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Fate of the Fallen

Page 32

by Darren Lewis

  They're on their way. The orb told Eleanor. She nodded in satisfaction and looked around the operations room. The technology had changed obviously but she could still see touches that still existed from her time in charge.

  “Times change and we change with them.” She whispered.

  “What?” Sloan asked, turning from the video screen. The professor in China had held his phone at arm's length around the corner and managed to capture Ellie and the soldiers disappearing. News reports were flooding in as were more videos from tourist's onsite to witness this amazing event.

  “Something an old friend told me once.” Eleanor replied and Sloan saw for an instant the long years engraved upon her face. She blinked and they fell away. “I need to get to Cole, now.” Eleanor said stepping up to Sloan. Sloan swallowed nervously. He felt no conflict of interest in allowing this woman to heal her dragon and then leave but his professional training and beliefs were ingrained and came more to the fore the longer he thought about them.

  “Alright.” He agreed. “But releasing all of the talented? I can't go along with that, I can't be a part of that.” Eleanor studied Sloan slowly.

  “Well at least you're honest. Will you allow me access to Cole?”

  “Yes. I'll have Anthony escort you.” Sloan's eyes went momentarily distant as he remembered something. “And an ex-employee of Baiulus, she's talented but not dangerously so. I'll release her into your care if you wish.” Eleanor nodded her agreement. Sloan motioned Anthony over. “Please take Ms Copping to the medical bay and release Cassandra into her care. Then escort the two of them to the holding facility in the city.” Sloan instructed. Anthony merely nodded and indicated politely for Eleanor to precede him. She held her hand out to Sloan and he took it in his own.

  “Thank you.” Eleanor said simply. Sloan smiled, squeezed and releasing her hand turned back to his staff in the operations room.


  “Target is leaving the building and is en-route to the city's holding facility. Yes I understand. I'll keep a watch on him.”


  With the strange buoyancy of no sleep Eleanor walked along the pavement towards the building where Cole was being held. She felt stretched thin and physically battered from losing Malachite but she knew that control now more than ever was vital, or the day would slip beyond her ability to manage.

  It's not your fault, Cole told Eleanor.

  It was my plan. My plan, my fault.

  Malachite always faced danger head on, you know that.

  So did you.

  Please listen to me. Malachite knew the dangers of anything we were ever involved with. He was big enough and certainly old enough to choose.

  No, it's not that simple. She replied.

  Yes it is. He did it out of love, simple as that. You were his sister and he was my brother. Cole said gently.

  Eleanor sighed as she walked behind Anthony and side by side with Cassandra. Cassandra looked over at this woman who'd walked into the medical bay a short time ago and introduced herself. Though not in any way talented or magical Cassandra sensed something about this woman. Maybe it was just an innate ability to lead Cassandra was sensing as all the medical staff practically saluted when addressed by this tall, beautiful woman. As for the bodyguard in front of her Cassandra stayed away from him as much as possible. It wasn't him who'd broken her fingers, but he'd held her hand down.

  “Are you okay?” Cassandra asked shyly. Eleanor turned and gave Cassandra a small smile.

  “My friend tells me he spoke to you yesterday?”

  Cassandra frowned and gave a small shake of her head.

  “In the village and then a bit later in the evening.” Eleanor added.

  Cassandra's eyes widened as she remembered the thought of that contact. It was incredible. Not only the power but the mind behind it was beautiful to feel.

  “You helped save a friend of mine with a warning. Thank you for that.” Eleanor laid a hand on the woman's shoulder.

  “But what is it? Where is it?” Cassandra asked happily. Eleanor laughed wryly.

  “It's in my pocket.”

  With that Eleanor cautiously removed the orb. “Just a second, Anthony.” She called out. The large man turned and saw the two women move from the bustling pavement to the opening of a small alleyway.

