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Fury of a Viking (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors' Kin Book 4)

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by Sky Purington

  Why did her daughter have such an issue with him? She claimed it was because she felt like Matthew abandoned Håkon and that’s why the enemy might have him now, but Shannon sensed there was more to it. She’d have to find out what sooner rather than later.

  Sven and Emily chatted while Matthew started to shave a stick into a spear with a small dagger, his motions slow and methodical. Maybe to hunt with? She glanced outside. It was hard to imagine traveling in this weather never mind hunting. Snow fell heavily, and the wind gusted. Almost as if he heard her thoughts, Matthew said, “We will not be traveling outside. The weather is too dangerous. I know a way down through the southern side of the mountain.”

  “Why are we going down the southern side?” Emily frowned at Sven. “Shouldn’t we be heading north? Isn’t that where Håkon is?”

  How did Emily know that? She had been asleep when they spoke of this.

  “Yes, little Emily,” Sven said. “But we are going to bring you back to where it is safe first.”

  “But I don’t want to be safe. Not if Håkon isn’t,” Emily whined. “That’s not fair.”

  Shannon frowned and crouched in front of her daughter. “As far as we know he is safe, sweetie. Matthew just needs to keep looking, and I don’t blame him. I would do the same if it were you.”

  “I should go…we should go.” Shannon did her best to show no reaction when Emily’s distress increased and her eyes went catlike for a second. “We have to go too, Mama. We just have to.”

  She had only seen her daughter’s eyes do that once before. The day she found out her father had died. But why was Håkon provoking an equally emotional response? She hadn’t even met him.

  “I am sorry, Emily,” Matthew said. “While I’m thankful you are eager to help me find my son, I cannot allow you any closer to danger than you already are.”

  “Why, do you think I can’t protect myself?” Emily challenged. “Just like you think Håkon cannot protect himself.”

  “Emily! That’s enough.” Shannon frowned, shook her head and glanced at Matthew. “I’m sorry. I…just…”

  “It’s all right,” Matthew assured and did the last thing she expected when he held out the spear he had made to Emily and said, “Show me where you would thrust this at me. I want to see how well you can protect yourself.”

  “Are you sure? Because I’ve had Auntie Warrioress Svala teaching me how to fight,” she declared, an already triumphant gleam in her eyes as she took the weapon. “So I’m afraid you don’t stand a chance.”

  “I don’t think this is such a good idea,” Shannon began, but it was too late. Emily was already thrusting as Matthew smoothly evaded. The harder she tried, the more he was one step ahead of her.

  “While you seem to know the general areas to aim for…” Matthew sidestepped one of her thrusts. “Your grip is sloppy, and you battle as though still practicing with a person of Svala’s height and weight which is substantially less than mine on both counts.”

  Growing more and more frustrated, Emily kept coming at him but never got close enough to nick him.

  “You don’t stand still,” she complained.

  Matthew kept evading. “Do you think your opponent will stand still for you then, child?”

  Shannon wasn’t sure what to make of the two of them. Of what Matthew was doing. It was one thing for Emily to mock fight with Svala, but another thing entirely to be learning moves from a seasoned warrior at such a young age. Was this really necessary?

  “Vikings learn how to battle very soon after we learn to walk,” Sven murmured, coming alongside. “We also learn how to embrace our dragon…or at least we’re supposed to. I did not at a young age due to circumstances.” He glanced at Shannon. “But Emily could. She should. Surrounded by fellow dragons. It would help her…and Matthew.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” The idea of her daughter shifting into a dragon did not sit well at all. “Why would it help Matthew?”

  “I sense they would form a better connection once she shifts.” Sven shrugged and eyed her. “And would it not be beneficial for everyone if she got along better with him?”

  Shannon perked her brows at him. Why did she get the impression that ‘everyone’ meant her? She was about to comment on that when Matthew suddenly pulled Emily behind him, faced the entrance and pulled a blade. She scooped up her daughter as Sven took up a defensive stance beside him.

  A second later, the last person she expected to see came stumbling into the cave alongside two Vikings.

  Her brother-in-law.

  Even worse?

