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A Holiday Romance

Page 5

by Bobbie Jordan

  Slowly Guy pulled away, planting smaller kisses along Latisse's jawline and collarbone. She arched her neck and offered herself to him, loving the feel of his lips against her skin. Gently he grazed his teeth over her throat, and she shivered, a delicious shiver which sent thunderbolts right down to the very tips of her toes. Guy continued to shower her in kisses, and she leaned her head back and enjoyed it.

  Oh, how she loved him- the thought made her gasp- could she REALLY be in love already? But as soon as she thought it, she knew it was true; she was smitten, head-over-heels in love with Guy Blanchard.Guy heard her gasp, and pulled away slightly. "What is it?" he asked, a look of concern crossing his face, but Latisse smiled.

  "Nothing," she whispered, taking his face in her hands and planting a kiss full-on his lips. "Here, let me wash you…"

  She had never bathed a man in the shower with her before, and oh, what a beautiful experience it was. She took a wash cloth and poured some bath-wash on it, then gently rubbed it in small circles across Guy's gleaming chest, working up a lather over his small pattering of chest hair. Guy closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure, leaning back and letting Latisse do her work on him. After she had successfully lathered and rinsed every inch of his body, he gently removed the wash cloth from her hand and returned the favor for her.

  After they had finished bathing each other, they made love underneath the steady stream of hot water in the shower, their bodies melding together, breath hitching as the steam from the faucet head enveloped them. Afterwards, Latisse felt like she was positively beaming, and as she got dressed for the day, decided that nothing- absolutely NOTHING- was going to get in her and Guy's way.

  The rest of their vacation flew by fast, and was filled with more fun-filled adventures such as horseback riding, wine tasting, fine dining, dancing, romantic walks on the beach, and picnics. She almost forgot that it was, in fact, still December, because the weather was so nice and everything just seemed so… perfect.

  Latisse even managed to push the thought of Guy's ex-girlfriend out of her mind for the rest of their vacation; although she couldn't help notice that he was still receiving phone calls from her, which he mostly ignored. There was a night or two when she woke up, only to discover Guy had gone AWOL from bed; upon investigating, she found him out in the sitting area, texting away vigorously, but he looked up and smiled when he saw her watching him from the doorway, and quickly put his phone away.

  Latisse knew from personal experience what a pain exes could be. Daryl had pestered her nonstop for a while, too… even though he was the one who'd screwed up and left. Anger still boiled in her stomach when she thought back to her relationship with him, and how it ended so, so badly. At one point she thought that maybe, maybe, she and Daryll would get married and start their own family… but no, he hadn't waited; in fact he hadn't kept his damn dick in his pants, and now he and that bimbo cheerleader were expecting a baby. Latisse refused to dwell on the "what-if's" of the relationship; she knew now that they had been broken, and nothing she could have done would have fixed it. She was just relieved to finally be rid of Daryl, once and for all. She wouldn't lie to herself- it had hurt something awful when she'd discovered he'd been cheating on her- with a cheerleader, no less. She'd known that he was subjected to constant temptation, being a professional football player and all, but she never in a million years dreamed he'd betray her with some 21 year old bimbo who looked like she was barely out of grammar school. His new girlfriend was still a baby herself… and she was having his baby.

  Latisse wouldn't be surprised if his current bimbo ended up being a single mom… you know how the saying goes, Latisse thought, once a cheater, always a cheater. Well, she could have him, and it would serve her right if he turned around and cheated on her… stupid college kid with no morals, sleeping with a man in a relationship! What could she expect from Daryl… if he would cheat with her, he would cheat on her…

  Not even a month after their relationship had ended, Daryl had been calling Latisse up, begging her to take him back… to hell with that! No amount of crying and sniveling would ever convince her to take him back! Latisse had thrown herself into her work; in a way, Daryl's mistakes had been liberating- they set her free. From the moment she'd found out about Nikki, she had set off running- and she hadn't looked back once. There were no regrets for her here; only the future lay ahead, and with Guy's sudden presence in her life, the future was beginning to look very hopeful.

  Guy's ex, whom she had come to learn was named Tracie, seemed to be just as big of a pain as Daryl. It was beginning to frustrate Latisse- who the hell did this woman think she was? She did not own Guy; he was free to do what he wanted, and obviously he didn't want to be with her anymore. From the little Guy had told her about Tracie, she sounded like a real doozy. Guy was better off without her.

  Latisse tried not to let unpleasant thoughts of exes plague her mind too much- she was on vacation, after all. She wanted to enjoy every moment with Guy that she could before having to return to work. She hated thinking about it- she lived in Atlanta and he was from Chicago. Could they manage the long-distance thing? Or was this all there was to their 'relationship'- if you could call it that- a one week fling? Latisse and Guy had both confessed to wanting more… and he did have his own personal jet, after all. So maybe it wouldn't be so hard making this- whatever 'this' was- work.

  The morning of December 31 dawned bright and sunny. Latisse stretched and rolled over lazily in bed, to discover Guy propped up on one elbow, smiling at her.