  “What?” Cassandra started but tailed off as the orb brightened and she felt heat course through her skin and deep into her bones. Eleanor placed an arm around the woman's shoulders to support her. Cassandra's eyes widened and upon gazing at Eleanor, lost herself in the woman's eyes. Her hand throbbed but not painfully so and the more Cassandra studied the eyes of this strange woman the more she became convinced they were familiar. The heat lessened and Eleanor placed the orb back in her pocket. The sense of familiarity lessened as the orb was removed and a single blink removed the sensation completely.

  “There we go.” Eleanor advised. Cassandra flexed her fingers under the bandages, half grimacing as she waited for the flash of pain, but nothing came.

  “And please try not to blame Anthony too much.” Eleanor said with a nod to the large man standing next to them. “He's a friend of mine as well and has kept me up to speed on Baiulus today.”

  Anthony turned to continue walking down the street but then cast a quick look over his shoulder and gave Cassandra an apologetic look. Cassandra's main talent as a spotter for the Institute had required her to locate magical disturbances but she also had a very basic level of empathic awareness. Her ability automatically reached out to this man who'd been instrumental in her torture and she gasped in shock as she relived that moment of Sloan's extreme questioning but through Anthony's awareness.

  Shame. Terrible shame. Sadness. Poor woman. NO! Lock it away, hide it! Don't let Sloan see!

  Cassandra rocked back on her heels as Anthony's emotions flooded her own and Eleanor grabbed the ex-spotter by the shoulders. Anthony laid his large hand on one of Eleanor's and Cassandra gave him a wan smile.

  “I understand.” She said in a tired whisper.


  The building the Institute used as a housing facility for the talented and for where Cole was kept was non-descript. It always reminded Eleanor of a commercial storage facility, which she supposed was quite apt. Anthony guided both the ladies through the main security checkpoints without any problems and Eleanor breathed a sigh of relief that Sloan for now seemed to be keeping his word.

  The main reception area was cold and dark. No personnel were required to operate the main building once the main security gate had been cleared, it was fully automated. Only one man was trusted and required on occasion to keep an office here and that was Sloan. A large freight elevator located on the far wall of the reception was the only way to penetrate deeper into the building. Anthony pulled a large chain and the metal doors opened horizontally like a huge jaw of a mechanical beast waiting for its food to enter. Eleanor saw Cassandra shiver and gave the nervous woman a comforting smile before they both entered the lift. Anthony closed the doors with a rumbling crash and consulted a small card he pulled from his jacket pocket. He then opened a small metal door in the wall of the lift which housed a recessed keypad. Anthony typed in a code and pocketed the card. A loud metallic clank echoed through the lift shaft and it began its descent into the dark.


  “Security has let them through. Target is with two others, both nonessential. Yes ma'am I have it written down. I'll do that right away.”



  Sloan looked up from his computer screen and saw Dana peering around the doorframe.

  “I did knock, Mr Sloan.” Sloan waved her in.

  “Don't worry about it, sleep or a strong coffee is in order before trying to compile what's happened over the last couple of days.” Sloan told her. Dana walked to Sloan's desk and stopped. “What can I do for you?” Sloan prompted.

  “I've received orders, sir. For you.” Dana said stiffly. Sloan sat back in his chair and crossed his ar

  “Oh?” Was all he said.

  Dana produced a card and placed it on Sloan's desk. Sloan craned his neck and saw an IP address written on the card.

  “You're instructed to open up the IP address and observe.”

  “That's it?” Sloan asked, bemused at this turn of events.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Sloan uncrossed his arms and rubbed his eyes. Sloan hadn't been contacted by the upper echelons for quite some time and his best guess was an informal debrief with one of Baiulus' executives to ascertain who was to blame for yesterday's intrusion into the village so everyone could feel happy pointing a finger. He gave Dana a stern look which she held. It wasn't really her fault of course, every one took their orders from somebody, however that somebody was normally Sloan.

  Sloan reached over, grabbed the card and typed in the address. His screen turned blue momentarily before resolving into a sight he knew well but looked odd because of the angle he was viewing it at. The camera he was logged into was positioned high up on the wall of the city's holding facility. Row upon row of large glass tubes led into the distance. The image flickered slightly and a small black box imposed itself on the corner of the picture.