  Sigrunn and Freydis were right there beside him.

  Chapter Four

  MATTHEW SHEATHED HIS blade and frowned at his cousins. “What are you doing here?”

  He couldn’t sense them ahead of time because they had been cloaking their minds in case the enemy was close.

  “We’re protecting everyone’s sanity,” Kodran muttered as his eyes locked on Shannon with appreciation. “Not that I am complaining. Not now.”

  “Cameron?” Shannon said, incredulous. “What are you doing here?”

  “Whoa, look at her, Mama,” Emily murmured. “She’s even more ferocious than Auntie Warrioress Svala.”

  Matthew shook his head and sighed. Cameron could only be the strange man his cousins had brought here, and Emily must be referring to Kadlin.

  “They brought me here,” Cameron said to Shannon between clenched teeth, gesturing left and right. “You know who.”

  Matthew frowned. Why was he gesturing to locations Kodran and Kadlin weren’t standing?

  “This is what I was referring to.” Kodran nodded Cameron’s way. “He talks to himself too much. So we brought him here to spare everyone at the fortress his endless lunacy.” His cousin shook the snow off his hood, grinned at Shannon and Emily then introduced himself and his sister. Meanwhile, the little girl was mesmerized with Kadlin as she sheathed several blades and warmed her hands by the fire.

  “Nice to meet you both.” Shannon offered a pleasant smile as her eyes met Kodran’s. “You look a lot like your brother, Tait.”

  Kodran kept smiling. “So I have been told.”

  Matthew’s frown only deepened as he saw the interested way Shannon looked at Kodran. It wasn’t all that different than how she had looked at Tait. Which shouldn’t bother him in the least. He had no time for women. Especially not right now.

  Yet it was damned hard to keep his eyes off her.

  More than that, to ignore the way she had reacted to his scent.

  Shannon was a very beautiful woman who had an unusual relationship with her inner dragon. She recognized it, had somewhat learned to tame certain parts of it, yet still came across almost eerily calm.

  It didn’t surprise him in the least that Kodran honed right in on her. Her appearance was hard to ignore from her sleek jet-black hair to her warm skin tone, and those haunting pale blue eyes. Not a pure blue but a shade slightly off. Almost like the color of ice reflecting a clear winter sky.

  Shannon proceeded to introduce Cameron before she said, “Do you mind if I take a moment alone with my brother-in-law?”

  Matthew realized when both he and Kodran said it was a bad idea that she hadn’t really been asking but telling them because her attention turned to Emily. “It’s all right, sweetheart. I just need to find out why Uncle Cameron is here.” She motioned to Sven. “Stay close to Sven. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  “You should not go anywhere alone,” Matthew stated and started to follow.

  “No, not you.” Her eyes went to Kadlin. “If anyone follows, she does.” And then as an afterthought, likely for the benefit of Emily, she said. “Please.”

  He downright scowled as he eyed her and Cameron. Were they mates? The man didn’t seem to suit her. He wasn’t tall enough. Strong enough. “Do not go far.” His eyes met Kadlin’s. “Just around the corner. We are in enemy territory.”

  She nodded and followed them.

  “Why are you both here?”
he asked Kodran. “I would think the more dragons at the Fortress and Dragon Lair the better.”

  “I am just doing what was requested of me, Cousin.” Kodran shrugged. “And there is no one at the Lair now. Not until this is over. It is more important to keep the two kingdoms and those in the future safe, so all are dispersed between those three locations.”

  Matthew nodded. That was sound thinking on Heidrek’s part. Mostly. “So, again, why are you and Kadlin here? Because I sense there’s more to it than Cameron’s lunacy.”

  Matthew wouldn’t be surprised if Kodran volunteered. Especially if it meant meeting another female dragon.

  “I brought Cameron here because he was insistent about finding Shannon. He felt he could help her and Emily on their journey. He was the one who let everyone know that Shannon and Emily had traveled back in time and was most likely with you.” He shrugged. “Kadlin is here because she lusts after Cameron.”

  Matthew frowned, not entirely pleased that she had come on such an important quest because of lust. But then Kadlin had a good mind and fought very well. He had faith in her to keep things in perspective.

