Break of Dawn II - Presage

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Break of Dawn II - Presage Page 3

by Schusterap

  Katie: “What about the camp fire? You need it to get warm. Maybe set someone to stand sentry. Just one jumper.....”

  Galen: “One? One is enough to kill all of us! Thanks god until now, none of us was killed by jumper. We don’t even know how to deal with the dead body.”

  Dominic: “Enough, go and change your clothes. You will catch a cold.”

  Katie: “Stop putting yourself in danger!”

  Galen: “Well, I won’t leave you and children.”

  (A-Lake, Chloes district, Cloudim, February 8, 2027)

  Amanda: “We are close. They must be waiting there! Rodris asked them to do that.”

  Thomas: “Well, still have to cross the lake.”

  Tony: “Excuse me? Cross the lake?”

  Thomas: “Yeah! Cross it. I don’t want to walk anymore. It’s been 3 days since our car broke down on the way...... There’s a boat! A boat! Can’t you see?”

  Tony: “Are you fool? The lake is frozen! Boat cannot......”

  Thomas: “Then we walk across! Yeah! Oh no! I don’t want to walk anymore.”

  Amanda: “It’s dangerous to walk on the ice, dropping down isn’t a good thing.”

  Tony: “So, keep on walking along the lake! Come on Thomas, only a few hours walk.”

  Dominic: “Look! Who the hell are coming! Guys!”

  Jennifer: “Oh! Thanks god! Thomas, Tony! You are alive!”

  Thomas: “God! We make it! We’ve been walking for miles!”

  Frederica: “Amanda!”

  Amanda: “Frederica! Oh!” The two hug each other tightly.

  Frederica: “I thought I can’t see you anymore!”

  Amanda: “Here I am! Come see two new friends, Geri and Bertie.”

  Frederica: “Oh, Hi! ......Where is Rodris? Where is Keith? Where are the others?”

  Amanda: “......”

  Thomas: “Keith was killed......Rodris was caught. Others...... I thought they all...”

  Frederica(Burst into tears): “Oh no!!!”

  Amanda(Sobbing): “It’s okay! Really......”

  Dominic: “Buddy are you okay?”

  Tony: “Yeah, I’m alright......many narrow escapes, I think I’m kind of fortunate! But for Keith......Stephanie....”

  Jennifer(Crying): “We, we gather here anyway......I don’t want to lose anyone anymore!”


  Thomas: “Ah? Okay, let’s talk about something else... Ha...where’s Galen?”

  Dominic: “He drove to the closest village hours ago, with Katie, to find some food supplies.”

  Thomas: “Just they two?”

  Dominic: “Hum, they insist on......anyway, give them two some time together. Ha?”

  Thomas: “Alright......”

  Dominic: “Come on! Don’t be so sad! Welcome to your new home! Ladies, may I have your names?”

  Bertie: “Bertie...”

  Geri: “Geri·King.”

  Dominic: “Come on! It’s cold outside, let’s gather around the camp fire.”

  (Village, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 8, 2027)

  A car is standing by the road, shaking.

  After around half an hour.

  Katie(gasp): “......Oh, it’s been so long! I really miss it!”

  Galen(gasp): “I can do this all day!”

  Katie: “Come on! It’s enough! You want me to get a big tummy? ......Stop it!”

  Galen: “Okay! Now, Let’s get back! We’ve gotten enough food here!”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  (Amofous district, Cloudim, February 15, 2027)

  Two women and a man, walking on the train track.

  One of the women: “Emily, it’s time to go back to your villa. I don’t really think you can find him. He lived in SKYIM, but you want to find him here?”

  Emily: “Nancy! Stop persuading me! I told him, meet me in the villa......He must be around here.”

  The man: “We don’t mean to depress you but, Emily, maybe, I mean, unfortunately, he......We’ve been searching for weeks!”

  Emily: “No! Barrette! He won’t leave me! He won’t!”

  Suddenly they run into a man who seems really distressed.

  Barrette: “Hey you! What do you want?”

  The man(gasp): “......Just don’t get in my way!”

  Barrette: “Are you just trying to attack us in the back?”

  The man: “I said! Get away!”

  Barrette(furious): “Hey! You son of......”

  Nancy: “Calm down Barrette!”

  Emily: “Sir, do you know a man named Thomas?”

  The man’s eyes shine immediately: “What?”

  Emily: “Thomas.”

