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Lone Star Baby Bombshell

Page 13

by Lauren Canan

  Faster. Deeper. More intense. Until Jace lost hold on reality. He gripped her hips, raising her to him, and pushed even deeper. He rolled his hips and her head fell back against the pillow, her open mouth sending a clear message needing no words. As he took them to the next plane, he returned to the temptations of her lips and she drew his tongue inside, sucking hard. Jace’s control snapped. He began to pummel against her, thrusting deeper and deeper with every stroke. He was going to lose it. Suddenly, Kelly stilled and cried out, all the air leaving her body as she arched up against him, shattering in raw pleasure. Her body clenching around him pushed Jace over the top. He couldn’t hold back his own ragged moan as the intensity of his release overtook him, pulsating deep within her, spasm after spasm as if there were no end.

  It seemed to take a millennium before the stars began to drift back down and settle in his totally shattered brain. His body lost its grip on whatever strength remained. Overwhelmed with heady weakness, he dropped to his side.

  His hands found her face and he kissed her softly, loving the scent, the taste that was only Kelly. He felt her tremble as she kissed him back.

  She was his.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked against her lips.

  Her answer was a smile against his lips and a soft moan in the key of no.

  * * *

  The next morning, Kelly worked on the correspondence, logging the RSVPs for the charity gala and responding to both those who would be coming and, as a courtesy, those who would not.

  She felt as though Mona could somehow tell what had happened between her son and Kelly just by looking at her face. Therefore, Kelly made every attempt not to look at Mona, turning a different direction if the older woman came into the doorway of her small office. If Mona noticed anything amiss, she chose to say nothing. But it wasn’t Kelly’s imagination that Jace’s mom was smiling more than normal. But Kelly was, too; hopefully Mona didn’t catch on.

  The work was steady throughout the day. The detailed to-do list for the charity ball required Kelly’s concentration, which kept her from reexperiencing the sensations brought by Jace’s hands the night before. At least a little.

  “Penny for your thoughts...” said a deep voice in her ear.

  Kelly jumped and looked up to find the very subject of her thoughts directly in front of her. Bracing his hands on the edge of the small desk, Jace leaned toward her and raised his eyebrows, a small sexy smile on his full lips. She could feel the blush spread over her face.

  Before she could respond, she heard Matt’s voice call out, followed by footsteps running up the stairs. He entered the room in a full run.

  “Kelly. Oh. Hi, Jace. Mrs. Compton.” He was grinning from ear to ear. “Guess what happened today? You’re never gonna believe it!” He was barely able to contain his enthusiasm. “Frank Gentry broke his leg during football practice!”

  Kelly stared at him as though he’d lost his mind. She glanced at Mona, who had a curious look on her face. Jace straightened and placed his hands on his hips, as if waiting for more.

  “This is not good news, Matt.”

  “Wait—his dad told Coach Hager he’ll probably be out for the rest of the season. The coach talked to me privately and asked me to take his place. Oh, man. It’s the varsity team, Kelly. I’ll be the only sophomore on it.”

  “Oh my gosh. That’s great, Matt.” She jumped up from her chair and gave her brother a hug.

  “Absolutely. Congratulations, Matt,” Mona said.

  “That’s great, dude.” Jace grinned.

  “It’s all because of you. All the pointers you gave me and how much you made me practice. Oh, man. Thanks, Jace.”

  “I didn’t really do anything, but you are entirely welcome for whatever you think I did. I’m proud of you, Matt.”

  “I wish you could come to the game. It’s this Friday—” he shrugged his shoulders “—but I know you probably can’t.” Matt turned to Kelly. “Cory is picking me up in a few minutes. He’s the quarterback. We’re gonna grab a burger and talk about some plays. I’ll be home before ten,” he added before bounding from the room.

  “Do you have any plans for Friday evening?”

  Her gaze shot to Jace in surprise. She shrugged. “Not that I know of.”

