Break of Dawn II - Presage

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Break of Dawn II - Presage Page 4

by Schusterap

  Frankenstein: “Just go!”

  Bang--! Bang!! Bang!! Thomas is still shooting on the church.

  Thomas(Shouting): “Run! I hold them! Come on Rodris!”

  The monster lifts a huge stone and throws it towards Thomas.

  Thomas: “Oh shit!” He rolls over and drops down from the church.

  A car stops beside him, Emily: “Come on! Get on the car!”

  Barrette: “Give me your hand! I pull you on! Come on!”

  Barrette pulls Thomas in the car and the car drives away immediately, “Rodris!!!” Amanda screaming in the car.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  (Day, Border of Skyim, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 23, 2027)

  A car running on the freeway, all people in the car keep silent, except Amanda’s crying.

  Thomas breaks the silent: “Tony, your leg?”

  Tony: “Thanks God they didn’t cut it. I think those losing parts will grow.”

  Thomas: “You are really lucky aren’t you! Dying so many times!”

  Tony: “......Stop joking me! Every time I survived, another people died!”


  Barrette: “Frankenstein is a good man. I respect him!”

  Amanda burst into tears and buries herself in Nancy’s embrace.

  Nancy: “Oh, don’t be so sad! I know it’s hard......”

  Thomas: “We gonna catch up with Galen. Find a better place, a home, and set graves for our friends, our families.”

  (Night, A village, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 22, 2027)

  A jeep stops by the village.

  Sean: “Something happened here. Do you hear gunshot?”

  Jaden: “Drive away now! Don’t look for trouble!”

  Sean: “I’m afraid They are here...... Kenny, you drive the car, Jaden, you go with me.”

  Jackson: “Where shall we wait for you?”

  Nichole: “I’m going with you Sean! Don’t try to stop me! If my brother is in......”

  Sean: “Alright! Just go, Kenny, you know where the lake is right? Wait for us there!”

  Kenny: “Still thousand meters away, are you sure?”

  Sean: “Go! We‘ll see what’s going on here.”

  Kenny drives the car away with the rest of them.

  Sean, Jaden and Nichole take their weapons and search in the village.

  Sean: “No people here except walkers! Oh shit jumpers!”

  Jaden: “Shoot!!!”

  Nichole: “It didn’t work!!!!”

  Sean: “Run! This way!”

  The three were chasing by groups of walkers and jumpers.

  Sean: “Come on! The exit of this fucking village!!!”

  Jaden: “I’m running out of bullets!”

  Sean: “Go! Go! Go!”

  Suddenly a jumper catches Nichole.

  Nichole: “Help!!!”

  Sean: “Fuck! Hold on!” He tries to shoot the jumper but in vain. While the jumper is ready to bite on her neck, a hand covers its mouth and pulls it down.

  Jaden: “Oh God! Rodris!!!”

  Sean: “You are alive!”

  A man with blood all over his body, is ripping the jumper’s chin.

  Nichole: “Come on let’s go!”

  Sean: “They are close!!!”

  Frankenstein: “My leg was broken. I cannot run anymore! And the most essential point, I was bitten, neck, arm, leg...... Help me say sorry to guys.”

  Sean: “......”

  The huge monster dashes towards them. Frankenstein jumps(by one leg, with all his strength) to it and shouts: “Run!!!!”

  In the woods, three people running as fast as they can.

  Nichole: “I need to relax! Just a while!!! I can’t.....”

  Sean: “They are not chasing us, not that fast!”

  Jaden: “How could so many walkers, jumpers here? Aren’t they migrating? To the south?”

  Sean: “Never mind......I only know, Rodris said, guys, what he means, they are alive!”

  Nichole: “He sacrificed himself to save us......”

  Jaden: “Maybe already saved others once......He is a great man. Our great lose......”

  Sean: “We gonna catch up with Kenny......Oh shit!”

  Nichole: “What’s up?”

  Sean: “Clementine...... How can I tell her... She doesn’t even see her father for...... The last...... No. What am I supposed to do......”

  All in silence.

  (A-Lake, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 24, 2027)

  Dominic: “Galen, you are right, the enemies haven’t been here. Which means they got them.”

  Galen: “We shouldn’t run away like coward again! Not this time! We wait here for them!”

  Jennifer: “I feel so uneasy! God! Can’t we have a peaceful life anymore?”

