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Dream Catcher - Romance Short Story

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by Marion Francis

Dream Catcher

  John Marion Francis (Author)

  Copyright ? 2009 John Marion Francis

  License Statement

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

  Chapter 1 - Twin River

  They say when you lose someone you love, you can wish them back in another person? This was the case for me. My name is Cody and this is my story of how a wish I wanted so badly to come true, came true for me.

  I live in a small ranching town called Twin Rivers in North Dakota. I love it here, the mountains, the trees, the wild life, the open range, our horses, our golden retriever Max. My lovely wife Melissa is my heart. She's smart, strong, supportive, giving and sweet as April showers. I am a woods craftsman and part time rancher of a small heard of angus and she owns a caf? in town called "Talk of the town". Everybody goes there for breakfast, lunch and supper. She's the best little cook around and everyone loves her.

  We both were big attorneys in Washington DC. After ten years in the business we had enough of law and politics and we wanted a change. We had been on vacation out here a couple of times to North Dakota and fell in love with it. After winning a large law suite, we decided to pack up and move out here to Twin Rivers. We've been here for twelve years and never looked back.

  "Coffee honey?" I asked Melissa lifting up the covers and quilt from over her head, drawing back her golden blonde hair. She smiled slowly opening her eyes.

  "Yes baby. I'd loved some."?

  "I'll be back shortly" I said putting on the handmade robe she made for me two Christmas's ago. Max our golden retriever was looking at me wagging his tail.

  "Hey Max! Want to go out boy?"

  I opened the door and out he went. I just stood there for a moment staring out at the majestic mountains, our horses, and taking in the sweet scented air. The sound of the coffee chime finishing broke my gaze. I put on a couple more logs in the low burning fireplace and poured two cups of coffee for us.?

  "You want biscuits Melissa?" I called out to her from the kitchen.?

  "Yeah" she murmured with her tooth brush in her mouth leaning out the bathroom door. I turned the pan of biscuits in the oven after brushing them one more time with her homemade honey butter. Max came back in wagging his tail barking for his breakfast.?

  "Here ya go boy" I said filling up his bowl with Purina.

  I put her coffee and biscuit on an oak tray I made for her on the anniversary of our first year of being here and turned to head for the bedroom when I saw Melissa standing in the door way smiling at Max and I.

  "You two are the most handsome men on the planet and I am the luckiest girl in the world. I don't know what I'd do without you two". She said smiling.

  I put down the tray, picked up her cup of coffee and held it up to her lips. She closed her eyes and took a slow sip.

  "I don't either Melissa. I can't imagine my world without your love next to mine. I need you more than you'll ever know. I would be lost forever in time if anything were to happen to you or to us".

  I slowly loosened the soft velvet belt from her robe and glided my hands around the soft curves of her hips. She smiled.

  "What are you doing mister?" She giggled

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me and hugged her deeply. She drew her arms up around my shoulders and put her nose close to my mine, looking at me with her big blue eyes.

  "I love you Cody. I love you with everything I have to give. But if anything were to happen to me, I want you to move on. I know that's hard for you to hear, but listen to me. I'll always be in your heart and soul. Know this to be true sweetheart. And when you're strong enough to move on without me, make a wish and I'll hear it and I'll make it come true."

  I didn't realize that day that those words would be the most profound words that she would put inside of me for safe keeping. She passed away three months later. She's buried at the top of Whispering Hills facing the mountains just like she wanted. It was our favorite place on the ranch to go with a picnic that she would prepare on Sundays.

  The swing that I made for her sways from the gentle pushes of the mountains breeze. Max and I still go up there to visit her on Sundays and take her favorite flowers. I sit on her swing and talk to her about how things are going at the caf? and how much we miss her. One day I'll make that wish that she wants me to make. But for now, all I think about is how much I miss her and love her and how broken my heart is without her love. Some days are harder than others but everyday I go into to town and open her caf? just as I promised her I would.