  "Good morning, beautiful," he said softly, sending a shiver down to the tips of Latisse's toes. How was he able to have such an effect on her? None of her other partners ever had such an impact.

  Guy leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back, eagerly, morning breath be damned.

  They made love slowly, sweetly that morning, perhaps because it was their last day at the resort. The next day she was supposed to fly home and get ready to go back to work on January 2. She was not looking forward to it- she wanted this past week to last forever.

  After they'd made love, Latisse and Guy lay wrapped in each other's arms, listening to the sound of each other breathing as they enjoyed the bliss of their afterglow. Finally Guy spoke, breaking the spell.

  "I hope you don't mind flying back to Chicago with me today. I promised Mother we'd drop by for the family's annual New Year's Eve party."

  "I don't mind at all." And that was the truth; she didn't mind. In fact she looked forward to seeing Mrs. Blanchard again.

  "Good," he said with a sigh of relief. "She would be awfully disappointed if you didn't come."

  "Oh, she would be the only one disappointed?" Latisse teased. Guy smirked.

  "No, I would be disappointed as well. You know that." His eyes darkened.

  "What is it?"

  "Nothing," he said, and then added quickly, "well, nothing for you to worry about. It's just that- well, my ex's family is close friends with Mother, and they might be there tonight. Tracie won't be there- she should still be in England for another week. But I just felt I should warn you, in case things seem a bit- erm, awkward." Latisse remained silent, processing the information she'd just been given. So his ex's family were close friends with the Blanchards? That meant that, potentially, his ex would always be a part of his life. Could she handle that?

  "You ok?" Guy asked. "You're awfully quiet. Say something."

  "I don't know what you want me to say." Latisse rose stiffly from bed, went to her closet and proceeded to get dressed. "I think I’m going to go for a short walk."

  "Hold on a minute- I'll join you."

  "No," she replied, "if you don't mind, I'd rather be on my own." Guy looked hurt, but said nothing. Latisse pulled on a pair of sneakers and quickly left their room, praying that he wouldn't follow her. She needed some air, and she needed some time to think.

  The early morning walk did a world of wonders for her mind. She tossed and turned around all the information
she'd been given, contemplating what a future with Mr. Guy Blanchard would look like. Could she tolerate bumping into his ex at social gatherings? Possibly, but only if she knew for absolute certain that it was over between the two of them.

  Face it, she thought, things ended between those two rather abruptly, and then he jumped into bed with her almost immediately. Of course his ex is going to be feeling hurt, angry, and possibly be out for revenge. But Latisse had had enough drama over the past few months to last her a lifetime. She didn't know if she could stomach any more. However, she knew full well that just because someone tried to inflict drama into your life, didn't mean you had to buy into it. It was possible they could just ignore Tracie, and eventually she'd go away. As Latisse rounded the block leading back to the hotel, she made the New Year's resolution that from now on, she would stay away from drama.

  Granted, that would be impossible to do, being as she was a lawyer, but from a personal standpoint, she would distance herself from any and all drama that threatened to come her way - even if it meant making personal sacrifices.

  As she headed back to their room, she resolved to continue seeing where things went with Guy… but if things got too heated, too intense regarding his ex, then she would walk away. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. God, she hoped.

  Later that afternoon found Guy and Latisse on his private jet, heading for Chicago. They didn't say much on the plane, but held hands the entire trip. Every once in a while, Guy would give Latisse's hand a warm squeeze, and she'd look over and smile. Mainly she stared out the window, watching the world carrying on its tiny, crazy antics far below them.

  To say that Mrs. Blanchard was thrilled to see Latisse again was an underestimate. She immediately pulled her into her warm embrace, kissing her lovingly on the cheek.

  "Oh, my dear Latisse, it is so wonderful to see you again. I'm so glad you could make it. I do hope my son has been treating you well." Latisse's smile stretched from ear to ear.

  "Ma'am, if he treated me any better I'd be a queen of my own country." Mrs. Blanchard grinned.

  "Good. You should be treated like a queen. You deserve no less. Come, let's find you something nice to wear to the party!"

  Latisse glanced over her shoulder and gave Guy a small wave and a helpless smile as she was pulled away by his mother. He just stood in the foyer, smiling and shaking his head. Latisse glanced back down at him as they reached the top of the stairs, and noted that he had pulled out his cellphone again, much to her dismay.

  Now stop that, you are being stupid, she scolded herself. He's a business man; perhaps he is just taking a business call. But she knew that wasn't it.

  Her ‘Drama Queen’ radar almost went off. A woman’s instincts are very powerful and should not be under estimated. She knew it was her.

  Mrs. Blanchard chattered away happily as she showed Latisse to her room. It was the same room she'd stayed in on Christmas. Had that really only been a week ago? Geez, it felt like a million years. Naturally, Guy's mother wanted to hear all about their holiday in Napa, which Latisse gladly provided the details – well, most of the details. Some things, after all, are not appropriate to discuss with one's boyfriend's mother!