  “Want to go to a football game?” He was grinning from ear to ear.



  “I would love to go.”

  Matt’s first varsity game. It would be doubly special to share it with Jace. The thought of being seen in public with him made her a bit nervous, but Matt had mentioned that most everyone in town knew Jace Compton was living among them. After the media reports that had lasted for weeks, the world probably knew. And apparently, Matt hadn’t hidden the fact that he and his sister lived on the ranch. And really, why would he? So it was pointless for them to attend the game separately.

  “I’ll meet you in the kitchen. About six thirty?”

  “Jace, what about you going out in public?”

  He shrugged those broad shoulders. “I have no intention of living my life in hiding. Tom says it has been quiet for a couple of weeks. The folks of this community seem like good people. I really want to see Matt’s game.”

  Kelly assured herself the inner excitement she felt was the anticipation over seeing Matt play, but she knew part of it was about going with Jace. As his date. It would be the first time they’d gone out together since he’d moved to this ranch.

  As she counted down the days Kelly had to wonder what the news media might do if they saw her and Jace out and about together. All she could do was put her trust in Jace and hope that he knew what he was doing.

  * * *

  By six thirty on Friday, Kelly had joined Jace in the kitchen and soon they were on their way to the stadium, followed by two bodyguards in a separate vehicle.

  The snare drums of the local band beat out a cadence, adding to the spirit and excitement in the air as the small entourage reached the front of the old wooden bleachers. They climbed the steps, heading to a spot that would give them a better view of the field and hopefully allow Jace some degree of anonymity. He didn’t seem worried about it. His small two-person detachment would ensure his safety, handling any situation should it get out of hand. The two men were dressed in jeans and T-shirts with light jackets helping to camouflage the weapons they no doubt carried underneath; one of them led the way while the other brought up the rear.

  “Fall is on its way,” Kelly said as she sat down next to Jace.

  “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s a perfect temperature. I’m just glad we’re past the worst of the Texas summer heat. You’ll learn to appreciate November weather.”

  He laughed. “Be glad Matt isn’t playing football in the northeast. I’ve been on the field when you couldn’t see the yard lines for the snow. Played during a blizzard one year.”

  “How is that possible? How can anyone play in a blizzard?”

  “The best way you can.” He grinned.

  “You loved it, didn’t you?” She could see it in his eyes. Regardless of anything else Jace had accomplished in his life, his true love was football.

  He nodded, his gaze on the field. “Yeah. I loved every second,” he said, and then turned to Kelly. The dark glitter of his eyes took her breath away. “It was the second best time of my life.”

  She smiled, immediately understanding his implication. The urge to lean toward him and taste those wickedly handsome lips was overwhelming.

  The band began a rousing school fight song and everyone sprang to their feet, clapping and cheering as the home team broke through the colorful paper barrier and jogged onto the field. The black-and-gold uniforms of the Calico Springs Cougars stood out against the bright green turf. It was high school sports at its best. Jace, Kelly and the security team stood and cheered along with the other three hundred people in attendance.

  It was surreal, being at a game in the town where she’d grow
n up, watching her kid brother among the varsity players, while standing next to Jace. The stadium lights made the colors more vivid; the air was thick with excitement. As they tossed the coin and the kickoff ensued, Kelly watched with pride as Matt took his place in the starting lineup.

  As the game progressed, becoming more intense, Jace whistled and shouted his encouragement. When the Cougars made the first touchdown of the night, he pulled Kelly into his strong arms and hugged her in a tight embrace.

  During halftime, Kelly noticed people walking below them as they made their way back and forth between the refreshment booth and their seats. They would look up at Jace and wave. If he saw them, Jace waved back, displaying that sparkling smile. Only a few approached, welcoming him to their community, wanting only to shake his hand. Their courtesy made Kelly feel a pride for her hometown she’d never really felt before.

  “Would you like anything? Soft drink, coffee, hot dog?”

  “No, thanks, I’m fine.”