  A year had passed now. Christmas was just three weeks away. The snow had started early this year making everything white and pure. I was ringing up Ed and Sarah's lunch special when the bell on the door tingled signaling that someone was coming in.

  "I'll be right with you" I said without looking up while giving Ed and Sarah their change. I closed the register draw, pulled out a couple of menus from under the counter. As I looked up in came someone I hadn't seen before. Standing by the front door pulling off her gloves and blowing into her cupped hands was a tall brunette in jeans, Sherpa boots, a full length duster coat, and warm smile.

  "Are you still serving lunch" she asked in a small even voice.

  "Um, yes I am, I mean yes we are." I said fidgeting the menus. "Right this way. Would you like a window seat?" I asked leading the way.

  "A window would be great" she said.

  "How's this one?" I asked stopping by the one nearest the fireplace.

  "This is perfect" she said taking off her coat. I helped her with it as she let her shoulders release it into my hands.

  "Thank you" she said.

  "You're welcome. Coffee or hot chocolate to start?" I asked placing down a menu in front of her.

  "Hot chocolate would be a great start" she smiled answering.

  "Coming right up" I said jotting down her order.

  "I'll be right back for the rest. O' and today's special is Mary Anne's meatloaf, mash potatoes, and green beans. It's pretty good".

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I just remembered as I was walking away that I had seen her around town and over at the feed store from time to time.

  "Cody? Cody?" I heard in the background as the sound of my name interrupted my thoughts while I was walking back to the counter. It was Mary Anne, Melissa's cook that started with her when she opened the caf?.

  "Yeah, Mary Anne?" I said looking up from out of my thoughts at her. Mary Anne was smiling at me looking like the cat that ate the canary.?

  "She's Paul & Linda's daughter. She's up here for a few months to help them through the winter season business. We got a lot of snow and that means lots of visitors".

  Paul and Linda own and ran the Lazy Days B&B and ranch just north of town. It's a nice place where tourist that want to bask themselves in western traditions can come and get the full treatment. I took over the hot chocolate to my new guest.

  "Here you go. The best hot chocolate in North Dakota" I said placing it down in front of her. She looked up.

  "Thank you and I'll have Mary Anne's meatloaf special and a side salad. By the way my name is Samantha". I began writing down her order then looked back at her.

  "O', I am sorry, where's my manners. Hi, I am Cody. I own the place. It was my wif
e's idea when we moved out here a while back. We have a small ranch." She smiled looking around then back at me.

  "Where is she? I love the way she decorated the place and all these great paintings, who's the artist?" I looked down then back up at her.

  "She passed away a year ago and the art is by her hand. She liked to paint on her days off." She looked down at the table then back up at me.

  "I am so sorry Cody. She must have been truly someone special to be so creative." I smiled remembering Melissa.

  "Yeah she was a special girl. Everything about her is in this place. I promised her I would keep it goin'." Samantha looked at me and could see how much I missed her in my face.

  "Cody, I can see how special she was to you in your eyes."

  "Thank you Samantha. It's been hard at times, but me and Max are gettin' by".

  "Max?" She asked in a surprised voice.

  "Max is our dog. He's my best friend." I smiled answering.

  "I love dogs. My parents have one too." She said.

  "Yeah I know. Her name is Molly. They bring her by to see Max when I bring him into town on Saturday's with me and that just makes his day. Well I better go get your order in before you starve." I said smiling. She smiled back,

  "I'll have another hot chocolate too".

  "Coming right up."

  Chapter 2 "Ask her to the dance"

  "Meat loaf special with a side salad" I said to Mary Anne handing her the order ticket.

  "So did you talk to her?" Mary Anne asked.


  "Well? what ya think?" I knew where Mary Anne was going with this so I played along with her.

  "What do you mean?" I said.

  "Come on Cody. Isn't she pretty?" Well I had to admit, she was pretty. Her smile was nice and she was easy to talk to.

