ellie finished in an icy whisper. She turned, walked to Malachite and climbed onto his back.

  Once more. She instructed and Malachite scorched the air. He lifted off and joined Cole and all three friends left the village. As Cole joined his two friends he saw the tears of anguish on his rider's face. As he was about to speak, another voice came to the three of them.

  I think a better plan might be wise. Don't you agree?


  The cave Ellie, Cole and Malachite returned to after leaving the village glowed with the soft orange light of the orb. It was with a certain amount of reverence that Ellie removed the orb from the pouch it had resided in for countless years. The last time Ellie laid eyes on it the orb was its usual dull, grey, lifeless self but now it glowed with the same intensity she remembered so many years ago, the huge difference not being the glow but the voice. The three friends were silent as she placed it on the floor of the cave and waited.

  If you're going to sit there like rocks waiting for an explanation, you'll be waiting a long time.

  The three friends exchanged glances and Ellie cleared her throat.

  “You're alive?” She asked incredulously.

  I think so. Are you?

  “As sure as I can be.” Ellie replied slowly. “So you don't know why you're glowing and stuff again?”

  “Glowing and stuff?” If learning about humans and dragons wasn't painful enough over the years, your language is awful. The orb sighed. Look, as far as I can tell over the years you've carried me around I've re-energised. Mainly due to large solar storms hitting the atmosphere and tiny amounts of radiation occurring naturally.

  Ellie and Cole nodded, understanding some of what the orb explained. Malachite merely frowned.

  “What?” He asked with a snort.

  The orb gave a strange laugh, it seemed to be a mixture of varying types of laugh. It sounded quite unpleasant, like a House of Fun carnival ride multiplied several times.

  Trust me, Malachite it took me a while to work my way through it. As for my voice, well I know all your histories not only from travelling with you but your personal experiences day to day. That goes for people you've been meeting, Ellie. The more you came into contact with villages and towns the more I absorbed from their inhabitants. Today. Well today I found a voice of my own.

  Ellie rubbed her forehead against the heel of her hand. Her concentration was wavering and she felt exhausted after the events in the village. Cole stood and then laid himself comfortingly around Ellie.

  I'm sorry, Ellie. The orb whispered. I have Cole's knowledge and know of these times. If you want, if today hasn't been too much, I think I can help?

  Ellie laid red, tired eyes on the orb and then each of the two dragons. Malachite and then Cole gave a small nod. Ellie leaned back into Cole's frame and closed her eyes.

  “Help us.” She said softly, sleep fighting the real world to take Ellie away.

  Very well. First we must consider the source of magic…oh she's asleep.

  The boy

  The young boy collapsed with a great sigh onto his bed. His lessons were done for the day and the early winter evenings forbade any fun or adventure to be found outside. His eyes tracked the flickering images cast on the ceiling by the candle next to the bed. He smiled as his eyes began to droop with tiredness.

  “See anything interesting?” A light voice came from near his window. The boy jumped and scrambled onto his haunches in fright on the bed. A tall figure was standing in the shadows next to the long curtains covering the windows. The boy swallowed and then edged slowly off his bed.

  “How did you get in here?” The boy asked, his natural curiosity overriding any sense of danger.

  “My dragon flew me over the walls.” The boy's eyes lit up and he rushed forward.

  “You came back!” He cried throwing his arms around the waist of his visitor.

  “Of course I did.” She replied stroking his hair. “I promised.”

  The boy released the visitor and snatched at her hand, dragging her into the candlelight, his body seemingly humming with contained excitement.

  “Ellie!” He laughed, grabbing her free hand and bouncing on his toes with glee. Ellie laughed and knelt down to give the boy a proper embrace. “I missed you.” He said, his voice muffled by Ellie's hair. Ellie gave the boy a final squeeze and held him away at arm's length. The last six months had put a good few inches on the boy's height and Ellie could picture the man he would become once the puppy fat of youth had drained away.

  The orb's knowledge of history and specifically the boy standing before Ellie had led to her infiltrating this particular household many times over the years, from his birth to now, nine years later. The plan was in essence to be a mysterious and magical stranger. Someone who would only appear for this boy and tell secrets and stories of dragons, magic and the lands beyond, whether in time or position. To become a confidante, a friend, as Ellie planned this boy's future to be inextricably linked to her own.

  “Where have you been?” He asked excitedly. Ellie shrugged, her mind flashing to the village and the dead girl.

  “Trying to save people's lives.” Ellie stated simply, hating what she would have to do next. The boy became serious and he perched himself on the side of the bed.

  “Tell me.”


  The tears had long since dried but Ellie rocked the boy in her arms until sleep claimed him. Ellie sighed and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the wall.

  I know the logic of what we're doing. She sent out into the night. And the reasoning behind it but that was an awful thing to do.

  Yes it was. Cole replied. I agree. But I also agree as you did with the orb. We need allies, friends who will act with us when we need them and the benefits outweigh the cost.

