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Lone Star Baby Bombshell

Page 7

by Lauren Canan

  Living under Jace’s roof was a bad idea. Every time Jace came close to her, memories jumped to the front of her mind. When he spoke, her eyes automatically focused on his mouth, on those lips that could do amazing things. When those all-knowing green eyes gleamed with passion, a chill went across her skin.

  She had to keep this situation in perspective. There was no doubt any number of women who had felt exactly the same way about Jace Compton. She had to be one in a very long list who experienced the same pleasures in his arms. She was not a hormone-driven, nitwitted adolescent. She’d survived Jace once. She could do it again. She was here now only because of Henry. Even though the attraction was still strong, she would do well to remember the months after Jace had left and the fact that he’d never given her a second thought.

  After unpacking, Kelly paced, not knowing what to do. She switched on the flat-screen TV and ran through the channel options, but found nothing that would hold her attention and turned it off. Her gaze fell on the door to the large bathroom. Venturing inside she passed through the powder room with its antique mirrors and vases of freshly cut flowers on dark marble countertops. Next was a shower large enough for four or five people and a whirlpool tub of equal size. She hurried back to the bedroom and placed pillows all around the edge of the bed to safeguard Henry while he slept. After covering the baby with his blue blanket and assuring herself he was sleeping peacefully, she headed back into the bathroom.

  Pouring her favorite lavender bath salts into the quickly filling tub, she turned on the jets and climbed in. Lying back, she closed her eyes and gave in to the sheer luxury that enveloped her. The streams of the water coursing around her, against her back, her sides and neck, through her legs, soon began to reduce the stress of the past few days.

  The memory of another time came unbidden to her mind. There had been no tub at the ranch where Jace had stayed, but they’d made do with the shower.

  For the first time in her life, Kelly saw a perfect example of the human male body. Broad shoulders blocked the water from reaching her as the moisture cascaded down over his corded neck and arms. Jace soaped his large hands and began to rub them slowly over every inch of her body, over her breasts, down her stomach, between her legs.

  He was heavy with arousal and the air left her lungs as she stared, unable to tear her eyes away. She realized she’d never seen a man in this way before. There was no hiding under the blanket of modesty. He wanted to see every inch of her and offered her the same.

  “See anything you like?”

  Her gaze shot upward and met his. She could feel the blush spread over her face and neck. Obviously, Jace had no problem with modesty. He seemed totally unconcerned that she was seeing him naked. And aroused. Or that his size had her eyes bugging out of her head.

  Jace had noted the blush. “Have you never seen a man before?” He tilted his head.

  She swallowed. “Not...not like this.”

  He continued to watch her for several seconds. “How old were you? Late teens?”


  “Quickie in the backseat?”

  She nodded.

  She saw a look of understanding cross his face. Instinct said her onetime experiment with teenage sex was not even close to what she was about to experience with the fully mature man who stood before her.

  “Makes me curious what else you haven’t experienced.” His head dipped toward hers and he muttered against her lips, “Let’s find out.”

  Without waiting for an answer, Jace took her lips in a deep, penetrating kiss that rocked her senses. He caught her hands and held them, palms up, as he poured the scented soap into them. Kelly stared at her hands for countless seconds, knowing what he was asking of her. Her heart beat in an accelerated rhythm as she contemplated what she was about to do.

  Almost of their own accord, her hands moved to his large body. Slowly she began to rub the slick soap over his smooth skin, covering the hard wall of his chest and arms, loving the feel of the muscles that rippled beneath her hands.

  She let them glide up to his massive shoulders and neck, then once again over his chest. She couldn’t keep from looking into his eyes. He watched her with the look of a cat playing with a mouse. So intense was his focus, her hands stilled in their journey of discovery.

  He took them and slowly pushed them down his body. “Touch me,” he whispered, placing her fingers around his sex.

  She tore her eyes from his face to look at the hard pound of flesh in her hands. Her gaze returned to his face, blue eyes meeting green, as she stood there, frozen, unable to release him yet unable to move. Her breathing becoming almost nonexistent.