  "You ought to ask her to dance next weekend" said Mary Anne with a Cheshire cat eatin' grin looking at me.

  "I don't know Mary Anne. She might already have somebody" I said.

  "Nope, she sure doesn't. I already asked Linda and she said she an't got nobody" said Mary Anne with a snappy response. I leaned into the order window.

  "What are you two up to? It better not be what I am thinkin' it is"?I said hoping that they were.

  "What da ya mean "we". Well, "we" was just talkin' at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store last week and Linda said that Samantha was comin' to town for the winter season and thought that she should come by and say hello and try some of my cookin' that's all".

  "Ah ha. Try some of your cookin', ask her to the dance next weekend. You two gal's are cookin' up somethin' and it an't in this kitchen" I said pulling out two menus for the next customers waiting at the door.

  "Just think about it Cody that's all I am sayin', just think about it" she said turning to her pots on the stove waving her spoon at me.

  I didn't know what to think now. Those two cackling' hens was trying to set me up with Samantha. I guess she was kinda interested after all she did come by. But maybe she was just hungry.

  "Right this way ya'll, today's special is Mary Anne's meatloaf with mash potatoes and green beans" I said to Jake and Debbie a couple of my regulars.

  I was watching Samantha out the side of my eye while I as placing the menus out. She was sipping her hot chocolate and looking through the local paper. 'Would she go to the dance with me' I asked myself heading back to the counter. Well, it's a week away and I've plenty of time to build up the courage to ask her.

  "Here you go hun" said Mary Anne putting Samantha's order on the take away station. "Now you go ahead ask her to the dance" she said pushing the plate towards my hand with hope filled eyes.

  "I don't know Mary Anne" I said looking down at the floor then back up at her.

  "What do you got to lose huh? What are you scared of?"

  "I an't scared to ask her. I just gotta find the right time that's all" I said.

  "Well, take her food and remember its okay Cody. It's time to move on" she said in a motherly tone.

  I picked up her plate and silverware and walked slowly over to her table. She put down her paper a looked up at me.

  "That looks real good Cody" she said with a smile.

  "Well I hope you like it. It's the best in town" I stammered trying to work up the courage to ask her to the dance.

  "Wow, she serves up big portions!" she said stirring her mash potatoes with the gravy.

  "Yeah, she doesn't know the meaning of portion control." We both laughed.

  "Well let me know if you need anything else. I'll be over there at the counter". I said not believing the words that just came out of my mouth. I was supposed to be asking her to the dance! I said to myself twisting my towel in my hand walking away.

  "Cody?" I heard Samantha call my name. My heart was pounding at the sound of my name coming from her. I turned around and went back to her table.

  "Yeah" I said like a kid with wide open eyes.

  "Are you working tomorrow?" she asked. My throat went dry for a moment.

  "Yeah, all day until close."

  "Well, mother is baking some pies tonight and she wanted me to see if you wanted to come by for a slice of pie and to look at a water heater in one of the rental cabins. She said the water wasn't getting very hot" she said with big please say yes eyes.

  "Ahhhh, sure, I'll pack my tool box and put it in my truck tonight so I don't forget it" I said with a big "thank you lord" smile.

  "Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow tonight" she said. "Okay. Tomorrow night".

  Chapter 3 "Tomorrow is my big day"

  I rolled down the window and let the mountain air flow in for the drive home. The stars were bright and the skies were clear. 'Why didn't I ask her to the dance?' I asked myself. Am I ready for this? Am I ready to start something new with someone? "Melissa, tell me what to do. What do you think? Did you send her to me?" I looked up in the sky searching for Melissa's face and smile in the heavens. "Can you give me a sign sweetheart? I want it to be okay with you first".? I pulled up to the cabin and could see the fireplace glowing through the front windows. Max burst out of the door and ran into my arms.

  "Hey Max! How was your day today boy?" I said hugging and patting his head.