  “Mr Sloan?” A woman's voice asked.

  “Yes, this is he.” He replied.

  “Mr Sloan, I have a very basic question to ask you. Why have you let that woman access my facility?”

  Sloan pursed his lips as he thought about his answer. He remembered Eleanor answering his question with complete and direct honesty. His lips turned into a smile.

  “Miss Copping requires access to her dragon to heal him, I've granted that access.”

  “I see.”

  “Was there anything else?” Sloan asked.

  “What did you call that woman? Miss Copping?”

  “Yes, Audrey Copping. She's a former chief of operations.”

  “Mr Sloan. Are you aware of any other plans Miss Copping might have?”

  Sloan paused thinking about the incident in China and what Eleanor intended to do with those soldiers. He then realised he'd paused too long. He swallowed loudly.

  “She means to free all talented from Baiulus control using the army located in China.” Sloan sighed.

  “Very good, Mr Sloan. Now please observe.”

  The camera moved to the left and picked up three people walking down an aisle of glass tubes. The resolution wasn't good at this distance but Sloan easily recognised the large frame of Anthony.

  “As events unfold, Mr Sloan, I would like you to ponder where you truly stand considering I had to reactivate your quarantine of the rabbits and rescind your order on entry to the house.” With that the small black box disappeared from his screen. Sloan gave Dana a quick look before leaning in close to the screen.


  Tears swam down Cassandra's round face and Eleanor also found her vision swimming as they walked the long stretch to their final destination. It had been years since she had last visited a holding facility such as this but the effect was still just as powerful and heart wrenching. Still forms of men, women and children floated in a pale blue liquid enclosed in glass tubes. Each was still alive but placed in a permanent hibernation. Feeding, waste and oxygen tubes were all hooked up to each individual. Eleanor looked and read each designation inscribed on each tube.






  And so on. The overwhelming effect was one of no hope. These people felt soulless rather than dead. The tank Eleanor sought was visible from quite a distance it was so large and she could contain herself no longer. She sprinted the remaining distance and placed her head and hands against the glass, crying with joy.

  “Oh, Cole!”

  Ellie! Oh my, Ellie! Cole's voice cracked in emotion.

  It's very nice to see you again, Cole. The orb offered without a hint of amusement in it's often used sarcastic tone.

  Just like the people held here, Cole was hooked up to tubes that kept him alive within the blue liquid. This liquid was slightly different though. Eleanor had formulated it during her time at the Institute as it kept the captive semi-lucid rather than comatose. It was used for Cole and thousands of others during her tenure.

  Eleanor looked quickly at a computer screen that displayed Cole's biometrics. Everything seemed okay but even through the warping effect of the thick glass she could clearly see the injury Isabelle had inflicted on him hundreds of years ago. The injury that never healed fully and nearly claimed Cole's life.

  Let's get you out of there. Eleanor said.

  “Oh my god!” Cassandra exclaimed as she and Anthony eventually reached Eleanor. “That's a goddamn dragon!” Eleanor laughed and Cassandra blushed at her rather obvious comment. Eleanor turned back to the computer screen and began the process of flushing the tank and releasing Cole. A loud, piercing whine made them all cringe and look for the source which was high up on the wall, a speaker for a P.A system.

  “Audrey, Ellie, Eleanor. Yet more names that you hide away with. I have observed your little game over the last two days and it has been a pleasure to watch.”

  Eleanor's eyes widened as the voice continued.

  “I've watched you for so long, Eleanor. All those years working for Baiulus, working for me in effect. Rounding up all those talented people. That must have been so hard for you to swallow.”

  “Isabelle.” Eleanor whispered in disbelief that what subject 1138 had told them was true. That Isabelle may still be alive.

  “Yes, oh yes. When I realised you were doing it to save your dragon I let it pass as you did cause the damage and I hold no ill will towards Cole.”

  “How gracious of you. What do you want then, Isabelle?”