  Barrette: “Come on! How could this cock......”

  Nancy: “Barrette!!!”

  The man: “what’s your name? Emily?”

  Emily: “Yeah! How could you... You must know where Thomas is! Right?”

  The man: “No, sorry, I don’t know where he is now, but I know where he will be if he survived.”

  Emily: “What do you mean? Survive?”

  The man: “There is a lot of things if you want me to talk...... So, you are his girlfriend? My name’s Frankenstein·Rodriguez, and Thomas is my friend.”

  Emily: “God I know it! I know it! He is alive!”

  Frankenstein: “Well, if you want to find him, maybe we have to walk a while.”

  Barrette: “Why should we trust you!”

  Emily: “Barrette! He knows something! He knows Thomas! I will follow him, no matter you do or not!”

  Frankenstein: “Hey, big guy, you seem a little bit defensive. If I want to, I can kill you all!”

  Barrette: “You can try!”

  Nancy: “Alright! Lead the way! If you want to play some tricks.....”

  Barrette: “I will rip your head off!”

  Emily: “Where shall we go?”

  Frankenstein: “A-Lake, I told my people to wait there, if Thomas knows, he will head there.”

  Emily: “What happened to you? Why are you separating from each other?”

  Frankenstein: “You don’t really want to know, aren’t you... Okay, Let’s begin our trip!”

  (Border, Deirdres district, Cloudim, February 16, 2027)

  Micheal(intercom): “President, we lost him. But I’m sure he is heading north!”

  Alexander(intercom): “Keep searching! Take him to me alive! Tell him, I will kill his wife and child! See if he still wanna run away!”

  Black: “Some of his friend, I didn’t see them in termination, they might have already ran away before we get there.”

  Micheal: “And he is going to meet them somewhere?”

  Black: “I know a place! They must be there! I’ll kill him, for my brother!”

  Micheal: “No! You can’t, president said he needs him alive.”

  Black: “......”

  Micheal: “Just lead the way!”

  Black: “On the Doubche mountain! Let’s go!”

  Micheal: “Alright everyone get on the car!”

  (Empire City, Deirdres district, Cloudim, February 16, 2027)

  Armstrong: “Huge groups of walkers! And jumpers! They seemed have traveled a long way from the north!”

  Yaro: “What can we do? They are all around our wall!”

  Armstrong: “Our high-steel wall can hold them, there’s no problem, but it’s hard for us to find supplies outside!”

  Volking: “Most of them are frozen, moving slow. Hum... That big guy! No, those! God! We need some grenades to kill them. I will have a trip to the armor room, and by the way tell president this condition.”

  Armstrong: “I’m afraid bombing will attract more......”

  Yaro: “But, those huge guys, hitting the wall, I can feel the shaking......”

  Armstrong: “Our wall is definitely consolidus! Oder more people to stand sentry! Let’s clean them all.”

  In the president’s office.

  Sophie(crying): “You are going to kill us? Tristan? Me?”

  Alexander: “......You let him go, Sophie, you help him escape!”

  Sophie: “Then you just kill me! Why mentioned our son?”

  Alexander: “Our? Say that to your ex-husband! When they catch him back! I will burn you three! Alive! Guards, take them to the prison!”

  Sophie(Crying): “No! Alex! Alexander!”

  Two guards forced to take Sophie away while Volking walks in.

  Volking: “President...... Your wife?”

  Alexander: “What’s the matter?”

  Volking: “Ah, yeah, walkers are immigrating! Towards the south! And our place is surrounded by them, huge groups!”

  Alexander: “Then kill them all! Tell Armstrong, take some people to assist Micheal.”

  Volking: “President! I don’t think it’s a good idea to send people out now!”

  Alexander: “Just do as I said! Get out!”

  Volking: “......Yes. President.”

  (Termination, Delores district, Cloudim, February 20, 2027)

  A jeep stops nearby the termination. Several people get out.

  Sean: “Too late......”

  Nichole(Crying): “Oh! No! My brother! Wayne! Frederica! Dominic!”

  Kenny: “What happened here? Where are your friends? Where’s Clem’s father?”

  Sean: “......Too late.”

  Clementine: “Uncle Sean? Where’s my dad?”

  Sean: “......”

  Jackson: “The wall was exploded, crashed, somebody attacked here......”

  Sean: “I shouldn’t go...... How am I supposed to leave them!”

