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Break of Dawn II - Presage

Page 2

by Schusterap

  Jackson: “Queena, come on!!!”

  Several walkers catch Queena and almost bite her suddenly, Jackson rush to push them all away and grab her out. Unfortunately his left arm was bitten by one walker.

  Queena: “No!!! Jackson no!!!”

  Jackson: “Run!!! Don’t turn back!!!”

  Queena: “No! I can’t! I can’t leave you!”

  She tries to push the walker away, however another one comes to her, while the walker is trying to bite Queena, a bullet dashes into its head.

  Nichole(shouting): “This way! Come on I hold them!!!”

  Brian: “Through the back yard! See that big house! Go!”

  Queena helps Jackson and they run to the back yard.

  Brian: “I’ll hold ya little lady!”

  Kenny: “Get down Clementine! I’m right behind you.”

  Nichole runs after Jackson and Queena, Brian carries Clementine and runs forward Kenny.

  Suddenly, Brian stops and put Clementine down.

  Brian: “You take her! I have another job! Go!!!”

  Kenny carries Clementine and runs after Nichole.


  Sean shot from the window: “Come! I cover you!”

  Nichole: “Go go go! Walkers are following us!!!!”

  Brian rushes back and shouts: “Hey! You fuckers!!! Come on! Want my blood? Come on!”

  Sean: “Oh, shit!”

  Walkers are attracted by Brian and most get back and walk towards him.

  Nichole: “Brian! Come back! I’m closing the door!!!”

  Brian: “Close it!!! Or everyone dies!!! I’m fine!!!”

  He uses his gun to shoot walkers until it runs out of bullets. He leans on the bus, walkers around, helpless, hopeless.

  Nichole(crying): “No!!!”

  Kenny: “Close the door! They are coming!”

  Kenny and Queena close the door and push some heavy stuffs to hold the door in case it breaks.

  Sean shoots towards the bus and shouts: “Fuck!!! Brian~~!”

  Brian climbs to the bottle of the bus, trying to kick away those walkers who try to climb down.

  Sean: “Come on Brian, you can do it!”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  (Empire City, Deirdres district, Cloudim, December 26, 2026)

  Yaro: “He was bitten by a walker, on the neck! We can’t save him! We can’t!”

  Armstrong: “What to say, so, Eric was dead?”

  Yaro: “Yeah, we lost him.”

  Armstrong: “So what happened to your face? It’s like someone punch at it!”

  Yaro: “I, hmm, I fell on the ground, it’s okay! Anyway, we took back two survivors”

  Armstrong: “Good, lead them to Volking, just like old times. Get fresh-men training.”

  Yaro: “OK, I will do that.”

  Bart: “This is your new home. Empire City, people work, live, escape away from danger here.”

  Blight: “Seems like a good place.”

  Lori: “Where are you two come from? Didn’t you have a shelter before?”

  Black: “We were exiled by them.”

  Lori: “What? Why? How could...”

  Blight: “We don’t want to talk about this. Now I just want to fit myself in life here.”

  Yaro: “Hey, you two! Come with me, gonna take you to see a new guy. Come on!”

  (Border, Delores district, Cloudim, December 27, 2026)

  A strong muscled walker appears abruptly, which makes Sean deeply shocked. It rushes to the bus and runs into it, causing the bus rolls over on the ground. Brian looks at the monster with astonishment. It grabs him tightly, and howls out loudly, then it swallows Brian’s head abruptly, with a sudden pull, Brian’s head was gone.


  Sean: “......Damn!”

  He rushes downstairs and points his gun towards Kenny: “For saving you! We lost him!!!”

  Queena: “Oh hey hey hey!! Calm down!!”

  Kenny: “I’m sorry......”

  Nichole: “Sean! We can’t loss any more!”

  Clementine: “Uncle Harris!” She runs to Sean and hugs him, “I thought I can’t see you anymore!”

  Sean: “Oh, Clem, here I am.”

  Kenny: “ you are her...”

  Clementine: “He is my dad’s friend! Uncle Harris, where is my daddy?”

  Sean: “Hum, hey, your daddy’s okay, I will help you find him okay?”

  Queena: “Come on, help Jackson! He was bitten!!!”

  Kenny: “He was infected, you know what to do...”