  Her gaze wandered over his handsomely cut features, lingering for an instant on the strong line of his mouth. She couldn’t stop herself from remembering how his kisses had so easily destroyed her preconceived notions of just how erotic a kiss could be. She’d way underestimated the power of a kiss. At least where Jace was concerned.

  More than a little unnerved by the intensity of his glance, she forced her gaze back to the field with a shuddering breath.

  By the third quarter, the score was tied. The Vikings had the ball. Their quarterback threw a pass and all eyes were on the ball as it soared through the air. At the last instant, it was intercepted. By Matt. Jace was on his feet, with Kelly close behind him. The crowd roared as Matt darted and circled in and around his opponents, jumping free of hands that would take him down. The spectators were on their feet as Matt ran down the length of the field toward the goal post, making it to the thirty yard line before he was finally tackled. Kelly was ecstatic. She swallowed past a lump in her throat as she clenched her hands together, overwhelmed with pride.

  Jace caught her gaze and grinned at her reaction. He clearly shared in the pride she felt for her brother. With his run downfield, Matt had set his team up for an easy touchdown. He was the hero of the night.

  When there were only three minutes remaining on the clock, Jace’s security encouraged them to leave. With the home team ahead by two touchdowns, Jace hesitantly agreed.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Not at all. I think it’s a good idea. Matt will understand. He’s been talking all week about a postgame party at the pizza place. They’ll no doubt rehash every second of the game. He’s going to be floating on cloud nine for a month.”

  “He has every right to.” Jace offered her his hand as he stood up, and she took it. “He did great. He still has this year plus two more to expand his knowledge and hone his skills before college. And he’s a natural. He’s got a chance at the pros, barring any injury, if that’s what he wants.”

  “I wish Gramps could be here. But I’m grateful Matt has you. Thank you for all you’ve done for him, Jace.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It was my pleasure, whatever you think I did. Giving Matt some tips wasn’t the reason for his accomplishments tonight. He did that all on his own.”

  As they walked out to the parking lot, she reflected on how she’d seen another facet of Jace Compton tonight. And she had to admit, she liked what she saw.

  * * *

  The drive back to the ranch was quiet, but it was an easy silence. Jace pulled into the main entrance and walked with Kelly through the trees to her cabin.

  “I enjoyed it, Jace. Very much,” she said as they went inside.

  “So did I.”

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Tomorrow.” For a few seconds their gazes locked across the darkened room.

  Reaching out to her, Jace cupped her face, drawing her closer. Lowering his head, he gently kissed her, loving the softness of her lips, the taste of her. Her purely feminine essence called out to him and his body tensed in readiness.

  He was about to pull away when she opened her lips to him. His heartbeat quickened and he deepened the kiss. His arms came around her, pulling her tightly to him; he loved the way her smaller body molded perfectly to his. He cupped the back of her head, his fingers lost in the silky texture of her hair. Raw need surged through his body, demanding he hold her close, ensuring she wouldn’t turn away.

  She was beyond tempting. The need to feel her underneath him once again, taking the pleasure he gave and giving it back ten times over, was eating him up inside. Kelly was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. He never wanted to let her go.

  But he knew it was wrong. She didn’t need an affair. She needed a husband and a permanent home. He couldn’t offer her either one.

  Kelly moaned softly and Jace struggled to keep his passion under control. As the fragrance of her perfume blended with the scent of her desire and the sweet taste of her lips, he knew he was going to lose this battle.

  The sound of the latch on the front door being turned and the door opening helped bring Jace to his senses. With more strength than he thought he possessed, he lifted his lips from hers and glanced toward the door.

  Matt and two of his buddies stood in the doorway, grinning as if they’d just found gold.

  “Oops. Gosh I’m sorry,” Matt ventured, but didn’t look sorry at all. “Forgot my wallet.” He walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed the dark leather billfold. Returning to the door, he glanced back at Jace, and then looked directly at his sister. “Click. Click.” And with a chuckle, they were gone.