  Jaden: “We are too late...... Must be those motherfuckers!”

  Queena: “Look at that wall! There are some words on!”

  Emma(Reading the words): “...Jaden, if you see this, go to A-Lake!---Amanda......”

  Sean: “What? Let me see!”

  Jaden: “It’s Amanda! She is alive! The lake!”

  Sean: “They must be waiting us there!”

  Kenny: “Wait! Hold on! I am confused! What are you talking about?”

  Emma: “Some survivors made it to the A-Lake!”

  Nichole: “My bro!”

  Sean: “We will see them! Clem! Your father! God damn they made it! Get on the Jeep! We’re heading the lake now!”

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  (A-Lake, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 22, 2027)

  Frankenstein: “What am I supposed to say? Come on Frederica!”

  A man appears behind Frederica suddenly.

  Frederica(Astonished): “Oh my god!!! Rodris!!! God!!” Frederica jumps into Frankenstein’s embrace, “Guys! Come on! Rodris is here!!!”

  Hearing her yelling, Amanda rushes to hug Frankenstein, “You make these days so uneasy!”

  Frankenstein: “Wipe your tears! Come on! Where are the others?”

  Galen: “Rodris! Fuck! I know you can make it! I know! Lilith! Joshua! Katie! Come on guys, our leader is back!”

  Katie(Hugging Rodris): “Oh! Thanks God!”

  Frankenstein: “Where’s Thomas?”

  Galen: “He drove away several hours ago, with Tony and Dominic. Search food supplies around.”

  Frankenstein: “Alright, let me introduce our new members—this, Thomas’s girlfriend, Emily. This is Nancy, this, Barrette.”

  Barrette: “Where is Thomas?”

  Emily: “I need to see him right now!”

  Galen: “Wow! I thought you were dead......”

  Jennifer: “Thomas told us his girlfriend......”

  Emily: “What? What the hell he was talking about?”

  Frankenstein: “Anyway, let’s wait for him coming back! I think there must be some misunderstanding.”

  Galen: “Come on, we set some barricades around our camp. Welcome to our new shelter!”

  Evening, a car drives in the ‘shelter’, two men get down.

  Galen: “Hey! They are back!”

  Emily rushes to the car: “Thomas!” She hugs Thomas tightly, “I miss you so much!!!”

  Thomas(Shocked): “It’s you? Emily? You are alive?”

  Emily(Crying): “Yes! Yes! I thought you......Thanks God!”

  Thomas: “I’m fine! I thought I lost you forever!”

  Frankenstein: “Thomas!”

  Thomas: “Rodris! It’s good to have you, our leader, again.”

  Dominic: “Hey! Guys! Bad news!”

  Thomas: “Oh, shit! I almost forgot! Tony! We were attacked! By people from Empire City!!! He was caught!”

  Frankenstein: “Fuck! They must follow me all the way! Damn!”

  Barrette: “Empire City? What’s that?”

  Frankenstein: “I told you, those people who caught me, who killed my friends....”

  Galen: “What shall we do? Rodris?”

  Frankenstein: “Tell everyone, we will leave.”

  Frederica: “But we just settle down here?”

  Frankenstein: “They will find us and kill us all! We need to find a better place! Galen, sorry to let you do this again but... Find a better place.”

  Galen: “...No problem.”

  Frankenstein: “And Thomas, Barrette......Amanda, oh god... I just thought Keith......”

  Amanda: “It’s okay, Rodris. He is gone. And we will revenge for him.”

  Emily: “I’m going with Thomas! I’ll never let you leave again!”

  Nancy: “So am I!”


  Nancy: “I mean, I will go with Barrette.”

  Frankenstein: “OK, I respect your choices. The rest, get on the RV, go with Galen.”

  Frederica: “Rodris! Get back safely!”

  Amanda: “We all will!”

  Frankenstein: “How many people there?”

  Thomas: “About 6, all armed with weapons.”

  Frankenstein: “I’ll go there by myself, just me, I’m sure Alexander wants me alive!”

  Barrette: “What are we going to do?”

  Frankenstein: “Perhaps cover me. Shoot them in the shadow! Amanda, Barrette and Nancy; Thomas, if possible, get somewhere high, shoot them there.”

  Thomas: “What about Tony? How can we save him?”

  Frankenstein: “Play it by ear.”

  (A village, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 22, 2027)

  Somewhere in a village, Several men sitting around a campfire, eating some meat.