  Queena: “No! He can make it! Just......”

  Sean: “Cut his arm.”

  Jackson(Weak): “What? Are you, are you joking?”

  Kenny: “I’m afraid it is of no use! I had friend who cut his arm because of infectious. But he could not make it at last.”

  Sean: “Well, we should try, or let him die?”

  Sean holds a machete: “Boy, you better close your eyes!”

  Kenny: “Clementine, turn back! Hey Queena, help me hold him!”

  Jackson: “No no no!!! Please!”

  Sean swings the machete, once, twice, cut down Jackson’s left arm. Jackson cannot bare such pain and fall unconscious.

  Queena: “Jackson!!! Jackson!”

  Kenny: “Hold the wound! Stop bleeding!!!”

  Sean: “Where is the first-aid Brian found?”

  Nichole: “There! I get it!”

  Sean: “Light the fireplace, get an iron, he needs that to help the wound stop bleeding.”

  Nichole: “I’ll do that.”

  Kenny: “Hope he can make it.”

  Nichole passes the hot iron to Sean, Sean put it to the wound, hard sudden pain strikes Jackson.

  Jackson: “Ah!!!!”

  Sean: “Hold him! Hold him!”

  Queena: “Oh God!”

  Kenny: “It’s okay, almost done!”

  Clementine: “Kenny, what happened to Jackson? Is he alright?”

  Kenny: “He was attacked by walker, we have to do that. Or we might lose him.”

  Clementine: “I don’t want to lose anyone anymore.”

  Kenny: “Hopefully not. So, what is that outside? The huge monster? Can anybody explain that?”

  Sean: “I don’t know, never met that before. We only met jumpers.”

  Nichole: “We will disappear easily with that monster. This is impossible! How could such a huge creature exist?”

  Sean: “But unfortunately, it does exist, and Brian dead because of it.”

  Kenny: “So, what are we going to do?”

  Sean: “We wait, until the migrating group is far away from us, then we move back to termination, which we came from. And where Clementine’s father is.”

  Nichole: “We’re going to take a long trip.”

  Sean: “Alright, everybody take a good rest.”

  Kenny: “If you are tired......”

  Queena: “I will call you to take turn. I will take care of him.”

  Kenny: “Okay.”

  Weeks later.

  Queena: “Gross! It makes me sick!”

  Kenny: “Come on! Everyone’s gonna get used to it! Walkers’ blood, debris, intestines, they can cover our smell. When we walk slowly, they won’t notice us! Stop complaining!”

  Queena: “We have been here weeks! There’s no food supplies for us to find around.”

  Kenny: “Search carefully, we will find some.”

  The two walk on the street with cloth full of black blood, intestines. It’s the first time Queena get out to search food supplies.

  Kenny: “Wait! Can you see that? Across the road, a big van! It seems like a food van! To deliver food!”

  Queena: “I’m not sure if it’s empty? It’s been months and......”

  Unknown man: “Hey! You two! Put your hands up!”

  Kenny: “Oh! Shit!”

  Unknown man: “Put your hands up! I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

  Kenny and Queena lift their arms. A woman comes to
them and hands a gun.

  Unknown woman: “Don’t move!” She looks through their pockets and grabs out some food cans Kenny and Queena found.

  Queena: “No! Please! We have a child! Please don’t take them all!”

  The woman stares at the man, “Leave them one.” said the man. Then the man and the woman step back facing them and pointing the gun at them in case they take a move.

  The man and the woman get in the Van and drive away.

  Kenny: “Damn! Fuckers!”

  Queena: “We must leave to another place, we don’t have any more food, and it’s getting colder!”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  (Amofous district, Cloudim, January 13, 2027)

  A big van is driving on the freeway. Two people sitting at the front.

  The man: “It’s getting colder! Walkers are migrating to the south.”

  The woman: “So that’s why you are heading north?”

  The man: “We’ve gotten enough food to pass the winter. You don’t have to worry about it! Trust your bro!”

  The woman: “Why don’t we just follow a group? Always living by ourselves?”

  The man: “Delia! Just close your eyes and sleep obediently okay? I’m driving!”

  The woman: “Okay, okay! You are right, your are never ever wrong......”

  The man: “Merci! For your praise!”