  Frederica: “Not yet, not in the end of the world.”

  Several hours latter, two cars stops in front of the shelter. Including a Jeep.

  Galen: “One more car!!! Be careful guys! Hold your weapons!!! Katie! Take children in the RV! Don’t get out! No matter what happens!”

  Galen, Dominic hold their gun tightly, staring at the cars. Jennifer, Frederica grab knifes, standing beside them worriedly.

  When those people get out of the car, Galen bursts into laugh: “Fuck! You guys make us so intense!!! I know you can make it!!!”

  Barrette carries Thomas, Nancy supports Amanda, Emma leads new members, all walking slowly towards them.

  Frederica: “Where’s Rodris?”

  Galen: “Oh, no!”

  Jennifer: “What happened? What’s wrong with Thomas?”

  Dominic: “Who are those guys?”

  Amanda(sobbing): “We lost him...... Rodris, we lost him... He was dead!”

  On hearing the bad news. Frederica falls down on the ground.

  Jennifer: “Oh God! Frederica!”

  Barrette: “Somebody help me carry him, he falls into unconsciousness because of broken leg. Dropping down from the top of a church!”

  Galen: “Give him to me, let’s carry him on the RV...... Frederica?.... Oh, maybe wait a while. Katie! Come out! All clear! Come down and help!”

  Emma: “Hey! Guys! Let me introduce our new members! Kenny, Jackson, Queena, and......Why are you crying Clem?”

  Clementine(Crying): “Daddy....”

  Kenny: “I’m sure what the lady said, we lost him... Clementine’s father.”

  Amanda: “...Clem?!! Where is she? Oh! Clementine! Come to me, come on!”

  Clementine(Crying): “Aunt Hall!!!”

  The little girl runs into Amanda and hugs her.

  Amanda: “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry!”

  Lori: “Clementine! Oh, God! Your mom will be so glad if she know you are still alive!” She runs to the two, wait for Clementine to recognize her.

  Clementine: “Aunt Mitchell!!!” She hugs Lori immediately.

  Kenny: “Hey, you guys stay here, I’m heading back to pick them up!”

  Jackson: “Yeah! I’m going with you in case...”

  Kenny: “No! Just stay here! I’ll be right back!”

  Chapter Thirty

  (???, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 23, 2027)

  “Where am I???” Frankenstein is lying in a strange laboratory, walls around him are painted in green. Several strange creatures around him, handing scalpels and over his head is an astral lamp, “Who are you??? What are you doing? Let me out!!! Fuck! Let me out!”

  “╗╘╔╒╕ ⌐╣╓╓╞╣”

  Frankenstein: “Let me go!!! You......”

  He stops shouting when he sees his heart, still beating, was taken out of his body by one of those strange creatures.

  “╗╘╔╒╕ ⌐╣╓╓╞╣”

  Another one grabs a scissor and cut those vessels.

  Frankenstein feels everything goes black and his eyes dull.

  (A-Lake, Amofous district, Cloudim, February 24, 2027)

  Kenny stops the car in front of guys, taking Sean, Jaden
and Nichole back.

  Nichole runs to Galen, brother and sister, hugging each other tightly.

  Nichole(Crying): “I thought I can never see you again!”

  Galen: “Here I am! Come on, don’t be so emotional! Never leave me again okay?”

  Jennifer, Frederica hug Sean, then Jaden.

  Frederica: “I will never let you leave me anymore!”

  Sean: “Sorry to leave you for so long! So many things happened. So many families lost......I was the one to blame!”

  Jaden: “No! Don’t blame yourself. It’s the world... Those gangsters......”

  Galen: “To fulfill Rodris’s dying wish, now, we should head north and find a better shelter, a best one, and set up our new home there.”

  Sean: “so how many people left now, after experiencing so many things......”

  Galen: “I’ve gotten 13, you took 9, so we have 22 now.”

  Sean: “Hope we meet more survivors, I mean kind ones, like us, to enlarge our group. Anyway, a big shelter needs more people.”

  Galen: “Alright everybody gets on the vehicles! We will set off right now! For a better future!”

  A small car holds 4 people, running in the front; in the middle is the big RV which holds 12 people; the final one—jeep, holds 6; This group starts to find their own tomorrow, without hesitation.

  For a better future.