  Black: “Tasty? I said, long time no meat, you guys will miss it! I’ve done this several times before.”

  Micheal: “I have to say, if this is not after the end, it will blow my tummy! Never thought I could do some cannibalism!”

  A man: “So you regret?”

  Micheal: “On the contrary! I feel excited! Ha ha!”

  Tony wakes up gradually, feeling suddenly pain on his leg, hearing same laugh long time ago. He looks down immediately, finds out that some part of his left leg, was gone, the bone appears out. He falls into unconsciousness.

  Black: “I know this guy, ran away from our mouth, now I have him. He was with Frankenstein! I’m sure, they will be back to save him!”

  Micheal: “How many are they?”

  Black: “Who knows, many of them were already killed.”

  “You want me and now here I am!” Frankenstein walks to them from the shadow, “Let him go!”

  Black: “Frankenstein! Ah... It’s funny! We met again in the same circumstance! Ha ha... Do you remember Blight!!!”

  Frankenstein: “He deserved! And I should ask you about Sean! What did you do to them?”

  Black: “Fuck him! Now I just want to cut your damn head and throw it in the pot!”

  Micheal: “Calm down Black! Forget what I told ya? Get back! ......Okay, Mr.Frankenstein, where are your people? Ha? I don’t think you will get here alone aren’t you?”

  Those men behind Micheal all hold their guns towards Frankenstein.

  Frankenstein: “Yeah, you are clever, but unfortunately, they already point their gun towards each head of you motherfuckers! Now let Tony go and we
can talk!”

  Micheal looks around: “Hen, you mean you won’t go with me? That’s bad! How can I reply president? And how can I know whether you have anyone in the shadow or not?”

  Frankenstein: “We’ll see...”

  Black grabs his pistol slightly, however noticed by Frankenstein. While Black puts up his pistol, Frankenstein jumps behind a wall suddenly.

  Black(Pull the trigger): “Fuck you!”

  Bang---Bang! Micheal: “Hey! Hold him!”

  Bang bang bang!!! Gunshots fills this camp. Two of EC’s people were shot precisely in the head.

  Micheal: “Shit! Get down! He has backup! Get down”

  Frankenstein: “Now!”

  Barrette, Amanda, Nancy hold their weapons and run towards them. Frankenstein grabs out his gun and points towards Micheal: “I said, we can talk, but you don’t listen to me. I’m sorry.”

  Amanda: “You guys can try to fight back! But we have another sniper! At somewhere you don’t know! Try to move a little bit! You will result in death like those two!”

  Nancy paces towards Tony and unties the rope on his arms.

  Nancy: “Come I hold you, let’s go to the car.”

  Micheal: “What you want to do to us? If you try to kill any of us? President will blow your carcasses all!”

  Frankenstein: “Don’t be so sanguinary! Come on! Remember how you treated my people? In termination? How you killed them? I’m just doing what I’m supposed to!”

  Black: “Fuck you Frankenstein!” He struggles to his feet and shoot towards Frankenstein. Bang! Bang!

  A bullet flies in Frankenstein’s shoulder.

  Amanda: “Rodris!!!”

  Micheal and their people take the chance to stand up and shoot. Barrette swings his sub-machine gun, and Thomas, on the top of a church, hold his sniper gun and shoot.

  All of a sudden, a wall behind ECs crashes down, a huge, strong muscled walker breaks in and swings its huge fists, throwing several ECs away.

  Howling~~~ Bang---Bang Bang! Gunshots!

  Thomas: “What the hell?!!!”

  A huge stone drops on Frankenstein’s leg: “Ah!!!!”

  Amanda: “Rodris! Are you okay?”

  Frankenstein: “ Run! Don’t stop! Shoot! Run!”

  Barrette: “Run! Fuck! We can’t beat it! Run!!!”

  A huge group of walkers and jumpers run towards them, thousands of walkers. Tearing ECs apart.

  Micheal: “No!!! Fuck!!!” He shots the last bullet towards his own head, end his life.

  Black: “Fuck you! Come on!”

  Peng!!! The monster swings its arm right on Black, blowing him meters away.

  Amanda(Crying): “No! I can’t leave you alone! No!!!”

  Barrette carries Amanda on his shoulder: “Let’s go! He can’t make it!!!” He turns back and stares at Frankenstein under the stone, “I’m sorry, Frankenstein!”


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