  I suppose. Ellie said hesitantly. He's such a sweet boy though. I hope he remembers his promise.

  He will. Cole assured her.

  The King of Hearts

  Ellie strode confidently down the aisle of the grand palace in Aachen. Courtiers and witnesses filled the large space with whispering and gossip. Some watched her with awe, others with expressions ranging from puzzlement to barely concealed jealousy that this stranger be allowed to approach their new king.

  This meeting was hundreds of years in the planning, long before the man she had come to see was even born. Ellie thought about that momentous discovery in the cave, that the orb she carried for so many years was now alive. Her grief over the death of the young girl she'd failed to save haunted her and when Cole mentioned the possibility of returning to their time with the power of the orb Ellie refused outright. Besides, where would they go?

  The orb furnished the trio with names, dates and locations of all the people it believed could help them in their task. The plan that Ellie had originally conceived was modified but kept the basic idea of integration, the main advantage to Ellie and her friends would be this infiltration would happen years in advance. This would allow Ellie to influence some very important figures in history, or Ellie's future from her perspective,
with her philosophy. More languages and more skills would have to be learned but here the orb was an even greater help. It could absorb any language or skill when exposed long enough to it and impart them to Ellie.

  As Ellie approached this grand figure from history she detected a small smile on his bearded face. She'd known this man since his he was a young boy. Even then he was highly intelligent, shrewd and larger than any of his contemporaries. Though Ellie had successfully influenced key people to her cause, not one of them ever knew her secret of long life or the dragons and orb, except him, this man was the first to know. His position and demeanour almost demanded it. Ellie knew the risk was great, but she took that risk when this man had been a boy and more susceptible to a fantastic tale. He was enthralled of course, stories of dragons and magic captivated him. Introducing him to Cole and Malachite was a moment Ellie would never forget. The look of pure joy was an image she would keep forever in her heart. Ellie told him everything and asked for help. He'd made a solemn promise that day, if he was ever in a position to bequeath the aid she required she must present herself in his home palace.

  Today was the day that Ellie would call upon her friend to honour his promise on the day of his sole leadership of his people. His brother had died and this man was now their ruler. Ellie nodded with respect and then smiled broadly at Charlemagne, King of the Fraconians.


  The tall king poured a goblet of wine for his guest and then himself and raised it in salute. Ellie took a drink while casting her eyes around the King's opulent private room.

  “Thank you, and what do you say to a new King? Congratulations?” Ellie asked.

  “A good a word as any you've taught me from your language.” Charlemagne admitted and gave Ellie a long and thoughtful look. “As I grew older I convinced myself you were a figment of my imagination as a boy. Or that I'd become feverish and dreamed of dragons and magic.” The King moved away and placed his goblet down. “My secret visitor.” He whispered to himself. “But I knew the truth, you were real and would return someday, and now you come asking me to fulfil a promise I made as a boy?”

  “Yes I do.” Ellie said firmly.

  Charlemagne nodded gravely.

  “I also came to the conclusion that you were using me. Imparting your stories as a means to an end, a device with which to control me.” Charlemagne's words and expression held a hint of bitterness. Ellie pursed her lips at the King's accusation.

  “Yes.” Ellie nodded. “At first I decided to use your position of power to aid me but I loved you as a boy, for your intelligence and your sense of wonder. You became more than just that to me.”

  Ellie saw Charlemagne's eyes soften and she briefly caught sight of the boy she'd known and not the powerful ruler standing before her.

  “These persecutions of which you speak. Are they common throughout our history?” Charlemagne asked abruptly, shattering the silence.

  “Unfortunately, yes. If it's not witches its members of other religions or simply a different colour skin. Hell, even different ways of how we should live.”

  Charlemagne cocked his head and narrowed his eyes.

  “But there is only one true faith. The Saxons are pagans and must be converted.”

  Ellie sighed. With history at her disposal she knew as much as any person about the man standing before her. The man who first forged the idea of Europe Charlemagne would be crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III in the years to come. Years that would be full of military campaigning and the deaths of many. But to carry out their plan they needed men such as this, great kings, great conquerors, whose name came with the blood of many on their hands. If Ellie could disappear all of the Saxons Charlemagne spoke about she would've done it in a heartbeat as she knew what their future held.

  “I'm not here to discuss matters of faith or religion. I want to know if you will honour the promise you made to me.” Ellie asked forcefully. Charlemagne frowned, he was not used to be addressed in such a tone, especially by a woman and he looked Ellie square in the eyes. He quickly realised his mistake. This woman, this apparent young woman had spoken to him years ago of her great age and all the wondrous things she had seen. As a boy he believed her without question, as a man, doubt and an adult's cynicism coloured his view on the past and her tale. But her eyes. When he stared into them he saw the years, he saw the wonders and he saw the pain. He wrenched his head away and a sob escaped him. Ellie stepped close and gripped his arm.