  “Click. Click?”

  “Don’t ask,” Kelly returned, shaking her head.

  A sexy grin kicked up the corners of his mouth. “Your brother isn’t sixteen. He’s sixteen going on forty.”

  He reached out and pushed the sweater from her shoulders, and then removed the band holding back her hair. He grabbed the front of her jeans and pulled her closer, unfastening and unzipping.

  “This isn’t going to resolve anything,” she whispered against his mouth. “But I’m tired of telling you no.”

  His heart rate tripled. “Then don’t.”

  He was on fire. He didn’t know how they were going to contend with the future, but at the moment, it didn’t matter. It was enough to know she wanted him. As if to make sure he knew, she kissed him with a hunger he remembered so well, her hands fisting his shirt, leaving no doubt in his mind they were going to make love. He was going to take her. Right here. Right now. He was delirious with need. His blood pounded in his ears and he let out a deep growl.

  Kelly was his.

  He backed her against the cabin wall and kissed her, over and over, long and deep, his tongue caressing hers, making a silent demand that had her clinging to him.

  He grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and quickly pulled it over her head. He took off her bra next, and sucked first one breast, then the other, while his hand alternately massaged and teased.

  She began unbuttoning his shirt, but with one hard tug, Jace ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere. Her hands roamed over the smooth skin of his muscular chest, and then he felt her lips and tongue against him as she tasted him. As though she could never get enough.

  He lowered one hand to between her legs. Even through her jeans, he felt the intense heat. The dampness. The scent of her desire surrounded him. She pushed against his hand and he heard a small whimper.

  Without another word, Jace scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom that wasn’t full of sports equipment, closing the door behind him. He placed her on the soft mattress, shrugged out of his shirt and kicked off his boots. He quickly removed her jeans and then dropped his own.

  The vision in front of him stole his breath. Her long blond hair draped over the pillow, her perfect breasts full and swollen, the light pink tips now hard nubs. But it was the sleepy, steamy look of want in her eyes that held him transfixed, the aware
ness and need clearly displayed in those blue-green eyes. Her lips, slightly open, showing brilliant white teeth, enticed him even further.

  He placed one knee on the side of the bed, bending over her, his face stopping a breath away from hers. He cupped her chin, his thumb rubbing over her lower lip. Her lips closed around him and she moaned. He felt her teeth as she bit down, teasing him, sucking him deeper inside.

  With a moan, he took her in a long, deep kiss. He moved to bite at her jaw, and then trailed kisses along her neck, licking, tasting, loving her down to her breasts. When he drew the hard peak of one breast into his mouth, her body surged toward his and she whimpered. He caressed the other breast in his hand, teasing, molding her. His erection throbbed with need to be inside her.

  “Kelly,” he growled. He could hear the animal rawness in his own voice. Using one hand, he positioned himself and pushed inside her. He stopped to allow her body time to adjust and accept his girth, and then filled her with one hard thrust. The heat and silkiness of her body was more amazing than he remembered. Hands cupping her hips, he held her up to him and filled her again and again. She called out his name as the pace became faster. Hotter. Frantic. He felt her shatter, her release pushing him over the top and beyond. It seemed to go on forever, yet it was too brief. Gasping for air, Jace dropped to his side, pulling her close, bestowing kisses on her face, her hair.

  For long moments Jace held her in the darkness, her head resting on his chest, her spicy fragrance filling the air around him. Kelly was his. Every cell in his body screamed it.

  There had to be a way for them to be together. He had to find a way.

  He must have fallen asleep, because when he opened his eyes, there was faint sunlight coming in through the window. The sun was barely creeping over the far horizon when he awoke. Kelly was still in his arms, her head on his chest and one arm resting across his abdomen. He kissed the top of her head, his hands playing in the long tendrils of her hair. She stretched, raised her head and opened her eyes. The gleam in those blue-green depths was mesmerizing.


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