  “Let me help you, honey,” he whispered. He began to move her hand against the silken flesh covering the underlying steel of his erection. It was an amazing sensation, and she caught on fast.

  Jace lowered his head, and his lips again found hers. She opened her mouth and welcomed him in. His arms came around her as the warm water cascaded over their embrace.

  His hand squeezed her hip then moved on to rub the sensitive area between her legs, encouraging her to open to him. She moved against his hand in an effort to quench the fire burning deep. Two fingers eased inside, and a shudder ran rampant through her entire body. With a muffled moan, she fell back against the shower wall as the mind-blowing sensations overtook her.

  “Kelly,” Jace groaned, his voice rough with need. Suddenly, his control seemed to snap. He lifted her, positioned her and pushed deep inside.

  She felt a sudden draft of cold air mingle with the warm moisture of the bathroom seconds before his warm lips touched the sensitive curve where her neck and shoulder joined. A soft moan escaped her lips and, eyes closed, she turned into his mouth. Hungry lips covered hers, his tongue searching and finding what he sought. Her wet hands rose to hold his face, the need for him strong, essential. She gripped the back of his hair in a fist.

  “Mmmm.” He groaned, his deep, husky voice breaking the silence.

  The memory ended with a shocking recoil, as if she’d had ice water thrown in her face. Her eyes shot open to find Jace leaning over the tub, his handsome face mere inches from hers. Kelly gasped in shock. She could feel herself flush with embarrassment over the memory she’d been reliving. Apparently, at some point they had merged with the present. She prayed his talents didn’t include mind reading.

  Jace’s intense expression increased the simmering heat the daydream had generated. She held her arms over her breasts as she glared at Jace. He stood to full height, hands on his hips, his eyes moving over her naked body with an undeniable gleam.

  “What are you doing in here?” Kelly spat the words, but Jace only pursed his lips as though hiding a grin and made no move to leave.

  “I’m about to make love to you.”


  “You have no right to walk in here just because you own the house.”

  “You didn’t appear to mind.”

  “I...I was just...”

  He tilted his head, eyebrows raised, waiting for her to squirm out of this one. When she didn’t reply, the gleam in those forest-green eyes intensified. “I know exactly what you were doing, Kelly. Instead of relying on memories, why don’t you let me give you the real thing?”

  Kelly frantically looked for a towel. “I need you to leave.”

  “Actually, I was headed to my room and heard Henry crying. After repeated knocks, I grew concerned. Would you rather I ignore his cries in the future?”

  “He wasn’t crying.”

  “As a matter of fact, he was. I gave him his pacifier and sat with him a few minutes and he went back to sleep.”

  “Well, you didn’t have to come in here.”

  “I thought you might want to know about Henry.” He pursed his lips, his green eyes glinting with humor. “There’s nothing I haven’t seen before, Kelly.” His low voice caused shivers to run up her arms.

  “That’s not the point.”



  He grabbed an oversize fluffy white towel and held it up for her. Kelly clambered out of the bath and down the few steps, and Jace wrapped the towel around her; his arms remained, holding her close.

  “I’ve missed you.” His low voice caused shivers to run over her skin.

  “No, you haven’t.”

  “Kelly, I want to work through this. I made mistakes. But they were not done intentionally.”

  She stepped back and his hands fell to his side.

  “You miss the point. I don’t care.”

  “I think you’re letting your pride talk for you.”

  “And I think your libido is dictating to you.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?”

  She folded a corner of the towel between her breasts and moved away from him into the dressing area. She refused to argue. Especially when she might not win. Grabbing her comb, she began to work through the tangles, praying he would leave.

  He stood in the entrance to the bathroom, leaning casually against the wall, watching her. The mirrored reflection did nothing to diminish his pure male presence, making her want to do all sorts of things she shouldn’t. Unbidden, her mind kept reliving moments from before, and Jace was apparently more than willing to repeat every single one of them. She wouldn’t go there again. She couldn’t. The first time, his leaving, his lying, had almost destroyed her. For her own sake, and Henry’s, she would not jump back in that rabbit hole again.