  "Well I kept the fireplace going for you so the place is warm and Max has already been fed" said Fran, Max's sitter. Fran is my neighbor's daughter that watches Max when I am away in town.

  "Thanks Fran. He wasn't any trouble today was he?" I asked paying her.

  "Nah, he was a sweetheart as usual. Thanks Cody. See ya tomorrow. Bye!"


  I closed the front door and went to the fridge for a cold beer and sat in front of the fireplace with Max. "Well Max I met someone today. Her name is Samantha. Mary Anne thinks I should ask her to the dance next weekend." I said to Max who was lying on his side staring into the fireplace with one ear up listening to me. "I am going over to Paul and Linda's tomorrow for some pie. You want to go?" Max's ears perked up at the idea. "Okay, you can go too." I said taking a long draw on my beer and putting another log in the fireplace.

  "Looks like you and I got some kind of date of sorts." I picked up Melissa's picture and looked at deeply. "I still love you and I still miss you so much. Is this okay? I just need to know. I know you said to make a wish one day when I was ready. I am not quite there yet, but I might gettin' there. Just tell me if it's okay." Max and I drifted off to sleep to the sound of the crackling fireplace and Melissa's picture in my hand.

  The sun was rising as the smell of the automatic coffee brew was filling the air waking Max and I up. "Good mornin' Max, ready to go out?" I said putting on Melissa's robe still smelling her scent deep in the fibers.

  "Don't go far okay? We got to go into town early". I poured a cup of coffee and open up the kitchen window to let the mountain air in. I could see Melissa's swing swaying in the breeze. "Good morning honey" I said as if she was looking at me waving.

  "Good mornin' Cody" said Fran at the front do
or with a couple of logs for the fireplace in her arms.

  "Mornin' Fran. How's it going?" I said to her setting out some biscuits and honey butter for her.

  "Fine. Mmmmm, Melissa's honey butter and biscuits!" she said with a smile. Fran was crazy about her homemade honey butter. Melissa made it by the barrel once a month. I keep it out in the cold storage in the back of cabin.

  "Well, help yourself. Max is still outside and should be back shortly" I said to Fran.


  I put on my best newest jeans and button shirt. I didn't want to wear my usual pull over sweatshirt to work today. I put on my good boots and fancy belt with the big 2nd place rodeo belt buckle. I won it last year showin' off for Melissa. She thought I was gonna' kill myself out there riding Wild Wind the mildest horse they had. I smiled at myself over the thought. Ball cap or my cowboy hat I was trying to decide.

  "Fran, which hat do ya' think I ought to wear today?" I called out to Fran. She came in with a biscuit in hand licking the butter from her fingers.

  "Well look at you all fixed up fancy. You finally got your eye on somebody? 'Bout time." She said.

  "I might. So tell me which hat?"

  "Well definitely the Resistol. What woman can resist a cowboy?" she said laughing walking away singing "Cody and somebody up in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g".

  She is a good kid. We have known her ever since she was born. Melissa and I are her god parents. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her and her family. They are good people. They were the first ones to welcome us to Twin Rivers and introduce us to everyone in town.

  "Okay Max let's load up. It' time to go." I said holding the door open for him.

  "We'll be home later tonight Fran. Just put a couple of logs on the fireplace when you leave after that." I said.

  "Okay Cody. Ya'll have fun" she said waving goodbye as we rumbled down the drive way and on to the main road.

  "Well boy today is our special day. You had a bath and I'll all slicked up. Wish us luck."

  Chapter 4 "Pie for two"

  The sun was rising over the mountains and the snow was glistening and melting slightly. Max had his head out the window enjoying the brisk breeze rushing into his face. We pulled into town a little early. We stopped by the feed store to buy a couple of bails of hay for the cattle and horses.

  "Mornin' Ed" I said walking in with Max.

  "Hey Cody, what can I do ya' for today" said ED putting out some beef jerky on the counter.


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