  “How did Cameron travel back in time?” he asked. “More importantly, how did he know Shannon and Emily had as well?”

  “Samantha said it was through the Yggdrasill,” Kodran said. “As to how he knew they were here?” He wore a you’re-never-going-to-believe-this look. “He claims someone from the land of the dead told him.”

  He frowned. “Who?”

  Kodran shook his head. “He would not say.”

  “And Heidrek trusted him?” He found that hard to believe. “Cybil and her sisters as well?”

  “So it seems,” Kodran said. “Because here we are.”

  Yes, here they were. All because a man they barely knew insisted on it. He couldn’t say he was thrilled by the idea.

  “I am surprised Lauren didn’t come along too,” Matthew said. “I know she was determined to protect Emily.”

  “Cybil wanted her to return to the future to watch over the others with Tait,” he replied. “She feels we dragons are strongest with our mates.”

  “That makes sense.” Matthew nodded. “Not to mention it spreads us out more evenly.”

  Kodran nodded too as he glanced in the direction Shannon had gone. “Do you think Cameron and Shannon are mates?” he said into Matthew’s mind. “Because if not, I will be pursuing her.”

  “So you will let a mere human have her over you?” Matthew responded and shook his head. “That does not sound like you, Cousin.”

  As was Kadlin, Kodran had always been his own sort of dragon. While flirtatious like his brother, Tait, he possessed an edge of quiet wisdom and a sense of pride in his kind that Matthew figured would someday get him in trouble. Because no matter which way you looked at it, Kodran was a bit prejudice against those who didn’t have dragon blood.

  “I’m just trying to figure out what you know about their relationship.” Kodran eyed him. “And where you stand, of course.”

  That was what this was really about. Did Matthew want her?

  “I have no interest in Shannon,” Matthew responded. “My only concern is finding my son.”

  He knew Kodran didn’t believe him in the least but had the good sense to focus on what was important. “And I am here to help you locate our little kin.” He grasped Matthew’s shoulder. “I promise you we will find him, Cousin. He is not lost just waiting for you and me to reunite with him wherever he is.”

  Matthew nodded. “And we will do so soon.” He gestured in Emily’s direction. “As soon as we get Shannon and her daughter back to safety. I’m sure now that Cybil knows her sister and niece have arrived she is eager to reunite with them.”

  “Yes,” Kodran concurred. “Now that we got Cameron to Shannon, we will get them back to the Fortress then my sister and I will continue with you to find Håkon.”

  Matthew was about to thank him when Emily piped up. “I already told you I’m going north not south.” She stood up taller and acted as if she had a weapon, clearly mimicking the way Kadlin had been standing before. “I am the only one who can find Håkon.” Her eyes narrowed on Matthew. “I am the only one who can find the son you lost.”

  “Maybe,” Matthew conceded, clueless as to why she disliked him so much.

  While she might be used to getting what she wanted, he had no patience for the ill-placed whims of a child that couldn’t begin to fathom what she was up against. “But as I showed you before, you are not equipped to defend yourself so who will protect you?”

  “You think she’s used to getting what she wants?” Shannon said, catching him unaware. “Do you think she wanted to be torn from the life she knew?” There was no missing her aggravation. “Do you think she wanted to lose her father?”

  Matthew turned to confront her, mainly to apologize, only to have several things occur to him. The first, she wasn’t here but still in the other cave. The second, she had spoken within his mind. She had answered his thoughts.

  “Loki’s balls,” he muttered under his breath and raked a hand through his hair.

  “What?” Kodran asked.

  Matthew shook his head and took a deep swig of mead. He didn’t want her in his head. He didn’t want a woman in his life outside of slaking his lust. And even if he did, it wouldn’t matter. His loyalty lay with Sigrunn until they met again in Valhalla. He owed her that at the very least.

  “Then why were you so interested in my sisters?” Shannon said. “Because I know you desired Cybil, Sam and then most definitely Lauren.” He sensed her rising frustration. “As to Sigrunn, don’t you dare stay devoted to the dead like that. Don’t you know what that does to them?”