  Having finished her task, she returned to the bedroom in search of fresh clothes. A peek toward the bed confirmed Henry was fast asleep, his blue pacifier moving slightly as he sucked on it. Jace stood next to her gazing down at the baby, and then shifted his focus to her. What she saw in his eyes was pride for his son, but more: she saw concern. He honestly cared about his son. He’d heard Henry crying and stopped to check on him. The blue pacifier was proof Jace had been telling the truth. That meant he’d sat next to the baby and given comfort until Henry went back to sleep. For perhaps the first time since they’d met, she saw more than a sexy body and killer smile. She saw a glimpse into the heart of the person Jace was inside. And that was a little bit daunting. She didn’t want to like Jace Compton.

  “I need to check on Matt.” She walked to the bureau, removing a clean shirt and jeans.

  Jace nodded, this time taking the hint, and walked out the door.

  Matt was happily absorbed in a car racing game on his Xbox. To him, this was a grand adventure. He’d better enjoy it while it lasted.

  She returned to her room and pulled on her old cotton gown and slipped into bed next to Henry. She had to leave here. She couldn’t stay in this house with Jace. He might want to pick up where they’d left off, and she knew her defenses were sadly lacking. Loving him might not be something she could control. Making love to him was not going to happen.

  Regardless of how much she might want it to.

  * * *

  “But I don’t understand.” Kelly blinked back the tears. “I had a week of vacation and it’s only been...five days.” Crap. She’d just quashed her own defense.

  “Are you saying you’ll be back on Monday?” Her boss was usually a fair man, but this was a low blow. “I should warn you, the press are still camped out at all the exits here. Frankly, this is becoming a problem.”

  The voice on the other end of the line was apologetic but firm. The work was piling up and they had to get someone in to deal with it.

  The call ended and Kelly sank down onto one of the kitchen chairs, totally devastated. Reluctantly, she’d agreed to give up her job. Her boss had called her work top-notch and said that if there was an opening when she was ready to come back, she would certainly be considered for reemployment. He’d again offered his apologies, and then it was over. The call as well as her hope for the immediate future.

  This was a nightmare that kept on giving.

  “Hey, Kelly.” Matt hurried into the den. “Turn on the TV.” Matt found the remote and switched on the set himself. A news conference was in full swing. “Now we know where Jace has been for two days.”

  “I didn’t know we cared.”

  “Yes, I’ve always liked Texas.” Jace’s handsome face filled the screen as he spoke.

  “Rumors are rampant that you and a woman, Kelly Michaels, have a child? Can you comment on that?” a reporter asked off camera.

  Without hesitation, Jace nodded, that award-winning grin flashing perfect white teeth. “Yes. We have a son. We’re both very happy. Very excited.”

  A bevy of questions followed his statement. Kelly didn’t see how he could understand any of them, but he soon responded, “I’ll provide some pictures when he’s older. I’m sure you can appreciate the safety concerns.”

  Another round of questions, and then, “I can’t say where we will live at this juncture. Currently we are enjoying some solitude in Texas. There’s always a chance we’ll come back to LA. We haven’t made a decision.”

  “Are you planning to get married?” someone asked.

  Kelly’s heart stopped in her throat, anticipating what Jace would say to that.

  “Right now we haven’t made any plans. We just want to enjoy our son and some quiet time together. I hope you can respect our privacy, give us a little room.”

  The subject changed to his next film role. Did Jace think he would get the lead in the rumored blockbuster due to start filming in three months? Again that smile. “You guys will probably know that before I do.” He got the laughing response he no doubt intended. After a few more softballs like that, he called an end to the press conference. “Okay. That’s all I have for today. Thanks.”

  He turned and disappeared into the hotel lobby, security stepping in to prevent the throngs of reporters from following him inside. At least he was keeping his promise to do what he could to make the media leave them alone. She just hoped it worked.