  (Empire City, Deirdres district, Cloudim, February 28, 2027)

  Armstrong: “President!!!”

  Alexander: “Let him in!”

  Guards open the door. Armstrong rushes in.

  Alexander: “What’s up?”

  Armstrong(Gasp): “......We didn’t find the group, hmm, yes, we found something, and we took them back.”

  Alexander: “Where’s Frankenstein? What you took back?”

  Armstrong: “Two of our people, we didn’t find Frankenstein. I think he was dead, there are so many walkers and jumpers, we used grenade launcher to kill a big guy, the big guys outside the wall...... And the two we took back, Black and Tab. They were infected... Already turn into walker and jumper.”

  Alexander: “......Damn, they kill them! Where are the two?”

  Armstrong: “Locked in the truck’s back. They are dangerous, president, you’d better not......”

  Alexander: “Take me there.”

  Night, on a high platform, the president stands there, seriously, each side of the platform, ties a infectee.

  Underneath the platform, hundreds people gathered there one hour ago, waiting for the speech of their president.

  Alexander: “E.C’s people! You may be confused, why would I start a emergence meeting at night. You will know, you will see, our world is down, we need to set our new home, we need to have our new life, protect our families, protect our homeland! For those things we care about most, will you do everything include to the hell!!!!?”

  E.Cs: “For Empire City!!!!”

  Alexander: “Well, now we’ve gotten a big trouble, some people in the north, they killed your friends, our families! Look at the two, on my right, on my left! Our people! Our families! They used to be, but now, they turned, they changed, look at them! Think about it! What would you do?”

  E.Cs: “Clean them all!”

  Alexander: “I’m glad! I’m glad I have you all! We have bigger problem to solve now anyway, infectees outside our walls, the first point we need to do, clean them all! Give those cock suckers a little while to relax. Then we make ourselves ready for it, the war! However, at present, everyone must be ever vigilant! For Empire City!”

  E.Cs: “For Empire City! For our Home!!!”

  (The village, Amofous district, Cloudim, March 24, 2028)

  A man lying on a hill, barely, calmly. The breeze flicks his face, waking him up slightly. He sits up, looks around.

  “Where am I?” He touches his head, on the back he found some hard mental. “What the hell? What did they do to me? My leg...was fixed?”

  He stands up, feeling a powerful inner force spread all over his body, his strong muscled body.

  “This feeling......” He holds his fists tightly, “They rebuild me! I wasn’t dead! I wasn’t in the hell, either paradise!”

  He tries to jump, which surprises him a lot, he jumps almost 10 meters high, when he falls on the ground, which causes huge sound- Bang! He lands safely!

  “Oh ho ho!!! Damn!” He never feels so high!

  Then he begins running down the hill, much faster than before; jumping forward, hundreds meters away; punching at the ground, the earth shaking violently.

  He carries a truck easily, throwing it towards a group of walkers; kicking a jumper 10 meters away.

  “I’m a superman now!!” Frankenstein shouts towards the sky, let the exhilarating feeling out.

  “⌐╣ ╧╪”

  Frankenstein: “Who is there? What was that?” He turns around but found nothing.

  “Thou! Human!”

  “I talk inside head, we made thou, thou do anything thou want, but remember, don’t tell others, keep the secret. We watching thou all the time......”

  Frankenstein: “What do you mean? You speak so weird! Hey? Hey!!! Couldn’t you speak more precisely? Hey!!!”

  Seconds past, no reply. Frankenstein jumps on a building and sits there, “What the hell?”

  “⌐╣╗╠......One more thang! I forget, thou, here......”

  Frankenstein: “What?”

  A suit and a riot stick appear and drop by his side.

  “Thour clothes, Deathstroke......”

  Frankenstein: “Deathstroke? You watched DC comics? What the fuck!? Hey, oh! God!”


  Frankenstein put the suit on and holds the stick, “I have to say, this suit suits me perfect! Let me see, the stick, made of some mental...... How am I supposed to use it?”

  “⌐╣╓╕╧╥╤╚╜╞ ⌐╣┐┌⌠╚⌐⌂╕”

  Frankenstein: “What the...???”

  “We already set it thou mind! Okay, we shut down now!”

  Frankenstein: “Could you please say all at once?......Okay, you shut down......anyway, now, I’m going to make myself useful!”

  Somewhere between July and August 2016


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