  He was about to respond when Shannon and Cameron returned. When he saw the way she spoke to her brother-by-marriage and didn’t spare him a glance, he knew. She had no idea she was hearing his thoughts let alone responding to them.

  Good. Let her think it was all in her mind.

  But he would give her one last answer. “I would be lying if I said I don’t find your sisters desirable but I would never have taken them as mates. It would have been wrong.”

  He had shown interest in Cybil to spite his brother, his interest in Lauren was to give Tait the extra nudge he needed and Sam? She was just fun to be around. And fun was something in which he rarely indulged.

  As to Shannon’s last comment about what he did to the dead by staying devoted to them, what harm was there in that? If anything, it should make his wife proud. He wanted her to know he still honored her. That he might not have been there to protect her in the end, but he was now. Or he would once they reunited in the afterlife.

  Shannon still didn’t look his way, but he got the strongest feeling she was tempted. That she had more opinions on not only his telepathic declaration but his beliefs in general. All that aside, no matter what she thought, it was all based on what was going on inside her head. Nothing tangible as far as she knew.

  “So are we gonna go save Håkon, Mama?” Emily’s eyes were full of hope as she sat on Sven’s lap and munched on meat.

  “No.” Shannon shook her head. “We are going to get you back to where it’s safe.” She gave her daughter a look. “Come over here and give Uncle Cameron a hug hello.”

  “Oh, she doesn’t need to,” he said gruffly, his eyes on the cave and their surroundings. “I know how uncomfortable it makes her.”

  Matthew frowned. What was that all about? He watched Emily closely then narrowed his eyes on Cameron. Why did this man make her uncomfortable? He was somewhat surprised by the rush of distrust and anger he felt.

  Shannon’s words floated through his mind. “Who are you to judge when she seems to downright dislike you?”

  He hid his scowl and announced that they were heading south down into the mountain.

  “Why don’t we just go the way Auntie Warrioress Kadlin came?” Emily said, her eyes again wide with wonder as she looked at his cousin. “I love the snow and stormy weathe

  “Most are not as brave as me, little girl, and unable to whether such a storm.” Kadlin gave Emily a look of approval. “Best that you learn that now.”

  Emily nodded and grinned. “I understand.”

  “We do not go back the way we came because the storm grows too intense,” Kodran informed. “Even for our dragons.”

  So they grabbed some torches and began to travel.

  Matthew led because he knew these mountains. Kadlin remained in the middle with the others. Sven and Kodran took up the rear. This wouldn’t be an easy journey for an adult let alone a child, but Emily seemed to be doing fairly well. Mostly, he supposed, because she was trying to emulate Kadlin.

  While there were no shear ledges to climb it was cold and moist with whistling wind howling through unseen crevices high above. If he had his way, neither Shannon nor Emily would be traveling like this. Though Sven eventually carried the little girl on his back, that didn’t change the fact that this was harsh.

  They climbed most of the night, and while everyone else chatted, Matthew remained silent. He preferred to listen and learn. It helped him avoid his own thoughts and worries.

  Sven, Kadlin, and Kodran shared much with Emily about where they were in Scandinavia and everything going on in the world in this day and age. An eager learner, she soaked it up and had more questions than most children. Especially one who had just traveled back in time and only recently learned that dragons existed. Which led to her next round of questions. Where did dragons come from? What did they look like? Then she shared her opinion as she described what she recently saw. There was no doubt it was Svala in dragon form.

  On and on it went. Her need to learn. Her eagerness to embrace what she was.

  She reminded him a lot of Håkon. His son had a bright, inquisitive mind and more courage than most. Matthew clenched his jaw and kept his emotions from going somewhere they didn’t need to be. He would find his son. And he would be all right. He would be with Uncle Kjar.

  Determined to keep his mind free of ‘what if’s’ he refocused his attention on Shannon and Cameron. They walked directly behind him and spoke less than he would have thought. He knew who Cameron was from his brief time in the future and what Tait had told him. Not only brother to her deceased husband but a man she was supposedly obsessed with and perhaps had lain with while still married to her husband.


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