  “Awesome.” Matt turned off the television. “Tell me you’re not excited to be here.”

  “I’m not excited to be here.” Kelly met her brother’s eyes with a deadpan expression.


  “I just lost my job, Matt. Soon we’ll have no home to go back to. And before you say it, no. We can’t continue to live here.” She wasn’t about to go into the reasons with her kid brother. How could she even begin to explain the complicated emotional mess between Jace and herself? And where would she find another job? In the small community, jobs weren’t plentiful.

  “I need a personal assistant.”

  Kelly swung around to find a petite woman with beautiful auburn hair standing in the open doorway. The intricate lines around her eyes seemed to make them sparkle. Her welcoming smile looked very familiar.

  “I’m Mona,” she introduced herself. “Jason’s mother. And you must be Kelly.”


  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you when you arrived,” she said as she walked toward them. “It took longer than anticipated to take care of some lose ends before leaving California. This must be Matt? Very nice to meet you. Jason has talked nonstop about you both.”

  She stopped in front of where Kelly sat balancing Henry on her knees. “And who is this handsome little man?” The look that softened her face spoke volumes.

  “This is Henry.” Kelly looked up and smiled.

  A wet sheen glistened in the older woman’s eyes. For the longest time, Mona stared, unmoving, at the baby in Kelly’s arms, her gaze taking in every inch of her grandson, from his head to his feet. Kelly held him with his back against her chest. He kicked his feet while he tried his best to fit his little fist into his mouth. Jace’s mother tried valiantly to hold back the tears of joy. It was all there in her face: overwhelming delight, pride and immediate acceptance.

  “Would you care to hold him?” Henry loved people. He’d never been intimidated or shown any fear of strangers, and this was someone he might want to know better. Mona pulled out a chair and sat down. She took a moment to compose herself, wiping away the tears
now falling from her face. Then she smiled at Kelly.

  “I would love to.”

  Matt headed for his room and another round on Xbox. Mona took Henry in her arms and for a time seemed to be mesmerized. Kelly sat down, content to watch the first meeting between Henry and his grandmother unfold.

  As it turned out, she was serious about the job offer. Mona headed an organization that raised money for several charities. One in particular that helped abused women and children was apparently very special to her. For that one she always held an annual ball and banquet in early October. And she needed assistance.

  Kelly wasn’t entirely sure how Mona did it, but Kelly soon found herself agreeing to help and worse, agreeing to continue to help until the charity ball, which was over a month away. She was losing it. That’s all there was to it. But she would not live under Jace’s roof forever. Absolutely not. She might be crazy but she wasn’t stupid.

  She’d give the big news event another week to blow over. Then no matter what, she was taking Matt and Henry and going home. Remaining in Jace’s house was a seriously foolish idea. She liked to think she was strong as far as determination and resolve. But she knew if she had a weak spot, Jace was it. If she caved, she’d be setting herself up for more heartache. That was something she didn’t want or need.

  * * *

  As the helicopter began its descent, Jace again thought about who would be waiting for him at the door when he arrived. Kelly. His son. Matt and his mom. A small family. The kind of family he’d wished for most of his life. Granted, he wasn’t exactly returning to a loving family unit who would welcome him with open arms, but he wasn’t coming back to an empty house. It was a family. Sort of. And it was his.

  Matt already had become a great friend. And Henry...a living miracle. Something Jace had never let himself envision. His son. A little face that would someday resemble his own. A young life with everything ahead of him. And Jace wanted to give him the world.

  Kelly was the core. She brought it all together. She was the reason he was here, the driving force that had prompted him to purchase this ranch in Texas. The time spent with her last year had been nothing short of bliss. This community of kind strangers, along with the gently sloping hills and valleys, had brought serenity to his soul. It was the dream of a future he’d never before let himself imagine, but for a brief moment in time, he could pretend. Had it all been his imagination? He intended to find out.


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