  "Mrs. Blanchard," Latisse began, after running out of details to share, "there is something I'd like to ask you."

  "Please, call me Ruth, and of course, darling. Anything for you."

  "It's about… well, erm, to be honest… I was just wondering about Tracie. Was Guy with her very long?"

  Mrs. Blanchard's face darkened. Latisse immediately felt sorry she had brought the topic up.

  "Oh, her. No, they've not been together long, per se. On again and off again- mostly off- for the last seven years.

  They met in college- although I'll never understand what my son saw in her. He is too good for her." Anger flashed in Mrs. Blanchard's dark mocha eyes. Latisse wondered if she should change the subject, but Mrs. Blanchard continued. "Of course, her parents and I go way back. We're old friends, who had simply fallen out of contact. When Guy started dating Tracie, naturally it renewed our friendship. That is the only good that has come from their 'relationship,' if you can call it that.

  You see, Tracie never loved my son, not like you do. I can see the love you have for him just by watching the way you two look at one another. All Tracie ever cared about was herself, and what she could get from Guy. In fact, I thought he was through with her up until a couple months ago. That girl has brought nothing but scandal to her parents. The last time she broke my Guy's heart, it was to hook up with another man- a much older, richer man.

  A Sugar Daddy, is what he was. In fact she was married to him for about 18 months before he died, and surprise surprise, who should inherit his fortune? It was a slap in the face to his family, especially when she spent it all foolishly- lavish vacations, private trainers for her toy Chihuahua, hundreds of dollars each night spent on meals at expensive restaurants. Her parents confided in me that she was blowing through her late-husband's estate, and I imagine when the money he left her ran out she didn't know what else to do but find another rich boy to satisfy her whims.

  And what do you know, just like that she forced herself back into Guy's life. No, I imagine she wouldn't let him go without some sort of fight- but the question is, are you up to the challenge of fighting back for him?" Her eyes flashed to Latisse. Latisse just stood there, stunned. Again, she didn't know quite what to say.

  "Mrs. Blanchard-"

  "Please, Ruth."

  "Ruth- of course I am willing to fight for your son. You have just given me exactly the information I needed. "

  Mrs. Blanchard's expression softened, and she reached out and gave Latisse a hug.

  "Good girl. I knew you were right for my little boy, from the moment I saw you. Now on to happier times, let's find you a dress for this evening."

  The Blanchard's New Year's Eve party was much like the Christmas party had been; lots of people, lots of champagne, lots of music and lots of dancing. As it turned out, Tracie's parents did show up- Mrs. Blanchard did the honors of introducing them- and to Latisse's surprise they seemed like such a lovely couple. It was hard to imagine that they had raised a spoiled little princess like Tracie.

  Latisse spent most of the evening in Guy's arms, twirling on the dance floor. They danced, and laughed, and just enjoyed the feeling of being in love on New Year's Eve. Latisse couldn't remember being so happy in her life.

  At about a quarter to midnight, Latisse suddenly felt Guy's body go tense, and his face lost whatever joy it had held just moments earlier. Before he could stop her, Latisse turned to glance in the direction he was looking, and that's when she saw her- Tracie Morgan.

  She was some kind of beauty, alright. Stick thin, blond hair, blue eyes, and a face that screamed FAKE!!! She was decked out in a pink gown with a very low-cut v-neckline- anything to show off the goodies. Purple eyeshadow smeared heavily on her eyelids clearly labeled her a tramp. Of course she was wearing a ton of bling- an overtly gaudy diamond necklace, huge diamond hoop earrings, and rings on each finger, as well as sparkling jewels decking out her wrists halfway up to her elbows. Latisse hated her the moment she laid eyes on her. She reminded her an awful lot of Nikki, that bimbo Daryl had left her for.

  From the moment she walked in, it was clear Tracie was here for one reason and one reason alone- to make a scene. In fact, she even brought a group of photographers trailing after her. She had a Gucci handbag that, upon closer inspection, had the head of a tiny Chihuahua peeping out of it.

  "For heaven's sake!" Latisse muttered under her breath. Guy glared angrily in the direction of his ex.

  "What the hell is she doing here?"

  "Isn't it obvious? She's here to see you."

  "I don't want to see her."

  "So go tell her then. Maybe she'll get the hint."

  Without uttering another word, Guy left Latisse standing on the dance floor and headed for Tracie. Tracie appeared to be heading straight for him, but then breezed righ
t by him at the last minute. Guy was left standing there, looking utterly confused. Before anyone could stop her, Tracie marched up to the DJ at the head of the room, and snatched the microphone from his stand.

  "Everybody, I would like to make an announcement." Oh god, her voice was just as fake as the rest of her. Guy rejoined Latisse's side, grabbing her arm tightly as he stared ahead at his ex in horror.

  Latisse just notice one thing. SHE WAS A BLONDE HAIRED BLUE EYED WHITE WOMAN. “Typical!” thought Latisse.

  "What the hell is she doing?"


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