  “Simple. Cole will stay here. The two of you are far too dangerous in the outside world with your younger version and those rabbits of yours. Of course they won't be a problem for much longer.”

  Is Ellie with Rox yet? Eleanor asked the orb silently.

  Nearly. The orb replied after a short pause.

  “Is that it?” She asked just to keep Isabelle talking.

  “Oh no, not at all. I have a deal for you, you see. As you've probably ascertained or at the very least guessed by now, the woman that died in the village was an experiment, and a very successful one. I developed a symbiosis between medicine and magic and literally copied my memories onto hers, incredible!”

  “You must be very proud?” Eleanor asked, her voice dropping to almost a whisper.

  “Of course. I expanded this idea to make them think and believe what I want! No longer will talented be subject to persecution from normal people like you, they will fight back this time and from dragonback! I've used your dragon's DNA and I have my own!”

  “Isabelle…” Eleanor drifted off sadly trying to remember the sweet girl she'd met all those years ago. The girl who'd looked up at the stars and travelled to them with her mind. Who'd followed Eleanor in her quest to save people from the righteous mob, the fire and the gallows. The girl Eleanor loved as much as anything in this world.

  “Enough!” Isabelle said sharply. “This is the deal. You will enter quarantine, Eleanor. You will be the first normal human to do so. Yours will be an example to the rest that they can go willingly, by force or die.”

  Eleanor turned to look at Cole and placed a hand on the glass separating them.

  “Don't feel so bad, Eleanor. Dragons will live once again but as my creation! Talented will live once again in the world! I've done what you couldn't do, save them.”

  “You mean save her!” Eleanor retorted harshly.

  “Don't you dare mention my mother!” Isabelle screamed. “She died because of you! Because of people like you. Afraid of us, afraid of what we can do! Now choose! Willingly, by force, or die!”

  Eleanor looked at Anthony and Cassandra who both seemed stunned by what they'd heard.

  “I'm sorry.” She whispered to them and she looked
up to the P.A. system as she could now see the camera Isabelle must be watching her on. “You should know me by now, Isabelle.” And with one quick movement Eleanor turned and pressed the key to release Cole from his confinement.

  The blue liquid rushed from the glass cage in seconds and Cole collapsed onto the floor. Eleanor brought the orb out and pressed it against the glass. The effect was immediate, the glass turned cherry red and a hole appeared which grew wider and wider. Due to the heat the orb through its own volition flew from her hand through the melted, hot glass and landed near Cole's head.

  “You're pathetic, Eleanor!” Isabelle scathed her. “You could have saved them, but time and again you fail to do the right thing!”

  An alarm sounded in the facility as the orb's brightness grew and grew.

  “What on earth is that for?” Cassandra shouted. Anthony plucked a mobile phone from his jacket, held up a finger and walked off a ways while dialling Dana's number.

  Cole had disappeared in the orb's glare and the blue light that bathed the floor was replaced with the orb's orange glow.

  Cole! Are you okay? Eleanor asked, desperately clasping her hands together. Cole didn't answer. Cassandra walked over to Eleanor, eased her hands apart and held them gently.

  Cole? She cried once again her worst fears now beginning to run through her head. That she'd waited too long. That the formula she'd created for him was wrong somehow. That she would lose her Cole.

  Cole please! She begged.

  What? Cole shouted with amusement and Eleanor sobbed with relief at the strong tone from her dragon. Cole's head emerged from the orange glow and the huge hole the orb had made in the glass. Eleanor tore her hands from Cassandra's grasp and flung herself forward and grabbed hold of Cole's neck, weeping all the while.

  Hey, easy now, there's hot glass everywhere. Cole chided her gently. Eleanor laughed and felt Cole's powerful foreleg scoop her up and carry her away from his odd home for so long.

  Are you okay? Did the orb heal you?

  I'm fine and I feel wonderful. Proper air at last. Cole lifted Eleanor away from him so he could see her properly. He grinned with joy at being reunited with his rider. I never thought this day would come. Cole confessed. Eleanor stroked Cole's large paw.


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