  “Please?” She whispered.

  Charlemagne composed himself and placed a hand over Ellie's.

  “Very well.” He answered and then he laughed, once, softly. “I was about to give you some sage advice. But what can a man like me say to one such as you?”

  Ellie smiled and the King saw the pain and the years drop away from this strange woman's eyes.

  “Whatever you like. I'm not one to be offended by words. I've come too far in this world for that.”

  “Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.” The newly made King intoned formally. Ellie squinted as she translated from Latin, then smiled and nodded.


  “Now, if we have two sticks and two sticks, how many sticks do I have?” Ellie asked the small group of children sat before her. The confused and frowning faces made Ellie laugh softly, it seemed her teaching skills weren't as good as her dragon riding skills.

  “RIDERS!” A yell from the main gate echoed around the courtyard. Ellie immediately rose and rushed away from the children.

  “Get inside!” She shouted over her shoulder at them and then ran on to the inner wall of the monastery.

  Charlemagne had been as good as his promise made years ago and gifted land for Ellie to use as a safe haven for those she rescued. The guise of a monastery for monks of the Benedictine order was an idea the orb provided and since the first building block had been laid no trouble had visited.

  Get in the air! Ellie cried to the dragons and she closed her eyes briefly to witness Cole's run and quick ascent into the sky.

  “Ellie!” Ellie opened her eyes and saw Isabelle running across the parapet of the monastery wall. The young woman was waving for Ellie to come quick. Ellie reached the wall and rapidly climbed the carved stairs. “There are so many of them!” She heard Isabelle exclaim.

  What do you see? Ellie asked the dragons.

  Soldiers! Cole replied.

  Want me to scare them off? Malachite asked maliciously.

  No I do not! Ellie reprimanded the green dragon.

  A few more steps had Ellie at Isabelle's side looking over the stone wall. Isabelle was pointing into the distant treeline at the mass of horses and people on foot.

  “Alright, let's not panic.” Ellie said to which Isabelle cocked an eyebrow in her direction. “Fair enough, let's not panic just yet.” Ellie amended with a wry grin for her friend before casting a serious look beyond the walls.

  There are about two hundred of them. They've set up camp within the woods. I'm sorry, Ellie we didn't spot them. Cole apologised to his rider.

  Don't apologise. Ellie reassured him. There would've been nothing to act on until we saw them anyway.

  Riders are coming your way now. Malachite interrupted in a sour tone. Happy now?

  Oh, Malachite, cheer up. Ellie told him. You may get a chance yet to scare them off later. Malachite didn't respond but Ellie could sense his grin.

  “Here they come.” Isabelle informed Ellie.

  Three riders were approaching swiftly on horseback. The lead rider held a banner that Ellie didn't recognise but as they grew closer Ellie easily recognised the faces of men hardened to battle. She leaned towards Isabelle and whispered.

  “Open the gate, Izzy.” Isabelle's mouth opened in disbelief but she did not argue after seeing Ellie's face. The young woman ran down the steps, shouting orders for the gate to be opened. Ellie took a deep breath and followed.


  “You will surrender your lands and domain immediately. Those who stay with
in this annexed land will be subject to my Lord's will. Failure to adhere to these conditions before sunrise on the next morn will be considered an act of war and force will be implemented.”

  Ellie nodded slowly as if seriously considering the soldier's offer. She nor the orb had heard of this Lord and his attempt to consolidate power at this time but as the orb wisely noted, not everything was written in the history books.

  “To the sunrise then.” Ellie said simply and turned her back on the three soldiers. She heard the snorts of derision from them and smiled. She felt quite amused that these men had ridden all the way here and now had to report back that their terms had been directed to a woman.

  Now, now. Cole said. Different times.


  Overconfidence and stupidity, Ellie thought as she crawled in the hard dirt slowly towards the large tent in the dark of night. Guttering torches laid out about the perimeter of the encampment made it extremely easy to find on the ground and in the air.

  Can you see it, Malachite? Ellie asked the green dragon.

  Easily. They've placed torches creating a path right to the main tent. The back is unguarded and facing the woods.

  Ellie smiled over at Cole who was crouched under the dark limbs of the trees with her and they both continued their slow progress towards one particular tent. When the three soldiers had departed from the monastery, Ellie returned inside to face chaos from its current inhabitants. It had taken quite a while to reassure them all that the small force encamped in the woods posed no threat and would be dealt with before the sunrise. It was only in Isabelle and the two dragons that Ellie confided that her plan was risky at best and downright ludicrous at worse but she could think of no other plan to avoid bloodshed.

  There it is. Cole whispered, breaking Ellie's self-doubt, they were here now and unless she wanted the deaths of two hundred soldiers on her hands this must be done. Cole crept forward until he was in reach of the tent fabric. The noise of the army encampment made his moves cautious and slow, it reminded Ellie of the mob she'd encountered, no specific words or language could be heard, it was merely a general noise of malevolence.


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