  (Downtown, Amofous district, Cloudim, January 12, 2027)

  Kenny: “We were threatened by two unkind strangers. They took away what we found.”

  Sean: “......we cannot stay here for too long, the migrating group has already gone, and this place, is surely not a good shelter. Jackson can move now, we move to the termination right now.”

  The small group starts to head termination, it’s getting colder and colder, even the south is covered with snow.

  Nichole: “We have to, find more cloth! I feel so cold.”

  Sean: “Can anybody see some, stores or, God, all I can see is white.”

  Jackson: “It’s not the coldest, remember life in the very north? People are banned to hang out!”

  Queena: “We should stop and have a rest! We’ve walked for hours!”

  Sean: “We can’t find a good car. Or we don’t need to walk.”

  Nichole: “Come on, Sean, just a while. Everyone is tired.”

  Sean: “Alright, 15 minutes. See there’s a park. I will look around to see if there’s a car in good condition.”

  Jackson: “Okay, just sit down, ah~, so tired.”

  Kenny: “Clem? Where are you going?”

  Clementine: “Hum, excuse me, Kenny, I can protect myself!” She walks into the wood.

  Kenny: “Hum, she aims good though! And those walkers, seems the snow has made them frozen, they move even slower.”

  Jackson: “But we still have to be careful.”

  While Clementine is in the wood, she hears somebody talking. She hides behind a tree, notices there are two people in 50 meters, a man and a woman, it seems the man was shot.

  Man: “I am bleeding, find something to help it stop!”

  Woman: “All we can see is woods!”

  Man: “A girl! There!”

  Woman: “Hey! We need help!”

  Clementine hears it, but she is afraid that they might be bad guys.

  Woman: “We are not gonna hurt you, but he is dying! Please!”

  Clementine walks closer to them carefully, putting her right hand on the gun. She saw the man was badly hurt in the back: “Kenny can solve this! Come with me!”

  Woman: “OK! Sure.” The woman helps the man up and follows her: “I’m Emma·Hill, what’s your name?”

  Clementine: “Clementine, just call me Clementine.”

  Emma: “You said Kenny just now, he is your friend?”

  Clementine: “Yea, he is, also Jackson.”

  Emma: “You three? Just three?”

  Clementine: “No, two more. We met a lot of friends, they were all gone.”

  Emma: “I, I’m sorry.”

  Clementine: “Keep walking, they are having a rest in the park, very close. And Kenny can save your friend.”

  Kenny: “Clem! Who are they!” He grabs out a pistol immediately.”

  Clementine: “They need our help! The man was shot!”

  Emma: “Please! Help him! We were attacked!”

  Jackson: “Maybe you should not be that strict to everyone, Kenny.”

  Kenny: “......Let me see.”

  Nichole: “Oh my God!!! Jaden!!!”

  Kenny: “What? You know him?”

  Nichole: “He is my friend! Oh God! Help him! Stop bleeding!”

  Kenny: “Alright, put him down, let me see......the bullet shoots in the right side of his back, there’s no life threaten, don’t worry. Where’s the first-aid you guys took? I need some tools to get the bullet out.”

  Emma: “Thank you so much!”

  Nichole: “What happened to you? Where’s others? Where’s my brother?”

  Emma: “I don’t know, we met some guys, enemies, I should call they like that, they attacked us with no reason. They caught Tony, Stephanie and Colton. We also lost contact with Logan......”

  Nichole: “Where’s Frankenstein?”

  Sean(Driving a jeep): “Hey guys! Look what I found! A big guy alive......Oh shit!”He runs out of the Jeep towards Jaden: “What happened to him? Where’s Rodris?”

  Emma: “We were attacked......”

  Nichole: “Sean, come here, don’t interrupt Kenny, you, what’s your name?”

  Emma: “Emma·Hill.”

  Nichole: “Alright, come here and tell us what happened.”


  Sean: “We need to go there right now!”

  Nichole: “Calm down Sean! There are too many of them, we don’t even know how many, look at us, just several people, and a child! Think about it! Rodris can work it out!”

  Sean: “I shouldn’t have left them.”

  Nichole: “You met Clementine anyway!”

  Emma: “Yeah, we should not get back! It’s been several days, and we ran into a monster there, a huge walker with strong muscle!”

  Sean: “Huge one? Isn’t that the one we met before? They are migrating to the south definitely! That huge guy killed Brian!”

  Emma: “Brian? Oh my God!”

  Nichole: “So what are we going to do now?”

  Sean: “Termination, set off right now!”

  Emma: “What about Jaden? He is weak now.”

  Sean: “All get on the Jeep! Hey Kenny? Are you done?”

  Kenny: “Yeah! Still need a moment to stop bleeding.”

  Sean: “Alright do that on the jeep! Come on we move right now! Get on the jeep! Clementine! Come on! Gonna meet your dad!”

  Chapter Twenty-six

  (A-Lake, Chloes district, Cloudim, February 4, 2027)

  Galen: “Be careful! Lilith! Take care of your brother! Do not fall into the ice hole!”

  Katie: “Hey little guys! Come around the fire! Isn’t it cold?”

  Lilith: “Okay Mom! Come with me Joshua.”

  The two children run towards the RV. Near the RV, there is a camp fire, several people sit around.

  Dominic: “It’s been weeks......”

  Frederica: “Stop saying anything about that! Rodris can make it! He won’t abandon us!”

  Jennifer: “......Life is good here anyway. It’s been several days that I didn’t witness a walker. Cold weather must have frozen them all.”

  Galen: “They are migrating to the south, but some cannot bare the weather. Winter is terrible for both of us. I’m not sure those fishes are enough for us to pass through the winter. We need more stuff.”

  Lori: “But where can we find it? It’s like all around us is snow.”

  Dominic: “Yeah, we are far away from cities.”

  Galen: “So, we must have a trip to villages nearby. Hope those villagers are kindhearted.”

  Katie: “Oh, I’m sure there are only walkers.”

>   Jennifer: “And jumpers.”

  Galen: “Well, jumpers are a big problem, we have to avoid meeting them face to face.”

  Dominic: “Rodris had taught you how to deal with them right?”

  Galen: “Where the hell can I find some mahoganies? Or yellow soft paper? Weird things. God.”

  Katie: “But what if we meet them, what if they come over here?”

  Galen: “Oh, hold your breath......Why are you so shock? They are not so scared, just stiff dead body, ha ha, hold your breath and they won’t hurt you.”

  Katie: “Wayne! Jumper is here now!” She hold her breath and stop saying anything.

  Galen turns back and found one jumping towards them.

  Galen: “Holy shit! Everyone hold your breath!”

  He looks around, only to find out that everyone is doing what he said and Joshua cannot hold anymore. Jumper is jumping closer because it smells Galen’s breathe.

  Galen: “Okay, it’s time to sacrifice myself! Hey, you bastard! Come here! Your father Wayne is here!” He runs away form the camp fire and tries to attract the jumper to catch him.

  It’s snowing, and the jumper moves slower than normal.

  Galen: “Alright, now it’s my show time!” He dashes towards it and blows his leg on the jumper, then swings his right arm and punches on the jumper’s face.

  Galen: “One, two, three, four......”

  He kicks the jumper with all his strength: “Fire! Give me fire!”

  Dominic puts up his hands and spreads out his fingers: “Yeah! Good job Galen! Give me five!”

  The jumper stands straight up and pinches Galen’s neck.

  Galen: “Ah......Huck!!! Fuck you! Give your...Mom’s five!!! Fire!!!”

  Dominic: “Oh shit! Here it goes!” He grabs a wood with fire and throws it to Galen.

  Galen: “Fuck you!!! You throw it on me! Jesus!!!”

  Galen’s cloth is on fire, he struggles to roll on the ground and kick away the jumper. The jumper catches his foot.

  Galen: “Dick move! You son of a bitch!” He grabs the jumper’s cloth and throws it into the ice hole, foot caught by the jumper, Galen falls into the ice hole suddenly.

  Katie: “No! Wayne!”

  Lilith: “Uncle Wayne!”

  Dominic rushes to where Galen drops: “Galen! Are you alive? Galen?”

  “Ah!!! Fucking freezing!” Galen struggles out of the water and catches Dominic’s hand, “Pull me up!”

  Lilith: “Uncle Wayne! Are you alright?”

  Katie: “Oh, god! Wayne, you are so brave!”

  Galen: “I feel so cold! We cannot sleep outside! Everybody get on the RV.”


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